Chapters 30&31 - Karaoke For Cavemen
It all stemmed from her parents’ unhappy marriage, and even unhappier divorce. I gathered that this was probably what was at the root of Bella’s self-esteem issues too. I remember reading somewhere that kids of divorce will sometimes blame themselves for their parents’ split.
Add to that the fact that Bella held herself responsible to some extent for her mother’s murder, and you have a young woman who places very little value in her own worth. Someone who feels she doesn’t deserve to be happy. It was something that I looked forward to changing, day by day for as long as it took. The rest of our lives if she’d have me.
Bella didn’t believe in happy marriages, because she’d never witnessed one up close.
I explained to her that my experience had been the opposite of hers. My parents were only truly happy when they were together. I understood at a fairly early age that my parents’ marriage probably wasn’t the norm, but it was all I had known. They were always blissfully happy together, with hardly ever a cross word between them.
Even Alice and Jasper’s relationship was probably too good to be true. I’ve watched them as they struggled with demanding careers and schedules, but always seemed to make it work.
Bella admitted that Emmett and Rosalie would have a wonderful marriage, and that maybe her opinion had been skewed by her traumatic past.
I told her that I believed very strongly in marriage, I just never thought for a moment that I would find anyone I wanted to share my life with.
I’m not willing to settle for less than what my parents have.
When I met Bella, it didn’t take me long to realize that I’d found my other half. The one I was meant for. I also realized that we both had a lot of personal shit to deal with before we’d be completely happy together. Rather that postpone being together though, I believe helping fix each other would be a hell of a lot better than dealing with it on our own as we both have done for seven years.
Last night, when I realized that she wouldn’t be opposed to marrying me, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
Today seemed to be the beginning of the rest of our lives. Together.
I was incredibly calm and relaxed during the drive back to L.A. Our two-day escape was over, but knowing what I did now, I could face the craziness of the rest of the week.
We stopped by my house first, in order for me to pack a bag. There was no way anyone was keeping me away from Bella until I had to leave for England, so we would be staying at Alice and Jasper’s together.
“Bella, I think I should postpone this meeting so I can go to the airport with you.” I said worriedly.
“Nonsense Edward, I’ll be fine.” Bella answered. “Remember your promise not to overreact.”
“I’m not overreacting Bella, I swear. I just know how aggressive the paps at the airport can be.” I could feel my stress returning.
Bella must have seen my worried expression. “Edward, if it means that much to you, I’ll wait in the car while Alice and Jasper go inside to get Emmett and Rose.”
“You would really do that?” I asked.
“I think you’re being silly, but if it would make you feel better, yes, I’d do that.” She smiled.
I sighed. “Thank you Bella. I feel a lot better now.”
Knowing that Bella wouldn’t be anywhere near the paps, I left Alice and Jaspers feeling just as relaxed and happy as I had that morning.
Jane was unusually cheerful also. Thank God she’d dropped the subject of the indie film she’d been trying to shove down my throat for months.
Instead, she wanted to let me know that filming for the period piece I was interested in had been pushed back to begin next February.
Jane also touched briefly on all the news reports about my personal life, letting me know that it had evidently been the catalyst for a slew of new movie roles being offered to me. She assured me that next week she would meet with Jasper so they could wade through them together.
When I left her office, I had a lot to think about. This new movie would start filming in Europe in February. I had every intention of being married, or at the least, engaged to Bella by that time.
After leaving Jane’s office, Alec told me there were a lot of stories about Bella circulating the internet. Evidently, every detail of her mother’s death was now public knowledge. So far, nothing reported put Bella in a negative light, but we needed to keep our guard up just in case.
He also told me they’d interviewed everyone possible from Bella’s past, and were amazed that there were no ‘old boyfriends’ to be found. Alec even seemed surprised over this.
Yeah, suck it. I’m her one and only.
I sincerely hoped that all of this didn’t overwhelm my fragile Bella. It can be a frightening thing for complete strangers to give you a knowing look when you pass them on the street because they have been privy to every detail of your life.
Hopefully she would be strong enough to handle it. I promised to trust her.
“So Andy, you been behaving yourself with my sister?” Emmett asked me with a grin.
How the fuck does one answer that?
We were at dinner. All the girls went to visit the powder room together, which left Jasper, Emmett and myself at the table.
“Of course Emmett.” I answered honestly.
He narrowed his eyes at me. After a minute he seemed satisfied and turned to Jasper. “So Franny, where are you taking us tonight?”
Jasper winced at the use of his first name. “I have no idea.” He answered. “Alice planned this entire outing.”
“A club in Pasadena?” Jasper asked, confused, as the limo took us toward our destination. “What kind of club Alice?”
Alice looked a little guilty. “Chris recommended it, he’s actually meeting us there. Emmett wanted to go to a karaoke bar, and it’s supposed to have the best karaoke around.”
Jasper looked exasperated. “Alice, you know I love you, but if Christopher chose this, it’s probably a gay bar.”
“He said it’s only about 80 percent gay” she defended.
Jasper groaned.
“Francesca, you need to lighten up.” Emmett decided to interject “A little karaoke with the queens is not going to kill you.”
“I wonder if you’ll still feel that way after they start hitting on you Emmett.” Jasper answered.
This evening was shaping up to be quite amusing.
“Get over it Jazz. You boys will finally get to experience what we girls have to deal with all the time.” Rose laughed. “It will be nice to go to a bar and not have anyone hit on me.”
I loved karaoke. Although I would never do it in a public place. I’d done all my karaoke at parties, or with Alice and Jasper. Alice always begged me to, and I’ll admit that I have a hard time saying no to her. Always have.
I’d also have to admit that I was very good at karaoke. Most people were stunned to find out that I could sing, much less perfect moves to keep the song entertaining.
What can I say, I’m a perfectionist and very competitive. If there was a competition, even karaoke, I was in it to win.
The bar was starting to fill up when we arrived, thankfully Chris had reserved a couple tables for us, near the stage. It turned out that the gay percentage was a bit higher than Alice had originally predicted.
Good, that means I won’t have to beat the hell out of any motherfuckers that would attempt to bother my girl.
Chris and Alice were both over the top in their exuberance, as usual. I kept one eye on the crowd and another on Isabella as we started our first round of drinks. There was a steady stream of people approaching our table to say hi, but no one was pushy or obnoxious.
I was relaxed and happy, really enjoying the evening when Chris said the words that instantly soured my good mood. “Oh Jasper. I don’t know how I almost forgot this. What did that guy do at the airport that made you so angry, the photos are all over the internet?” Chris looked alarmed.
Wow, no one mentioned this. I’m thankful Bella stayed in the car.
We all turned to look at Jasper. “He just said something rude about Bella.” He answered quietly.
My blood started to boil.
Bastards. She wasn’t even there.
“How did they even realize you have anything to do with Bella? You know, they’ve really gone too far if they‘re now harassing my manager.” I asked, confused and angry.
I’ll find out later what the son of a bitch said.
Bella touched my arm. I turned to look at her. “I went with Jazz and Alice, into the airport.” She said quietly.
What the fuck?
“But you said you would wait in the car, you promised.” I said, stunned.
“Edward, I said that because you were freaking out for no reason. You were overreacting.”
I was angry. “So you lied in order to placate me Bella?” I turned to Jasper. “What exactly happened Jasper?”
Jasper went on to explain the events at the airport. Emmett gave him a fist bump when he was finished. “Thanks for looking out for my sister Jasper. I owe you.” Emmett said in a serious tone.
“No one owes me.” Jasper responded. “Bella’s family. Family looks out for each other.”
I was angry at that fucker for what he’d said. I was angry that I wasn’t there to defend my girl. But, I was also angry at Bella for telling me what I wanted to hear. If that’s how she handles my so-called ‘over-protectiveness’, then I can’t trust her to ever tell me the truth.
I need to make her see that I need to be able to trust her.
“I’m sorry I missed it Jasper.” Rose added as she beamed at her brother. “You’ve always been the more rational one, it takes a lot to make you angry, but I sure as hell wouldn‘t want to be on the receiving end of that anger.”
Rose went on to tell a story about Jazz beating the shit out of one of his friends. I was too pissed to listen or care. Instead, I downed my drink.
Isabella downed hers, and then walked over to the bar. I waited a moment, and then followed her.
“Do you even understand why I would be angry about this Bella?” I said, trying to keep my anger in check.
“Because you were being irrational, and I told you something you wanted to hear Edward? I’m sorry that I technically lied but you couldn’t have seriously expected me not to go inside to greet Emmett and Rose.” She said in a belligerent tone.
“That’s exactly what I expected Bella. It would be different if you’d intended to stay in the car, but changed your mind at the last minute, but don’t lie to me Bella. I was lied to for years, I thought you were different.”
I’ve dealt with ‘yes men’ in Hollywood for too long. I have finally gotten to the point where everyone I deal with on a day-to-day basis are all honest with me. Not a ‘yes man’ in the lot.
Bella looked angry now. She downed her drink in front of me while glaring.
I can’t even imagine a reason for her to be angry. She’s the one who lied.
“How dare you compare me to a whore.” She seethed. “Why don’t you say something about my mental instability while you’re at it Edward?”
What the hell? She must be referring to Meghan. Does she really think I would compare her to my ex-girlfriend?
I was appalled. “Bella, I never compared you to a whore” I whispered. “Yes, Meghan was one of those that lied to me, but I was also speaking of all the phony people in L.A. that were part of my life before I isolated myself. The ones who told me what I wanted to hear, as opposed to the truth.” I paused. “And, I’d never throw your emotional problems up in your face.”
“Oh so you’re admitting that I have emotional problems?” She narrowed her eyes at me.
There is no correct answer. I am walking through a mine field here. How the fuck did this turn around to be my fault anyway?
I need a drink.
I took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t think I can win this argument. You’ve obviously had too much to drink, and you are unreasonable. I just wanted to stress the fact that your lie bothered me.”
In response, she just glared and stormed back to the table.
I turned to the bartender. “I’ll have a shot of Wild Turkey rye.” I glanced over at Bella and realized she’d changed places with her brother so she wouldn’t have to sit next to me. I turned back to the bartender. “Make that two.”
I knew I shouldn’t drink it, I’d be sorry in the morning, but tonight I was too angry to think straight.
I downed the shots, and took a bourbon and coke back to my seat where I proceeded to sit sullenly as I drank it.
The emcee took the microphone in hand, welcoming all the guests.
Good evening everyone! I just want to say a word of welcome to any new comers. I guarantee this will be a night you won’t soon forget!
We’re going to start the karaoke momentarily. I just wanted to make you aware of some special guests joining us tonight.
He pointed over to our tables.
Seated over there is none other that Edward Masen! He said excitedly. Let’s see, his latest movie is ’Time Stands Still’, a wonderful film. Although I’d have to say that my personal favorite is ’September Ends’, and you know why bitches! He said, and then winked at me.
Time to give the fans what they want.
I flashed my Hollywood smile. I noticed Bella scowl as she took a swig of her drink.
I am not dealing with her drunken behavior tonight.
Not for one fucking minute.
Another special guest, and our first karaoke participant is none other that Emmett Swan. You know Emmett well ladies if you’re a football fan.
After meeting Emmett I’m prepared to switch my allegiance from the Niners to the Seahawks. The emcee announced drawing cheers, and a few boos, from the audience.
Come on over here stud so you can perform the first song of the evening.
Emmett walked over to the stage grinning from ear to ear, and took the microphone. “Thank you everyone. In order to perform the song I’ve chosen, I’ll need the assistance of my lovely fiancée. Rose would you mind?” He said as he gestured to Rose. Rose joined him on stage.
“I’m also going to need the assistance of my future brother-in-law, a very talented whistler.” Emmett said with a wink. Emmett handed Jasper a microphone to use from where he was seated.
I was mildly curious to see what song they would be performing.
Nice legs, Daisy dukes, Makes a man go whoo-whoo
That's the way they all come through, Like whoo-whoo whoo-whoo
Low-cut, see-through shirts That make you whoo-whoo
That's the way she come through
Like whoo-whoo whoo-whoo
I tried to enjoy it, I really did. But my thoughts kept drifting back to the fact that Bella had lied to me. What hurt the most was that she acted like it was no big deal, and that my feelings on the matter weren’t important.
Jasper got up next, pulling out his old standard of Friends in Low Places.
The crowd, spurred on by Chris, loved Jazz. I would have found it amusing if I hadn’t been in a shitty mood.
'Cause I've got friends in low places
Where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away
And I'll be okay
I'm not big on social graces. Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places
I surreptitiously watched Bella as she belly laughed at the cheers and adulation that Jasper received. I couldn’t help but smile at her radiant beauty.
Maybe I did overreact. A little.
A couple other people performed after Jasper. Every now and then I would peek at Bella when I thought she wasn’t looking.
I watched from the corner of my eye as she left the table and stood at the bar.
What the hell is she doing now?
Next up on stage were Alice and Chris, but I was too distracted by Bella to notice.
After a few minutes she slipped away to, I supposed, the ladies’ room.
I probably did overreact, and now I’ve ruined the entire evening.
I felt remorseful. This was Bella’s vacation after all, and I wanted all her memories of it to be happy.
I ordered another drink.
I realized that Alice and Rose had disappeared, no doubt commiserating with Bella in the rest room.
A couple minutes later, I saw them heading back to our tables and did a double-take when I saw the brunette sex kitten walking in with them.
Bella? My Bella?
I was certain that the Wild Turkey had caused me to see things until I noticed the stunned faces of Emmett and Jasper as Bella took the stage. I walked back to the table, not able to take my eyes off of her.
As soon as the opening strains of Like a Virgin began to play, Emmett jumped from his seat. “No fucking way Bells. I forbid you to perform that song in public.” He shouted.
Rose managed to calm him down I suppose. I couldn’t look at him. I couldn’t manage to tear my eyes away from the goddess before me.
I made it through the wilderness
Somehow I made it through
Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found you
I was vaguely aware that I probably looked like an idiot standing there, mesmerized. When Bella started to sway with the music, I thought it sweet. When her moves became more provocative, I thought I might lose my mind.
My hard-on was never going away because I would never be able to wipe this image from my memory. I silently prayed that I wasn’t drooling.
I was beat incomplete
I'd been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new
At this point, Bella started to writhe around the stage. I wanted to punch somebody. Instead I dragged my hands roughly through my hair.
Let one single motherfucker look at her the wrong way and I will end them.
It didn’t matter that most of the male patrons were gay, I had convinced myself right there and then that Bella could turn them straight.
I’m a fucking idiot.
When she slithered down to her knees and ran her hand up and down her body seductively, I couldn’t take any more. My brain and my dick were about to self destruct.
Like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats
Next to mine
I downed what was left of my drink, hoping it would calm me. Bella’s moves became even more seductive.
Gonna give you all my love, boy
My fear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you
'Cause only love can last
You're so fine and you're mine
Make me strong, yeah you make me bold
Oh your love thawed out
Yeah, your love thawed out
What was scared and cold
When Bella started to slither across the stage on all fours, I’d had enough.
Bella will never do this dance again, unless she decides to give me a private show.
Fuck this shit.
I slammed down my glass, stormed over to the stage and threw her over my shoulder, ignoring the catcalls and whistles.
They can suck my dick. Unfortunately, a lot of them would probably like to.
I almost chuckled at my stupid joke as I carried Bella outside. I didn’t stop moving until I had her pinned against a wall, holding my body against hers.
“Do you have any idea how crazy you make me Miss Swan?” I said in a hoarse voice.
Being as my hard-on was pressed against her heat, I was certain she understood. “I think I have a clue.” She whispered.
“First you make me angry because I worry about you so much.” I breathed into her mouth, our lips barely touching. “Then you get up there and do that. Bella, I’m only human. My self restraint is fucking crumbling as it is when I’m around you.”
I had turned into a caveman. Something in me had snapped. I could blame it on the Wild Turkey, but that wouldn’t have been entirely true. This is the result of all my pent-up sexual frustration starting the moment Bella spilled coffee on her white shirt all those months ago.
I couldn’t control myself. My lips found hers, it was rough and urgent. I wanted to claim her as mine, show her who was in control.
Damn it why does she drive me so crazy?
I pulled my lips away from hers in order to kiss the bare skin of her neck and shoulder. “I like this” I murmured as I fingered the lace edge at the top of her bustier.
I’d like it even better if I could rip it off.
When she wrapped her leg around me and began to grind against my dick, I lost all control. I held her leg in place and began to suck on her neck. I wanted to bite her, to mark her in some way, but I didn’t think Bella was ready for that. It would be a little extreme.
“You can’t do that to me Bella. You are mine. You’re just lucky that most of the guys here are gay, or I would never let you go back in there, I’d take you home right now.” I continued kissing down her shoulder, then across the bare skin above the bustier.
“Hey, you may want to stop that before Emmett comes to investigate.” I heard Jasper’s amused voice announce from the direction of the door.
Cockblocker. I may have to fucking kill him.
I pulled away abruptly, but kept my his hands on Bella’s shoulders, unable to break contact completely. I chuckled “It’s probably for the best. As much as I’d like to have my way with you right now Miss Swan, your brother would have every right to end my life if it were to happen against the wall of a karaoke bar.“ She laughed with me.
She’s laughing now. I wonder if she’ll be laughing once I’ve had my revenge.
I kissed her shoulder and up her neck again as I spoke. “Here’s what happens next Miss Swan. You are to go straight to the bathroom and put your shirt back on. Then we are going to enjoy the rest of the evening.”
I looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry I was an overprotective jerk. Will you forgive me?”
“If you’ll forgive me for my little lie.” She answered.
“Done. Let’s not ever fight again.”
“I agree.” I kissed her again, but kept my animalistic side in check this time.
As Bella retreated to the rest room, I took another shot of liquid courage, and then approached the stage to select a song. Alice gasped when she saw what I’d chosen. It was one I’d done while playing karaoke at a party about six months ago, and Alice forbade me from ever performing it again.
She claimed it got the ladies ‘too worked up’. I didn’t quite understand their extreme reaction. I had merely been emulating the performance Prince gave in the music video.
Let’s hope Bella has the same reaction as the ‘ladies’.
I waited until I saw her returning from the rest room to start the show. I pulled out all the stops, and gave the best performance of my life.
You don't have to be beautiful to turn me on
I just need your body baby, From dusk till dawn
You don't need experience to turn me out
You just leave it all up to me
I'm gonna show you what it's all about
Bella’s eyes were fixed on me. It seemed she was reacting to me the same way I had reacted to her little performance.
You don't have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
When I started to remove my shirt, I saw her mouth drop open in surprise.
You got to not talk dirty, baby
If you wanna impress me
You can't be too flirty, mama
I know how to undress me (Yeah)
I want to be your fantasy, maybe you could be mine
You just leave it all up to me we could have a good time
Bella started to fan herself. Oh this was too good.
You don't have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
I did my best not to laugh at Bella’s expression. She looked like she may pass out at any moment. The crowd was rather intense, but I only had eyes for my girl.
You don't have to be rich to be my girl
You don't have to be cool to rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your
The roar of the crowd was overwhelming as I made my way over to Bella, who by this time was sitting down.
I leaned down and murmured in her ear, “That was just for you baby. Are you ready to leave? I’m aching to have you all to myself again.” I breathed.
The damned Wild Turkey was still in control is seems.
Bella fanned herself with her hand. “Yeah, let’s leave, I need some air, I’m so fucking hot.”
“That you are.” I said as I laughed.
I took a quick shower and dressed for bed. While lying on the bed, waiting for Bella to emerge from the bath, I could feel myself starting to drift.
When I felt her lie down next to me, I wrapped my arm around her waist in order to spoon with her. My eyes shot open when all I could feel was bare skin.
Holy shit. This has to be a dream.
My hands roamed over her body, only to find she didn’t have on a stitch of clothing.
It’s definitely not my birthday. Or Christmas…
We began kissing and I moaned when Bella rubbed against me. I quickly disposed of my pajama bottoms and moved back over to her, until we were lying against each other. Both naked. I moved until I was lying partially on top of her. I didn’t care that my sister and her brother were nearby.
I. Didn’t. Fucking. Care.
“Beautiful Bella.” I whispered.
She just smiled and didn’t say a word. I studied her face. Her beautiful face. She was everything to me, and I was the most fortunate man in the world that she felt the same way.
We kissed again. When we broke apart I proceeded to worship her beautiful body with my mouth. Landing soft kisses over every inch of her bare skin.
Suddenly, I felt someone swat my ass.
What the?
I turned to see some crazy dude wielding a crowbar as he jumped around the bedroom naked.
Wait a minute. That’s the dude from ‘The Hangover’. I met him at the MTV movie awards. His name is Ken… something? Why the fuck is he trying to hit me?
I looked back down to the bed and Bella had vanished.
The rest of the night I was running for my life trying to escape the dude with the crowbar, until I ran straight into Mike Tyson, who proceeded to pin me to the wall by my throat.
It was my worst nightmare come true.
I begged and pleaded with him. I told him I didn’t steal his tiger or piss in his swimming pool.
He wouldn’t listen. Instead Mike proceeded to pummel me with body blows. When he landed a solid punch on my face, I woke the hell up.
What. The. Fuck?
I knew it was all a dream. Bella, naked in bed with me was definitely too good to be true.
Damn you Wild Turkey.
I was lying on my side in the bed, just as I’d been as I waited for Bella to finish her shower last night. My head was pounding like a son of a bitch as I did a quick study of my surroundings. There was no Bella beside me. There was no sign of Bella anywhere.
That can’t be good.
I was relieved to find that I still had on my pajama bottoms.
Maybe all of that had been a dream. A crazy fucked-up dream.
I wracked my brain trying to distinguish my dream from reality. I could remember the bar. Everyone taking their turns at karaoke. I had been drinking too much.
Big mistake.
I suddenly remembered holding Bella against the wall after her ‘performance’ and getting my revenge with a performance of my own. I scrubbed my face with my hands.
Oh no. She probably hates me. What did I do when we came back here?
There was a knot in my stomach as I began to worry about my behavior and Bella’s reaction to it.
I wonder if she’s on her way back to Seattle right now? I wouldn’t blame her.
Just then, someone knocked on my door. I looked up in time to see Jasper poke his head into the room. “Get up shit piece. We have to haul our hung-over asses to the happiest place on the motherfucking earth.” He growled.
Oh right the photo shoot.
I wanted to laugh at Jasper, but my head hurt too damn much.
“Is Bella with Alice?” I croaked out.
“Of course.” He barked.
“Okay, give me a few.” I said.
“We’re leaving in ten minutes.”
As we stood there waiting by King Arthur’s Carousel, I couldn‘t stop watching Bella.
Could it be my imagination, or does she get more beautiful every day?
I was aware that Alice was going to give me a rash of shit for the way I was dressed. Truth was, I felt so terrible both physically and emotionally that I needed to be comfortable and as incognito as possible.
Probably the dark glasses, beanie and hoodie combination was a little much but I honestly didn’t care.
The photo shoot was almost finished when Bella glanced in my direction. Her face lit up into with the most breathtaking smile when she saw me.
Maybe I wasn’t the asshole I feared after all.
When the girls made their way over to us, Chris made the necessary introductions. I watched Bella intently as she approached, trying to decipher if anything about last night may have been troubling her.
“Hi.” She said quietly.
“Hi.” I answered.
“Um, is there a reason you’re dressed like Ted Kaczynski?” She asked with a grin.
I smiled slightly.
I guess I do look like the Unabomber.
“Partly to remain unrecognized, and partly because I had a rough night.” I answered quietly.
“Pfft. It didn’t look like you were having a rough night to me.” She muttered in a low voice.
Oh Christ. I knew I did something stupid.
“Bella, I’m afraid I owe you an apology for last night.” I groaned as I scrubbed my hands over my face.
“Edward, you didn’t do anything to apologize for. Where is this coming from?”
“That’s just it Bella, I can’t remember what happened after we got back to Alice’s.“ I whispered. “I hope I wasn’t a jerk or anything. I also feel terrible about man-handling you at the bar…”
“Edward stop right there. Don’t you dare apologize for the bar.”
She was smiling.
“That was fuckhot, and you will destroy my self-esteem if you tell me you regret it.” She whispered.
She’s always full of surprises.
I felt relieved, and smiled at her while grabbing her hand. “Well, since you put it that way, I’ll have to find a way to forgive myself for that. Just please tell me I didn‘t do anything I should regret after we left the bar.” I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers.
“You were a perfect gentleman Edward, although you‘re officially banned from drinking Wild Turkey around me ever again.”
She knows about the Wild Turkey?
“We’ll talk about it later.” She whispered before she kissed me.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, would you two get your heads in the game.” Emmett boomed. “We are planning how to make the best use of our hours in the park.”
From that point on, our time was not our own, as Alice tried to manage our day at Disney. I didn’t care about the rides, although I found the ones where I could wrap my arm around Bella to be extremely enjoyable.
The part of the day I was most looking forward to would happen this evening. Chris and Alice had planned a little surprise, and I couldn’t wait to see Bella’s reaction.
After getting soaked on Splash Mountain, I decided the entire trip had been worth the couple of minutes I got to view Bella in her soaking wet shirt. The caveman from last night had evidently gone into hibernation, and my gentlemanly side was in charge again as I immediately whipped off my hoodie and zipped Bella up in it.
“This reminds me of the day we met Miss Swan.” I smirked as I zipped her up.
“Afraid I may be ogled by another man Mr. Movie Star?” She teased.
I studied her for a moment before leaning down to her ear. “No one else is allowed to see what’s mine. Especially before I’ve even seen it.” I said with a chuckle.
She swatted my arm in response, but I noticed she was smiling.
“So Alice has her birthday here every year?” Bella asked as we ate lunch.
“Yes, she adores Disneyland.” I answered.
We were eating in one of the restaurants on Main Street, and Alice had arranged for several Disney characters to visit during our meal. Even though this particular restaurant only had character dining at breakfast, they were making an exception for our group.
Emmett was quite amusing, making sure he got his photo taken with each Disney character as they neared our table. He was as obsessive as my sister.
Bella leaned closer to me. “Have you noticed how excited your sister and my brother have been all day?” She asked conspiratorially.
I smiled and nodded.
“It’s almost as if they’re related, their behavior is so similar.” She grinned.
What a horrible thought.
“I’m certainly glad they’re not, because that would mean I’ve been having incestuous thoughts about you Miss Swan.” I whispered back.
Bella sputtered and choked on her iced tea as I laughed.
She’s adorable.
That afternoon, I found myself having to ‘protect‘ Bella from imaginary ghosts in the Haunted Mansion. A task I enjoyed immensely, especially whenever Bella would cling to me and bury her face in my neck or chest.
While the rest of our group stood around waiting for the parade to start, Bella and I took the opportunity to slip away for some alone time.
We found a quiet bench and sat together, my arm around Bella. “How are you enjoying Disneyland?” I asked.
She grinned. “It’s actually been a lot of fun. I don’t know if my opinion is tainted though.”
I didn’t understand.
“Well you see Edward, I’d probably enjoy anything if you were there holding my hand.”
“That was very sweet Miss Swan.” I leaned down to kiss her. As usual, it wasn’t long before the kiss became passionate. I pulled Bella onto my lap as she ran her fingers through my hair.
We broke the kiss when we heard giggling and the sounds of digital cameras going off.
We both sighed at the same time, and started to laugh. “I guess we’d better get back to the group.” I whispered.
“I wondered where you disappeared to.” Alice stated. “I’ll have you know that you missed the parade.”
“Yeah, we really don’t care.” I answered.
Alice rolled her eyes.
We rode a couple more rides. After the Star Tours ride, Emmett spotted something he couldn’t resist.
“Oh I’ve got to do this.” He announced as he looked at the Jedi Training Academy.
“Honey, you can’t do this. It says ages 4 to 12.” Rose said quietly.
Emmett just got a determined look, and approached one of the Jedi trainers and spoke with him in a hushed voice.
It looks as if he just bribed a Disney employee to let him participate in a kiddie show.
Watching Emmett in action with a crowd of children was hilarious. The dude was a born leader. I noticed Bella move closer to the action, but from where I stood, I couldn’t hear everything that was being said.
When Darth Vader and Darth Maul appeared, I moved a bit closer to watch. I saw Emmett approach Darth Maul.
Emmett spoke in a low voice. “I’m just warning you ass munch. You’d better not upset any of these little kids or I’ll kick you so hard your ‘nads will take up permanent residence in your rectum.” He threatened.
This is pretty fucking funny.
‘Darth Maul’ raised his hands in surrender while backing away from Emmett. “Dude, it’s only a job. The kids always win, it’s in my contract.“ He answered in a panicked voice.
Emmett seemed satisfied, and after patting Darth Maul on the shoulder, he went back to stand with the group.
Of course the children won the battle causing Darth Vader and Darth Maul to slink away in shame.
Emmett looked pretty damn happy as he exited the training area. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.
Alice pulled out her map, preparing to give us instructions on where to go next just as two security guards approached our group.
“Are you Emmett Swan?” One guard asked Emmett.
Emmett, keeping his grin, answered. “That’s me.”
“Sir, would you mind coming with us?” The guard motioned for Emmett to follow him.
“Oh no Mr. Swan, your friends should come along also.” The guard announced.
We followed in silence.
Damn. It looks like Emmett’s going to get us kicked out of Disneyland.
“Emmett, I just want you to know that if you get me thrown out of Disneyland, I’m going to hunt you down and kill you in the street like a dog.” Alice shouted.
I had no doubt that my sister was dead serious about that.
Chapter 32&33 - A Boisterous Farewell To SoCal
I really didn’t know what to think. It seemed that Emmett was in trouble, but he was still smiling and joking with everyone as we walked along, just as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
I was beginning to believe that he just may be insane. Inside the Director of Security’s office, I became positive of it.
Bella’s worried look prompted me to squeeze her hand reassuringly.
The Director eyed Emmett with a disapproving glare. “Mr. Swan, what do you have to say for yourself?” He asked.
Emmett stood there with his hands on his hips, glaring back. “I think the better question would be, what the hell do you want with me douche bag?” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
He is insane. I wonder if he sustained brain damage while playing football that has led to this?
When Rose started to chuckled, I realized that either she was losing it too, or there was an inside joke that the rest of us weren’t privy to. Before I could continue that thought, Emmett and the Director both began to laugh.
Emmett pulled the guy into a big bear hug, and then turned to face us with his arm around the Director’s shoulders. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine, Elliot Robbins. We went to high school together.”
We all breathed a sigh of relief.
Emmett spent a few minutes catching up with his friend before we headed back out into the park.
There is never a dull moment when Emmett is around.
After dinner, it was time for the girls’ surprise.
“Now ladies, I need you all to follow me. The boys and I have a special treat planned for you.” Christopher announced as he led the ladies off to get dressed.
We had a dressing room set up for us in the same building as the girls, and soon all five of us were clothed in our white dinner jackets and black pants. We knew we’d have some time to kill, because women took forever to get ready, so we walked around a little, keeping one eye on the door of the building nearby.
“I think I even managed to surprise Alice this time.” Chris stated with a satisfied smile as we walked along. “You know that never happens.”
We all chuckled.
Unfortunately, I was spotted by some fans, and before I knew it, I was signing autographs and posing for photos. After about fifteen minutes of this, we slipped away, into the shadows in front of the building where the girls were dressing.
“You’re pretty yummy yourself Mr. Movie Star.” She smiled up at me.
“Where are we going?” Bella asked as we led the girls toward Carnation Plaza Gardens.
“Patience Miss Swan, you’ll see soon enough.” I grinned.
“We’re going swing dancing!” Alice exclaimed excitedly, as she hugged Jasper and then ran over to Chris, throwing her arms around his neck. “Thank you Christopher. You knew I always wanted to do this. You thought of everything.”
“Alice dear, you know I’m very much a perfectionist. I believe if we’re going to do something, we ought to do it right.” He smiled indulgently at her.
“Don’t tell me you know how to swing dance too Edward?” Bella asked me.
“Isabella, I learned how to swing dance in high school.” I smirked at her. “I also had a refresher course for the movie.”
“Well, I can’t do it.” She muttered sadly.
“You will be fine. Just follow my lead.”
Bella took those words to heart, and before I knew it, she was gliding across the dance floor easily.
She’s much more graceful than she gives herself credit for.
“Chris had no way of knowing this, but I have a weakness for white dinner jackets. I think it must stem from seeing Sean Connery as James Bond years ago.” She grinned.
Good to know.
“Miss Swan are you telling me that you have a thing for James Bond?” I asked, intrigued.
“Well, maybe only Sean Connery.” She smiled. “If you ever played Bond, I’d definitely have a thing for you.”
“Okay I admit it, I already have a thing for you.” She laughed.
“On second thought, don’t ever play Bond, that would be a terrible role for you.”
With that last remark, I was pretty certain that Bella had just remembered the ‘Bond girls’. I laughed.
We spent the next couple of hours dancing. Nothing made me happier than holding Bella in my arms. She seemed to be fascinated by an elderly couple as she watched them dance. They were lost in their own world of memories.
“I hope we’ll be like that one day Bella.” I spoke into her ear as we watched them.
“Come on little brother, let’s jitterbug.” Alice knew I wouldn’t refuse.
It was at times like this I was thankful for my mother’s insistence that we take all those dance lessons. Some days she dragged me kicking and screaming, but now I could ballroom dance with the best of them.
We made use of every inch of that dance floor. We slid and I spun Alice out and then back to me, everyone around us enjoying the show. We ended the dance with a dip. My eyes searched for Isabella. I found her smiling at me, so I returned her smile with a wink.
Our day at Disney ended with a spectacular fireworks display. I stood with my arms around Isabella as we watched. I hadn’t enjoyed fireworks this much since I was a kid. Being with Bella made everything more enjoyable.
Neither of us were long for bed after arriving back at Alice’s. If I were to allow myself to share a bed with Bella, I decided that my caveman alter-ego needed to be officially banished from polite society until further notice. I gave myself a stern talking to before crawling into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I fell into a dreamless sleep.
I was woken suddenly, early the next morning, by Bella crying in her sleep.
“No, no, no, Edward” She sobbed as tears streamed down her cheeks.
I shook her gently. “Bella, sweetheart” I said urgently. “Bella, wake up. Please Bella.”
She finally opened her eyes and looked at me. “Bella, you’re trembling. That must have been quite a nightmare.”
She lay there, trembling and sobbing for several minutes as I held her. Finally, she calmed down enough to speak. “It was terrible Edward.” She said in a hoarse whisper. “He killed everyone. Jeff killed everyone.”
A knot formed in my stomach at the thought of that monster.
He not only haunts Bella’s waking thoughts, the bastard even disturbs her dreams.
I was no stranger to nightmares. Seeing a therapist for several years, helped me to understand and identify some of the triggers.
“Bella, don’t get mad at me, but do you see a therapist?” I spoke quickly “There’s no shame in it you know. They can help.”
“I used to see someone in Port Angeles, but I haven’t been in a couple of years.” She said sadly. “I thought I was getting better.”
I held her tighter. “Bella, all I know is from my own experience, but sometimes we still need help from time to time. Our needs and our reasons change, but a therapist helps give us perspective. Even if the problem seems small and insignificant.”
“You see one?” She asked.
“Yes. Not regularly like I used to, but if I’m having a problem, I’ve found that seeing my therapist can only help me. I think you should consider going back.”
She was quiet for a few moments as she thought.
“You’re right. I’ll call this week.” She answered.
I smiled and kissed her nose. “Let’s get ready. We’ve got another big day ahead of us.”
Today we would be flying to Seattle. It made me sad to leave California because it signaled that the time for Bella to return to class had arrived and, all too soon I would be leaving for England.
Isabella had researched online and found a church close to a couple of tourist spots she wanted to visit before we had to leave today. I was surprised when Alice and Jasper decided to go with us.
The church service was strange. It was almost as strange an experience as when the old lady groped me.
The priest, evidently, was an old hippie. This fact alone didn’t trouble me per se, what troubled me were the remarks he made to me personally. I found them to be a bit condescending.
“Welcome my friends. Welcome to our Lord’s humble abode. I’m merely the caretaker. Remember our minds are like parachutes, they only work when they’re open.”
Mid-way through the service, he moved through the congregation distributing palms. As he approached our group, I found myself not wanting to breathe very deeply and confirm my suspicions that he smelled like marijuana.
As he handed me a palm he said, “Good to see you my brother in Christ. Like Ghandi, we should not be ashamed to become pacifists. You should ask for the Lord’s guidance before accepting your next movie role. Glorify peace, not violence.”
I gave him a dirty look, and after a minute of deliberation decided that no matter how deserved, it would never be acceptable, under any circumstances, to tell a priest to ‘fuck off’ while in church.
I could hear Emmett and Jasper snickering. I glared at them.
There’s nothing stopping me from telling them to fuck off.
Emmett, ever the class clown, grabbed the priest’s hand, “Hey there Padre. Did you by any chance attend Woodstock?”
Bella stomped on Emmett’s foot, although I wasn’t exactly sure why. She also seemed to be holding her breath.
I think I must have missed something.
The priest looked delighted. “You are very perceptive my friend. It was an experience that changed my life.” He said as he walked away.
Thankfully, Isabella decided to start breathing again.
“Rosalie, has anyone ever told you that you’re weird?” Bella asked Rose, who was unfazed by her question.
At Rosalie's insistence, we were visiting Westwood Memorial Park. Well known as the final resting place of many of Hollywood‘s greatest.
“You aren’t the first to say so, believe me.” Rose smiled as she peered over the top of her sunglasses at Bella.
After a while, Bella and I were able to wander away from the group.
“It kind of makes me feel small” I said quietly after we’d visited so many graves of people whose work I had admired so much.
“How so?” Bella asked.
“Well look at them all Bella. All the money, all the fame, it didn’t give them one more minute on earth did it?” I then laughed darkly. “Living and working in Hollywood, we are made to feel that every project we work on is the most important thing ever. It would be easy to get lost in the feeling that you’re going to live forever and that neither illness nor death can touch you. But, in the end, even the rich and powerful wind up here, or someplace just like it.”
“I guess it’s a good thing that you weren’t taken in by the lie then, isn’t it Edward?”
I nodded and pulled her close.
Suddenly a woman’s voice sounded from behind us, “I had a feeling we would meet again, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.”
Bella and I turned to find Gloria Powell smiling and looking in our direction.
Had she been speaking to us?
“Hello there Bella, and you must be Edward” Gloria said politely, as she shook my hand.
But…I’ve never met her before. This is surreal.
“Edward, I met Gloria on the plane last Saturday.”
Oh shit, that day.
“Here visiting someone you knew?” Gloria asked us.
Bella shook her head, but I answered, “I’ve seen the graves of a couple of people that I’ve met, mainly at award shows, but no one that I knew very well.”
Gloria looked back across the expanse of the graveyard, a wistful expression on her face. “I have a lot of dear friends buried here. But no one that I miss as much as my husband.”
“I’m very sorry Gloria, when did you lose him?” Bella asked.
She is beyond sweet.
“George has been gone almost fourteen years, although it seems like it was only yesterday that I lost him.” She answered sadly, then she perked up. “I come here faithfully every Sunday afternoon, weather and health permitting, to spend a little time with him.”
I felt Bella shudder slightly beside me. I pulled her hand up and held it between both of mine, giving her a sad smile.
Gloria studied Bella for a moment, and then reached up and patted her upper arm in a comforting gesture.
“I try to avoid television as much as possible, but living in this town it’s been impossible to avoid the news about the two of you.” She said with a chuckle, successfully changing the subject. She quirked an eyebrow “It’s been quite a week for you hasn’t it?”
We both smiled back. “If I hadn’t lived through it, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Bella said as she laughed out a breath.
“You’re the darling of the week Bella, but don’t let it affect your behavior. The press and the public are a fickle lot. They’ll love you one moment and hate you the next. Just don’t let wanting to be liked govern your behavior.”
Good advice, and something that Bella and I had discussed at length recently.
“I’m in the middle of filming The Harvest of Avarice, a film which takes place during World War II. I’ll be leaving for England next week, and filming there for a month.” Gloria nodded her head as she listened with interest.
“After that, I’ll be working on a project with Clint Eastwood called Enemy Combatant. Parts of that will be filmed in Seattle.”
Gloria’s eyes lit up. “You’re filming with Clint?” She asked smiling.
“Yes, I’m actually supposed to call him today. I wanted to touch base with him before leaving town.” I answered.
“Please tell him that I said hello. I had the pleasure of working with him on a couple episodes of Rawhide way back when. He was such a joy to work with, a total professional but also a lot of fun.“ She smiled fondly. “He and George struck up quite a friendship, but just like everything else, the years go by and, with working and raising a family we tend to lose track of friends.” She lost her smile. “I’ve only seen him a couple of times since George’s funeral.” She trailed off.
“I’ll be sure to say something to him Miss Powell.” I reassured.
“Thank you Edward.” Gloria said, then she looked me in the eye. “Edward, I hope you don’t mind, but Bella and I talked a lot on the flight from Seattle, and most of the conversation revolved around you.”
Oh shit, what must she think of me?
“Don’t worry so much.” She said with a laugh. “Do you know what I took away from that conversation?”
I’m a jackass and don’t deserve to have Bella in my life?
I shook my head.
“The fact that Isabella loves you with all her heart. Granted, at the time she was also on the verge of killing you.” Gloria laughed. “My point is, Edward don’t ever, ever, willingly let go of the ones you love. At some point, through circumstances beyond your control, you will be separated from them. Until that day, hold onto them with every ounce of your strength. Don’t break your own heart through some misguided sense of chivalry.”
Her words really struck home. I will never take one moment with Bella for granted again.
Gloria looked a little sheepish. “I’m sorry. I’m just an old woman who buts in where she shouldn’t sometimes, but I’ve lived long enough to learn a few things. I’ve lived with a hole in my heart for fourteen years, a hole that won’t heal until the day I lie beside my George again. Don’t waste these precious years, you will never get them back.”
What an amazing woman.
“Well, I’ve said too much. You probably both think I’m an old busybody, I apologize.” Gloria said as she turned to walk away.
“No, Gloria, wait. What you said, it was so..” Bella started.
“Perfect” I finished her thought. Bella nodded. “Thank you Miss Powell, I think those words were exactly what Bella and I needed to hear.”
Gloria smiled, relieved. At that exact moment, I turned my head to notice Alice barreling across the cemetery, headed straight for us.
Alice adores Gloria Powell.
Gloria seemed amused by Alice’s exuberance. I tuned out all the crap about Hollywood glamour, or lack of it. When Alice got on that subject, she tended to sound like a broken record.
Jasper caught up to us, out of breath after evidently chasing Alice over about a hundred yards of cemetery.
With the arrival of Jasper, I decided to interrupt my sister’s chatter. “Miss Powell, allow me to introduce my sister Alice Whitlock, and her husband Jasper. Jasper is also my manager.”
Gloria nodded then in understanding and shook hands. Rose and Emmett arrived soon after, and more introductions we made.
We chatted for another fifteen minutes or so, until Gloria‘s son arrived to take her to dinner.
“Well, I must leave you all now. I’m dining with my son and his family. It seems that I’ll be giving out more unsolicited advice. One of my granddaughters got a tattoo.” She said, as if it was a dirty word. “In my day, only sailors got tattoos.” She sighed and shook her head as we all laughed.
Alice exchanged phone numbers, and we all said our goodbyes.
Before she left, Gloria turned to Bella and me. “Goodbye my friends. Something tells me that we’ll meet again.” She said as she patted our hands.
“If I had to assign a one-word description to Miss Powell” Alice said as we watched Gloria walk away, “I think it would be Classy.”
I nodded in agreement.
Next stop was the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip. I’d never attended their Sunday Gospel brunch before, so I had no idea what to expect.
When the Gospel group asked for ‘audience participation’, I realized that I shouldn’t have been surprised that Emmett would be one of the first people they’d call up there.
One of the ladies eyed me at the same time, silently pleading with me to come up on stage, but I politely refused with a slight shake of the head and my Hollywood smile. She smiled back sweetly.
Bella and I had the best seats in the house to watch her brother. I saw Bella cringe as Emmett rubbed up against all the little old Gospel ladies. I may have been wrong, but I swore I saw one of them cop a feel.
I’ll have to ask Emmett about that later.
I watched Bella as she studied everyone around us. My sister, although she couldn’t bring herself to go up on stage, was dancing beside her chair. Rose stayed seated while keeping an eye on Emmett.
Jasper, that stupid motherfucker, was so wrapped up in eating, that I doubt he even noticed the show.
Bella was so beautiful, and seemingly lost in the moment until her eyes made contact with mine. I pulled her to me and kissed her, not giving a damn about the prying eyes around us.
She pulled away from me and smiled. I watched her face as she glanced around the table and proceeded to give Alice, Jasper and Rose dirty looks.
As Emmett and I packed the luggage in the car for our trip to the airport, we were able to talk without the girls overhearing. “Edward, I’ve got to tell you something, and you may not approve“ Emmett stood facing me with his hands on his hips.
I looked at him questioningly.
“When we get to the airport, I want to confront that fucker that shouted at Bella.” He stated calmly.
I was immediately pissed when I thought of that piece of shit. “Emmett, I know that I don’t want you getting arrested. If you hit the guy, that’s what will happen. On the other hand, I’d like to help you pummel the hell out of the bastard.”
Emmett grabbed my shoulder with his hand. “Glad to know you feel like that. I’m not planning to lay a finger on him by the way. But, I think it best that you keep the girls back, while I deal with this.”
I really didn’t want Emmett handling this alone. “No, Emmett. You want me to look like a pussy and not defend my girlfriend?” I snapped.
Emmett grinned. “Too bad Andy. It was my idea, so I get to do it. You keep the girls back.”
I scowled. “Damn you Emmett. I’m definitely going to look like a pussy.”
He shrugged. “No you’re not.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Really?”
He grinned. “Well maybe a little.”
I glared at him. “Douche bag.”
He laughed.
As soon as we neared the line of paps, Emmett and I were able to slow the pace of our group. Emmett gave me a short nod which I returned before getting everyone to come to a full stop. I immediately pulled Bella behind me.
Emmett wasted no time. “Which one of you was it?” He asked angrily.
Jasper immediately stepped in. “Emmett, I know what you’re doing, and as much as I’d like to see you wipe up the floor with that piece of garbage, there are two things that stop me from helping you.”
Emmett crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Jasper coolly.
Jasper sighed. “First of all, I don’t want to be responsible for you being arrested. And second, I don’t see that asshole anywhere, he’s not here.”
Emmett seemed to become less angry. “You’re sure?” He questioned.
“Yes.” Jasper answered sincerely.
Emmet turned back toward the paps. “It seems that the one I really wanted to see isn’t here, so I’ll just pass on a message through you. You tell him I’d better never see him. He’d better never show his face around me. I will fucking end him.” He then grabbed Rose’s hand and stalked away.
We followed at a brisk pace. Bella turned to me. “You knew about this didn’t you?”
I nodded. “Your brother has a mind of his own. I doubt he would have hit the guy, but I know he intended to scare the piss out of him.” I smiled. “He has his own way of handling things, not the path I would have chosen, but effective none the less.”
“Oh really? How would you have handled it?” Bella asked.
“I’m more of a ‘plotting quiet revenge’ sort of guy. I don’t go after them physically, but there are other ways to make their life hell.”
Although I'm starting to appreciate Emmett's methods more and more.
“I don’t know Mr. Movie Star, I distinctly remember you pinning Mike Newton against a wall and threatening his life.” She grinned.
Yes, that was very satisfying.
I chuckled. “I guess you’ve got me there Miss Swan. A lot of things about me have changed since I met you, and you have no idea how happy that makes me.” I said as I pulled her closer as we walked.
For some unknown reason, Bella forced me to sit in the window seat. All I could guess was that she wanted to be able to talk across the aisle to Emmett if need be.
Before take-off I decided to touch base with Clint.
How cool is that? Clint answers his own phone. He doesn’t have an assistant do it for him.
“Hi, it’s Edward Masen. How are you?”
“Hello Edward. I’m fine, as a matter of fact, I was just thinking about calling you. How are you?”
“I’m good. I’m just getting ready to take off on a flight to Seattle. My girlfriend lives there.”
“Yeah, I think I heard a little about that.” Clint said with a chuckle.
I smiled at Bella. “Yes, I’m sure you have.” I laughed.
“Anyway, I have to fly to England in about a week, and I won’t be returning until late May, so I wanted to touch base with you.”
“I plan to visit Seattle in June. I know we’ve never worked together before Edward, but I’m one of those guys that likes to be involved in every part of the process of the film. I even get involved with the casting of the extras.“
“Yes, I knew that, and I do appreciate that approach.” I said.
“Do you plan to spend much time in Seattle after you’re finished filming in England?” He asked.
“Yes, as much time as I can.“
“Let me know when you return from England, we’ll meet then and talk over things.”
“That sounds good. I’ll call you then, and we can set that up. Oh by the way, I ran into a friend of yours that wished to tell you hello.” I said.
“Oh, yeah?” Clint sounded curious.
“Gloria Powell.“
“Gloria! She’s a wonderful woman. Where did you see her?” Clint asked.
“Of all places, would you believe Westwood Cemetery?”
“She was probably visiting George” Clint said quietly. “How is she?”
“She seems well. Bella and I enjoyed our conversation with her very much. It was, enlightening.” I squeezed Bella’s hand.
“She’s a very smart lady." He chuckled. "If I know Gloria, she probably gave you quite a bit to think about. I should probably give her a call.” He said.
“I think she’d really appreciate that.” I answered.
“Well, it was good talking to you Edward. Enjoy England, and we’ll get together when you return.”
“Okay, thanks Clint, I’ll speak with you soon.”
I ended the call and shut off the phone.
“Clint wants to fly to Seattle after I return from England. He likes to visit all the film locations so he can be involved in the local casting. I think I’m really going to like working with him.” I told Bella.
“I guess I didn’t tell you, he’s directing as well as acting in this film. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity.“
After take-off I pulled out my ipod, hoping to relax for the next couple of hours. Bella and I listened together, sharing my earbuds, before she got distracted by her brother.
A few minutes later, she handed me the earbud and motioned that I should put it in my ear. I did as she wanted, and sat back relaxing into the seat. After a while, I closed my eyes and lost myself in the music.
My eyes flew open when I felt a thump which shook my seat. When it happened for the second time, I removed my earbuds and leaned toward Bella “I hate turbulence.” I said as I grabbed her hand.
Bella didn’t seem upset as she continued to drink her wine. “It’s not turbulence Edward.”
I was confused.
If it wasn’t turbulence, what the hell was it?
The thumping continued, and it wan't long before I became all too aware of what was causing it.
“I knew we should have changed our seats, I can’t believe that some people are so horny that they can’t wait.” I was disgusted that Bella had to be a witness to this.
She just sighed and continued to sip her wine.
She’s really calm about this. Doesn’t seem embarrassed at all.
The thumping continued, and I looked around Bella toward Emmett and Rose. Their seats were empty. “Where are Rose and Emmett?” I asked.
Bella just looked at me.
Why won’t she answer me?
Then I realized exactly where Rose and Emmett had disappeared to.
No fucking way.
“No.” I muttered, in shock.
“Yes.” She whispered.
A few minutes later, Rose and Emmett emerged from the bathroom. Neither of them looking in the least bit embarrassed.
I had to hand it to Emmett, he had balls.
For the rest of the flight, I watched my beautiful Bella, as she kept an eye on her brother.
I thought it odd that Emmett introduced Rose to the flight attendant as we left, but Emmett was nothing if not predictable.
When the guy offered them airline wings for joining the ‘Mile High Club’, I laughed my ass off.
I wonder if, some day, Bella would consider joining the Mile High Club with me.
I looked down at her beautiful face as we walked.
I’m so glad she can’t read my mind.
Chapters 34&35 - Give And Take
As soon as I stepped into Bella’s apartment the guilt of what I’d done the last time I had been there began to overwhelm me.
I’d apologized innumerable times, but it never felt like it was enough. As I looked around, I became painfully aware of the extent of her emotional upset during the two days after I’d gone. Her usually cheerful, neat little apartment, was dark and disheveled.
“Bella, I’m just going to put our bags away.” I muttered quietly as I carried them to her closet. I silently helped straighten the living room before we settled on the sofa with a couple of sodas.
As we sat there, Bella’s phone began to ring.
I’m bringing sexy back
Them other boys don’t know how to act
I think you're special, what's behind your back?So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.
What the?
Who is calling my girl with a ringtone like that?
“Emmett, when the heck did you change my ringtone?” Bella barked into the phone.
Emmett, of course.
I started to chuckle silently. He had been the source of much amusement over the past few days.
We had pizza with Emmett and Rose that evening as Rose discussed the interview she had planned for Geri Chance. Unfortunately, I would miss it because it was scheduled for the day after I left for England.
I felt bad that Bella had class the next day, and wished she had a day to catch up on her sleep. The last week had been fun, but exhausting. When I found out that she intended to drive herself to school, I almost lost my shit.
My first reaction was to insist that I accompany her to class, but Bella, knowing I was tired, forbade it. I acquiesced once she agreed to continue allowing Lou to drive her to and from school.
She didn’t put up much of a fight once I reminded her that whoever vandalized her car hadn’t been caught yet.
So, having no where to be, I reluctantly decided I would sleep in.
When I woke up, it was after nine. I gave Lou a quick call to let him know when to pick me up, and got dressed.
I decided to visit a guitar store that I’d not set foot in for years. Before I realized it, I’d been there for over an hour, trying out the various guitars. By the time I left, I’d purchased two. One that I took with me, and the other was a special order which would be ready after my return from England.
Just as I was paying, my phone chimed, alerting me to a text. I looked at the screen, suddenly realizing that it was already noon.
Whatcha doin?
Damn, I was hoping to have lunch with her today.
Hey baby, I wanted to come have lunch with you, but got delayed. You go ahead and eat, I know you have class again soon.
I sent the text as I exited the store, and waited for a response.
I’m phoning you.
A moment later ‘Like A Virgin’ started playing on my phone. The image of Bella writhing around on the karaoke stage during her ‘performance’ came flooding back to me and, as a consequence, I got a raging hard on.
Extremely thankful that by then I was in the car, I chuckled as I thought about my girl’s sense of humor. “When did you change my ringtone?“ I asked into the phone.
She giggled. “Early this morning, you were still asleep.“
Clever, unpredictable girl.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, considering the uncomfortable situation in my jeans at that moment.
“The memory of that night will torture me for the rest of the day now.” I said, still chuckling. “Just remember that turn about is fair play.”
I’ll have to think of some way to get even.
“So, you never answered my question.”
“What question was that?” I responded.
“Whatcha doin?” She asked playfully.
“At the moment, I’m in a car while Lou drives me toward downtown Seattle. I was hoping to see my girlfriend a little later.”
“Will she be jealous that you’re speaking with me Mr. Movie Star?” Bella teased.
“Well, she does have a bit of a temper. I’m hoping she’ll let me slide just this once.”
“Possibly, if you come and pick her up right now.” She answered sweetly.
My mind immediately jumped to conclusions.
“Why baby, what’s happened?”
“Nothing’s happened, nothing is wrong. I just don’t have class this afternoon.” She replied soothingly.
“Oh I see. In that case, I’m on my way. See you soon Bella.” I felt myself immediately calm.
“I’ll meet you in front of the Hub.” She answered.
Bella didn’t explain the reason for her free afternoon until we were riding in the car, headed back downtown.
“Okay, so I thought about it, and decided to switch the two classes that I have on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to online. I couldn’t do anything about the Tuesday-Thursday classes though.”
“Wait a minute, you just said that you went to class.” I was confused.
“The online classes required attendance for the first session, which I did this morning.” She smiled.
Bella just made my day so much better.
“So this means you’re free this Wednesday, and Friday?”
“And next Monday.” She answered quietly. Neither of us wanted to think about Monday, since that was the day I would be leaving for England.
“I’m sure Rose still needs me to work, but I was hoping she’d let me work Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and all day Wednesday so I could be off today and Friday.”
“You’ve got this all planned out don’t you?” I asked, still smiling.
“Yes. I wasn’t sure I would be able to switch the classes easily, so I didn’t say anything before. I was also hoping that you’d want to go to Forks with me for Easter, Mr. Movie Star.”
“I would love to Miss Swan.”
We had a late lunch at a little bistro near Bella’s apartment. The paps were hot on our trail today, and on top of that, I noticed that we drew a lot of attention from the public.
“How long did it take you to get used to the staring?” Bella asked.
I thought back to my early days in Hollywood, when I would have been lucky if anyone even remembered my name.
I smiled. “Well, in my case Bella, it happened gradually. My fame didn’t really happen over night, it took place over the course of several months to a year. It was well over a year before I was recognizable to Joe Blow on the street. As I got more famous though, people tended to get bolder. I’m still not used to that.”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“There have been ‘fans’, and I use the term lightly here, that have tried to physically accost me. They are usually trying to get something from me. Sometimes a piece of clothing, or a lock of hair.”
She was shocked. Again, these were things that, unfortunately, came along with the job. “They tried to cut your hair?” She asked incredulously.
I grinned. “Yes, of course, obsession makes the seemingly rational person do irrational things I suppose.” I paused.
“Have you ever been stalked?” She asked.
“It depends on what you mean by stalked.”
This subject made me nervous, but on the other hand I hoped sharing this with Bella would help her to understand why I worried about her.
I shrugged. “The worst incident for me was this one fan that wouldn’t leave me alone.” I answered. “After following me for weeks, the police literally found her hiding in the bushes outside of my house.”
“Your house?”
“Not the one I live in now. It was the one I had before this one. She’s the main reason that I now live in a fortress. That whole episode was seriously creepy.” I shuddered as I remembered.
“What did she want?” She asked, worriedly.
“What do they all want?” I lowered my voice, deciding to tease her a little. “To seduce me, to chain me to their bed, become the mother of my children.“
“Unfortunately for them, there’s only one woman I’m interested in doing those things with.” I said as I lifted her hand and brushed my lips lightly against her open palm.
And with the vision of Bella chaining me to her bed, the painful erection had returned.
The expression on Bella’s face however, made the pain worthwhile. She was stunned, but also looked like she wanted to jump me right there in the restaurant. I chuckled shamelessly.
She smiled and leaned forward as if to kiss me. Instead, I watched as the tip of her tongue peeked out from between those luscious lips and proceeded to lick me from jaw line to ear lobe.
Tou-fuckin-ché, Miss Swan.
I sat back in my chair, stunned, having to blink several times before speaking.
“Bella, did you enjoy the caveman exhibition so much that you want an encore?“ I asked in a quiet voice.
“Not here” She squeaked out.
“Then you’d do well to never do that again.” I faked a serious expression. “At least not in public.” I grinned.
We spent the evening with my parents. I didn’t argue with Bella when she’d insisted on it, knowing that I’d be in England for over a month. To be honest, I was secretly delighted that she wanted to spend time with them.
“Bella, you really don’t understand.” I smiled when we were on our way home. “I never used to come home to Seattle. If my parents wanted to see me, they would have to wait a long time for my visits. Instead, they usually made the trip to L.A.“
“They’ve seen more of me in the last three months then they had for the previous two years, simply because I’ve been coming here to visit you.“
“Edward, why would you treat your parents that way?” she asked.
Because when you’re not around, I’m an asshole.
“I was pretty fucked up for a long time Bella. I didn’t want anyone too close, even my parents. I’ll always regret that. In my mind, I always viewed home as the place where everything in my life fell apart. I always felt more in control back in L.A.”
“Since I’ve met you, everything is different. The prodigal son has returned home. You my dear Miss Swan seem to be the cure for all my hangups. If I‘ve never said it before, thank you for that.” I added with a smile.
When we arrived at Bella’s, Emmett was waiting in the living room.
Bella went into panic mode. “Emmett, did something happen to Rose? Charlie?” I wrapped my arm around her in a soothing gesture.
“No, sorry Bells. Shit, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Emmett blurted out. He stood there pouting for a minute.
“Rose is pissed at me.”
“Oh Emmett, Rose is always pissed at you. She’ll blow off steam, then she’ll get over it.” Bella answered, relieved.
“I don’t know about that.” He said skeptically.
“What happened this time?”
“You know I’m shooting my ads tomorrow and the next day right?“
“Of course Emmett, you’ve only told me about it fifty times already.“ She answered in an exasperated tone.
“They called me today to go over the schedule. Tomorrow all my solo shots, video and interviews will be done. Wednesday I have to work with their female model. Nothing risqué, just more still shots and video. Rose found out and is pitching a bitch.”
“Why would Rose react like that, it’s just a job. It’s not like you’d be interested in the model or anything.” Bella remarked.
“She didn’t lose it until she found out the model’s name, she‘s an actress. Edward knows her, he’s worked with her before. It’s Jonelle Everett, she was in that movie September Ends with him.”
At the mention of that name, I cringed. Jonelle Everett is one name that could actually make my skin crawl and my dick want to retreat up into my body. I hated every minute of working with her, except possibly the final scene in which I had the extreme pleasure of ending her life.
Yeah, that shit almost made the misery worth it.
“Evidently, she’s got a reputation for going after every guy she works with.” Emmett continued. “I just don’t understand why Rose wouldn’t trust me.”
“Oh Emmett, I’m sure she does.” Bella tried to reassure.
“Rose is insisting on being there on Wednesday. I really don’t care if she comes. That’s fine. I just wish she’d trust me. I won’t lie Bells, it hurts.”
I pitied Emmett at that moment. My pity had nothing to do with his hurt feelings, and everything to do with the fact that he‘d have to work with Jonelle Everett.
Emmett turned to me. “Edward, what do you say? You worked with that chick before.”
I paused, then answered truthfully. “It would be better if Rose went with you.”
Tuesday, Bella went to class, while I played around with my new guitar. I made sure to arrive at the Hub a few minutes before noon, in order to have lunch with my girl.
Afterwards, Bella went on to work, and I went back to the apartment. I decided I’d do laundry while I waited for her to come home. I walked into the re-furbished laundry room, quite pleased with what I found. The contractors had done a very nice job. They’d installed dark gold carpeting and replaced the washers and dryers with state of the art models. The landlord had even purchased a dark brown leather loveseat and placed it along one wall with an I-home on a table beside it.
I ran back to the apartment to grab my ipod and placed in in the deck before I began the task of sorting laundry. Within five minutes I realized I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. I pulled out Bella’s bedsheets, knowing that I could at least figure how to wash them. Unfortunately, when I opened the first washing machine, it was full of someone’s washed laundry. Luckily the other one was empty and I shoved the sheets in, adding detergent before starting it. Hoping that someone would come along soon to dry their laundry so the other machine would be free, I went back to reading labels in an effort to sort the next load.
“Wow, and he can sing too.” Said an unfamiliar voice from the doorway. I looked up the see a young woman standing there smiling at me.
I hadn’t realized that I’d been singing along with the Kings of Leon’s Use Somebody as I sorted. She casually strolled over to one of the washing machines and began to remove the wet clothing, quickly placing it in a dryer.
“Sorry, were you waiting for this?” She smiled apologetically.
“Um, no it’s okay. I’m still attempting to sort.” I answered as I shook my head.
She finished loading her clothes and started the dryer before turning back to me. “Would you like some help with that?” She asked in a friendly tone.
I sheepishly nodded, knowing that if I screwed up, I would surely turn all Bella’s and my white clothing a lovely shade of pink. She continued to smile and came to stand beside me. In a matter of a few minutes, we had everything sorted into three piles, and I started a washer full with the first one. During the course of our sorting, I’d discovered that her name was Angel, and that she didn’t live on this floor, but started doing her laundry here when she found out about the remodel.
“The rumor is that one of the tenants paid for this remodel, and I’m starting to believe that may just be the case.“ She said as she narrowed her eyes at me.
I just shrugged, not admitting to anything.
After a few minutes she sat on the loveseat waiting for her laundry to dry. I felt awkward. I didn’t want to run back to the apartment, for fear of appearing rude, but I didn’t want to give her the wrong idea by staying. After deliberating for a couple of minutes I decided not to be an anti-social prick and sat down. I had grabbed a paperback from one of Bella’s shelves, and sat there nervously thumbing the pages as we chatted.
She stayed around even after her laundry was dry and folded, which I found odd. So, once I’d started the last load to wash, I decided it was time to say goodbye. I grabbed my ipod and headed for the door, only to realize that Angel was following.
“Um, it was really nice meeting you Angel, and thanks for the help. I’m going to go back to the apartment and see if I can break my girlfriend’s dishwasher.” I chuckled.
“Would you like some help with that too?” It was the same question as before, but this time her tone of voice had become soft and alluring. At least I assumed that was what she was trying for, I just found that it grated on my nerves.
“No, I’m good.” I was hoping I had heard wrong.
“You could just forget about the dishes and come over to my place.” She said quietly.
I took a step back. “You seem really nice Angel, but I’m not interested.” I answered with a frown.
Angel threw her hands up in surrender. “Hey, it doesn’t have to mean anything Edward, we could just have a good time.”
I looked at her incredulously. “Why does it always turn out like this?”
She gave me a confused look.
“Just once I’d like to have a normal conversation with a woman without being hit on.” I answered, slightly angry.
Angel laughed darkly at that. “Edward, too bad that your reputation precedes you. Everyone’s read about your exploits for years. Don’t try to deny it now.“
I shook my head in disgust. “You shouldn’t believe everything you read.” I said before turning on my heel and heading back to Bella’s apartment.
Angel was no where to be seen when I returned to finish doing laundry.
By the time Bella was due to be home, all her laundry was folded neatly and put away and mine was packed in my suitcase. The pervert in me thoroughly enjoyed having an excuse to run my fingers through her underthings.
I fought the urge to steal another pair of panties, telling myself that next time, I would be sure to take a pair that had been newly worn. I couldn’t seem to help myself.
I was turning into such a perverted bastard.
It was getting more and more difficult to continue being a gentleman around Bella, but I was making a valiant effort.
The next day, Bella didn’t have class, but was supposed to work at WIRI all day. I had promised to bring her lunch.
I spent the morning making phone calls. Alec assured me that he and Sidney would arrive in London a couple days before I did, in order to secure my hotel suite and lease the car. Alice let me know that she was packing two large suitcases for me, and transporting them with Alec.
In the middle of my call with Alice, I received a text from Bella.
Rose needs me. I’m going to the Four Seasons. Don’t know if I’ll be able to have lunch with you today, I’m sorry. Love you.
It knew that Lou was only a few minutes away, so I hoped that Bella planned to contact him.
How did you plan on getting there?
Her answer was not what I’d hoped.
I’m calling a cab. Don’t worry about it.
I sent a quick text to Lou, advising him to pick me up as threw on my hoodie.
Don’t call a cab. Lou and I can be there in ten minutes.
I should have known she wouldn’t listen to reason.
Too late the cab’s on its way. See you later, I love you.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I was fuming, but trying really hard to rein in my temper. She never listens to reason. When will she realize that she’s a fucking danger magnet.
This is exactly what she meant by not overreacting asshole.
I took a few deep breaths before I texted her back.
You know that I love you too. I just worry. See you in a bit.
I hit send and headed downstairs to wait for Lou.
We hit every red light. Every damned one.
I had to inquire where the photoshoot was being held. If I’d been anyone else, they wouldn’t have given me that information. But, I flashed the Hollywood smile, and the chick at the front desk was putty in my hands.
When I arrived at the hotel sauna, which was supposedly the scene for the first shoot today, there was no Bella, Rose or Emmett anywhere to be found. One of the crew explained that I would find Emmett in room 212.
When the elevator doors opened on the second floor, I was delighted to find my girl on the other side of them.
My delight was short-lived however, when I heard the voice I’d have been happy to never hear again in thie lifetime, Jonelle Everett. “Hold the elevator please.” She screeched.
Fuck me sideways.
Damn my stupid, well-mannered upbringing, I pressed the ‘door open’ button, just as I did this, Bella grabbed my hoodie, pulling the hood over my head. Then, in one fluid movement, she placed her hands on either side of my face and pressed me against the far corner of the small space, while pulling me down into a searing kiss.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I would be willing to do it again and again.
I pulled her body flush with mine as I deepened the kiss.
The voice of Jonelle Everett pulled me from my happy place.
“Get a room” was her brilliant remark just before she exited the elevator.
When Bella and I finally broke apart, I chuckled softly. “You know, I think you probably had a reason for doing that, but I can’t say that I care.”
Suddenly, the doors opened again, I peered up to see that Jonelle was back.
“Edward Masen? Is that you?” She questioned.
I can’t catch a fucking break today. Not one.
I let out a breath. “Yes Ms Everett. How are you?” I asked politely.
My girl stepped in front of her, causing Jonelle to glare.
“Ms Everett” I stated in my most businesslike voice “Allow me to introduce my girlfriend Isabella.” I reached my arms around Bella’s waist as I said this.
Jonelle looked unhappy.
“Hm, pleased to meet you.” She frowned. “Well, I forgot something in my room, I need to go back up there.”
Bella immediately grabbed me by the front of my hoodie and pulled me from the elevator without saying goodbye to the plague of my existence.
If Bella only knew how many times that bitch had tried to touch my junk, she’d probably gut her.
Once we were in the car, Bella proceeded to tell me about the insane events that had transpired before I arrived. I was stunned that Jonelle had been having sex with any woman, much less Tess, her assistant.
Tess was definitely too good for her.
Bella immediately left Rose a lengthy message explaining all the sordid details.
We picked up lunch, and carried it back to WIRI with us. While we ate, Rose stopped by to tell us she’d scheduled an interview with Jonelle for later that evening.
That should be interesting.
That evening, Rose stopped by to give us the details of her interview. I was shocked when it was revealed that Jonelle admitted to being gay.
She had been coming on to every male actor she worked with for years, in order to hide that fact.
Seems that she’s not only a pain in the ass, she’s also an idiot.
On Thursday, after dropping Bella at school, Lou drove me to the hospital. My Dad was insisting that I have a quick check-up before leaving for England. Even though I explained that I’d had a physical before we started filming, he was a worrier, so I decided to humor him.
Dad’s nurse, Anita, greeted me upon my arrival. “Well would you look at what the cat dragged in?” She smiled and walked over to give me a hug. “You’d better not let Alice see you dressed like this Edward. She will have your ass.”
We both laughed. Anita had been my Dad’s nurse for over ten years, and had been to Mom and Dad’s house countless times for cookouts and parties, along with her children who were almost as old as Alice and me. She wasn’t just my Dad’s co-worker, she was a family friend.
“Come on stud, I’m taking you straight to your Dad’s office. We’ve got a whole new batch of stepford nurses, just dying to relieve you of your pants. I’ve got to protect my boy.” She said as she winked.
I blurted out a laugh as I followed her.
Once in my Dad’s office, Anita took my blood pressure and temperature as she studied my face with a knowing eye. “You gonna tell me about this girl?”
My response sounded something like: ’nmrph ho hoo mrstn tsseow?’
Anita chuckled and removed the thermometer.
“Why do you do that?” I asked with a smile.
“Do what?” Anita asked innocently.
“Ask me questions while the thermometer is in my mouth?” I grinned.
“It’s just my way of messing with people. It amuses me Edward, so deal with it.” She said with a grin. “Just be glad I don’t get my jollies by taking your temperature rectally.”
I actually cringed, which made Anita roar with laughter.
I told her a little about Bella as she listened attentively. Anita left as soon as Dad arrived a few minutes later. He did the eyes, ears and throat check before listening to my lungs.
He grinned. “Shut it jackass.”
I laughed.
“Edward, you know this is more for my peace of mind than anything else.”
I nodded as I grinned at him.
“You need to take care of yourself son.” He looked me in the eye and sighed. “I know that everyone has already chewed you out for that bender you went on a couple of weeks ago, but I never had my turn.” He quirked an eyebrow as he glared at me. “Edward, I don’t enjoy hearing your mother sobbing in the next room.”
I immediately felt like shit. Worse than shit.
“I don’t enjoy talking to your sister on the phone when she’s so distraught that she’s also in tears.”
My chest started to hurt.
Is that the first sign of a heart attack?
Dad’s tone softened when he took in my expression, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. “I can only imagine what Bella was going through during that time.”
I dropped my head in shame. Dad gave my shoulder a slight squeeze.
“I’m not going to coddle you Edward and tell you everything’s okay. You need to hear these things.” He spoke in a quiet even tone. “For seven years I sat back and let your mother and sister worry constantly about you. That ends today.”
Fuck. I wish he’d just punch me or something. This is hard to take.
“You need to man-up. You’re not a child. Your stupid decisions affect a lot of people that I care deeply about, and now Bella is included in that list. Did you even stop to think about what that girl has gone through? She shouldn’t have to deal with your self-loathing bullshit on top of everything else.”
I took a deep breath and released it. Every word my father had said was true.
“Okay. I’ve said what I needed to. We won’t speak of this again.” He said in an authoritative tone.
I nodded. And just like that, he changed the subject.
“Dorothy’s is coming to dinner tonight. Your mother and I would like to have you, Bella, Emmett and Rosalie there as well.“ He was smiling now.
I couldn’t answer right away, my mind still hanging on his words from a few minutes ago.
“Edward.” He said softly. “Come on son.” He urged, trying to pull me from my thoughts. “Do you know what the hardest thing about being a parent is?”
“What?” I asked, my voice rough with emotion.
“The most difficult part of being a parent is watching your child make a mistake, and somehow feeling that you have failed them in some way.” He said sadly. “You haven’t cornered the market on self-loathing Edward.”
I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry Dad. I never meant to hurt anyone.”
“I know that.” He answered.
“And for the record” I added. “You’re a great Dad. The best.”
“Thanks son.”
“Exactly who am I going to meet tonight?” Bella asked as we rode with Emmett and Rose to have dinner with my parents.
“She’s a close friend of the family. We’ve known her for years. She just got back from Florida, after spending the winter there. I’m anxious for her to meet you.” I explained.
We were greeted warmly by my parents, but I was anxious to introduce Bella to Dorothy, so I took her hand, leading her into the living room.
“Dorothy Ward, I’d like you to meet Bella Swan.” I announced proudly.
Dorothy immediately pulled Bella into a hug. “Glad to finally meet you Bella. You‘ve been responsible for quite a change in our boy over the last few months. Keep up the good work because he used to act like an asshole a good deal of the time.“ She said with a chuckle.
Emmett guffawed from across the room.
Dorothy continued. “Hey, I just call it like I see it. I think Edward would be the first to admit that he’s changed for the better.” She winked at me.
I grinned. “Undoubtedly Dorothy. You know me well.”
Bella and Dorothy hit it off, as I knew they would. Rose and Emmett also seemed to fall under Dorothy’s spell.
One of the funnier moments was when Dorothy, an avid football fan, gave Emmett hell for the Seahawks’ terrible season.
She entertained us all the way through dinner with stories of her grandchildren. She complained about them, but I knew she missed them terribly once she returned home. Mom told me that Dorothy took each grandchild on vacation during the summer. Not all together on one trip, she took each one on their own separate vacation.
I was really happy that Emmett asked Dorothy to attend his and Rose’s wedding, and I knew that Dorothy was touched by the gesture.
After dinner, as everyone else settled down in the living room to talk, I took Bella’s hand and led her to the music room.
We sat side by side at the piano.
“Any requests Miss Swan?” I asked playfully.
She thought for a moment. “I really liked that one you played on your guitar at the hotel in Laguna Beach. Um, do you know how to play it on the piano?”
I smiled.
Little does she realize that I play piano better than I play guitar.
I began to play the tune as I softly sang the words.
I just want to see you, when you're all alone,
I just want to catch you if I can,
I just want to be there when the morning light explodes,
On your face it radiates,
I can't escape,
I love you 'till the end.
I just want to tell you nothing you don't want to hear,
All I want is for you to say,
Why don't you just take me where I've never been before,
I know you want to hear me catch my breath,
I love you 'till the end
I just want to be there when we're caught in the rain,
I just want to see you laugh not cry,
I just want to feel you when the night puts on its cloak,
I'm lost for words don’t tell me cause all I can say,
I love you till the end.
The realization that I’d be leaving again soon was beginning to weigh heavy on me. Bella must have sensed this, because she wound her arms around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder as we sat there.
“I’ll miss you too Edward.” She said softly.
This moment, right now, is one that I’ll take with me.
Chapters 36 - Return To The Scene Of The Crime

Everything between us was completely normal again.
Thank God.
“Dorothy was a pleasant surprise.” Bella remarked with a grin.
“She is one of my favorite people.” I said as I smiled back.
We were on our way back to Bella’s apartment in Dad‘s Mercedes.
“I toyed with the idea of taking the Vanquish to Forks” I told her. “But I thought it would make you uncomfortable to be in such a flashy car for our first trip there.”
I’m sure her Dad would rightfully think I was some sort of rich asshole.
“Yeah. Even though I’m certain that every single person in Forks knows about us, I’m all for keeping a low profile while we’re there this weekend.” She grinned.
I nodded in agreement. “Besides, my Dad loves to have an excuse to drive the Vanquish.” I said with a chuckle.
Back at the apartment, Bella went to her room in order to pack for Forks. I watched TV for a while before going into the kitchen for a drink.
“Bella, would you like a drink?” I called to her.
“Yes please. A coke would be great” came her answer. I set out two glasses, added ice, and opened the fridge to retrieve the cans of coke.
There sitting in the center of the fridge was a huge hairy head, staring out at me.
I couldn’t help the scream that erupted from my lips as soon as I saw it.
WHAT THE FUCK? I shouted in my head.
I stood there panting like an idiot as I stared at the hairy monstrosity, before realizing that it was Chewbacca.
What the hell does this mean? Did I piss someone off and they’re sending me a Sicilian message?
I was vaguely aware that Bella was now standing beside me.
“Oh, shit. I forgot it was April Fool’s Day.” Bella muttered.
April Fool’s Day? What does that even mean? Who could have done this?
I stared for a few minutes as my heart rate returned to normal, and then, suddenly the answer came to me as clear as crystal.
“Emmett” I muttered in disgust.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” I added, as I abruptly left the kitchen.
I learned two things about myself that day. First, I found that if the circumstances were right, I could emulate the frightened screams of a pre-pubescent female. Second, although I was pretty sure that there existed a threshold which, if crossed, would cause me to actually shit myself. Thankfully Emmett’s prank had not frightened me to that point.
I would never have lived that one down.
I did however feel a sudden, extreme urge to take a piss.
“Your brother is one sick motherfucker.” I yelled from the bathroom.
I washed my hands and gazed at my reflection in the mirror. I was disgusted with myself for the scream.
“Pussy.” I muttered at my reflection.
As I rounded the corner toward Bella’s kitchen, I could hear her laughing and talking to someone.
“You know Emmett, someday someone is going to get even with you for all your nonsense.”
What the hell? Did she plan this with him?
She was laughing and joking with her brother at my expense. I really didn‘t know how to process this information.
Should I be a good sport and laugh with them?
Fuck that.
“Look Emmett, I just saw you in your underwear yesterday. I have no desire to see you sporting a pair of Depends.” She continued to laugh just before she finally glanced in my direction.
“Uh, Emmett, I’d better go.” She squeaked out, looking a little sheepish.
“Bye Em.”
She ended the call and had the nerve to smile at me. “Hi.” She said sheepishly.
I stared at her for a moment, thinking. “Just tell me that you didn’t have anything to do with that prank Bella.”
“What?” She said, flustered. “Oh God no Edward. It was clearly intended for me. You just got caught in the crossfire.” She said as she held back a laugh.
I could see that she was telling the truth, and was suddenly glad that I’d been the one to open that fridge. “Well, I’m glad that I was able to spare you that at least. Makes me feel a little better.” I was still feeling sorry for myself.
“Yes Edward.” She walked to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “You saved me.” She said with a smile.
And all was right with the world once again.
I grinned and kissed her nose. “Looking out for your welfare is my favorite thing Miss Swan, even when I’m unaware that I’m doing it.”
She tilted her head “That’s your favorite thing to do Edward? Really?”
I love playful Bella.
I smirked at her. “I guess not. Now that you mention it, I can think of a couple things that I like more.” I said as I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers.
I then brushed my tongue across her bottom lip, she immediately parted her lips, allowing entrance. The kiss became heated, with Bella’s hands tangled in my hair.
Be a fucking gentleman.
I couldn‘t help myself, I had to ask, both fearing and hoping for what the answer would be. “If you’ve changed your mind Bella, remember all you have to do is tell me.” I murmured “Just one word from you baby.” I whispered as I kissed down her neck and across her collar bone. “I can forget all about being a gentleman for a little while.” I breathed.
I continued to kiss her until I felt her move abruptly under my hands. She suddenly reached for the fridge, slamming the door shut.
“Sorry, Chewy watching us was creeping me out.” She grinned as she regained her composure. “Okay Mr. Movie Star, get your bag packed for Forks.”
I chuckled and shook my head.
I guess I got my answer.
Bella was making a serious effort to stay awake during the ride to Forks, but I could see that she was losing the battle. Knowing caffeine would be a short-tem fix, I pulled into a convenience store just outside of Port Angeles.
She stood with me in line as I waited to pay. I couldn’t help but notice how she kept fidgeting.
I thought about asking if she needed to use the rest room, but realized that would probably be an inappropriate question.
Back in the car, she settled down, but after a while got sleepy again. She had been asleep for about fifteen minutes when, from the corner of my eye, I watched her sit up suddenly and look around.
“Edward, isn’t that song from Death Proof?” She asked.
“Yeah, I have a whole playlist of songs from Tarantino movies. Do you like it?”
“Sure, I guess it’s okay.” She answered in a weird voice. “I wasn’t talking in my sleep, was I?”
I wonder what she didn’t want me to hear?
“No, why?” I grinned at her.
“Um, I just watch too many movies that’s all.” She muttered.
I don’t think I’ll ever completely understand how her mind works. But I hope to have the rest of our lives to find out.
Bella’s father was still at work when we arrived. She showed me around the house. I got a particular thrill knowing that I was finally getting an inside view of the house I’d watched from across the street on Christmas night.
We ended up in Bella’s bedroom, not because I had any hope of anything sexual happening, but because I craved information. I was mesmerized as I looked at all her photos. There was one with Bella’s family standing alongside of the family I recognized from Christmas.
“Who are they?” I asked, trying to be nonchalant.
“Those are the Clearwaters, Harry, Sue, Leah and Seth. They’re friends of the family.”
“How old’s that guy?” I asked while pointing at the boy.
Fucker is probably hot for Bella and she doesn’t even realize it.
“Seth is probably nineteen or twenty now, I really don’t keep track.” She answered. “What’s the problem Edward? Do you think I have a secret boyfriend or something?”
I frowned at those words.
“Edward where is this coming from? Remember me, Bella Swan, never had a date before you.” She laughed lightly.
I need to snap out of it.
I sighed. “I know, I’m being silly. I’m sorry Bella. By the time I leave on Monday, I’ll probably need medication. My paranoia is showing.” I wound my arms around her waist as I spoke.
“Come on, let’s get some lunch, and then there’s someone I’d like you to meet before we go to the grocery store.” She said with a smile.
My stupid jealous ass followed her downstairs.
Bella was doing a quick inventory of what she’d need to purchase at the store, when I heard a car pull up outside. It was a police car. I watched as the officer exited the vehicle and after a glance at the Mercedes, started walking to the front door. As luck would have it, I recognized him as the same cop who had stopped me on Christmas night.
Fuckity, fuck, fuck.
Feeling the urge to hide, I headed for the bathroom, mumbling an explanation as I left.
I hid inside, listening to their muffled voices, and hoping that the officer hadn’t recognized the car and said anything to Bella.
As soon as I knew he was gone, I came out.
That was a close one.
“Edward if you’re not feeling well, you don’t have to go. I can…” Bella began.
“Don’t be silly Bella. Let’s go, I’m starving.” I said with a big smile.
Bella directed me to the Forks coffee shop. The same restaurant where I’d hidden behind a giant elk head the day after Christmas in order to hide from her and her family.
God hates me.
Bella kept eyeing me with concern.
Probably because I’m acting like a freak.
“Edward, I’m pretty sure you don’t need the glasses and hat inside.”
“I don’t want anyone to recognize me.” I said in almost a whisper.
These fuckers are not coming off.
Our waitress ended up being the same elderly lady who waited on me in December.
Please don’t let her remember me.
The woman Bella called Margie gave her a box of hot cross buns to take to her Dad. I didn’t care, I just wanted to get the hell out of there.
Our next stop was Saint Anne’s church. Thank God I hadn’t stopped there during my stalking episode. As we sat in the back pew listening to Father Pat, I finally felt myself relax.
I thought back to a phone conversation I had with my mother earlier this week.
“Edward, how are you handling the fact that you have to leave Bella again?“ My mother asked.
“It’s difficult Mom. I worry about her so much when we’re apart. She’s not careful enough.”
“Edward, Bella has a family that loves her and looks out for her. Now she has us too. She will be fine.”
“I know. It‘s not just that. It seems that since the moment we found each other, we’ve done nothing but say goodbye.“ I sighed. “And then after she forgave me for my utter stupidity of a couple of weeks ago, here I am, leaving again.“
I couldn’t see my mother’s face, but suspected that she was smiling. “Oh my poor boy. The time will pass quickly you’ll see. Edward, when your father and I first married he was in his residency. We weren’t separated by an ocean as you and Bella will be, but we may as well have been.” She sighed. “It was a difficult time. Days would pass without seeing each other, and then even when your Dad was home, he spent most of the time catching up on precious sleep.“
I’d never realized any of this. Alice, on the other hand, probably knew everything because unlike me, she’d actually spent quality time with my parents during the last several years.
“Bella understands that this is your career, as I understood that about your father.” She continued.
“Mom” I hesitated. “Do you think, I mean, if I were to ask her when I came back. Do you think Bella would ..”
“Yes, Edward. I think she will say yes.” My mother’s voice broke as she answered me.
I smiled.
After the filming was over, I’d never have to leave her for very long ever again.
**end of flashback**
After Father Pat had concluded the services for Good Friday, he came over to greet us.
“Hello there Isabella.” He said as Bella hugged him.
“Hi Father Pat. I wanted you to meet Edward Cullen.”
I smiled as I shook Father Pat’s hand.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Edward. Isabella’s quite taken with you.” Father smiled.
Bella blushed at Father’s words, causing me to smirk at her embarrassment.
I chatted with Father Pat for a few minutes about the movie industry, eventually leading back to my trip.
“So Father, we’ll see you for Easter dinner?” Bella asked.
“Yes, of course Isabella. I wouldn’t miss it.”
With that, we said our goodbyes and headed to the car. Before I started it, Bella’s phone rang.
“Hey Rose” She answered.
I decided to wait until Bella was off the phone to start the engine so she would be able to direct me to the store.
“Oh sure, we’re on our way there now. Let me get something to write with.” She pulled out a little piece of paper. “Edward, can I look in the glove compartment for paper and pen?”
I shrugged. “You can look. I think Dad probably keeps a pen or two in there, not sure about paper.”
Bella opened it and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I glanced at her as she continued talking to Rose as she wrote. I waited patiently as she ended the call and got her list in order. Glancing out the window I noticed that most of the other cars had left the church parking lot.
Bella‘s voice brought my attention back to the matter at hand.
“Um, Edward, why was there a receipt in there for the Pacific Inn Motel, Forks Washington, December 25th 2009 with your name on it?”
Bella is going to leave my stupid stalking ass. Shit. Shit. Shit.
I was horrified. I’d been caught. I’d done this to myself.
Maybe if I begged?
“Bella, is there any possibility that you could forget you ever saw that?” I asked while looking at her with pleading eyes.
In response, she narrowed her eyes at me. “Oh Edward, I don’t think that’s going to happen.” She smirked and folded her arms across her chest as she waited.
I am so fucked.
Chapter 37&38 - The Ugly Truths
‘It's no surprise to me
I am my own worst enemy,
‘Cause every now and then
I kick the living shit out of me’
It was kind of ironic that we were in the parking lot of a Catholic Church, since I was about to make one hell of a confession.
As I sat there trying to figure out the best way to tell Bella what I needed to tell her, all my nervous habits rose to the surface. I was fully aware that, to Bella, I probably looked like a lunatic.
Of course the possibility that frightened me the most was that, if I came clean, Bella would dump me. I mean, of all the things to do, I was certain that stalking her would be the most unacceptable, especially taking into consideration what she’d had to endure at the hands of a stalker.
I hate myself.
“Edward, would you relax. It’s just me here. So you’ve been to Forks, so what?” The voice of my angel sounded in my ears.
I attempted to calm down by taking a deep breath and releasing it. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes.
Prove that you can trust her not to leave you.
“Okay. I can’t hide this from you anymore. Not that I intended to hide this from you this long. It’s just that the days and then weeks got away from me, being really busy, and I completely forgot about it. I meant to tell you, honestly….”
Okay, that was a load of bullshit. I’d been hoping to put this off for a few years at least.
“It all started when I met you. Well, I guess everything started when I met you.” I smiled at her, remembering that day. The last day I was one hundred percent rational, and one hundred percent miserable.
“I knew I’d miss you when you went home to Forks, I just never realized how much. All Christmas Day as I tried to enjoy myself with friends and family, my thoughts kept returning to you. More and more, you consumed my every waking moment. It got to the point that Dorothy even told me to go see you.”
“Once the thought entered my head, I couldn’t shake it. Alice being well, Alice, she knew I’d be making the trip. She told me to take Dad’s car because it was less conspicuous, she even packed an overnight bag for me, just in case I needed to stay.”
I glanced surreptitiously at Bella. She just sat there listening to me.
Probably planning her escape. Father Pat would most likely give her sanctuary until Charlie came to arrest my stupid ass.
I bit my fingernail and stared forward. “Once I arrived in Forks, things got weird. Not that they weren’t weird before, seeing as I’m a stalker.”
There, I said it, here’s the moment when she leaves me forever.
Isabella still hadn’t moved.
Maybe she’s in shock.
I continued my sordid tale. “First, I drove around the town trying to work up the nerve to go to your house. A deputy pulled me over for ‘driving erratically’ and proceeded to fuck with my head.”
The sound of her voice startled me somewhat “Do you know which deputy it was?” She didn’t sound freaked out.
Not even a little.
“That same dude that pulled up in front of your Dad’s house this afternoon.” I admitted.
“Ah, Mark. So that’s why you hid in the bathroom.” She was so calm.
“Exactly. Anyway, he let me go with a warning. After that, I drove straight to Charlie’s.” I cut my eyes at her.
“Why didn’t I ever see you Edward? Why didn’t you come to the door?” She asked.
Because I felt like an ass.
“You had company, I didn’t want to intrude. Also, if I’d gone to that door, I was convinced that your brother and Rose and probably even Charlie would kill me. Therefore, I sat in the car, watching from a distance like the fucking stalker I am.”
I continued looking out the windshield. “So, I just sat there watching you, falling more in love with you every minute. Of course I didn’t know it was love at the time, but it was.” I finally turned to look at her.
“Remember the text I sent you that night?”
She nodded.
“I was sitting in front of Charlie’s house when I sent it. After that, I spent the night at The Pacific Inn.” I sighed.
I waited for her reaction, and braced myself for the words that would officially ‘end me’.
Isabella seemed deep in thought.
Without warning she dove onto my lap, straddling me, and held my head between her hands.
My first thought was: Chief Swan has taught Bella how to break an assailant’s neck with her bare hands.
My second thought was: Fuuuck this is hot.
“Edward” she gasped before executing me.
“Bella?” I was afraid of what she was about to do, but this was So. Fucking. Hot.
Realizing that my sudden, and very unexpected erection was probably noticeable to her, I eased the seat back to give Bella a little more room to end my miserable life.
“Edward. That is the sweetest and sexiest thing you’ve ever done.” She whispered. “I can’t even tell you how much I love you right now. There. Are. No. Words.” She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. Hard.
My mouth fell open in surprise, and her tongue slipped inside. I couldn’t help but give myself over to the senses overwhelming me.
She didn’t hate me. She didn’t want to leave me. She thought my stalking was sweet and sexy?
I love this woman.
I kissed down her neck as she started grinding against me. She was in effect, giving me a lap dance.
Fuuuuck me.
When she whispered she loved me just before gently biting my earlobe, I was in serious jeopardy of jizzing my pants.
Bella and I had missed all the normal teenage moments, such as making out in my Dad’s car. Maybe we were making up for lost time? I didn’t fucking care as I continued to kiss her neck.
Without my permission, my hands started to travel up her legs, up under the hem of her skirt, until they reached their goal: the lace edge of Bella’s panties.
The sweet torture of her grinding stopped immediately. She moved her head until our foreheads were touching, and we both tried to bring our breathing under control. “Edward, you have no idea how much I’d love to continue this, but I may die of embarrassment if someone sees me giving you a lap dance in the church parking lot.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that burst from my mouth as she said this. “My God Bella, when I’m with you I lose all awareness of my surroundings.” I raised my head and gently brushed my lips against hers. “I wish I could say I was sorry for that.” I whispered.
I was a little sorry. I mean, if we’d gone much farther, I’m pretty sure that The Lord would have chosen a particularly hot and nasty spot in which I would spend eternity. After all, we were still on church grounds.
After a moment our breathing calmed and Bella extricated herself from my lap. I missed her warmth immediately. I turned to watch her, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes.
Maybe she’s finally angry with me. A delayed reaction?
“What are you thinking Bella?” I whispered.
She hesitated. “I just, what you said just now, I know exactly what you mean Edward. Every time you touch me, I lose track of where I am, and how I should behave. I’m trying so hard to be good, but I think it’s killing me.” She sighed.
I smiled gently as I shook my head. “You are good Bella. You’re the best person I know.” I took her left hand in mine, caressing her ring finger with my thumb, and thinking how much I‘d like a symbol of our love to rest there. “Sometimes, we get carried away, but isn’t that what people in love are supposed to do?“
“I sometimes feel like a terrible person Edward. It used to be easy to keep my thoughts kind of, I don’t know, maybe the word pure would be appropriate.“
I laughed out loud. She was so sweet.
“Okay, so maybe that’s not the right word.”
“Suffice it to say that, in the past at least I tried, but now look at me. I’m grinding on my boyfriend in the church parking lot.” She said in a disgusted tone. “On Good Friday!” She added in alarm. “I feel like Bella the bimbo.”
I palmed my face as I laughed at her words, all the tension and apprehension of a few moments ago gone. It didn’t take long for Bella to laugh along with me. After our laughter quieted down, I looked at her, still smiling, “I’m so going to miss you” I said as I leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips before starting the car.
“Edward why were you so weird during lunch today?” She asked as we drove to the grocery store.
I chuckled, finally secure in the knowledge that she wouldn‘t leave me over this. “The day after Christmas, I went to the Forks coffee shop for a quick breakfast. I was sitting on the other side of the partition when you and your family arrived. I hid behind that damned elk head until you left.”
She laughed at that. “Oh Edward, that is hysterical. Let me guess, Raye was your waitress?” She asked as she continued to laugh.
I nodded, remembering how afraid I’d been that day. “I was afraid she would recognize me today. Sorry I freaked you out.” I started to chuckle.
“You had quite an adventure didn’t you?” Bella asked.
I grinned. “I’d do it all again. If you haven’t figured it out by now, you’re my favorite obsession Miss Swan.” I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it as I drove.
“As you are mine Mister Movie Star.”
I got the feeling that the smiles and curious looks we received from the locals had more to do with the fact that these people had known Bella all her life, and less to do with my fame.
They’d known her as a small carefree child, then as a traumatized young girl. I hoped that now they would see her as a happy, confident young woman, finally moving forward and living her life as she was meant to.
The most surprising meeting of the day took place at the pizza parlor. I didn’t want her to exhaust herself by cooking a big meal tonight, so I’d convinced her to allow me to buy pizza with the promise that I would help her cook tomorrow.
As we sat waiting for the pizzas, Bella met an old high school classmate. It was clear that he truly cared for her. I tried very hard to hide my jealousy. It was difficult.
I was glad I didn’t know that he’d asked her out in high school before I shook his hand, or I would have probably acted like a dick.
As I drove back to Charlie’s, Bella mentioned the fact that the publicizing of her past had made it possible for everyone who knew her in high school to understand why she behaved the way she did, and hopefully forgive her. That statement troubled me.
“Bella, sweetheart, there is nothing to forgive. I never want to hear you talk like that again.” I said sincerely as I squeezed her hand. “You know, there are a lot of people that care about both of us. Sometimes I get so caught up in the ’eye of the storm’ as it were, that I forget that.” I answered quietly.
We were back at Charlie’s, enjoying the pizza, when my cell rang.
Wendy Graham
I‘d been expecting this call, so I excused myself and walked toward the living room to take it. “Hello, do you have news for me?” I asked Wendy.
“Hello Edward. Yes, we made the agreement.” Wendy began. She’d been working diligently to come up with a plea agreement on my airport arrest case. “There’s not even a fine, because they know that it wouldn’t mean anything to a guy with your kind of money.“ She chuckled. “You’re expected to pay for the replacement of the cameras you damaged, and the only other requirement is twenty hours of community service to be completed by July 30.”
I internally groaned, although I knew I deserved some kind of punishment for my drunken behavior.
“That’s doable.” I responded. “I can’t start until I’m back from England though.”
“Oh and Edward?“ Wendy continued.
“They were adamant that the community service be performed in L.A.” She said.
“Well, I’ll have time once I return. Thanks for all your hard work Wendy.”
“No problem, that’s why you pay me the big bucks.” She chuckled. “Have a great holiday Edward. I’ll have my assistant look into some community service options for you and e-mail them to Alec.”
“Thanks very much Wendy. You have a nice holiday also.”
After I disconnected the call, I walked back toward the kitchen. I could hear Bella and her Dad talking.
“No Dad, that’s okay. I’ll leave it up to Edward. He can decide what he wants to do.”
“What are you leaving up to me Bella?” I asked from the doorway.
Charlie cleared his throat. “I was going fishing for a few hours tomorrow morning, wanted to know if you’d like to join me. Emmett’s going too.”
Fuck. Do I want to be alone with Bella’s father and brother for hours? Especially since one of them will probably be armed?
I cut my eyes at Bella, wondering what she wanted me to do. “Edward, I told Dad it was okay with me if you wanted to fish. Rose and I can get all the cooking done while you’re gone.”
Great. Wonderful. Superb. She wants me to do this. Oh well, maybe we’ll bond.
Yeah, right.
I sighed and smiled, resigned to my fate. “In that case, I’d love to go Charlie.”
Charlie beamed. “Alright then, we’ll leave about five am” He said as he left the room.
Five o’ fucking what?
“Just think of it as a ‘bonding experience’ Edward.” Bella said as she laughed, no doubt taking in the expression on my face.
Once again, she’s thinking what I’m thinking. And probably with the same amount of sarcasm.
Rose and Emmett arrived later that evening. Evidently there was an ongoing argument between Emmett and the Chief about sharing a room with Rose.
I had to admit that I admired the Chief for sticking to his principles. Although I’d have given anything for Bella to be able to stay with me, I knew it was impossible. Her Dad would never buy the fact that I could be a gentleman.
“Cheer up Edward” Bella said with a smile. “At least you have a bathroom down here, and a pool table.” Bella said jokingly as we made up the sleeper sofa in the basement.
I frowned “It smells like moth balls, and cigars.” I stepped closer to her as I wrapped my arms around her, “and nothing like you.” I murmured as I ducked my head to kiss along her neck.
“I know it’s kind of stuffy, but it’s better than sleeping in the living room. You’d be woken up by every noise, at least down here your sleep will be undisturbed. Five a.m. comes pretty early.” Bella said quietly.
“Besides, if it makes you feel better, Rose and I never had sex on that sofa.” A voice boomed from across the room.
We looked toward the sound to find Emmett standing on the basement stairs smiling from ear to ear.
“Good to know Emmett.” I answered while shaking my head.
“Although I should probably tell you that this is the room where I perfected my ‘fart on demand’ technique.” He sighed and stretched “Good times, good times…”
Oh for God’s sake… probably explains why this room smells like ass.
“Emmett, why are you down here?” Bella asked, disgusted.
“Just making sure you’re coming upstairs Bellaboo. Not that I think Andy’s going to do anything out of line, but if I’ve got to be lonely, then he does too.”
I wish he’d go away.
Bella just stuck her tongue out at her brother just before I gave her a passionate goodnight kiss, putting her tongue to much better use.
“You really don’t know anything about fishing do you Andy?“ Emmett asked with a smug expression.
“About as much as you know about shutting the fuck up.” I snarked. I was grouchy and tired.
Emmett barked out a laugh, to which his Dad told him to be quiet before he scared all the fish away.
I was also starving and it was cold. If anyone had told me a week ago that I’d be out on the water, freezing my ass off, as I pretended to know how to fish at six o’clock at the fucking morning, I’d have told them to lay off the crack pipe.
“Andy, watch closely, I’m going to show you how to bait a hook.” Emmett said in an authoritative tone.
Chief Swan gave him a puzzled look.
Baiting the hook was disgusting. I thought back to when I was a kid, and Mom and Dad took us out on the boat. Sometimes we’d take a fishing pole along and ’fish’. We always baited the hook with lunchmeat, and we always threw the fish back.
Nightcrawlers are disgusting.
A couple hours into our excursion, I was actually starting to enjoy myself. Charlie was a man of few words, but when he spoke, people paid attention.
I finally understood the remark last night about the tub full of lime jello when Charlie told me about the April fool’s pranks Emmett had played on him. When I told Charlie about the wookie head in the fridge, I saw a twinkle in his eye, as though he was suppressing a laugh, just before he turned an angry glare on his son.
“What the hell were you trying to do to Bella with a stunt like that Emmett?” He barked.
Emmett actually looked a little sheepish as he defended himself. “Bella didn’t find the head now did she Pops? Besides, she‘s tougher than you think.” He stretched and propped his legs up on the cooler. “Yeah, I’ll have to think of something even more brilliant for next year, since Andy Stitzer here spoiled all my fun.”
Charlie still didn’t look happy.
Note to self: Make sure to have Bella on the other side of the world next April Fool’s Day.
Hold on, I’ll probably be filming in Europe at that time. Perfect.
All of a sudden there was a tug on my line. Whereas Emmett and the Chief had caught several fish by this time, this was the first bite I’d had all morning. As I reeled in the fish, Emmett got excited and jumped to his feet, racing over to my side.
He grabbed my rod just as my catch cleared the water. “Well, would you look at that. That sucker’s pretty big. Congratulations Eddie.”
I’d almost rather he call me Andy.
It turned out that my fish was bigger than anything they had caught that morning. A fact that made me feel a little smug.
By the time we got back to the house, my mood had improved significantly. We told the girls all about our exciting morning as we ate Eggs Benedict.
I helped Bella clean the kitchen afterwards, and while she started to boil eggs in order to color them later, I went to lay down in the smelly basement.
The next thing I knew, I’d fallen asleep. I felt a soft warm body snuggle against me, and put my arm around Bella, holding her close. “Where’s Charlie?” I asked, not wanting him to see us and come to the wrong conclusion.
More importantly, I didn’t want Bella to be humiliated.
“He’s taking a nap in his recliner. It’s okay, I can’t be down here too long, anyway. I’ve got to start cooking.” She said with a yawn.
We were awoken by the sound of the kitchen timer. Bella hopped off the sofa and headed upstairs. Rose and Emmett were just leaving as I walked upstairs to help with the cooking.
“Where are they going?” I asked.
“They have a meeting with Father Pat about getting married in the church.”
“Oh” was my brilliant response.
All this time I had assumed they would get married in a public, secular venue, not thinking that either of them was particularly religious. Bella, on the other hand, seemed more dedicated to her faith.
Except when she was giving me a lap dance in the church parking lot.
Shit. I have to stop thinking about that.
It dawned on me that Bella would most definitely want to marry in her church. The thought made me inexplicably happy.
My first task in the kitchen was to help color the now cooled eggs. “Why exactly are we doing this?” I asked.
“I’ll give you three guesses, and the first two don’t count.” She answered as she arched an eyebrow at me.
“Emmett” I muttered.
“Bingo” She smiled.
“Don’t feel bad Bella, Alice colors eggs every Easter”
We both laughed.
After the eggs, we started cooking the fish feast. We were in the middle of making hushpuppies when the front door flew open.
“I can’t fucking believe this” Emmett boomed.
We rushed from the kitchen just as Charlie jumped up from his recliner to see what the trouble was.
“Emmett, you need to calm down. After all this was your idea. You just need to decide how important it is to you.” Rosalie said, trying to calm him.
Emmett stomped into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. “It’s not just about the wedding, it’s the fact that I want to rejoin the church.” He stormed as he took a big swig. “I thought Father Pat was a friend. This is ridiculous.”
Charlie finally said what we were thinking “What the hell’s going on Emmett?”
Emmett scowled “I had a long discussion with Father Pat about rejoining the Church. He was agreeable and gave me some literature I needed to read. He wants me to think it over and get back to him in a couple of weeks. If everything works out, I’ll be able to start receiving the Sacraments again. He also said that having the wedding in the Cathedral wouldn’t be a problem.”
“So what’s the big deal Emmett?” Bella asked.
“He said I was to use the next couple of weeks to reflect and decide if I was really serious. If I truly loved Rose and wanted to rejoin the Church, then the sacrifice asked of me would be secondary to that, in fact it should be easy.”
“What sacrifice Emmett?” Bella asked.
Emmett looked at her with a defeated expression. “No sex until the wedding.” He answered mournfully “Ab-sti-nence“ He pronounced each syllable.
He sighed and took another swig of his beer as we all looked on in stunned silence.
“I may just fucking die before the wedding.” He muttered “Because you know what? I sure as hell won’t die fucking.”
What can one even say to that?
Evidently, words were unnecessary, as Rosalie chose to smack Emmett’s head instead.
“Emmett, what did you expect Father Pat to say?” Rose asked. “Sure Emmett, continue living in sin with your fiancée, because I know you’re a twenty-eight year old horndog and can’t help yourself ?”
Emmett looked at her incredulously “While the word horndog never entered into my mind, yes I thought he would see reason. I even offered him money.”
“You tried to bribe Father Pat?” Bella asked.
“Not bribe per se. I offered to finance the new parish hall that he wants to build. I offered to pay for the entire thing if he’d just forget this abstinence stipulation. He wouldn’t budge.” Emmett slumped into a chair in defeat.
Chief Swan started to laugh which, in turn, caused the rest of us to do the same. Except for Emmett of course.
“Laugh it up nearest and dearest, but now I’ve got some serious thinking to do.”
As funny as this is, it’s so awkward hearing about it in front of Bella’s Dad.
“Sorry Emmett, but you have to admit that this is kind of funny.” Bella answered him.
His brow creased, and then he grinned. “Look, if it was happening to anyone else, I’d be laughing my ass off.” He chuckled.
After that, I was glad to escape to the kitchen where I helped Bella fry the fish. Charlie said something about needing to go to the hardware store before he left. After a while, I realized that I’d left my cell phone in the basement when I’d fallen asleep earlier.
I told Bella I’d only be a minute as I left to retrieve it.
By the time the sounds I was hearing registered in my brain, I had reached the bottom of the staircase and was greeted with a highly disturbing view of Emmett’s bare ass, with Rose’s legs wrapped around it.
“O fuck”, the words escaped my mouth before I could stop them. I immediately did an about face, and bolted back up the stairs without a second glance.
I reached the kitchen in a matter of seconds, startling Bella.
“What the heck Edward?” She asked.
“Your brother and Rose….Jesus that was awkward.” I blurted out.
Just then, Emmett’s voice sounded from the basement “Sorry Eddie, my bad.”
Bella looked confused. “Edward, what…?” I watched as realization dawned on her face. “They did not..” She stared, wide-eyed.
“They most certainly did, and are doing” I answered, shaking my head in semi-disbelief. “I should have stopped when I heard the grunts and moans, but it didn’t register until I caught a glimpse of them ‘doing the deed’. Thank God it was only a glimpse.”
“Oh shit.” Bella muttered. “On the sofa?”
“No” I was still shaking my head “On the pool table” I said quietly.
“You saw them?” Bella asked in alarm.
“Well, no, not them. Actually, almost one hundred percent of my ‘glimpse’ was limited to your brother’s bare ass.” I blurted.
We stared at each other for one silent moment before bursting into laughter.
As I said before, with Emmett, I‘d learned to ‘expect the unexpected‘.
That evening, we all decided to go out. Except for the Chief who opted instead to be our ’designated driver’. Unfortunately, the choices in Forks were pretty slim, so we ended up in the only bar which also provided live music.
The band was setting up just as we arrived. Bella snagged a large corner booth, and I settled in happily beside her. For a while, there was a steady stream of people stopping by to say hello. I managed to ignore them by keeping my attention on Bella. We only had two days left together, and I found myself trying to commit everything about her to memory. Her beautiful face, her shy smile, her laughter, the way she bit her lip when she was unsure of something. I now understood the term ‘lovesick fool’.
The urge to have my arms around her took over, and I asked her to dance. Although I knew it wasn’t her favorite thing, I got her to reluctantly agree.
Maybe she also craves the closeness.
As we danced, I shared with Bella my determination that we wouldn’t have any long separations after this trip to England.
After we’d been in the bar for a couple of hours, Rose and Emmett disappeared. “Edward, maybe you should go looking for them?” Bella asked worriedly.
The memory of the scene in the basement came back to me. “Seriously Bella? I have no desire to walk up on what I did in the basement this afternoon.”
“Good point Mister Movie Star.” Bella grinned.
Bella slipped off to the rest room as I went to the bar to get us a couple of cokes.
By the time I’d taken the drinks to our booth, Bella still hadn’t come back.
There must be a long line for the ladies’ room.
I had been sitting for a little while when Emmett and Rose arrived back at the table, looking a little ‘rumpled’, for lack of a better word.
So fucking glad I didn’t go look for them.
“Where’s Bella?” Emmett asked as he looked around.
“She went to the rest room.” I answered. “I was just going to check on her, she’s been gone quite a while.”
Emmett and Rose immediately turned toward the hall leading to the ladies’ room. I jumped from my seat to follow them.
As we turned into the hall, I froze. My girl was literally being cornered by a big ugly motherfucker who was just about to take his last breath.
Emmett and I lurched toward him at the same moment, only to be stopped by Rose’s hands on our chests. “Wait” She whispered.
“Do you like these boots? I’ve been told they’re sexy.” Bella said through gritted teeth.
“Yeah little Swan, they are mighty sexy. I’d like to see those boots resting up on my shoulders while I pound into you baby.”
I immediately saw red as I clenched my fists. I was so angry that it was hard to breathe.
I’m going to kill this douchebag.
Once again Rose held us back. “Let’s hear what Bella says.” She whispered.
“I’m really glad you like them Tim, because if you touch me with any part of your nasty body, I’m going to see how far I can shove one of these boots up your ass.”
Bella? My Bella just threatened that?
“After that, I’m going to find my brother Emmett. I’m sure you remember him don’t you? As a matter of fact, he‘s around here somewhere.”
Asshole looked a little panicked.
“I’m not sure what Emmett will do to you, he’ll probably have to argue with my overprotective boyfriend to see who gets first crack.”
Damn straight.
I looked at Emmett, he was smirking.
“Then, after they’re done, Chief Swan will come down here to pick up what’s left of you and throw it in jail.”
“Sounds like a lot of fucking fun for you.” Bella hissed at him. The asshole took a step back.
“Cheer up Tim, maybe if you keep molesting women, you’ll eventually be arrested for assault. You won’t have to hang around bathrooms in small town bars, hoping for some drunk dude to shove his dick in your mouth, you’ll get lots of dick in prison.”
Holy shit. It was definitely Bella speaking, but the words were more befitting Rosalie.
Bella wheeled around to leave, immediately surprised when she noticed us standing there. I stood stock still, stunned over what I’d just witnessed.
Rose had her hand on her heart, looking a little misty-eyed. “And to think, I raised her from a pup.” She said admiringly.
The piece of shit Tim scurried quickly past us.
I’ll deal with him momentarily, right now I need to make sure that my girl is alright.
“Are you okay Bella” I asked, full of concern.
“I’m fine Edward. He didn’t touch me.” I was relieved, to say the least. I didn’t have a chance to ask anything else before Rose grabbed Bella’s arm and pulled her into the ladies’ room.
Time to hurt a motherfucker.
I turned and started to walk in the direction I’d seen Tim go when a strong hand grabbed my arm. “Where do you think you’re going without me Eddie?” Emmett asked.
We went back into the main room of the bar to find Tim flanked by two guys just as ugly and drunk as he was.
I was so angry I could literally feel my hands shaking as I balled them into fists. I wouldn’t be happy until I hit something, or in particular, someone.
“Outside asswipe.” Emmett directed to the dick.
Motherfucker had the nerve to sneer at us.
“What do you want Swan? I didn’t touch your precious little sister.” He slurred.
“I said outside. I have no desire to fuck up this fine establishment.” Emmett said with a nod to the bartender.
“Whatever.” Tim said as he stood to walk out. The two lackeys followed behind.
Once outside, Emmett began. “I’m going to fuck you up for what I heard you say.” Then he nodded in my direction. “He’s going to fuck you up for the stuff we didn’t hear.”
My pleasure.
The dick actually started to laugh. “What? You realize that it’s three against two. How about we fuck both of you up and maybe I’ll find your little sister and fuck her afterwards.
Son of a motherfucking bitch.
I dove at him. Emmett held me back. I was seriously considering hitting Emmett for such a punk ass move, when one of the sidekicks of the dick actually punched him first.
It was a weak punch, but Emmett still felt it full force since he was unprepared for it. He turned and flattened the jackass.
I turned to Tim and raised my fist for the first punch.
“Eddie, stick with body shots so you don’t damage your knuckles. You’ve got to film next week.” Emmett shouted in reminder as he punched lackey number two.
I landed at least four shots to Tim’s torso, in comparison to the two he was able to hit me with, before Emmett was finished with sidekick number two. Tim was holding his side as he began swinging wildly, trying to hit Emmett. Emmett turned and landed one on the bastard’s jaw that effectively put him out of commission.
Sidekick number one was back on his feet, and as I turned to look at him all I saw was a fist coming straight for me. Just then, Emmett jumped between us and took the punch full in the face.
“That’s gonna leave a mark.” I heard Emmett mutter as I pummeled sidekick one. He got a coupe of shots in before I finally laid him out.
The girls arrived at that moment. I have to admit, I felt pretty good standing there with Emmett’s arm around my shoulders, victorious, the ground around us littered with shitheads.
Deputy Mark arrived a few minutes later, and we explained to him and the girls that drunk asshole number one had thrown the first punch. When Mark saw who the guys were, he shook his head explaining that these guys were regular brawlers. “They’ll be charged with Drunk and Disorderly, again.”
He started to cuff them and read them their rights.
Emmett gave the girls a play-by-play of the action as I stood with my arm around Bella, eyeing the piece of shit motherfuckers as Mark loaded them into the patrol car.
Chief Swan arrived just in time to have a word with Mark before he drove away.
When we told him what had happened, he looked proudly at his son. He then turned to me and shook my hand while looking me in the eye. He gave me a slight nod and then turned back to get in the hummer. The handshake was a simple gesture, but I felt the weight of the meaning behind it.
Before we left, I ran back inside and threw a couple hundreds to the bartender, explaining that I wanted to make sure he was covered for the drinks the assholes probably never paid for. He thanked me with a smile.
Bella gave me a hug as we climbed into the hummer. She must have noticed my slight wince as she pressed against the side that had taken most of the abuse.
“Edward what’s wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing Bella, I just caught a couple of punches.”
Once we arrived back at Charlie’s, Bella made me lift my shirt. She obviously didn‘t like what she found because she looked as if she wanted to cry.
“Oh Edward” She sighed as she kissed the bruises.
Rose examined Emmett and found several bruises starting to form on him as well. “You’re lucky those guys were falling down drunk Emmett, otherwise they might have seriously injured you both.”
“It’s alright ladies, nothing broken, and bruises heal quickly.” He answered with a smile. “I get worse than this during practice.”
I smiled too. “It’s not often I get to defend your honor in such a satisfying manner Miss Swan. Let me enjoy the moment.”
My dreams that night were restless. They were filling with my beautiful girl, but at every turn there would be some piece of shit throwing insults at her, and I would have to beat the living daylights out of him. I startled from sleep, feeling exhausted.
After Emmett and Rose’s ‘incident’ on the pool table earlier that day, the basement had become an even less desirable place to sleep. Therefore, I’d carried my pillow and blanket upstairs after everyone had gone to bed.
As I sat on the living room sofa, wide awake, I thought I heard sniffling and what sounded like someone softly crying.
I flew off the sofa and rushed over to her. The sight I found broke my heart. She was sitting by the basement door, her legs drawn up and her face buried against her knees as she sobbed.
I quickly sat down and pulled her to me. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? What‘s happened?” I asked frantically as I brushed her hair from her face.
She didn’t answer, instead she continued to cry and hold onto me. “Bella please, you’re scaring me.” I begged.
She took a few deep breaths, trying to regain control as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I just, I really try you know?” She said as she wiped her eyes with her shirt. “I try to be strong. I try not to think about her, but I just miss her. Sometimes it‘s hard to bear.”
My poor girl. She’s missing her Mom.
“Oh Bella, I can only imagine how it would be to lose a parent.” I held her tighter. “I wish I knew what to say to help…”
“You do help Edward, more than you realize.” At that she started to sob again. “And now you’re going to leave. I‘ll miss you so much.” She blurted out between sobs.
I felt like shit. How was I going to be able to board that airplane?
“Bella, I’m sorry baby. I wish I didn’t have to go.” I said as I kissed her cheek.
I soothed her for a few minutes, continually reminding her of how much I loved her. When she finally calmed, I walked her over to the sofa where I’d been sleeping.
She looked at me questioningly. “Edward are you sleeping up here?”
I smirked. “Yes Bella. There’s no way I want to sleep downstairs after the porn moment I witnessed earlier. It would be too freaky.”
She giggled. I was so glad that she was returning to normal. I pulled her down with me, cradling her in my arms until we both fell into a deep sleep.
“Isabella Marie Swan, what the hell is going on?”
I almost jumped up at the sound of the Chief‘s angry voice. Thankfully, I didn’t because that move surely would have knocked Bella to the floor. I waited until she moved, and we both hopped to our feet together.
“What do you have to say for yourself Bella?” Charlie asked as he glared at me.
It was clear that any good opinion I’d earned from him yesterday had evaporated.
By this time, Emmett and Rose had both stumbled down the stairs to watch the show.
“I was having a bad night Dad. I…” Bella stuttered out.
“Chief Swan, this is my fault not Bella’s. She was crying, I carried her over here and held her until she fell asleep.” I tried to explain, not wanting him to be angry with Bella.
“You know I can’t control what happens at my daughter’s apartment, or at your big fancy home in L.A., but I sure as hell should be able to say what’s allowed in my own damn house.” Charlie was pissed. “I’m just very shocked that Bella would disregard my rules..” He ranted.
“Dad, I didn’t disregard any rules. It’s just like Edward said, I was missing Mom. He was comforting me.”
“Humph” Charlie still wasn’t satisfied, although he lost a little of his anger. “I still don’t like it.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I’d just hoped that you’d take a little time before jumping into that part of your relationship…”
I felt awful that he was jumping to conclusions because I knew his words would bother Bella for a long time to come.
“Dad, stop right there. Nothing is going on, not now and not before now.”
“Edward’s been a perfect gentleman.”
Not perfect, definitely not perfect.
My thoughts drifted to a drunken groping/kissing session against the wall of a karaoke bar.
“Sure he has, Bella.” Chief Swan muttered sarcastically.
Yeah, he hates me.
“Dad, I really wish you weren’t making me say this.” She sighed loudly. “I’m a virgin, and that’s not likely to change any time soon.”
Charlie actually looked surprised. Didn’t he know his own daughter?
Yes, but he doesn’t know or trust me. Who could blame him?
“Well, with his reputation I’m sure it’s only a matter of time…”
“Pops you really need to lighten up.” Emmett suddenly chimed in. “They are both adults, and this is not anybody’s business but theirs.”
Charlie looked at Emmett in shock. “What the hell Emmett? I don’t care how old Bella gets, she’s still my daughter and I don’t want her to make any decisions that she’ll regret. No offense Edward, but your past is pretty sketchy.”
Emmett guffawed. “Pops if you only knew.” He said as he continued laughing “I think our little Bella is perfectly safe with Andy, at least for now.”
Damn you Emmett. Does my nonexistent sex life have to be the main topic of conversation?
Charlie narrowed his eyes at Emmett. “There you go again Emmett. You keep calling Edward by the name Andy. At first I thought that must be his middle name, but then while we were fishing you referred to him as Andy Stitzer. I googled that shit and found out that’s the name of the guy from The 40 Year Old Virgin.” Charlie looked puzzled.
“Oh yeah that. Uh, it’s just my nickname for Eddie ever since I found out he was a v-” He was cut off when Rose elbowed him in his already bruised abdomen. “Ow Rose, that shit hurts. Do you mind?”
What an asshole. I can’t believe he almost just ‘outed’ me to Charlie.
“Found out he was a what?” Charlie was still confused. “He’s no where near 40 years old and he certainly isn’t a vir-”
Oh fuck.
Charlie looked at Bella and me, no doubt catching our panicked expressions.
Charlie just stared at us, his eyes shifting back and forth between our blushing faces. “Holy shit.” He muttered before collapsing into his recliner.
Holy shit is right. I need a drink.
Chapter 39 - Heart To Heart For The World Traveler
I’ve come to the conclusion that every time I attend Mass with Bella, it’s destined to be a weird experience. Easter Sunday was no exception.
No one wanted to sit next to Emmett, and Charlie wanted no one to sit next to him. So there we were scattered among two pews, three out of five of us wearing scowls on our faces.
I was angry, but not for myself. I was angry that Emmett had caused Bella to be upset, and because of that, she’d hurt her foot. Thankfully, nothing was broken, just a little bruised. When Bella mentioned that she wished she’d junk-punched him instead, I immediately realized that was a bad idea because I was pretty sure, especially after this morning, that Emmett was sporting some huge brass balls.
Admittedly, I was also a little angry with her father for his overreaction to finding us on the sofa, the incident which started this whole chain of ridiculous events.
My anger didn’t last long as I sat next to my girl in church, and held her hand. All she had to do was look at me with those beautiful brown eyes, and all my frustration and irritation seemed to vanish.
On the ride back to Chief Swan’s house, Bella shared her thoughts about her Dad’s probable reaction to this mornings revelation.
“The problem is, now that Charlie knows your ‘status’.” She said, making little air quotes with my fingers. “He’s probably already decided that you must be gay, and that I’m your beard, just like all those other women that went before. By now, he’s most likely convinced himself that this can only end badly for me. He really cannot stand the thought of me being hurt Edward.”
“That makes two of us Bella.” I said in response.
“So, why not tell him the whole story Bella?” I asked quietly.
“Edward, I can’t ask you to do that. My family needs to butt the hell out of this. They‘ve been too involved in our personal business already.”
I reached over and took her hand. “Bella, none of that matters to me, don’t you see? At this point, I don’t care who knows. You are my one and only concern.” I lifted her hand and gave her a kiss. “Your relationship with Charlie is important. Therefore, my relationship with him is important. I don’t want him to have any reservations about me. Let me do this.”
After we arrived back at the house, we both changed into casual clothing. When Chief Swan came downstairs, I quietly asked to speak with him privately. He nodded, and I followed him out the back door to the covered porch.
We sat on lawn chairs as the Chief watched me silently.
“Chief Swan” I began “I feel the need to explain myself.”
“That my boy may be the understatement of the year.” He said with a frown. “Don’t get me wrong“, Charlie continued. “The virginity thing” He said with distaste “is totally your business. I just don’t want my daughter hurt.”
“Neither do I Chief” I chimed in. “Bella means everything to me.”
Charlie took a deep breath and let it out. “Edward, I need to know something, I will only ask you this one time, and I need you to be honest with me.”
“Yes?” I braced myself.
“Are you gay?” He asked, staring straight into my eyes, awaiting the answer.
“No, sir.” I answered truthfully. “Definitely not.”
Chief Swan held me in his gaze for a long moment, before sighing and looking away. “Okay. You see, I had myself convinced that you were, and that you were using Bella to protect your image. I will not tolerate anything that could hurt my daughter Edward. Nothing in this world is more important to me than my children. Nothing.” He said with authority. I understood the veiled threat contained in the words.
This wasn’t the first time I’d felt threatened by him, but I hoped after today, it would be the last.
“Chief Swan, I think when you know everything, you will understand me a bit more.” I said with a sigh. “First of all, I only had one girlfriend before Bella” I began. He looked at me skeptically.
I then proceeded to spill my guts with the story of Meghan’s betrayal and my arrest. Being a policeman, he was already familiar with the story. He was even aware that Meghan had originally accused her boyfriend of attacking her. He listened quietly as I relayed the events that changed my life, interrupting with a question every now and again.
“After that, as soon as I was offered the role in my first film, I moved to California. My mother arranged for me to be tutored during my senior year. Since then, I’ve also earned a degree from U.C.L.A in my spare time.” I added this, hoping it would show the Chief that I wasn’t some Hollywood partier.
He raised his eyebrows. “This still doesn’t explain your public image Edward. You’ve been linked to a lot of women. If you’re really not gay, I have a hard time believing that, living in Hollywood, you’ve never given into temptation.” He said while shaking his head.
I explained the entire Tanya debacle in detail this time. I was aware that Emmett had told him enough to keep him from shooting me back in January, but he needed the rest of the details about the ‘phony dates‘ arranged to promote the Edward Masen persona.
“Chief, I had no desire to be with any of the women who threw themselves at me. After Meghan, my trust was completely shattered.” I said as I rubbed my hands over my face. “There were a couple of ‘close calls’ which occurred while I was intoxicated, but that‘s all they were, ‘close calls‘. I’ve since learned to avoid those situations.”
No need to explain that having a clairvoyant sister helps immensely in that regard.
Charlie quirked an eyebrow at me. “I know a little something about lack of trust, believe me.” He said gruffly. “So, why is it different with my daughter?”
I sighed. “Everything is different with Bella. From the moment we met, I was drawn to her. You know about my following her to Forks on Christmas. That’s just one example of how she’s changed me. I never want to be without her.” I said quietly.
Charlie seemed to accept that as he slowly nodded his head.
“It’s more than that, Bella and I understand each other. We’ve both lived through traumatic episodes that changed us, damaged us. But together, we have been able to heal.”
“She is different since she met you. More like the old Bella from before…” Chief Swan said as he contemplated my words.
“That’s what my mother says about me, since I met Bella.”
Charlie smiled sadly. “If you could have seen her seven years ago…” He said quietly. “So different from the little girl I raised. For the first couple of years, the panic attacks were awful. The simplest things would set her off, and it would take hours to calm her. It was draining.”
As I watched him, I could see the ghost of exhaustion and worry that must have plagued him during those years pass over his face. “For a long time, I was so afraid of losing Bella, that I didn’t give myself a chance to grieve for Renee.“ He rubbed his forehead with his fingers. “Over the years, Bella has returned to normal in a lot of ways, but it wasn’t until I saw her with you that I could see the light had returned to her eyes. She looks hopeful again.” He cleared his throat and grew quiet.
We both sat there for a moment as I worked up the courage to ask what I needed.
I cleared my throat before beginning. “Chief Swan”
Charlie pulled his gaze away from his wooded back yard, and turned to me. “Yeah?”
“There’s something I want to ask.”
Damn. My palms are actually sweating. I thought that only happened in the movies.
Ha fucking Ha.
Charlie waited. It was uncanny how his eyes could bore into my soul, very much like his daughter’s.
I let my mind wander to thoughts of my Bella, her beauty, not just the physical beauty which she undoubtedly possessed, but also her beauty of spirit, her humor, her love for her family, and particularly her love for me. I let my mind linger on how it felt when I thought I’d lost her. That pain was the worst I’d felt in my life, even worst than what I endured seven years ago. I never wanted to feel that way again. I didn’t know what I’d ever done to deserve her, but I was thankful every day that somehow through some quirk of fate, we’d found each other. I knew that I needed her, no I needed us to be forever.
“Chief, I know that you probably think that Bella and I haven’t known each other nearly long enough for me to ask this, and you probably think that I’m not good enough for her. I’d personally have to agree with you on that last point.” I took another breath. “But the fact is that I love Bella more than anything in this world. You can be certain that I will make sure that she wants for nothing. I intend to protect her and cherish her for the rest of our lives. And, even though I know it’s a bit old fashioned these days to ask the father’s permission, it would mean the world to me if I had your consent to ask Bella to marry me.” I took a very deep breath, and waited.
I can’t believe I got all that out without losing consciousness, or throwing up.
I watched as Charlie’s brows knit together as he thought. He stood up and walked to a cooler in the corner, retrieved two beers and walked back over to me. “Have a beer son.” He said as he handed me a Vitamin R. I took it with a shaky hand.
I’m such a pussy. He’s never going to say yes.
He sat down again. “Are you going to take her away from home permanently?”
What? Of everything I thought he’d ask, that was not expected.
“I’m just asking if she’s going to move away and live in that fancy L.A. house of yours, and never get to see her old man any more.” He muttered.
“No. Chief, I don’t think that will be the case. I mean, my parents live here. I will always consider Washington to be home, as I’m sure Bella does.” I answered honestly. “I just know that when I go on location, I want Bella with me. It doesn’t matter where ‘home’ is the rest of the time, as long as we’re together.”
Charlie slowly nodded his head. “I worry about all the media attention, and the attention she gets from other people. Do you think she can handle it?”
I smiled remembering how she handled that fucker Tim in the bar the night before.
I nodded. “Yes, I think she can handle a lot more than any of us realize.”
Charlie sipped his beer before he spoke again. “So, when are you going to ask her?”
It took a minute to gather my thoughts. “I think, probably as soon as I return from England?” I was stunned. “I’m sorry, Chief Swan, does that mean you give your consent?” I had to know.
Charlie smiled. “Relax Edward. I doubt I could stop you from asking even if I wanted to.” He then got a serious look on his face. “You’d better never hurt her though, because you don’t want to know what I’m capable of.”
I swallowed hard as I stared at Chief Swan, wide-eyed.
He burst into laughter and patted me on the shoulder. “You’re a jittery little fucker. You need to loosen up, finish your beer, and drop the Chief Swan crap.”
Since the Tanya debacle in January, I’d reverted to calling him Chief Swan most of the time, as a sign of respect. I guess I was finally out of the doghouse.
I did as instructed, and by the time I was on my second beer, Charlie and I were fast friends.
Weird fucking day.
The look on Bella’s face when we walked into the house, smiling and chatting together, was priceless.
Charlie’s reaction to my question had floored me. I expected some resistance. Okay I expected a lot of resistance. Instead, he had cleared the way for me to plan a proper proposal.
I decided then and there that during my stay in England, my free time would be spent planning the perfect marriage proposal.
Is it possible that I’ve actually grown a vagina?
Father Pat arrived in time for dinner, and it was easy to understand why Bella and her family were so fond of him.
After dinner, the girls forced us to sit in the living room while they prepared dessert and coffee. I wanted to help, but Bella was insistent. While Emmett was in the bathroom, Father Pat turned to me, saying in a quiet voice, “So, Edward, when are you planning to propose?“
Whoa. He’s either clairvoyant like Alice, or he’s got a private line to God.
I looked at Charlie questioningly, as if he’d spilled the beans, but he shrugged and shook his head.
Father, looking amused by my bewilderment spoke again, “Edward, I’ve been around a long time, and I’m a student of human nature. No man that looks at a woman the way you look at our fair Isabella is ever far from proposing.“ He chuckled.
I only had time to respond with, “Very soon.” Before Emmett arrived back in the room, and we promptly changed the subject.
Charlie and I were talking sports when I noticed Bella having a quiet conversation with Father Pat. After that, she seemed to have forgiven her brother for his annoying behavior, and things between them returned to normal.
After Father Pat left, we prepared to return to Seattle. As Bella said her goodbyes, Charlie shook my hand. “Good luck in England Edward.“
“Thanks, Charlie.“ I answered.
Charlie grinned at my use of his first name.
On the drive home, I told Bella about my talk with her dad, leaving out the details of the planned marriage proposal of course.
We stopped in Port Angeles for gas. While I pumped the gas, Bella visited the ladies’ room. She hadn’t returned when I went inside to purchase a couple of drinks for the ride.
I approached the counter to pay, drinks in hand, and that was when I say them. Two tabloid magazines displaying photos of our visit to Madame Tussaud’s. More specifically, photos of Bella and I posing with the Edward Masen wax figure.
Ugh. I was afraid of this. I promised Bella that she’d pay if these photos appeared.
I purchased the magazines and placed them conspicuously on her seat, then I leaned against the car with my arms folded over my chest, and waited.
As soon as Bella rounded the corner headed for the car, she knew something was up. She was very good at reading my face by now. I watched as she got a worried look and proceeded to bite her lip.
I have something much better planned for that lip.
As soon as she was close enough, I pulled her into a rough embrace. “Oh my dear Miss Swan. I remember distinctly telling you that if certain photos ended up in the tabloids or on the internet that you would be made to pay.”
I felt her body stiffen. Without warning, I pulled her closer and kissed her. My feelings were so intense after the insane few days we’d just spent, that I poured every bit of my passion and physical longing into that kiss. She wouldn’t be forgetting the way this felt, for a long time to come.
I held her against me as her fingers ran through my hair. Before pulling away in order for both of us to breathe, I made sure to gently bite her bottom lip.
“Was that my punishment?“ She asked breathlessly.
“You don’t think it was enough?“ I asked with a grin.
Maybe a repeat performance is in order.
“I think that if you do that again, I’m going to pass the fuck out right here in the parking lot.“ Bella was actually panting.
I laughed out loud and turned to open her door for her.
For the next couple of miles she sat there, dazed.
How awesome is that? I dazed my girlfriend with a kiss.
Yes, I was undeniably proud of myself.
After a while, she was able to pull herself together enough to speak. “You know that everyone in that parking lot probably took a photo of that kiss.”
Fuck, yes.
I chuckled. “Hopefully the photos are good enough to knock those silly ones off the front page.” I grinned.
“So the only reason you kissed me was to get our photo in the tabloids?” She asked.
“No my dear Isabella. I kissed you because I am head over heels in love with you. The possible tabloid cover is just a ‘fringe benefit’.”
She laughed, well, actually she snorted at that.
We were lying in bed. Tomorrow I would depart for London.
“I’m going to miss you so much, especially your sense of humor.” I gave her a sad smile, and kissed her forehead.
“And your laughter” I kissed her cheek. “Your scent” I kissed just under her ear. “Your smile” I kissed her chin. “Your beautiful eyes” I kissed each eyelid. “And your lips” I then kissed her lips, slowly and passionately.
I continued placing small kisses on Bella’s face until she drifted off to sleep in my arms.
Today, I would fly to London. I actually planned a couple of things for us to do beforehand.
What was I thinking?
First, I took Bella out to breakfast, although neither of us had much of an appetite.
The stares of strangers, which normally didn’t bother me, today seemed intrusive. I realized too late that all I really wanted was to be alone with Bella until I had to leave.
She dutifully walked around the sculpture garden with me, but I could tell that her heart wasn’t in it. The time flew much too quickly, and before I knew it we were standing at the security checkpoint at SeaTac, our arms wrapped around each other.
Finally, when we couldn’t put if off any longer I whispered. “It’s time Bella.”
“I know.” She said as she looked at me with bleary eyes. She was trying very hard not to cry, and it was breaking my heart. “Nothing’s going to be right until I’m with you again.”
“I know what you mean.” I murmured before pulling her into a goodbye kiss that was sweet and sad, and would have to last until we were together again. “Goodbye my love.”
I walked toward security, with one look back and a small wave to Bella, I rounded the corner.
After going through security, I settled into the first class lounge until it was time to board the plane, my emotions shredded.
I immediately felt a bit lighter when I heard my phone chime with a text. Hoping it was from Bella, I looked at the screen.
Miss you already. I stole the t-shirt you slept in..sorry. Maybe it will help me sleep tonight because it smells like you.
Love you, B
I laughed quietly before replying.
Not the first time you’ve stolen my shirt if I recall. Miss you too. I’ll try to sleep on the flight and pretend I’m with you.
Love you too, so much, E
Once ensconced in my first class seat on the plane, I looked at the time and calculated that Bella had probably already arrived back at her apartment and found her gift. I reached into my carryon and pulled out my script, intending to review the scenes I would be filming this week. Tucked inside my bag was a small object wrapped in tissue paper. My heart clenched when I unwrapped it to find a framed photo of Bella and I, dancing at Carnation Plaza Gardens.
I hadn’t seen the photo before. In it, Bella and I were looking into each others’ eyes, and the expression of love on Bella’s face took my breath away.
It was perfect.
I reached for my cell and dialed her number.
“Hello Edward. Thank you for the earrings, they are exquisite.” Bella answered. I could tell she‘d been crying.
“Baby don’t cry. I wanted to thank you for my gift too. It’s going on my nightstand as soon as I arrive.”
“Are you really going to sleep with my shirt?” I murmured.
“Yes” Bella whispered.
“I wish I could be in it.” I continued.
“Me too.”
I let out a breath. “They’re getting ready to close the airplane doors.”
“Doesn’t that mean you have to hang up now?”
“Yes” I said. I didn‘t hang up, even when I saw the flight attendant giving me the eye.
“I don’t want to go.” I said quietly.
The flight attendant approached me. “Mr. Masen, I’m sorry but you must stow all electronic devices at this time.”
“Yes, of course” I answered. “Well, I guess I’ve got to hang up now. I love you Bella.”
“I love you too Edward. Stay safe.” She whispered.
“You too my darling, goodbye.”
The flight was long, I tried to nap, but have always had difficulty sleeping comfortably on airplanes. By the time my flight touched down in London, I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and forget about the world.
Sidney and Alec met me at Heathrow, and carried my zombie ass to the hotel. I sent Bella a quick text, letting her know I’d arrived, placed the photo she’d given me on the nightstand, and passed out for the next several hours.
When I woke up, I was starving. I showered and dressed and walked into the sitting room to find Alec there watching television.
“Damn Edward, I thought you were going to sleep until tomorrow.“ He said with a smirk.
“I feel better now.” I answered. “I’m going to order some food. Do you want anything?”
“No, I’m good.” Alec responded. “Actually, if you don’t need me any more tonight, I’m going out.”
“That’s fine. Just remember if you bring a girl back here, you’d better confine that shit to your room.” I quirked my eyebrow in warning. “And close the door between your room and the sitting room. I don’t need one of your ‘friends’ sneaking around the suite.”
“Sure, not a problem.” Alec laughed.
God knows what he’s been doing for the last couple of days in this suite.
I’m definitely locking my bedroom door.
After I ate, I fixed a drink and sat down on my bed, leaning back against the headboard, with the intention of watching a little television. I looked at the time and realized that it was only noon back home. While gazing at the photo of us, I decided to phone Bella.
“Edward” She answered in almost a whisper.
“Hey baby, how’s your day?”
“Fine. Not much longer until Rose’s interview with Geri Chance.”
“Holy shit, during all the excitement of the last few days, I’d forgotten about that.” I responded.
“Rose reminded me this morning. She still hasn’t told me everything. Should be interesting.” Bella said quietly. “What are you doing?”
I chuckled. “Well, it’s evening here and I slept all afternoon, so I’m having a nightcap and speaking on the phone to a stunning brunette.“
“Stunning huh?“ She questioned.
“Absolutely. She’s so beautiful that when we’re together, I can’t keep my eyes off of her.“
“Flattery will get you everywhere Mister Move Star.“ Bella answered.
“I’m counting on that.“ I said with a smirk. “Well, I’ll let you go baby, I know you’ve got a class starting soon.“
“Yeah, but this call was a very pleasant surprise. I miss you.“
“Me too. Love you Bella.“
“Love you too.” She breathed.
God I already miss her so much. If I feel this awful after only one day, I can only imagine what it will be like in a month.