
*I've attached author's notes at the end of each chapter posting where needed.

Note - About The Author
"Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts" - Chales Dickens

"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend." - J.R.R. Tolkien

"Punctuality is a virtue of the bored" - Evelyn Waugh
Just a quick word of Thank You to everyone who voted for V&V in the Avant Garde Awards, Summer 2011 edition. As you can see by the banners, V&V won in three of the categories in which it was nominated. I am so humbled and grateful that my wonderful readers thought enough of me and my little story to take the time to vote for it. You are the best, much love, Anne aka Emmamama.

Hello all. This is where I'm supposed to tell you about me. Kind of boring, but here goes.

My real first name is Anne.

I'm American, obviously, live on the East Coast. I've been all over the world, lived abroad for a time. Despite having  2 university degrees with my name on them, I can't curb my love for run-on sentences. I'm married with 3 children...yada yada yada. I come from a very large extended family (over 50 first cousins), which gives me much fodder for the humorous moments in my story, but I have to admit that most of those moments spring from the dark recesses of my warped mind. Hey, it's either write or seek therapy.

I'm of an age where I have no business being Team Edward or Team Jacob, therefore I'm Team Charlie. I'm old enough to know better, but obviously don't.

I'm Catholic. Duh. If you've read V&V, that fact should be painfully obvious. I vote in every election, but WILL NOT inflict my political opinions on anyone, especially in the fandom. Suffice it to say that, even though I vote, I despise politicians. Used car salesmen with (sometimes) better hair.

One of my pet peeves is when authors take soooooo loooonnnngggg to update that I forget what's going on in the story, and I have to re-read the last chapter. Now that I'm writing my own fanfic(s), I am trying my best to update frequently without the quality of the story suffering. Your feedback tells me whether I'm succeeding or not.

'Virgins & Villains' is my first attempt at fan fiction and now I've added 'Love Rescue Me' to the list (Edward's point of view, V&V).

My page at Fanfiction:

The Writer's Coffee Shop:

Facebook page for Virgins & Villains (includes stuff for Love Rescue Me also). Feel free to peruse it, comment, etc. Facebook page link:

My typical procedure when posting a new chapter is as follows: I try to post to all 3 sites the same day. 1st to The Blog, 2nd to Fanfic, and 3rd to TWCS. I usually give a 'heads up' on the Facebook page to let everyone know.

Sneak Peeks: of the next V&V chapter are usually posted on the Facebook Page and on the Blog at least 1 day before posting of the full chapter.

Banners: Thank you to Coleen561 over at TWCS for the awesome banners!
Reviews: If you send a review and I don't respond, the only reason would be that your profile prohibits responses. Please know that I read and appreciate EVERY SINGLE review! Thank you so much for taking the time to send me your thoughts.

Some info about "Love Rescue Me" aka LRM:

As I complete each new chapter of LRM, I will add it to the bottom of its respective page.  Watch the Page Heading for the chapter count.  Example:  if the heading reads:  EPOV 1-4, Love Rescue Me.  Translation 'this page contains chapter 1,2,3, and 4'.  Once number 5 is added heading will read:  EPOV 1-5, Love Rescue Me.    Simple.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment here on the blog, or on facebook, or you can message me on fanfic or TWCS.

Thanks for reading!