She had asked me to be at her office by four because she had some things to discuss with me. It was now 4:10, and she hadn’t said anything beyond ‘Hello’.
She put down the papers looked at me, narrowing her eyes as she thought.
“Okay Isabella, here’s the thing. There’s something I need to tell you, I’m required to by law, but I don’t want you to freak out.”
I started to feel a knot forming in my stomach. I took a deep breath.
Wendy continued, “The prosecutor has offered a plea deal. Before I tell you what it is, I must stress that I recommend that you refuse it.”
“What is it?” I asked.
“They’re willing to drop the speeding charge, if you plea guilty to assault.”
“But I’m innocent.”
“I know that, and honestly so does the prosecutor. It’s standard for her to offer an asinine deal. Some people actually agree to it because they are so unsure they’ll win their case. We are going to win Isabella.”
“But there’s a chance that the judge will believe the ranger’s story over mine.” I stated.
“There is always that chance. I can’t see the future and promise one hundred percent that you’ll be acquitted, but your chances are very high.” Wendy tried to sound reassuring.
“What happens if I take the deal?”
Wendy cleared her throat. “She wants you to take an anger management class.”
Wendy looked uncomfortable. “And she wants a night in jail.”
Oh I don’t fucking think so.
Instantly, I was boiling mad. I jumped to my feet and stated in a loud, forceful voice “If she wants a night in jail, then tell her to go spend the night in jail, because there’s no fucking way that I’m going to!”
Wendy smiled a brilliant smile. “That’s my girl. I’m going to write your reply word for word, and take pleasure handing it to Ms. Chance myself.”
I called Edward as I was leaving Wendy’s office.
It had been two weeks since he’d gone back to L.A., and, as expected, I missed him terribly. I’d kept my promise though. I was eating regularly and had gained back the few pounds I had lost.
I had thrown myself into school and work, and even found time to go to the gym with Emmett or Rose a few times a week.
All these distractions kept me from dwelling on my looming court case, and slowly driving myself insane.
The one thing I’d been unable to do though, was to think beyond that court date. Every time Edward or Alice tried to make plans for my L.A. visit at the end of the month, I changed the subject. All future plans remained in limbo until the court case was resolved.
“Hey sweetheart, how did your meeting go?” Edward asked when he answered the phone.
“Let’s just say it went.” I replied with a sarcastic edge to my voice.
“What do you mean? What happened?” He was concerned now.
Should I tell him?
At the risk of upsetting Edward, I decided to tell him everything.
“Wendy just needed to tell me that Ms. Chance offered a plea agreement.”
“Which was?” He asked warily.
“Plea guilty to assault, spend a night in jail.”
“WHAT?” He was angry.
“Oh and take an anger management class. I told them no, of course.”
“Christ, Bella. I can’t believe those lying assholes had the nerve to..”
“Edward, calm down. For better or worse this will all be over in ten days.” I stated calmly, belying my true feelings.
Edward spoke in a quiet voice, “Everything will be fine baby, you’ll see.”
“I hope so.”
“I am so fucking bored.” Emmett muttered. “I’m going to go talk to the guys.”
The guys Emmett referred to were the two paps that he farted on just over a month ago.
I will never understand how my brother’s mind works. Now that football season was over, he had entirely too much time on his hands. He decided about a week ago to apologize for the ‘gas attack’, truth be told he was just being nosey. In the span of one afternoon, Dale and Brian, or as Emmett preferred to call him Chip, became his new best friends.
I suppose it’s easier to remember someone’s name when you can associate them with a Disney character.
Emmett came home and told us all about how they wanted to be legitimate photographers, but how difficult it was to make a living at it.
As it turned out, they were both decent guys, and they stressed to Emmett that they were never the ones shouting rude questions at Edward and me.
Rose put her foot down when he tried to invite them up to the apartment though. In her mind, they were still the enemy.
After Emmett left, Rose pulled out a couple bridal books. She also pulled out the sketches Alice had made of her gown. Alice had also sent her options for the bridesmaids dresses, and Rose had narrowed it down to two.
We were knee-deep in talk of organza, satin and lace when the door flew open and a very flustered Emmett entered dragging a bewildered Chip, or was it Dale? by the collar.
Rose immediately took an aggressive posture, standing with her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. “What the hell Emmett?”
She then turned her glare on the stranger. “Which one are you?”
“I’m Brian, Miss Whitlock.” He stuttered out.
“Start talking Chip. You are lucky I’m such a patient guy, but my patience is wearing thin.” Emmett demanded.
What the hell is going on?
“Okay Emmett, I’ll talk but you have to promise me..” He pleaded.
“Yeah, yeah, I promise not to hurt you, but you’ve got to tell us everything.”
“I don’t care if you hurt me dude. Just promise that you’ll never fart on me again. That was heinous, I thought one of my lungs had collapsed.” He begged.
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. This guy was totally serious. I could see Emmett struggle against a smile.
Emmett threw down a stack of photos. “I caught him showing these to Dale. He tried to hide them when he saw me coming. I assumed they were intrusive photos of Bells, but I was wrong.”
I inched closer to the photos and gasped. I looked at Chip and whispered, “You were there.”
He looked at me fearfully, and then nodded his head.
He had followed me to the park. He’d seen what the ranger did. He even had photos.
“I’m so sorry Miss Bella. Emmett had gone out of town, so I thought it would be okay to follow you. I parked my car quite a ways up the road and walked back near where you were. I stayed hidden in the trees, hoping maybe you were meeting Mr. Masen, and I’d get some good shots. After a while I realized that wasn’t going to happen. I was just about to give up and go home when that ranger showed up.”
“I didn’t tell Dale anything about it until today. I knew you were going to court, and I was asking him if I should tell you that I was there that day.”
“You probably don’t need my testimony, you’ve got that hot shot lawyer and all, but I can make a statement or something if you like.”
Emmett shook his head in disgust. “You disappoint me Chip. I thought we were friends. How could you have kept this from me?”
“Man, I knew you‘d be pissed if you found out that I followed Bella that day. I was afraid to tell you.”
Emmett’s face broke into a huge grin as he put his arm around Chip’s shoulders, “This is the one time I’m glad you stalked her dude.”
Suddenly, Rose was in motion. She was on the phone with Wendy faster than I could blink, and she refused to let Chip leave until Wendy had come and spoken with him.
I called Edward and he was ecstatic over the turn of events.
Before Wendy left, she turned to me and winked. “Isabella, I can promise you 100 percent now.”
After Wendy and Chip had gone, Emmett sat back on the sofa with his arms folded over his chest, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “And to think, this all came about because of a fart.”
Rose and I laughed, really laughed, and I realized I hadn’t been this carefree in a month. It felt great.
“When do you have to leave?” I asked Edward.
“A car will be here to pick me up in about a half hour.” He replied.
It was Oscar night. We were talking on the phone, I refused to speak with him on skype until later, because I wanted my first sight of him in his tux to be at the awards show. I was going to watch it with Rose and Emmett on their jumbo screen.
“When the awards show is over, I have to attend two after-parties, I’ll call you when I get home.” He breathed out.
“You sound tired.” I remarked.
“Well, as you’re aware the filming schedule has been grueling. I’m glad I have tomorrow off. Although I’d rather it be Thursday.” He said.
Thursday was my court date, and Edward wouldn’t be able to be here with me.
“No, Edward. I’m glad you can’t try to do a one-day trip like that. You’d be even more exhausted. You’re going to get sick.” I scolded.
“You sound like my mother.” He chuckled.
“When are you going to realize that your mother is always right?” I laughed.
He was quiet for a moment.
“Thank you.” He said quietly.
“For what?” I asked.
“For worrying about me, for being you. I love you Bella.”
“I love you too.”
“I wanted to ask you something.”
“Next year would you be my date for the Academy Awards?” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“I would be honored Mr. Movie Star.”
Rose was such a nut, no wonder she was Emmett’s perfect match. She insisted that we dress up to watch the Academy Awards.
So here I was in my most beautiful dress, it was actually the one I’d worn to the wedding in Aspen, sitting on Emmett and Rose’s sofa eating popcorn.
Bella you actually have butterflies. You’ve got it bad girl.
The first glimpse I caught of Edward was on the red carpet. I screamed like a thirteen year old fan. My brother and Rose proceeded to laugh their asses off at me.
“I’m here with Edward Masen. Star of Time Stands Still. Now Edward, a lot of people felt that you should have been nominated for your performance in that movie.“
“I appreciate that Shari, and I appreciate the fans that support all my movies. The nominees for best actor all gave outstanding performances, and I wouldn’t want to be the one to take the nomination away from any of them. There’s always next year.“ And then he gave his panty-dropping smile and winked. Shari was a quivering mess after that, and the interview wound up quickly.
Shari went on to interview other stars, but I didn’t care, Brangelina who?
“I’m telling you, Ed would have been nominated if he’d shown his ass in that movie.” My brother decided to impart his words of wisdom.
“Emmett if that were the case, he should have been nominated for September Ends.” I shot back, although why I even gave his statement credibility by answering, I don’t know.
He thought about it. “True. I guess it’s the whole award system that’s flawed. Someday I should start my own awards show. Instead of Oscars, we could give out Emmetts.” He smiled as he contemplated his stroke of genius.
“Think about it ladies, we could give awards for ’best boob job in a movie’, ’best cat fight’, there could even be a horror category with the prizes going to any movie ‘terrifying enough to make you shit yourself’.”
Rose and I looked at him incredulously as he blathered on.
Finally the actual show started. The first time the camera panned to Edward seated in the audience I gasped. Beside him was none other than Tanya Madison. My jealousy surged. She was all red dress, cleavage and teeth. Then I remembered that she was married to Felix, and I relaxed.
Those seats are assigned to them Bella.
Sometimes I forgot that I didn’t need to hate her.
When it was time for Edward to present an award, I wasn’t too surprised that she presented with him.
Damn Plateau studios, they did that on purpose.
Now the rumor mill, which had been rather quiet of late, will start up again. I really didn’t need that just before my court date.
I ignored Tanya and focused on my gorgeous boyfriend. He was sex on legs in that Armani suit.
“We’re here to present the award for best original song.” Edward said.
“I don’t know about you Edward, but I stand in awe of the musically gifted.” Tanya read her lines like the pro that she was.
Edward agreed.
Proves she knows nothing about him. My boyfriend is musically gifted.
The screen then showed the nominees, I tuned out and just watched Edward until the award was presented, and he escorted Tanya off the stage.
I pulled my attention away from the screen and looked at Rose who was eyeing me with a knowing smirk on her face.
“Did you have a chance to speak with Tanya at the award show?” I asked.
Edward and I were chatting on skype.
“I tried, but she kept leaving, she was really sick. I was afraid that I’d end up presenting the award alone.”
“What was wrong with her?” I asked, curious.
“I don’t know. Hopefully nothing serious, but she did abuse her body pretty severely when she was using drugs. I voiced my concern, but she informed me that she was going to see a specialist next week.”
“Oh. Maybe that’s why she hasn’t come forth with a statement yet. Could it be that she’s been sick?”
“Maybe. I’m really starting to get impatient with this situation. It puts you in such a bad light, and I’m sorry for that.”
“Edward stop worrying about me please.”
“I can’t help it. I know I said I’d give Tanya and Felix time, but it’s been two months. This is getting ridiculous.”
“Why don’t you say something to the press then?” I asked.
“It would never work Bella. Without Tanya to back me up, I’d just look like a worse bastard than I already do.”
I thought about that. Edward was correct, as usual. The public is not going to take his word alone.
“Well let’s hope she’s planning something soon, for both our sakes.”
The fallout from the Academy Awards, as predicted, was bad. The number of paps stalking me increased again.
People at school were being outright rude to me, not even trying to disguise their insults by whispering them.
I tried to ignore it all. My court case was only a couple of days away, and soon after that I would go see Edward.
I can get through this.
If I’d only known that this was just the tip of the iceberg. If I had realized how bad things were going to get, I would never have believed my own words.
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