Monday, November 19, 2012

Chapter 20 - Handcuffs & Power Suits

It was Super Bowl Sunday. My brother and Rose were in Florida to attend the game of course. I didn’t want to go, I was still exhausted from the Aspen trip last weekend. So today I found myself alone and lonely.
I had the idea to drive out to Olympic National Park. I wanted to find the lake where Edward and I had spent our very emotional afternoon. I needed to feel close to him again.

I found the lake easily, less than two miles after entering the park. I got out of my car and walked down to where Edward and I had stood. I didn’t fully appreciate how beautiful the view was that day.

I snapped a couple of photos, and thought back to last Sunday. The best part, if there was a best part, of having to leave Edward was that we flew together for the first leg of the journey home.


I curled into Edward’s side on the flight to Denver. The weekend had passed too quickly, and I wasn’t sure if I’d see him again before Spring break. Almost two months. How would I survive two months?

Edward, always in tune with my thoughts, broke me from my reverie. “Bella, I’m going to try and come to Seattle when I’m not needed on set. I’m sure there will be a few days here and there that I’ll be free before I have to leave for London.”

“Edward, you don’t need to do that, I don’t want you exhausted because you’re worrying about me.”

“Sweetheart, it would be just as much for my own sanity as for yours.” He answered with a smile.

We said a tearful goodbye at the gate to my connecting flight. This time it was his turn to watch me until I was gone from sight.

*end of flashback

I was suddenly jolted from my memories when I heard the sound of an approaching vehicle. I turned my head and saw a park ranger car pull up and park beside mine.

My instinct to panic, which had been fairly dormant since meeting Edward, immediately kicked in. I started to walk toward my car, intending to leave.

You’re being silly Bella. You’re always so suspicious.

The ranger got out of his car smiling at me. He was probably mid-thirties, tall but not athletic.

Be honest Bella, he’s flabby and unattractive.

My nervous feelings increased the closer he got to me. By this time, I was about ten feet from my car.

“Hello there miss, is everything okay?” the ranger asked. His tone of voice was polite, but as he spoke, he leered at me, as his eyes roamed over my body.

Okay, first instincts were correct, he’s a creep.

My hands started to shake as I grasped my keys.

“Yes, I’m fine“ I took a couple steps closer to my vehicle.

“Just checking, it’s not every day that an attractive young lady chooses to explore the park alone” He said, while still leering at me. “We wouldn’t want anything happening to you now, would we?”

My nervousness tripled. Reading the name on his badge, Barry Kershner, I made a mental note to ask Charlie to check into this guy.

“Thanks for your concern, Ranger Kershner, but I’m just leaving, I’m supposed to meet some friends.“ I lied, I needed to get out of there.

I took a couple more steps toward my car. He stepped into my path.

“I recognize you by the way, you’re that pretty little piece of ass that hooked up with Masen. I wouldn’t mind having a go with you myself.” He said as he inched closer.

Oh my God. This can’t be happening.

I truly started to panic, I gathered every last ounce of my courage and darted past him. He grabbed my arm just as I reached my door handle. I couldn’t help it, I shrieked. This surprised him and he let go, giving me a chance to open my door and jump in. My hands were shaking so badly I could barely get the key into the ignition.

My breaths started to come in short pants, I felt the onset of a panic attack. I needed to fight it, and I needed to get out of there now. I was not giving him the chance to grab me again.

The ranger was red-faced. He angrily shouted at me as I put my car in reverse. “You need to exit the vehicle immediately Miss, I was not finished with you!” He tried to grab my door handle as I pulled away.

Oh dear God, now I was in full panic mode. I saw him run to his vehicle. I was certain he planned to follow me. Within a minute, he was behind me, lights flashing as he followed me out of the park.

After exiting the park, I pulled into the first gas station I found. It was approximately two miles from where the ranger had accosted me.

There were several people there, so I felt more comfortable stopping. I parked my car beside the building, and Ranger Kershner pulled his car, lights still flashing, diagonally behind me, blocking my exit.

Why is this happening?

The ranger yelled for me to exit the vehicle. I got out, planning to make a dash for the mini-mart, but he immediately grabbed my arm, turning me. He then spoke low and menacingly in my ear. “You little bitch, what did you hope to accomplish by running from me? I am going to make your life Hell now.”

“Don’t touch me.” I screamed as I fought to get out of his grasp. He jerked my arms harder and pulled them behind me. I kicked and screamed and fought my hardest but he was stronger, always stronger. The tears were streaming down my face, I couldn’t get away. Just like Jeff, just like Jeff…

He was saying something about speeding and assaulting an officer, but I couldn’t understand. He sounded far away.

I continued to fight until I felt cold metal wrap around my wrists.

Handcuffs. No, no, no. How could I escape this nightmare?

My mind was filled with images of Jeff hurting me, hurting my mother, our hands tied, my mother dying in a pool of her own blood. I couldn’t stop him, my hands were tied, I couldn’t save her. I could hear someone screaming. Then I realized that it was me.

I felt my knees buckle, and everything around me went dark.


I could hear someone speaking low and urgently.

“The son of a bitch cuffed her for a speeding violation Charlie. I pulled up just as she collapsed. I guess about ten minutes ago.”

I opened my eyes. I was lying on the front seat of a car. A police car?

“Oh, she’s awake.” A female police officer was in the car with me. “Bella. Bella are you okay?” She looked vaguely familiar, but my mind was so muddled.

Who is she?

I struggled to remember how I got there. I looked around. I was at a gas station. I then saw my car and, oh no, the park ranger car. It all came flooding back and I started to shake.

“Bella honey, your Dad’s on the phone, can you speak with him?”

I nodded and took my cell phone from her.


“Bella baby. Are you okay?” Charlie sounded frantic.

“I don’t know. He grabbed me Daddy. He said terrible things to me….” I said in a hoarse whisper as I started to cry.

“Baby, I’m on my way. The officer that’s with you is Sarah Burton, she used to work for me. I think she should take you to the hospital to be checked out.“

“No Dad, I’d rather not. I’m not hurt. Not physically anyway.“ I mumbled.

“Well, Sarah’s going to take you home and stay with you until I get there.”

“Okay Dad. Please hurry.” I still couldn’t speak above a whisper. My hands were shaking so badly that Officer Burton had to take my phone to disconnect the call.

She patted my hand. “Bella, I’m going to speak with the ranger, I’ll be right back.”

I watched her as she walked over to him. He had a smug smile on his face while Officer Burton appeared to be yelling at him. He handed her some paperwork, and she carried it over to me.

When she turned her back to him, Ranger Kershner looked at me and winked. I felt sick. I looked at my wrists. The handcuffs were gone, but I could still see red marks where they had been, along with the scars from seven years ago. I shivered.

“Bella, I need you to sign these papers. The jackass claims he stopped you for speeding, and when he was leaning on your car, you sped away. That’s where the assault charge comes from.”

“None of that is true.” I croaked out.

“Just sign these now, and I’ll let Charlie talk to you about it when he gets here, okay?”

I nodded, unable to speak.

After I signed the papers, the ranger left. I was thankful for that. Officer Burton took me home. I was drinking a cup of tea while trying to pull myself together when my phone rang. I looked at the screen.


“Hello.” I tried and failed to sound normal.

“Hello baby. Did you go to the park?” He asked.

“Yeah, um I left a while ago.” I said, my voice still shaky.

“Bella you’ve been crying, what’s wrong?” He asked in a rushed voice.

“I went to the lake, oh Edward, I was stopped by a park ranger.” I started to cry. “He grabbed me, it was awful. He’s charging me with assault. He’s lying Edward, he’s lying about everything.” I was sobbing by this time.

“Bella, sweetheart, slow down. Please explain exactly what happened.” His voice was tortured.

So I did. I gave Edward every detail, and completely fell apart when I had to tell about the handcuffs.

Edward cursed. He said words I’d never heard him say before. “This is because of me. If not for me, he wouldn’t have seen your photo on the news. He wouldn‘t have said those awful things to you.”

“Edward, stop blaming yourself. I get the feeling that this guy would have messed with me whether he knew who I was or not.”

Edward dropped the subject, but I felt certain that wouldn’t be the end of it.

“I’m coming there.”

“But won’t you get in trouble leaving the movie.”

“Don’t worry about that Bella. I’ll tell them I’ve got an emergency. Oh God Bella, being this far away when you need me is awful.” I could just imagine his hand running wildly through his hair as he spoke.

I couldn’t stop him from coming. Truth was that I needed him, desperately. The ordeal had sent my entire system into shock. I kept having flashbacks of the day my mother died.

A little while later, there was a knock at the door. I was surprised to open it and find Carlisle and Esme standing there. Esme rushed in and gave me a fierce hug. “Oh Bella sweetheart are you alright?” She asked as she rubbed her hands up and down my arms. “Edward called us, he wants Carlisle to check you over. He‘s very upset.“ Esme had tears in her eyes.

Carlisle asked me a few questions. He explained that this type of shock to the system was just as bad as a physical injury. It would take a little while for the body and mind to heal.

“Bella, I need to apologize.” He said in a low voice.

“Why Carlisle?” I asked, confused.

“Well, Edward explained to us what happened to you” He eyed me warily “seven years ago. He was loathe to do it because he would never betray your trust, but I needed to know in order to help you.”

“Don’t worry about that Carlisle.” I tried to reassure. “I trust Edward. He always has my best interest at heart. I’m glad you and Esme know.”

Carlisle administered a mild sedative. I said goodbye to Sarah after reassuring her that Carlisle and Esme would stay with me until Charlie got there.

By the time my Dad arrived, I was very drowsy. I vaguely remember saying goodbye to Carlisle and Esme. At one point, my Dad was talking on the phone to, I assume, Rose and Emmett.

I could make out bits and pieces of the conversation. “trumped-up charges…..bastard cuffed her……blacked out………Cullen’s lawyer coming……rip him a new asshole……no Emmett you’ll get arrested……I mean it boy, listen to your old man……….”

I drifted in and out of consciousness. It must have been getting late when Charlie helped me walk to my bed.

I tossed and turned all night. My nightmares had returned full-force, and I woke up more than once screaming. Charlie soothed me as best he could, but the dreams wouldn’t go away.

Sometime during the night, I felt someone climb into bed with me.


I relaxed when his warm arms wrapped around me and I settled into a deep dreamless sleep.


I woke up to warm lips kissing my shoulder, and then my cheek. “Bella, wake up sweetheart.”

I turned over in bed. “Edward” I croaked.

He was watching me with a sad smile on his face. “I’m sorry to wake you Bella, but the lawyer will be here soon, and I thought you’d like to get a shower before that.”

“Lawyer?” I questioned.

“Yes. My parents’ lawyer is sending over one of their firm’s ’brightest and best’. “

“Oh, okay. I’ll get a quick shower.” I stood up stiffly.

After I was dressed, I ventured out to the living room. All eyes turned toward me. Emmett and Rose had returned from Florida, and they immediately came over and hugged me.

Emmett was shaking with anger. “I want to kill him Bells.” He choked out.

“Emmett, that wouldn’t be helpful. We can’t lose you. I’m just scared about what will happen in court. I never want that man to get near me again.“ I added quietly.

Dad fixed me tea, and forced me to eat some toast.

I had just settled on the sofa beside Edward, when there was a knock at the door. Charlie opened it to reveal three visitors who I assumed to be from the law firm.

The first one through the door was a stunning brunette. She was in a navy power suit and ‘F’-me heels. She shook hands with all of us. “Good morning Isabella, Edward, Chief Swan.” Then she turned to my brother and Rose “And you are Emmett and Rosalie I believe?”

They nodded.

Interesting, she knew everyone by name.

Turning back to me. “I’m Wendy Graham, I’ll be the lead counsel on your case Isabella.” Wendy then introduced her colleagues. “This is Karen Wall, my assistant.” She said as she pointed to a perky blonde to her left. “And this is Kyle Browning. Kyle is an attorney specializing in Civil law. He has an interest in this case which I will explain in a few minutes.”

“Before I begin Isabella, do you have any questions for me?”

“No.” I answered in a small voice. I believe Wendy may be even more intimidating than Rose. Quite an accomplishment.

“First, Isabella, I need you to tell me everything that happened yesterday.”

Edward held my hand while I told Wendy everything. It was obvious that Emmett and Rose didn’t know all the details until then. At one point I couldn’t tell if they were both going to cry, or commit a murder.

When I had finished, Wendy began. “Thank you Isabella. Let me say that since this morning, we’ve been able to gather quite a lot of information about Ranger Kershner.” Wendy showed her distaste at his name. “It seems that our friend the ranger has been quite busy harassing innocent citizens such as yourself for several years now.”

“Unfortunately, many of those citizens have lost to him in court because they were unable to afford good legal counsel. That’s where my friend Kyle comes in. His firm is willing to work ‘pro bono’ while putting together a civil case against the ranger. He is hoping to involve every one of Kershner’s current and past victims in order to sue the Hell out of him. By the time Kyle’s through with him, Ranger Kershner will have to sell a kidney to pay his victim’s back for their accumulated ‘pain and suffering’.” Wendy chuckled.

Wow, just wow. I was totally impressed. This woman knew her shit.

My family looked equally stunned.

“Now, back to your criminal case Isabella.” She smiled. “As an aside, I’d just like you to know that I take particular pleasure in defeating the federal prosecutor for your case, one Geri Chance. The woman, and believe me I use the term loosely, has enabled this ranger for years. Every frivolous charge he’s brought, she gladly prosecutes.”

“Quite frankly, I personally despise her. She twists the law to her advantage, and prosecutes cases that she thinks will make her look good. Take for example the ‘assault on an officer’ charge. If she wins in court, that win looks great on paper. The police association sees that and, without knowing all the details, immediately identifies her as their champion.”

“Above everything, she has her eye on being appointed a judge, it’s all she’s been working toward for the past five years. I will do my part to see that that never happens. Every time she’s defeated in court, the opportunity of becoming a judge slips further away from her grasping fingers.”

“And I will defeat her this time, just as I have every time we’ve met in the courtroom.” Wendy finished with a smile. “I don’t want you to worry.”

With those words, Wendy stood, shook my hand, and breezed back out the door just as quickly as she’d entered.

Rose stood looking at the door in awed amazement and muttered “That’s who I want to be when I grow up.”

Amazing. It takes a lot to impress Rose.

After Wendy and her team left, I started feeling much better about the court case. Although I still dreaded the fact that I was due to appear for an arraignment the next Monday.

Charlie headed home after the attorneys left. Emmett rode with him to my car, and drove it back to our building. After that, he and Rose, exhausted from their trip, went back to their apartment.

“How long can you stay?” I asked Edward.

“I have to fly back tomorrow afternoon, but only if you’re okay.”

“I’ll be okay.” I lied.

I was determined that he would go back the next day, so I pretended. Edward wasn’t fooled.

I knew that assault convictions usually carried jail time, and so, as the day wore on, my constant nagging fear that, despite Wendy’s confidence, maybe I’d lose, started to grow.

The thought kept running through my mind on repeat, taking the joy out of everything I did.

By evening, I felt wrung out. I couldn’t take any more stress and worry, and decided to drink. Edward eyed me skeptically as I fixed a pitcher of cocktails.

“Are we expecting company Bella?”

“No, but you’re welcome to share.” I answered him with a smirk.

I really let loose, and Edward, God bless him, let me. He never once criticized. He let me ramble about how I wanted to hurt the ranger. Then I started laughing uncontrollably when I thought about one of the charges being for ’assault’ and how I’d gladly plan the man’s demise. After the laughter, came tears. Lots of tears.

Edward held me as I soaked and ruined his shirt. Eventually he put me to bed.

When I woke in the morning feeling like hammered shit, he was there with Tylenol, water and strong coffee, putting me back together.

He went to my classes with me. The stares and whispers didn’t even bother me. The girls flirting with Edward did annoy me though, and I flipped off my fair share of bitches throughout the day. Edward kept an almost constant smile on his face, amused by my antics.

By the time Emmett and I took Edward to the airport, I felt well enough to pretend, successfully this time, that it was okay for him to leave.

Inside, what little strength I had was crumbling. I was becoming aware that my need for Edward wasn’t just emotional, it was physical. He kept my nightmares away. He calmed me. He helped me be something I hadn’t been for seven years, normal.

Saying goodbye this time was harder than ever before.

Emmett held my hand as he drove me back to the apartment in silence.

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