Even though I’d slept most of the afternoon away, I still forced myself to go to bed at a decent hour, hoping to adjust to the time change as quickly as possible.
My dreams were filled with Bella. In one, she was with me, holding my hand and smiling, as Sidney drove us through the English countryside.
In another, I was waiting for her at the altar as Charlie walked her down the aisle toward me. My heart tried to beat out of my chest upon seeing her smile, a smile meant for no one but me.
And in yet a third, we were lying under a canopy of stars, as I undressed her slowly, agonizingly slowly. That last one was so realistic that I found myself having trouble catching my breath as I was pulled from sleep by the chime of my cell phone, alerting me to an incoming text.
Rose outdid herself today. Video of Geri’s meltdown prob on youtube by now. Going out to celebrate. Wish you were here…Not to worry, the necklace and earrings are safely tucked away, awaiting your return.
I love you, B
Along with the text, Bella sent me a photo of herself, dressed to go out for the celebration.
She was gorgeous.
I immediately felt jealous, knowing that she would be going out in public wearing that dress. Other men would be able to see her, whereas I could not. I dialed her number without a second thought.
“Hello Edward.” She sounded so happy.
“Baby, are you trying to kill me?” I spoke in a voice still groggy from sleep.
She chuckled. “That was the furthest thing from my mind Edward.”
I chuckled, remembering my dream. “Here I was in a dead sleep, dreaming about this gorgeous brunette who was just about to let me have my wicked way with her, when I was awoken by your text.”
I heard her sharp intake if breath. “Um. Sorry I woke you up.”
“Please don’t be, the photo of you in that dress… Bella, you’re so beautiful.”
She was quiet for a moment. “So who’s this brunette you’ve been dreaming about?”
‘Now that you mention it, she looks remarkably like you.” I said with a smirk.
She cleared her throat.
I believe I may be making her uncomfortable. At least I hope so.
“Bella are you okay?” I asked quietly.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.”
“If it wasn’t for the heavy breathing, I would have thought we’d been disconnected.” I said with a laugh.
“Know what else?” I asked in a low voice. “I’d be willing to bet right now that you’re blushing.”
“I love that blush.” I added.
Even from eight time zones away, she makes me crazy, and it seems I may have the same affect on her.
I started laughing again. “Bella, say something.”
“I…, I can’t.” She whispered before clearing her throat again. “I miss you.”
“Me too baby. More than you know.” I answered.
I heard a muffled knock.
“Edward, I’m going to keep talking as I follow Emmett and Rose downstairs.”
Good, I don’t want to hang up either.
“Tell me about Geri today.” I asked.
“You should have seen it Edward. Rose was right when she told me Geri was a crazy bitch. She’s done so many evil things, and Rose called her on them. She freaked the hell out! I was afraid at one point that her head might explode.” She laughed.
I laughed with her. She sounded so carefree for once.
“Edward, I should let you go, you need your rest.” She said the words, but I wasn’t convinced.
“I slept earlier today Bella. I don’t want to hang up yet.” I said sadly.
We were both silent for a moment. “This is so tough.” I sighed.
A few minutes later I yawned. It was obvious that Bella heard me when she suddenly said, “Go back to bed Edward. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“Okay, we‘ll compromise. You go enjoy yourself. I’ll go back to sleep, and dream of you.”
“I promise to do the same when I fall asleep tonight. I love you Edward.”
“I love you too Bella. I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodbye.”
I fell back to sleep immediately, my dreams again filled with visions of Bella.
When I woke up, it was early morning. I went to check my phone for messages, but it wasn’t on the nightstand. I had been so sleepy when I hung up with Bella, that I wasn’t sure what I’d done with it. I finally found it on the floor, where it had slipped part way under the bed. I checked for missed calls, and found a couple text messages from Bella.
After I read them, I realized my girl had the gift of drunk-texting. The first one brought a smile to my face.
Got shit facd with Em and he mde me eat snails. Ugh
The next message, although funny, was also a little disturbing.
OMG. Riding in back of the hummer. Rose says that she and Emmett did IT back here. I need a hazmat suit. Double ugh.
I laughed for five minutes.
God how I missed her.
After showering, I pulled out my laptop and searched the internet for whatever I could find about Geri’s interview.
There were bits and pieces of it on a lot of different news sites. Evidently it was a big story when a federal prosecutor had a meltdown on live television. I already knew she was a bitch, but after seeing the clips, I realized that she was beyond fucked-up. She was so full of hate. It made me wonder what had happened in her life to turn her into such a monster.
After I heard the things she’d said about Bella, I decided that I didn’t give a shit what had caused her to become this way. I would never be able to find any pity in my heart for this horrible woman.
Fuck Geri Chance.
My time spent at the studio was short. I met up with Tony and Yves, and we did a couple read-throughs for the scenes we would film next week. They talked me into going out to dinner and, even though I thought about Bella the entire time, I found that I really could enjoy myself, secure in the knowledge that I would speak to her the next morning. As it turned out, both Tony and Yves were missing their girls, so we commiserated together, and had a laugh at how pathetic we were.
“When is Bella coming over to visit Edward?” Tony asked as we ate.
I sighed. Both Tony and Yves had just gone into great detail about when their girls would arrive, and they naturally thought Bella would be doing the same.
“She can’t come over.” I muttered. “She graduates from UW in June, so she’s got a few more weeks of class.”
“Sorry to hear that, I was hoping to meet her.” Tony said.
Yves nodded in agreement.
The paps had followed us to the restaurant, and they waited around outside the entire time we were there. I was certain that they would invent some type of story, but also knew that Bella would never believe their lies.
A few fans approached us during dinner, asking for photos and autographs. They were extremely polite, and I didn’t mind in the least granting their requests.
“This is going to be harder than I thought Edward. By the time I get home today, it will be after midnight where you are.” Bella sighed in frustration.
It was Wednesday evening for me, which meant it was the middle of the day for Bella. We were speaking during her lunch break, trying to coordinate times to skype or phone each other.
I tried to reassure her. “My schedule this week is a little flexible because we don’t start filming until next week. Hopefully we’ll find time to skype. For instance, today was spent with wardrobe and makeup, I was free for the day by two o‘clock. Tomorrow will be more of the same with some rehearsals, I’ll probably be finished by four o’clock at the latest. On Friday, I’m supposed to be getting my military haircut once again.” I sighed.
“Oh yeah? That’s good. You were looking a little fluffy.” Bella giggled.
“Fluffy?” I smirked.
“Okay maybe poofy is a better word.”
“Poofy? First of all I don’t think that’s even a real word, and secondly there is nothing ‘poofy’ about me Miss Swan.”
She laughed. “Okay, okay. I stand corrected.” She continued to laugh.
A pang of longing hit me, and I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her at that moment. Even if she was laughing at me.
I sighed. “God I wish I could see you.” I thought about that. “Bella, I’ve got an idea. Suppose I set my alarm for early tomorrow morning like 5am or so, it’ll be after 9 o’clock tonight where you are. Maybe we can skype for an hour?”
“Are you sure you’ll get enough sleep?” She asked.
“Plenty Bella. It’s almost nine o’clock here now. After I hang up with you, I’ll probably play my guitar for a while, and then go to bed. My personal life is so exciting when I’m not with you.“ I said sarcastically, and then chuckled. “So, it’s settled, we’ll skype as soon as I wake up, I need my Bella fix.”
“I know what you mean. It’s a date Mr. Movie Star. I’ll see you then, I love you Edward.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
My breath caught in my throat when I caught my first glimpse of Bella the next morning. She had no idea how beautiful she was.
“Edward” she whispered.
“Hey baby.” I answered in a groggy voice.
After a few minutes of just staring at each other, Bella started telling me about the aftermath of Rose’s interview with Geri Chance. It seems that her boss at WIRI was miffed about how Rose handled the entire thing, until he received call after call from viewers congratulating him for the fantastic show.
I knew that Rose was leaving the station soon, but from what Bella said, she didn’t want any ill will between her and her old bosses.
I told her what London was like, and about the paps shadowing my every step.
“Oh good, I’ll have to go on the internet to see the photos.” Bella said with a smile.
“Miss Swan are you threatening to be my internet stalker?” I smirked.
“I wish I could stalk you in person.” She said sadly.
“We are a mess Bella. It’s not even been three days yet.”
We said our goodbyes, when Bella started to have difficulty keeping her eyes open.
Thursday was a little busy. I had to be fitted for a couple costumes, which was followed up by makeup tests in the afternoon. On the way back to the hotel I had Sidney drive around a bit, not wanting to go back to my lonely suite just yet.
Sidney drove us toward the shopping district, as he rounded a corner, I spied the Tiffany’s sign. As he drove past I asked him to try his best to lose the paparazzi. I had to hand it to him, he knew what he was doing. About five minutes later, free of paps, I had him drive back to Tiffany’s and park. It was a eureka moment. I knew I was going to propose to Bella after I returned from London, why not look for a ring today?
A man, whom I assumed to be the store manager, approached as soon as I’d entered the store. “Good afternoon Mr. Masen. May I assist you with any particular item today?” He said with a genuine smile.
I actually felt nervous.
After clearing my throat, I spoke. “Yes, please. I would like to see the rings.”
He eyed me knowingly. “I believe you must mean the engagement rings? Am I correct?”
I must have ‘nervous boyfriend about to propose’ written across my forehead.
I breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes. That’s correct.” I said as I smiled widely. He showed me a few rings, none of which were exactly what I wanted. As I looked at them, he continually asked questions and, after determining my taste, went to another cabinet, unlocked it and brought two rings over, setting them down in front of me.
And there it was. The perfect ring. I knew this would be the one Bella would choose if she were here.
After arguing that I was spending too much money of course.
“That’s the one.” I said in almost a whisper.
“Beautiful selection Mr. Masen.” The manager smiled as he put the others away. “Did you know the size?”
I gave him a blank stare.
Well shit. I hadn’t even thought of that.
“Can you give me a moment.” I held up one finger as I pulled out my cell phone.
“Of course. Take all the time you need.”
Realizing that Rosalie would be the one to ask, I quickly dialed her cell number.
“Hey Edward, to what do I owe the honor?”
Oh fuck. If I ask Rose for Bella’s ring size, she’s going to know why I need it.
Fuck it. Time to grow my balls back.
“Hey Rose.” I started in a firm voice. “I need to ask a question, and I would prefer if you would keep this conversation to yourself.” I said forcefully.
There was silence for a moment. “What the hell are you going to ask that Bella can’t be told about Edward? Did you fuck up?” She asked angrily.
“Of course I didn’t fuck up.” I blurted. I noticed the manager quickly moving away in order to give me a little privacy.
It’s probably not often that a customer uses the ‘f’ word in Tiffany’s.
I’m an ass.
I glanced up and saw Sidney standing by the door with an amused look on his face. “Rose, I need Bella’s ring size if you know it.”
There was another moment of silence before Rose screamed in my ear.
She’s been around Alice too much.
“Edward! Are you going to propose? Oh this is fantastic!”
God I hope no one is around to hear her.
“Yes, Rose. I plan to do just that when I return from England.” I said calmly. “Now do you know her ring size?“
“Of course. For her twenty-first birthday, Emmett and I gave her the birthstone ring she always wears. It’s a size five.” Rose answered in an excited tone. “Oh Edward, you just made my week!”
“I wish I could be certain that she’ll say yes.” I muttered, my nerves taking hold again.
“Edward, when are you going to realize that she can’t live without you either?” Rose said quietly. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret.”
The jeweler informed me that the ring would be ready in a couple of days. I went back to the hotel feeling lighter, the next step in my proposal plan complete.
I was disappointed that I didn’t get to speak with Bella before bed, but I knew she had had a busy afternoon. I turned in early out of sheer boredom.
I was startled from sleep by someone banging on my bedroom door. I could hear Alec’s voice from the other side. “Edward, damn it why is your door locked? Open the hell up, it’s important.”
I lurched from the bed, immediately fearing that something was wrong with one of my family members or Bella.
Oh God no.
As soon as I opened the door, Alec pushed his way inside.
“Edward, something is going on with Bella. There are photos of her all over the gossip sites.” He said as he made his way over to my computer and keyed something into it.
“Look” He said as he turned it toward me.
There were photos of Bella and a couple campus police officers. I was relieved when I saw Lou standing with them, but the blurbs under the photos didn’t make sense. Another site had photos of two girls being taken into custody as Bella looked on. I wanted to laugh at one site that identified Lou as Bella’s new boyfriend, but I was too worried. I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed her number.
“Hello, Edward.” She sounded as if she’d been asleep.
“Bella, thank God.” I couldn’t hide my relief. “What happened today? Alec woke me to look at photos of you on the internet.”
Alec was standing there with a bewildered look on his face.
“Edward, calm down. How much information did they include with the photos?” She asked.
“Nothing that makes any sense Bella. There are photos of two girls being arrested, and photos of you with a couple police officers and some of you, Lou and the officers. One website said that you were arrested, another one said that those girls being arrested were friends of yours, one even said that Lou was your new boyfriend.” I chuckled at the last one.
“Geesh. They couldn’t have gotten things any more wrong. Those two girls are the ones that vandalized my car. Someone turned them in yesterday. The police were ushering me to safety, in case they tried anything.”
“But you’re okay? Everything’s okay?” I asked anxiously.
“Everything is fine. More than fine. I can honestly say that if you were here, my life would be perfect.”
I breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Thank God.”
“As a matter of fact, as soon as the police determine that those girls acted alone, I won’t really need Lou any more, I’ll be able to drive myself.”
No, no, no, and fuck no.
But, how to frame this so I don’t seem like an overprotective jerk?
“Bella, I’d like you to keep Lou. At least to drive you to and from school. Just while I’m away.” I answered quietly.
Before she had a chance to object I added, “Please Bella” in a whisper.
“Okay Edward.” She answered quietly.
I was so relieved. And to think, all it took was a little pleading.
I’ll have to remember that for future reference.
“Thanks baby. Let’s go on skype, I need to see you.”
I disconnected the phone call and explained the situation to Alec. He nodded his head in understanding. “Hey, by the way Edward, why did you lock your door?” He asked, confused.
“Alec my friend, you’re a man-whore, and I’m not taking any chances that one of your ‘friends’ will stumble into my bedroom, whether by accident or on purpose, during the night.”
Alec grinned sheepishly. “Get the hell out of here.” I barked as I grinned back.
After locking my door again, I signed on to skype, and there was my beautiful girl.
What the fuck is she wearing?
I didn’t even try to hide my reaction as I took in Isabella‘s beautiful body, covered in a very feminine nightgown.
I cleared my throat as I tried to recover myself. “Bella, what are you wearing?”
“Do you like it?” She was playing coy. I was thankful that she wasn’t aware of the way my body was reacting to her. “Rose got it for me.”
She immediately stood to model it for me, giving a little twirl in the process.
Fuck my life.
“Jesus Christ” I muttered as all the blood which would normally help my brain to function, traveled south.
She fucking giggled at me.
“You are a cruel woman Miss Swan.” I said, barely recognizing my own voice.
“I just want to make sure you don’t forget about me when all those women are throwing themselves at you Mr. Movie Star.” She said as she crawled onto the bed, pulling the covers up to her waist.
“There’s no chance I could ever forget you Bella. As if missing you wasn’t difficult enough, you had to give me a new reason to take cold showers for the next month.”
She laughed out loud.
“Come on Edward, stop teasing me. I know you’re around women that are far more beautiful than I am every day.” She challenged.
Is she fucking serious? What other women? There are no women that even come close to her.
“Are you just fishing for compliments Bella, or do you really not know how beautiful you are? I don’t have eyes for anyone but you. And that is precisely why it was cruel of you to wear that sexy slip of material just to taunt me.”
“Okay, well, I’m sorry. I’ll hide under the covers in order not to tease you any more.” She said as she pulled the comforter up to her chin.
Oh no, this will not do.
“Hey! Put that right back where it was, I didn’t say I didn’t like the nightgown, just that you were cruel for wearing it when I can’t do anything about it.”
I don’t know what the hell I would do about it. Okay, I’d do as much as she’d allow me to.
But even that‘s not possible from thousands of miles away.
“Um, then maybe this is the safest time to wear it.” She smiled sweetly.
Too fucking true.
I sighed. “You’re probably right. As I said before, I’ll abide by your wishes in that matter Bella. And you can just keep torturing me.” I smirked.
“Edward, aside from tonight, I’ve never tortured you.”
I laughed.
She remains blissfully ignorant of her affect on me.
“Maybe not on purpose, Bella, but you torture me constantly in a thousand different ways.“
I watched as she blushed. Skype didn’t do it justice, but I could still see it.
“Have I told you how much I love that blush?” I whispered.
“A few hundred times.” She giggled.
I was glad when she decided to change the subject. Maybe I could calm down enough to forgo the cold shower this time. It seems that she, Rosalie and a few friends were going out on Saturday night to blow off some steam.
“That sounds great Bella. I think Lou should drive all of you, that way you can drink and not worry about a cab.”
I really wasn’t happy about her plans, knowing that the chances of some asshole, or several, hitting on her would be high. I made a mental note to speak with Lou about that beforehand.
“Actually, that will work perfectly. Thanks Edward.”
I smiled, happy that she didn’t argue.
After that was settled, I told her that Jasper and Alice would be arriving on Saturday, and staying for the week, and I hoped to get to do a little sightseeing on my days off.
I could see Bella’s eyelids getting heavy and before I knew it, she was asleep. I looked at the time, and realized that I’d need to leave soon. There was no way I was disconnecting from the view of my sleeping goddess though. Instead, I got dressed and took one more glance at her sleeping form before leaving. I knew that her image would haunt me for the rest of the day.
If I hurry, Bella may still be asleep when I return.
As it turned out, I couldn’t hurry. I had a meeting with the director, and had to rehearse a couple of scenes before getting my hair cut. When I arrived back at the hotel, it was after three and I thought for certain that Bella would be awake.
I removed the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign from the knob before entering the suite. My intent had been to keep the housekeeping staff away from getting a view of my girl. It seemingly worked, but also meant that my bed went unmade, and no clean towels had been delivered.
Fuck it. It’s worth it if I get to see my Bella asleep. Especially wearing that nightgown from last night.
Imagine my delight when I walked into my bedroom to find her on the screen, still sleeping soundly.
After brushing my teeth and straightening out my bed a little, I lounged across it and watched my girl. I wasn’t sure this was helping my loneliness, because the more I watched her the stronger the urge to touch her became. She was so lovely. As I watched her, the morning light streaming through her window brought my attention to the lovely red highlights in her hair. My fingers twitched remembering just how soft her hair felt. I closed my eyes as I remembered holding her close, my hand in her hair, as I breathed in her scent.
I ached to hold her again.
After about an hour, Bella started to stir. She opened her eyes and sat up as she stretched her arms over her head.
I hadn’t realized I’d gasped out loud when the covers fell away, revealing the silhouette of her perfect breasts under that god forsaken night gown.
Fuck. I feel like a gawking teenage boy.
Bella obviously heard the gasp, because she immediately pulled the comforter up from where it had fallen away from her body. She turned toward me, and I smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing Edward? How long have you been watching me?” She said in a groggy voice.
“You fell asleep right before I had to leave. I didn’t have the heart to disconnect. I guess I was hoping we’d still be connected when I got back.”
She watched me for a moment.
“I like the haircut by the way.” She said quietly. “So answer the question, how long have you been watching me?” She said with a smirk.
She was being playful.
I grinned. “I got back about an hour ago, and have been watching you sleep ever since.”
She laughed. “And you accused me of being a stalker.”
I chuckled. “I’m sorry Bella, but honestly, you already knew about my stalker tendencies. It seems that I can‘t help myself.” I grinned.
After we chatted for a while, we disconnected in order for me to eat, and Bella to get some homework done.
Alec coaxed me into going out for dinner. Not wanting to spend all my free time holed up in my hotel suite, I agreed.
After dinner, he talked me into going to a club across from the restaurant. It wasn‘t my favorite thing, but as long as I didn‘t overindulge in alcohol, I was certain everything would be fine. Maybe I’d even enjoy myself.
Not likely without Bella.
I gave Sidney very specific instructions to take me back to the hotel no later than midnight.
Alec enjoyed himself immensely, dancing with one gorgeous female after another. Sidney didn’t sit with us, preferring to stand where he could see anyone that approached the booth. As I sat there, it became painfully clear what a rotten time I was having. The music was loud. The drinks were nothing special. I would have much rather been skyping with Bella.
I was miserable. After downing my drink, I nodded to Sidney, indicating that I was ready to go. I glanced toward the dance floor to see Alec, dancing very inappropriately with a blonde.
What the hell happened to the redhead he was with five minutes ago?
I signaled to him that I was leaving. He just waved me on.
Obviously planning to spend the evening elsewhere.
As we drove back to the hotel, I looked at the time. I’d barely made it an hour at the club.
Chapter 42 - A Perfect Plan Comes Together
Sidney and I waited in the car while Alec went inside the airport to retrieve Alice and Jasper. I would have liked to have met them inside, but the paps always managed to make reunions uncomfortable.
After an eternity of waiting, they finally arrived at the car. I stepped out of the vehicle to give my sister a hug and shake Jasper’s hand. The minute Sidney had the doors closed again, Alice began.
She gave me a dazzling smile and held out her hand in expectation of.. what?
She quirked an eyebrow, “Don’t give me that innocent stare Edward. I want to see the ring.”
I should have known.
Before going to the airport, Sidney and I had stopped off at Tiffany’s to pick up Bella’s ring. I sighed as I pulled it from my jacket pocket.
Alice snatched it away and opened the velvet box. “Edward” She gasped. “It’s lovely.” She said as she leaned toward Jasper, making sure he got a glimpse of it too.
Jasper gave me a knowing grin, while Alec’s eyes bugged out of his head.
“Is that what I think it is Edward?” He asked.
“Yes Alec. I intend to propose to Bella when I return home from England.”
He gave me an awed look and muttered “Dude”.
Alice and Jasper laughed quietly.
Jasper needed to sleep, so we deposited him at the suite I’d reserved for them. It was located directly across the hall from mine, and next door to Sidney’s room.
Alice had slept on the plane and was now too hyper to rest, so she decided to spend the afternoon with me. We spent the time in my sitting room, planning the sites we would visit the next day.
When it was time for supper, a well rested Jasper emerged from the suite and we all dined out together.
“So I hear Bella and Rose are going out with friends tonight?” Alice chirped.
“Yes.” I sighed.
“Edward, tell me you were the supportive boyfriend and didn’t give her a hard time about this.”
“Yes, Alice.”
“Good. We all know that girl needs to cut loose a little. From what Rose tells me, she’s been quite the hermit for years.” She said as she smirked at me.
She’s not the only one.
“You’re absolutely perfect for each other.” Jasper laughed. Alice joined him. I scowled.
“Did you want to go clubbing with Jazz and me tonight?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
I shot her a glare.
“Okay, okay.” She laughed. “Maybe another night.”
Not likely.
I went to bed early, knowing that tomorrow would be a busy day.
I managed to get a few hours of sleep in, but by early morning, I found myself lying awake, worrying about Bella.
I was glad that she was having a chance to ‘cut loose’ with her friends, as Alice put it. I was happy that she finally had a group of people she could call friends. I was proud that she could go out without me, and still enjoy herself.
Truth was, I wasn’t any of those things, but that’s what I told her I was before she left. Thanks to my above average acting skills, she bought the lie.
Knowing that Lou would keep her safe, I reprimanded myself for my unease.
After I showered and dressed for the day I glanced at the time. I hadn’t heard from Bella, and wondered if she was still out with her friends. Just as I thought about that, my phone chimed with a text.
I mis u panty drper. Wait 4 me on skyppe…b4 u leave?
Panty dropper? That’s better than Panty thief. If she had called me that I think I would have had a heart attack.
If I had to venture a guess, I would say that my girlfriend is drunk.
I texted back immediately.
Of course I will wait beautiful. I have off today. Going sight-seeing later with Ali and Jasper. I love you.
I sent a text to Lou, verifying that he had the situation well in hand.
Just making sure that you’ll still be able to get the girls home by 2 a. m. as we discussed. I’m glad Bella seems to be enjoying herself.
Less than a minute later, I received a reply from Lou, reassuring me that he’d meet the deadline.
For the next thirty minutes, I kept one eye on my watch and the other on my laptop screen which was connected to skype. I stepped away from the screen for just a moment to get a bottle of water, on my way back into the room, I heard Bella calling my name.
Or some drunken version of it anyway.
“Edwaaarrd, are you there? I’m hooome. Hello, helloooo.”
I stepped back into the bedroom and saw her beautiful drunken face, close to the screen. Her eyes immediately met mine. “You look yummy.” She breathed.
“You look pretty good yourself, my beautiful drunken girl.” I answered with a grin.
She smiled. “Oh, Edward, we had so much fun tonight.” She practically sang the words. “First, we went out for Mexican food and margaritas. While we ate, the girls said they wanted to go to a karaoke bar. I told them No way Jose, cause we were in a Mexican restaurant…”
I chuckled, so glad to see her lose her inhibitions a little.
“Well, anyway, no more karaoke bars. I have no desire to see any more ‘Bella’ videos on youtube. Sooo we went to a dance club, or several. I don’t really remember how many….” She drifted off as I smiled.
“The girls got me to dance a lot.” She was adorable. “Oh!” She gasped as if she’d remembered something.
“Edward, I almost forgot the best part of the night! We met this really cool lady. She is from Morocco, or something like that. Anyway, she taught us to belly dance. It was so much fun!”
I wish I could have seen that.
“Rose wants to have her on the show sometime.” Her smile got even brighter. “I should show you!” She shouted as she jumped to her feet and started to move in a most provocative manner. “I don’t know if I’m doing it right, because I can’t see my belly.”
I swallowed hard as I watched her.
She was so sexy. Drunk and sexy.
“You know, I think it would be better without the dress” She blurted as she …started to unzip her dress??
“Bella, what are you doing?” I blurted loudly.
“You’ve got to see my belly Edward. It’s a belly dance Duh!”
“Bella, wait!” I yelled and lunged toward the computer, stumbling and landing face down on the damn floor.
Son of a bitch. Stupid fucking floor.
“Edwaaard are you okay?” I heard Bella’s voice as I tried to right myself. Just as I got up from the floor I saw Bella, her dress still in place.
Thank God.
I needed to stop her from taking it off. “Bella stop.”
“Stop what?” She asked innocently.
“Don’t take off your dress.” I rushed out, just as the dress hit the floor.
“That dress?” She questioned, pointing down.
Oh fuck.
I couldn’t look down, because I couldn’t take my eyes off of Bella in her red bra and red lace panties.
“Oh dear God.” was all I could croak out.
“Are you okay Edward? You seem a little keyed up.” Bella sighed. “Maybe my dance will take your mind off of whatever’s troubling you.”
Yes please.
I mean no. No, no, no.
And then because the universe hates me, she started to writhe around, gyrating her hips as she moved.
Oh God yes…
I couldn’t tell if she was doing it properly, I was too busy concentrating on breathing so I wouldn‘t pass the fuck out.
Gyrate left, gyrate right, left, right, left and thrust.
Will the torture never cease?
She’s trying to kill me. Drunken Bella is trying to kill me.
I couldn’t speak, although I’m pretty sure I squeaked at one point.
She was so innocent and sweet while at the same time she was--
Sexy. As. Fuck.
I was stressed. Why couldn’t I be a true gentleman and tell her to stop?
Because she’s fucking amazing, that’s why.
After a few minutes, even though all the blood had traveled south, I found I still had the ability to speak, barely. “Bella, I think you should stop and put your dress back on.” I rasped out.
Even though that was the last thing I wanted her to do, I was attempting to be a gentleman.
I call bullshit, on myself.
“You’re probably right, but I’m not putting my dress back on to go to sleep silly.” She grinned.
“Okay.“ I winced.
I guess sleeping in the panties and bra would be acceptable, as long as she’s under the covers. And I can stop being a voyeuristic pervert.
“Edward, I’m going to get dressed for bed, no peeking.” She sang while waving a finger at me. “I think I’ll wear your shirt.”
What? What the hell is she doing now?
The answer to my question became painfully obvious when she grabbed my shirt from her bed while turning her back to me and unclasping her bra at the same time.
O sweet Jesus.
I gasped, I wanted to stop her, but as God is my witness, I couldn’t look away. My eyes wandered down Isabella’s back to the soft curve of her hips and down further to rest on her gorgeous little ass. I noticed that both cheeks were peeking out from under the lace of her panties…
I am a fucking pervert loser.
She peered over her shoulder, seemingly just to taunt me. “Are you sure you’re okay Edward? You’ve been having a lot of trouble breathing tonight.“ She said just as the bra dropped to the floor.
Absolutely perfect.
“Has anyone every died from blue balls?” I muttered to myself.
I hope Bella didn’t hear that.
“Edward, would you stop smacking yourself in the forehead, you might get brain damage.”
At least smacking myself kept my hands busy.
I breathed a sigh of relief when Bella finally pulled my t-shirt over her head. “I’m sorry my belly dance wasn’t very good.” She said quietly after she‘d turned back around.
She’s got to be kidding.
I cleared my throat. “It was fine Bella. Truly the best belly dance I’ve ever seen.” I looked down as I spoke, feeling guilty for watching her dance in her underwear.
“Edward, do you feel okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” I couldn’t look at her.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked sadly.
“Of course not Bella.”
“Then why won’t you look at me?” As she said this, I thought I heard her start to cry softly. I jerked my head up.
Oh God, what have I done?
“You could do so much better than me.” She sobbed.
“Bella, sweetheart, don’t cry. I want only you. You know that.”
“But I don’t understand why Edward.” She sniffled as she wiped her nose on my shirt. “I’m not a very good girlfriend.” She said with a hiccough.
“You are the best girlfriend. You’re my girl, and I love only you.” I answered.
“But I can’t even do a proper belly dance.” She whined.
I’m not a very good judge, but that belly dance seemed pretty damn awesome to me.
“I’m not beautiful or glamorous like Tanya. I don’t have huge boobs. I’m not blonde with blue eyes.”
Where in the hell was this coming from?
“You are beautiful and glamorous. I love your brown eyes and your silky brown hair. You don’t need silicone, your body is perfect.” I sighed then. “So perfect in fact that after your little performance tonight, I feel the need for another cold shower.” I chuckled, but inside I was dead serious.
Her head shot up and she looked at me. “Really?”
“Really.” I answered. “Now, will you do me a favor?”
“Anything” She whispered.
“I need you to go to the medicine chest and take 2 Tylenol with a glass of water. I’ll wait here.”
I watched her leave, and waited until she returned a couple minutes later.
“Now sweetheart, I want you to get in bed and switch off the light.”
She did as I asked.
“Edward?” She said as she laid down.
“Yes Bella?”
“Will you sing to me?”
“Of course. I love you Bella.”
“Love you too, Edward.” She said with a yawn. As I sang, I watched her drift off to sleep. It didn’t take long.
“Long ago and far away, I dreamed a dream one day
And now that dream is here beside me
Long the skies were overcast, But now the clouds have passed
You're here at last…”
I glanced up toward the door and saw my sister leaning against the frame, her arms crossed over her chest, and an indulgent smile on her face.
“Edward, that was beautiful.”
I smiled at her. “Alice, how long have you been standing there? And how did you get into the suite?”
“I walked in just as you started singing, and Alec got me an extra key.” She answered as she walked over and sat beside me on the bed, smiling wider when she glimpsed Bella asleep on the screen.
“Rough night?” she asked as she gestured toward Bella.
I grinned. “You could say that. I think she will be asleep for quite a while.”
Alice wrapped her arm around mine and rested her head on my shoulder as she continued to watch Bella. “I’m so happy you two found each other.” She said quietly.
“Me too Alice.”
After another minute, Alice took a deep breath, and pulled herself away from the computer screen. “Okay, well if you’re ready, let’s go explore.” She said happily.
I nodded, and followed her out.
“Edward, I hear our little Bella is a Tolkien fan?” Jasper inquired on our way to the car.
“Yes.” I answered.
“As you know, I also enjoy the Professor’s work, along with the works of C. S. Lewis.” He continued. “With that in mind, I’ve always wanted to visit the pub in Oxford in which they and a few other literary-minded friends met on a regular basis. It’s call ‘The Eagle and Child’ and Alice has agreed to make that our first stop of the day.” He smiled.
Good God, he sounds like he’s pleading his case in court.
“That’s fine Jasper. You don’t have to sell me on the idea you suave motherfucker.” I grinned as I said this and, in return, he lightly punched my shoulder.
“Shut up ass.” He muttered as he laughed.
Alice giggled.
As we sat in The Eagle and Child having lunch, I couldn’t stop thinking how thrilled Bella would be if she were with us. I almost sent her a text, but decided I didn’t want to disturb her sleep at that moment.
“Are you folks fans of the famous authors?” The barkeep asked as he delivered our food. If he recognized me, he gave no indication.
“Absolutely.” Jasper answered.
“Most of our American visitors are.“ He said with a smile. “I heard the other day that Professor Tolkien’s home is up for sale.” The barkeep continued.
“Oh really?” I asked intrigued.
“Yes. It’s the one he lived in while writing Lord of The Rings.” He smiled. “Well, you all enjoy your meal.” He turned to walk away, but I stopped him.
“Can you tell me where this house is?” I asked. It was a silly notion, but I couldn’t leave before I found out a little more.
“Surely. It’s just around the corner and up the road a piece.” He said as he gestured with his hands. “I’d say it’s less than five minutes from here by car.”
Alice’s eyes locked with mine, as we both realized the possibilities.
This was a serendipitous moment if ever there was one.
After we ate, and had the barkeep scrawl a map to the Tolkien house on a slip of paper, we headed out.
“Edward, you’ve got to buy this house for Bella.” Alice said as we stood in the garden of Tolkien’s former home. “Think of what a wonderful surprise it would be.”
As soon as we had pulled up to the house, I’d phoned the realtor and we were waiting for her to arrive in order to have a tour.
During that tour, as we walked from room to room, I became more convinced that Alice was right. I had to buy this house. “I’d like to make an offer.” I declared as we stood in Tolkien’s study.
The realtor’s face lit up. “Very well Mr. Masen. I’ll draw up the necessary paperwork and have it delivered to your hotel.”
I smiled and shook her hand. I noticed that my sister, and even Jasper were beaming at me. I looked at them questioningly “What?”
Jasper grabbed my shoulder. “Edward, this is by far one of the coolest things you’ve ever done. It’s so ‘spur of the moment’. You’ve really gone outside your comfort zone in order to make Bella happy.”
I couldn’t argue with the truth.
All the way to our next stop, Alice was bubbling over. “Oh Edward, you should definitely bring Bella here after she graduates and propose! In the house! It would be so wonderful.”
I thought about that. It was a marvelous idea.
After the Tolkien house, I was not as interested in sight-seeing. I was more interested in planning the perfect marriage proposal.
If Jasper could hear my thoughts, he’d probably demand I turn in my ‘Man Card’.
Feeling the need to indulge my sister, I plastered a fake smile on my face and stumbled through every tourist attraction she’d chosen for that afternoon.
When I returned to the suite after dinner, I noticed that Bella was no longer connected to skype.
I decided to send her a text.
I guess you went to church. Call me or skype when you get back. I’ll be here all evening.
When I still hadn’t heard from her an hour later, I decided to send another one.
I hope you had a good morning and your head doesn’t hurt too much. Call me. Love you.
Time passed, and still no response. My phone didn’t ring, and the skype remained disconnected from Bella’s computer.
Little by little, I started to convince myself that something was wrong. When I couldn’t stand it any longer, I phoned Alice to see if she’d heard from Bella or Rose. When she said no, I confided my fears. She assured me that she’d try to call her. If that didn’t work, she’d get Rose to go over to Bella’s apartment.
Feeling a bit relieved, I lay down on my bed hoping to see Bella on my computer screen soon.
It was almost one in the morning before I finally heard from her. When the phone rang, I grabbed it immediately.
“Bella” I whispered, not attempting to mask the worry in my voice. “Are you alright? Where have you been?”
“Sorry I didn’t call.” She said quietly.
“Bella what is the matter?” I had to know what was going on.
“Why do I get the feeling that you’re hiding something?” I challenged.
“Listen Edward, I can’t talk long. Rose wants to watch Emmett’s golf game.”
“Bella” I was starting to freak out. “Don’t hang up.”
“Edward, I’m okay. You need to get some sleep, you’ve got to work tomorrow” was her response.
“Bella! Don’t you dare hang up that phone!” I was pissed off and a little hurt that she wouldn’t confide in me.
She didn’t respond.
“Now. You need to tell me what the fuck is going on or I’ll be on the next plane to Seattle.” I demanded.
“Um. I don’t know what to say.”
“Start with why you won’t speak to me.” I answered, hoping she was finally going to talk to me.
She sighed and then blurted “Ican’tbelieveIdancedinmyunderwear” in a rush.
What the hell was that?
And then I understood. She was embarrassed about last night. I knew I shouldn’t trivialize it, but I was relieved that it wasn’t something bad, and began to chuckle. “Bella is that all that’s bothering you?”
“All?!” She shouted. “Isn’t that enough Edward. I made a fool of myself!”
“Um, Bella, how should I put this? That dance last night was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Even hotter than the karaoke, and you know how I reacted to that.” I breathed.
It was the mother fucking truth.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” She responded.
I laughed out loud. “Bella, for God’s sake, if I could have found a way to record that dance on skype I would have done it. In other words, feel free to make a fool of yourself any time.” I chuckled again.
“I was hoping we were past all this insecurity baby. Can we go on skype now?”
“No, I really promised Rose that I’d be over. I’m sorry.” She said quietly.
Content that we’d averted another possible crisis, I decided I’d have to accept that. “Okay.” I sighed sadly. “Are you better now?”
“Good. And remember what I said, you can make a fool out of yourself any time, but Bella.”
“You’re only allowed to make a fool of yourself in front of me okay?” I chuckled again.
She giggled. “Only you Edward. I love you.”
“I love you too baby. We’ll skype before I leave for the studio okay?”
“Okay, bye.”
I ended the call and sat there laughing softly to myself for a few minutes before wandering out to the fridge for a bottle of water. Just as I turned to go back to my bedroom, water in hand, I heard a loud thump. I turned, trying to see what had made the noise. Instead of another thump, I heard a high-pitched woman’s squeal coming from the other side of the wall.
Alec’s room.
“Oh baby, just like that. I wanna ride your disco stick. Fuck me Alec!”
What the fuck? She’s actually shouting Lady Gaga lyrics?
I wonder if she’s a hooker?
I shuddered.
Precisely the reason that Alec will never be the one living in my guesthouse.
I fled to my bedroom, making sure to lock the door, before crawling into bed.
I’ll have to have a word with Alec about his behavior tomorrow.
Chapters 43&44 - Distractions For The Homesick Protagonist

I decided there was no time like the present to broach the uncomfortable subject of Alec’s social life.
“So Alec. There was a reason I invited you to come along with us tonight.”
“There usually is.” He answered with a grin.
He is incorrigible.
“Alec, I don’t want to interfere in your personal life, but Jesus. Don’t you ever worry about all the meaningless sex? Some day this may all come back to haunt you.”
He grinned in response. “I hope so. When I’m an old man and can’t get it up, I hope that shit haunts my dreams.” He blurted out a laugh.
I wasn’t amused.
“All I’m saying is that some day one of these women may turn out to be some crazy stalker, and turn your life into a living hell.” I tried to have him take me seriously.
Alec looked at me incredulously. “Edward, you watch too many movies man. I actually have my own patented screening process.”
Oh Jesus.
“Don’t give me that look. As I was saying, I only choose women that are looking for some fun. No commitments. I have a couple of girls I see regularly back in L.A., if you must know, I don’t do the ‘one night stand’ thing that often really.”
He has no clue that he sounds like an asshole.
“Those chicks in L.A. know how far they can pry. They also knew from date one not to ask about you.”
“Out of morbid curiosity, I’ll ask. What do I have to do with your trysts Alec?”
“If they ask about you, I never call them back. That right there is a deal breaker.” He said honestly.
This actually surprised me, and it must have shown on my face.
“Don’t look so surprised Edward. You may not believe this, but I do take my work for you seriously. If a date asks about you, they’ve crossed a line.”
“So if they want to know about me, you drop them?” I asked.
“What about Lady Gaga from last night? Did she ask about me?” I wanted to laugh when I thought about what I’d heard through the door.
“Who?” Alec looked bewildered.
“I was in the sitting room, getting a bottle of water before bed, and I heard your ‘date’,” I said using air quotes “shouting something about a disco stick.” I actually started to crack up as I said the last two words.
Alec immediately lost his shit, he was laughing so hard. “You heard that?” He said through his guffaws.
“Most definitely.” I shook my head as I chuckled. “It was scarring actually.” I tried to look appalled, but it was difficult through the laughter.
“Shut the fuck up Edward. You’re just jealous because you aren’t getting any.” He continued to laugh.
“Yeah, I mean, you were living like a monk before, but I thought that since you had a real girlfriend that had changed, But I read the stuff on the internet about Bella. It’s all over there that she’s a virgin.” He smiled and quirked an eyebrow at me. “Dude, how long has it been since you’ve actually had sex? You know, with a girl, because your hand doesn’t count.“ He smirked.
My jovial mood evaporated.
“Alec, I don’t care what you say about me, but you will not speak so casually about a very private matter concerning the woman I love, and you will never compare Isabella to the women you choose to date. That right there is my deal breaker.” I could feel myself starting to seethe with anger.
“Ed, relax man.” He said as he patted my shoulder. “Dude, I didn’t mean anything against Bella. She seems really nice. I was just fucking with you, sorry.” He said with a sincere expression.
I took a couple of breaths to calm down.
“Evidently that’s the only kind of fucking you’ll be getting any time soon.” He snickered.
Damn him.
“You’re an asshole.” I said, my anger was gone. It seems that Alec just couldn’t help himself. “Back to these women you choose to bring to the suite.”
“Don’t worry Edward, the chick from last night was cool. I’m definitely going to see her again. Maybe I‘ll play music next time to cover the noise.” He said as he snickered.
Why the fuck didn’t I give Sidney that room?
“I just want to be clear about one thing Alec.“
“What’s that?“ He asked.
“Under no circumstances are you to allow one of your ‘dates’ into the sitting room. That shit is to be kept in your room only.“
“Sure Edward, no problem.“ He answered.
I sighed and looked up just in time to see Jasper and Alice headed in our direction.
On Tuesday, Alec made sure that I saw the photos on the internet of my ‘hot girlfriend’ during her night of clubbing. What Alec didn’t realize was that I’d already discovered those photos. And I may have looked at them for hours. And I may have copied them into a picture file in my computer. A file which Alec would never see.
Alec neglected to tell me about the video of Bella’s belly dance lesson though. It had become an instant hit on youtube. I found that shit on my own. Nothing could compare to the ‘private performance’ that I had received on skype, but that video came a close second.
I was a little pissed off when I realized that there had been a thousand hits of that video in the first twenty-four hours after posting. But after I thought about it, I realized that five hundred of those hits were probably from me.
But that still meant that there were a whole lot of other perverts eyefucking my girl on youtube. I was not pleased.
On Wednesday, I was finished filming by two in the afternoon, so Alice decided I needed to go with she and Jasper to tour something called ‘The London Dungeon’. I had to admit, it was pretty damn scary.
In one section called ’The Torture Chamber’ Jasper volunteered to be strapped into a chair, while the Torture Chamber Master used him to demonstrate the use of several torture devices. When the Master brought one of those devices a little too close to the Whitlock family jewels, Jasper cringed like a pussy. Alice and I proceeded to laugh our asses off.
After Bella’s reaction to Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, I was certain that this was one attraction she’d never want to see. Even Alice, who is usually not easily frightened, clutched onto Jasper and hid her face in his chest a few times during the tour.
On second thought maybe I will bring Bella here some day….
“The rumor going around the studio is that Plateau has released every one of your former ‘dates’ from their non-disclosure agreements. Those agreements weren’t enforceable anyway.” Jasper explained. “Since Tanya’s statement, I think the studio is doing damage control. They don’t want to come across as the bad guy. Covering up the fact that those NDAs ever existed goes a long way toward ensuring that.”
“I wonder if there will be any fallout?” I asked. Fearful that some former date would lie about me to the press.
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” Jasper said quietly.
The rest of my week was filled with work, phone calls to Bella every evening, and skype every morning.
On Friday Bella revealed something that made me more than uncomfortable.
“So, how are you?” She asked me with a smile.
“Missing my girl.” I grinned.
“Edward, you didn’t send me flowers today did you?”
“You got flowers?” I asked.
She nodded.
“I didn’t send them Bella.” I frowned. “They were unsigned?”
She nodded again.
“I don’t think I’m comfortable with some strange guy sending you flowers. Where were they sent?”
“To WIRI. So, it’s not like he has my home address or anything.” She answered.
“That’s true. I still don’t like it. Was there a card?”
“And?” I pressed. “What did it say Bella?” I asked, wishing she’d just spit it out.
“Just something about looking forward to a ‘private dance’ with me soon.”
“The fuck you say.” I was abruptly livid.
“Listen Edward, Rose and I discussed this. The photos from our club hopping are all over the internet, along with video from our belly dancing lesson. Everyone’s probably seen it by now.”
Exactly what I had already realized. Damn it.
This didn’t stop me from freaking the hell out. “Bella, promise me you won’t go anywhere alone.”
“Edward, you’re overreacting.”
“Please Bella.” I wasn’t above begging. “I’m so far away, I’ll go out of my mind if I have to worry about your safety.”
“Of course Edward. Please don’t concern yourself with this any more. I promise not to go anywhere alone.”
I breathed a sigh of relief, making a mental note to discuss this with Sidney and Lou as soon as possible.
“So are you ready for movie night tomorrow, er, I guess it’s tonight for you.” She asked.
She was attempting to change the subject, and I was perfectly willing to let her believe that I wasn’t on the verge of a panic attack.
I grinned. “Yes I am. I can’t wait baby. I should be back here by five tonight. Speaking of that, I’d better go. You get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow morning your time.”
She nodded, giving me a sad look. “I love you Edward.”
“I love you too Bella. Sweet dreams.”
On our way to the studio, I spoke with Sidney about the flowers. Unfortunately, his words brought me no comfort.
“The police will not view sending flowers to someone as a threat sir. Even if Miss Swan were to report this, they will do nothing.” Sidney explained. “The most you can do is to make sure that Lou stays close.”
I nodded in agreement.
During the ride back to the hotel that evening, I made two phone calls. The first was to Lou. I explained what had happened, and let him know that I needed him to be extra vigilant where Bella was concerned, especially while I was away. That taken care of, the next phone call was to Chief Swan.
“Charlie, it’s Edward Cullen.”
“Hello Edward, aren’t you in England?” He asked.
“Yes I am, I will be for a few more weeks.”
“Okay. What can I do for you?” The Chief was all business this morning.
“Have you heard about the flowers Bella received?”
“I got a call from Emmett last night.” He sighed. “There’s not a lot anyone can do Edward, aside from finding out who sent them.”
“Well, maybe I’m overreacting because I’m so far away, but it wasn’t the flowers that bothered me as much as the card. I found it to be a little creepy.”
“Yeah. Emmett told me. Something about wanting a private dance.” Charlie sighed. “That could be from anyone. A couple of the guys here at the station told me about some video on the internet of Rose and Bella out clubbing and belly dancing.” He said, sounding a little annoyed. “By now, I’m assuming a hell of a lot of people have seen that.” He paused before he continued. “You know, I’m used to Emmett pulling stunts in public, like golfing in a kilt.” He remarked with disgust. “I have to admit that it’s weird for Bells to be the one everyone’s talking about.” He then gave a low chuckle.
I smiled. “By way of explanation, she and Rose had been drinking quite a lot that night.”
“I should hope so.” Charlie said. “Ah well, I’m glad she’d coming out of her shell at least.”
“That’s true.” I answered. “I just worry. I couldn’t take it if anything happened to her Charlie. So, I‘ve made her promise not to go anywhere unaccompanied.”
Charlie was quiet for a moment. “That’s good Edward. With Bella’s history, I don’t want anyone getting too close to her. Even if this turns out to be some kind of harmless admirer, I‘m afraid she wouldn’t handle it well.” Charlie trailed off.
“I’ll be glad when I get back.” I muttered.
“She will too son. Don’t worry so much. Bells has a lot of people looking out for her.”
“Thanks Charlie.”
“You just get that movie done, so you can get home to our girl.” He said.
Our girl.
“Okay sir.”
Upon entering my bedroom, I saw Bella’s beautiful face gracing my computer screen.
“Someone’s anxious for movie night.” I smiled. “Sorry I’m a little late. Did you have a good night?”
Bella gave me a beautiful smile. “I did. It would have been better if you were here of course.”
I grinned. “I’m going to take a quick shower. Dinner is being delivered to the room, then we can watch the movie together.”
“I’ll be here waiting Mr. Movie Star.” She replied happily.
Tonight’s movie choice was ’Pirate Radio’. I was very much looking forward to it.
After my dinner, Bella and I snacked on popcorn as we watched the movie.
We both started chuckling after realizing that one of the major plotlines in the story was about ‘Young Carl’ losing his virginity.
“We can never escape that shit can we Isabella?” I laughed.
Bella laughed with me. “I think Young Carl’s definitely going to lose his virginity by the end of the movie Edward. He’s awfully cute.”
“So you think Tom Sturridge is cute do you?” I asked, trying to seem jealous.
“He’s adorable.” Bella grinned.
By the time the movie was over she added “He’s got a cute butt too.”
I growled softly.
“Don’t get jealous Edward, yours is cuter.”
Ah, I love it when she blurts her true feelings.
I smiled. “Miss Swan, that was an appallingly shocking thing to say.”
“Eh, yeah. Well Edward, um, I did see your naked butt in September Ends. I believe you were already aware of that.”
“You know Miss Swan, I’m at a loss here.”
“Why’s that?” She asked.
“You’ve seen mine, but I haven’t seen yours.”
And oh baby, what I wouldn’t give to see yours.
“Uh. Um. I’ve never seen it in person, only on the movie screen.” She stuttered out.
“I’ll show you mine right now if you show me yours first?” I answered with a smirk.
Bella cleared her throat and a nervous giggle escaped her mouth. “Maybe I would have done that the other night Edward. But today there is zero alcohol in my system. I’m not mooning you on skype.”
I cocked my head to one side, still smirking. “That’s too bad.” I smiled at her then. “Bella, really what’s the big deal? It’s not like I’m asking for a frontal view.” I smirked again and laughed. “Okay, I’ll admit that as much as I’d enjoy seeing any part of your body on skype, I guess I’d rather wait to see some parts in person. But Bella, I’m definitely not covering my eyes if you decide to flash me.“
She blushed a lovely shade. “Stop teasing me.” She said as she giggled again.
“I’m not teasing baby. Just remember, my offer still stands, among others I’ve made.”
Although those could only be accomplished in person.
“What’s gotten into you?” She smiled back.
“Just missing you.” I admitted.
And worrying about you.
We talked for the rest of the evening. All too soon it was time for me to sleep.
I reluctantly said goodbye to my girl, having to be satisfied with seeing her in my dreams.
“Rose tells me that Bella is handling the publicity pretty well.” Alice said.
It was the night before Alice and Jasper were scheduled to fly home, and we were on our way to The Ivy for a late dinner with several members of the cast and crew. It was Yves’s birthday, so the director had reserved a private room to celebrate, and we expected about thirty people to show up.
“Seems to be.” I muttered.
Alice knew this was a touchy subject.
“Edward, cheer up, there are a lot of worse things they could be saying about her aside from the fact that she’s a virgin.” Alice grinned.
“I know that.” I said quietly. “As usual, I’m beating myself up over the fact that she wouldn’t have to deal with any of this, if not for me.”
“Edward, Bella’s very happy since she found you. She wouldn’t be happy without you. I believe she thinks the sacrifice of her privacy is worth it.” She smiled softly. “In other words, you are worth it brother dear.”
I shrugged, not knowing what to say.
Alice studied me for a minute. “You know how Bella’s lack of self-esteem troubles you Edward?” Alice asked.
Where is she going with this?
“Well, it’s sort of the same way I feel about you when go on these self-hatred kicks.” She smirked. “You kind of hate yourself, and feel sorry for yourself all at the same time. It‘s annoying.”
I cringed a little, realizing that she was right.
Alice noted the expression on my face. “Don’t over think it Edward. I’ll tell you when you’re being stupid.”
“Am I being stupid right now?” I questioned.
She quirked an eyebrow. “A little.” She said with a gin.
“Sorry Alice. I’ll work on it.” I said with a worried smile.
Within an hour of our arrival, the party was in full swing. Yves’s fiancée Crystal had flown over a couple of days before, and she and Alice hit it off immediately.
Unfortunately, Nicole French was also at the party. She really was an odd girl. Every time I glanced at her, she was either texting on her phone, or flirting with someone.
She made the mistake of approaching our table.
“Hello Edward.” She purred as I was deep in conversation with Jasper.
“Hello Nicole.” I answered politely.
“Are you going to introduce me to your friend?” She said while giving Jasper the once-over.
“Nicole French, this is my manager Jasper Whitlock.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Jasper.” She breathed.
Nothing got past my sister. Even though Alice had been leaning toward Crystal while chatting with her, at the sound of Nicole’s pronouncement of her husband’s name, Alice turned her entire head and body toward us, shot a quick glare at Nicole, and proceeded to slide onto Jasper’s lap. Once there she placed a scorching kiss on his lips. Essentially claiming him as her own.
I laughed out loud at Jasper’s surprised expression, and Nicole looked offended.
Alice never acknowledged Nicole’s presence, and having successfully distracted her husband, spent the next ten minutes whispering with or kissing him. The two of them looked even more in love than on the day of their wedding.
I sighed.
I miss Bella.
With Jasper clearly unavailable, Nicole then turned her attention to me. She started to reach her hand out to touch my chest. I gave her such a withering glare which must have caused her to think better of it, because she pulled her hand back abruptly.
“I guess I’ll go say hi to a couple of people. See you later Edward.” She said before dashing away.
I grinned as Jasper caught my eye and nodded while smirking.
Everyone had the next day off, so I knew the party would continue until very late. Thankfully, we had the excuse to bow out rather early due to the fact that Jasper and Alice were catching a flight the next day.
I was sad to see Jasper and Alice go, aside from the fact that I would miss them, their presence had helped staunch the feeling of overwhelming loneliness I’d felt without Bella. Also, I knew that without my sister there to drag me out in public, I would turn back into a hermit.
After depositing Jasper and Alice at the airport, I returned to my suite and pulled out my guitar.
I will leave behind all of my clothes I wore when I was with you
All I need's my railroad boots and my leather jacket
As I say goodbye to Ruby's arms, although my heart is breaking,
I will steal away out through your blinds, for soon you will be waking…
During the times I couldn’t talk to Bella, I played a lot of Tom Waits, my artist of choice when I was depressed.
The next few days were uneventful. During our spare time, I hung out with Tony quite a bit. He was lonely just like I was, although he was looking forward to his wife’s arrival in a couple of weeks.
We had dinner with Yves and Crystal a couple of times, but I couldn’t help the stab of jealousy I experienced now and then knowing that they got to have their girls with them, and I wouldn’t get to experience that.
My system of phoning or skyping with Bella would be interrupted now and then by changes in my filming schedule, or by her social schedule.
“So, tomorrow night I won’t be home to skype with you Edward. Joanna, Tara and I are having a study session, and I’m spending the night with them.”
I was immediately disappointed. I lived for those skype sessions. “Okay baby. Can you phone me at least?”
“Sure. I can do that.“
As usual, I spoke with Bella on the phone during her lunch the next day. She seemed a little jumpy, but I didn’t think a lot of it.
The next morning, which was evening for Bella, I waited for her phone call, but it never came. Instead I got a call from Rose informing me that Bella was having phone problems, and wouldn’t feel right using one of her friends’ phones to call England.
I almost begged Rose for the friend’s phone number, but stopped myself. I didn’t need to interfere with Bella’s time with her friends. Instead, I decided to suck up my disappointment and continue on with my day, knowing I’d speak with Bella that night.
I was in a shitty mood all morning, not having had my Bella fix, and unfortunately, people noticed. Alec couldn’t get away from me fast enough when I told him I didn’t need him during the lunch break.
After completing a rather tedious scene that afternoon, Hal called a break while they set up for the next one. Not wanting to infect anyone else with my sullen mood, I decided to spend the break time in my trailer.
I tested the doorknob as I always did before pulling out my key.
Damn you Alec, you left this door unlocked.
This was the first time he’d forgotten to lock the door since I’d instructed him to do so. I walked in and locked it behind me. When I turned around, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. All the blinds were drawn, but even in the dim light I could make out the form of someone lying on my couch.
“What the fuck?” I muttered loudly. “How the hell do these people get through security?”
I needed to get whoever the hell this was out of my trailer immediately.
“Wake up now! I am going to kick Alec’s ass for leaving this fucking door unlocked.” There was no response from the person on the couch.
Great. Glad to know that some random stalker has made themselves so fucking comfortable in my trailer.
Damn it!
“Look you, whoever you are, I need you to get the hell out of my trailer. I could have you arrested for trespassing.”
The person still didn’t move or answer me. I ran my hands roughly through my hair.
“Fuck. This is not working. You! Would you please wake up. If you’re expecting me to touch you to get you to move, that is not going to happen. I‘ll have my bodyguard come and carry you out of here.”
No way am I laying a finger on whoever that is, so they can later claim assault. At that moment, the figure on the couch rolled over to face me.
“I don’t want Sidney to carry me. I want you to hold me and kiss me hello Edward.” She whispered. I felt all the air leave my lungs.
Bella? My Bella? I must be hallucinating.
“Surprise.” She added with a smile.
I was frozen in place. I could not believe this was really happening.
How was she here?
After a long pause, I was finally able to speak. “Bella” I whispered.
“Edward, I only intended to surprise you, not put you into a coma.” The apparition giggled as she walked over to me.
As soon as I heard that giggle, I knew she was real. I didn’t know how or why, but my beautiful girl was here with me. Either that, or I’d had a psychotic break from reality.
“You’re really here?” I asked as I pulled her into my arms.
“Nope. I’m still over there.” She said, pointing to the couch.
It has to be her. No one else is that much of a smart ass.
“Oh Bella” Then my lips were on hers as she melted into me.
This is what I’d been missing for weeks. My home, my safe harbor, the place I am happiest. The place where I have Bella in my arms.
I couldn’t stop kissing her. As long as I held onto her and kissed her, I knew she wouldn’t disappear. As I continued to kiss every inch of exposed skin, I whispered to her as she moaned in response. We may have been completely swept away by the moment if not for the knock on my trailer door.
“Five minutes Mr. Masen.” A voice sounded from outside.
I sighed. “Oh Bella, I’m afraid if I go, you will have disappeared by the time I get back.”
“I’m not leaving Edward” She whispered.
Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. “Come” I ordered as I grabbed her hand and started pulling her toward the door.
“You want me on the set?” She asked, a little bewildered.
“There’s nothing I want more at this moment.” I grinned. “I want to show my girlfriend off to everyone.”
I held onto Bella’s hand as we traversed the set and I introduced her to every single person involved with the movie. A few of my cast mates gave me knowing smiles when they met Bella, understanding the reason for my 180 degree mood swing since that morning.
Hal made her feel right at home. “So we finally meet the lovely Bella.” He smiled as he shook her hand. “This fellow here thinks the world of you my dear.” He said, causing her beautiful blush to appear.
“I’m pretty crazy about him too.” She said as she beamed at me.
There was one more short scene I needed to film, so I deposited Bella in my chair where she could observe. It didn’t take long to finish, especially seeing that I had a huge incentive to get it right in order to leave for the day.
Sidney was waiting in the lot. When he saw Bella, he smiled broadly. “Good evening Miss Swan.”
“Hello Sidney. Good to see you.”
As we rode back to the hotel, I started questioning her. “So, aren’t you missing class?”
“The only day that I miss class is on Thursday. All my professors know, and gave me the work to complete ahead of time.” She answered.
I smiled. “So I’ve got you for how long?”
“I have to fly back on Monday.” she answered.
“We’d better make the most of it then.” I gave her a wicked grin and pulled her into my arms, holding her in a passionate kiss until we reached the hotel.
Apart from the day Bella told me she loved me, I’d never been happier.
Chapter 45 & 46 - Prelude To A Proposal
After flying all night, I knew Bella was exhausted. Instead of going out to dinner, I suggested she have a soak in the tub while I ordered room service. No sooner had I phoned in the order than Alec knocked on the door, looking guilty of something.
I’ll worry about that later.
“Hey Edward, I’ve bolted the door on my side. I was just letting you know, so you could do the same in here.” He said as he eyed the door separating his room from the sitting room.
“Thanks, I’ll do that.” I studied his face. “How exactly did Bella get in my trailer?” I asked.
“Oh, that.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “I stopped by here during lunch. Alice must have given her an extra key to the suite. She rode with me to the studio and waited in the trailer to surprise you.”
“That she did.” I smiled, thinking about her wonderful surprise.
“Well, if you don’t need anything else from me, I’m going out.” He said.
“That’s fine, but I’ll need you early tomorrow.” I informed.
He nodded once and was gone.
I put my ipod in the dock and chose some romantic music to dine by as I waited for Bella to emerge from the bathroom.
While sitting on the sofa listening to Nat King Cole croon, the food arrived. Bella still hadn’t come out of the bathroom. I started to worry that something was wrong. I walked into the bedroom and knocked softly on the bathroom door.
No answer.
I knocked a little harder.
“Bella.” Still no response.
“Bella. Sweetheart are you alright?"
"Bella, dinner's here." I tried the knob, it was unlocked. I gingerly turned the handle and opened the door just far enough to poke my head inside. I could see her sitting in a tub full of bubbles. She looked as if she’d fallen asleep.
"Are you still alive?" With that, she started to move her head and open her eyes.
"Oh shit, I must have fallen asleep." She rasped out. Then she stood up abruptly. I gasped as my mind registered that she was gloriously naked.
Oh shit, I should probably look away. Definitely. Maybe. Probably. Oh fuck it.
I knew I should.
I. Just. Couldn’t.
Fuck, the bubbles are covering the best bits.
Bella, realizing what she’d done, immediately turned to face the wall and I was treated to a non-bubble obscured view of her gorgeous posterior.
And it’s not even my birthday.
It took some effort, but I was finally able to mutter an apology.
"Oh Christ, I'm sorry. I'll just… " I stuttered. "When you're ready…. I'll just wait in the other room."
It took everything in me to walk away from that door. I should have gone to her, taken her in my arms and kissed every inch of skin on her wet naked body. I should have carried her to my bed, locked the door, and made love to her, forgetting everything and everyone outside of that room until the next day.
That’s what I should have done.
Why am I not doing that again?
Oh yeah. We are waiting until Bella is ready, and not a moment before.
I’d suspected as much, but now I was fairly certain that my dick officially hated me.
In an effort to calm down, I busied myself setting the food out on the dining table and pouring the wine, the image of Bella, wet and naked permanently etched into my brain.
Stupid bubbles.
After a few minutes, Bella padded out, wearing her robe.
Stupid robe.
"Sorry" She muttered as she sat down.
"About what?" I asked still grinning like a fucking idiot.
"Um, well, making you wait to eat?" She answered quietly.
Silly Bella. Silly gorgeous Bella.
I continued to grin as I ate a forkful of peas.
"And maybe flashing you in the bathroom?" She added, which proceeded to make me laugh and choke on said peas.
After my choking fit, I said, "Bella, believe me when I tell you there is absolutely no need to apologize for that."
At my words, she started to blush and refused to look up at me.
I am an insensitive ass.
I set down my fork and reached a hand under her chin. "Hey" I whispered. "Bella please don't be like this."
When I lifted her face, her eyes were swimming in tears.
"Sweetheart, don't cry" Needing to hold her, I pulled her onto my lap. She cried softly as I rubbed her back.
"That wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for, the first time you saw me naked Edward."
I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. "If it's any consolation, I didn't see much. There were a lot of bubbles."
Too many damn bubbles.
She sniffled. "Really?" She finally looked me in the eye.
"Really. I was quite disappointed." I answered honestly.
"Disappointed by what you did see? Or disappointed that you didn't see more?"
She was teasing now.
I softly growled. "Disappointed that I didn't see more you silly girl. But what I did see was absolutely breathtaking." I whispered before kissing her.
The kiss quickly turned passionate. It had been so long since I’d been able to hold her and kiss her like this. We finally broke apart to breathe, and then we both started to laugh.
I begrudgingly guided her back to her seat. "As much as I'd like us to spend all evening kissing, you need to eat. So let's eat and talk because then you need to sleep."
She nodded and began scarfing down her dinner.
I ate mine at a normal pace while chuckling at Bella.
"What’s so funny" She asked while chewing.
"I take it you haven't eaten all day?" I asked.
"Not since this morning." She admitted.
I’d had enough dinner, but not enough Bella, so I spent the remainder of the dinner watching her as she ate.
"God, I've missed you." I said quietly.
As we lay in bed, I let Bella know about having Saturday and Sunday off, and that I was planning some things we could do. I had originally planned to go sightseeing, and see the house in Oxford again. Those plans would be much more enjoyable now that Bella would be with me.
"Any chance you will share those plans with me?" She asked with a yawn.
I narrowed my eyes and smirked. "No way. I think it's my turn to surprise you Miss Swan."
I didn’t get much sleep. The ring, sitting in an innocent little velvet box in the room-safe weighed heavily on my mind.
I couldn’t propose this weekend. None of my plans are complete. The house isn’t even ready.
Maybe I could propose on the London Eye.
I didn’t know what to do. Now that she’d come to England, it seemed silly to follow through with my plan of flying her here to propose in June or July.
Maybe I should just propose in Seattle.
I sat up and grabbed my phone. It was early in London, but still late evening in California.
“I take it you were sufficiently surprised Edward.” Alice giggled into the phone.
“Very much so. Thank you for helping Bella with that.” I answered.
“You’re welcome. You know I’d do anything for you and Bella.” She said quietly. “So have you decided to go ahead and propose while Bella’s there?”
As usual, Alice gets right to the heart of the matter.
"I hadn't planned on that Alice." I whispered. "You don't think I should wait until I get back next month? We don't have a lot of time before Bella has to go back."
“Edward, you know Bella. What would she want?” Alice questioned.
I thought about that. The answer came easily.
Bella would want me to propose in the Tolkien house, with or without furniture.
I inhaled sharply as I realized what I needed to do. "Ali, you just gave me a great idea.”
“Do you need my help?” She asked.
“No, I think I can handle things from here. Thanks.” I answered.
“Okay, love you Edward, bye.” She chirped.
“Love you too. Goodbye."
Bella rolled over to face me and stretched. I smiled down at her. "Feeling better now?"
"I feel great." She said with a smile.
I’m glad one of us got some sleep.
"What did you want to do today?" I asked.
She thought about that. "Well, I could go play tourist but.." She looked at me and smiled. "I don't have any desire to be away from you today Edward. I mean, I know you have to work but can I come with you? Then maybe tomorrow I won't mind being on my own so much."
Nothing would make me happier than to have her with me today. "It's bound to be boring for you Bella, but I'm not going to lie, I'd be ecstatic to have you with me."
"That's settled then." She said as she rolled out of bed to get dressed.
Now I need to tell her what scenes we’re filming today.
I sat up, bracing my elbows on my knees. "There's something you should know. I'm getting married today." I teased.
"Huh?" Bella looked a little dumbfounded.
I couldn’t help but laugh. "In the film Bella. We're staging a wedding scene today. The scene itself will only last a few minutes, but will probably take all day to film."
Bella seemed to be taking a minute to process the information.
"Who's the lucky girl?" She grinned, but she didn‘t fool me.
I climbed out of bed and moved until I was standing in front of her, and began to rub her upper arms soothingly. "Rachel Novak. You remember her, the paps tried to invent a relationship between us." I watched her carefully. "Her character is an American Army nurse that my character knew as a child. He meets her again in England, they fall in love, and so forth."
Bella tried to play it off as unimportant. "Do you have any ..you know.. um any of those kinds of scenes with her?"
I chuckled.
She can‘t even say the word ‘sex‘. What am I going to do with her?
"Bella are you asking if I have any 'sex' scenes with Rachel?" I said while making air quotes at the word sex.
Bella let out a breath. "Yes, I guess that's what I'm asking."
I chuckled again. "Yes, there's one brief scene which we haven't filmed yet."
Hopefully you won’t be on set for that one.
Once again, Bella surprised me with what she blurted next, "Oh my God Edward, please tell me she isn't going to see your junk. At least not before I've had a chance to see it" She immediately slapped her hand over her mouth, as I proceeded to laugh my ass off.
At least it’s reassuring to know that she wants to see it.
"Have I mentioned just how adorable you are?" I sputtered between laughs. "Bella, no one gets to see my 'junk' as you so eloquently put it. I wear a piece of material down there. It tapes on. I've done that for every intimate scene I've ever done. Believe me baby, I keep it covered." I said with a wink.
Hopefully that information will allay some of her fears.
"So your little costars have never seen more than your butt?" She was grinning.
I really can’t believe we’re having a serious conversation about my lack of dick exposure.
"Even Jonelle Everett?" She said with a smirk.
"Especially not her" I answered with a shudder.
While Bella dressed, I went in search of Alec. He answered his door, already dressed for the day.
“Wow. Look at you. Acting all professional and shit.” I grinned.
He laughed. “Come on in Edward.”
I stepped into the room. “Alec, I’m about to tell you some things that are not to become public knowledge, and I‘d also like to keep it as a surprise for Bella.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
“I’m planning to propose to Bella on Saturday night at the Tolkien house.” Alec was well aware of my home purchase, having handled a lot of the transfer of paperwork and phone calls while I was working.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. He didn’t say anything, so I continued. “I’m going to need your help with preparations. We’ll talk to Maggie, the set director, she offered to ‘dress the room’ for me, but we didn’t think this would be happening until June or July.”
“Sure Edward.”
“Thanks Alec. We’ll speak about this later today.” I started to leave, and then turned to face him again. “Oh and by the way, Bella told me you had a woman in the suite when she arrived yesterday. I remember expressly forbidding you from bringing any dates into the sitting room. I’m also certain that the encounter wasn’t as innocent as Bella led me to believe.”
Alec looked worried.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t have time to go into this now, but this matter is not closed Alec. We’ll discuss it later.” I warned.
He nodded before I turned and walked back to my suite.
Even though Bella accompanied me to the shoot location, I didn’t get to see much of her. I introduced her to Yves’ fiancée Crystal and they became fast friends.
While I filmed, Bella and Crystal remained a fair distance away, watching us. The outdoor scenes were filmed in the morning, and were a pain in the ass. No matter where we were told to stand, the sun seemed to be in someone’s eyes. Hal was having a fit because I kept squinting. Finally, after sunscreens were properly placed, the scene was completed to his satisfaction.
Every time I had a break from filming, I went over to sit with Bella. The paps were everywhere, and between them and the locals, I knew there would be a lot of photos of us on the internet tonight. The only time we were able to enjoy some privacy was when I had lunch delivered to my day room.
After lunch, Bella left with Crystal to explore the village. During my next break, I met with Maggie and Alec to get started setting up my surprise for Bella. Maggie was a complete romantic, and a Tolkien fan, so she had some wonderful ideas, and promised to have a crew out at the house working on things by that evening.
“Maggie, I don’t know how to thank you for this.” I told her.
“Don’t worry about it Masen, I’m glad to help.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke. “Isabella must be a wonderful woman.”
“She is.” I answered with a smile.
I sent a text to Alice letting her know my plans.
She texted back a short while later.
Was just in touch with Bruce Oldfield. He’s having a gown and shoes for Bella delivered on Saturday, along with a suit of clothes for you.
I’m so excited! Love you.
I chuckled. I could practically hear her squeal through the phone.
During my next break, I sat with Alec in the pub.
“Alec, now I want you to tell me what happened in the suite yesterday.“
“Shit.” He muttered. “Okay, I had the girl there, the same one from the other night.” He half-smiled. “Lady Gaga. Um, her names really Gabriella.”
I wanted to laugh, but didn’t. “Even though I told you not to have any girls in the sitting room?”
“Yeah” He looked remorseful. “I’m sorry Edward, I wasn’t thinking.”
“No your were thinking alright, but with your dick instead of your head.” I snapped at him.
“You’re right. It won’t happen again.”
“You can be sure of that Alec.” I said in a serious tone.
“Anyway, I phoned Gabi, and she met me at the suite. Bella was either already there, or arrived while we were there, but I didn’t see her right away.”
“Okay.” I waited for more.
“Well, Gabi and I were in the sitting room.” He shifted nervously in his chair. “We were getting um, how can I put this” Alec ran his hands through his hair.
“I don’t want the gory details Alec” I informed.
“Okay well, Bella must have been hiding behind the sofa while Gabi and I were sitting on it and she found us in a compromising position.“ He looked away, embarrassed.
Why the hell was Bella hiding behind the sofa?
“You know what Alec? Stop right there. I really don’t need to hear any more.” I sighed.
“Sorry Edward.”
“Are you? I find it hard to believe. I hope you apologized to Bella.“
He nodded.
“This will not happen again Alec. I expect better from you.“ I jabbed the table for emphasis as I spoke. “This is partially my fault because I haven’t addressed your lack of professionalism until now.“ I shook my head in disgust. “So, you have a chance to redeem yourself by handling the arrangements for my proposal. I’ll need to you to go out there and make sure everything is coming along as planned.“
“I promise I’ll handle it Edward.“ He answered quietly.
"Alec, don't screw this up. It's very important to me. You don't have time for your little 'distractions', you need to concentrate on your job."
"I understand Edward." He replied quietly.
Just then I looked up in surprise to find Bella standing by our table.
I wonder how much she overheard?
Her face was flushed, but she didn’t look shocked as I would have expected her to be if she’d heard me say the word ‘proposal’. I breathed a sigh of relief.
I smiled as she sat down beside me. Alec took that as his cue to leave.
Good idea.
"Did you explore the village?" I asked.
"Yes" She grinned "Found a bookstore" She said as she lifted her bag of books to show me.
I laughed and grabbed her hand. I was so happy to see her. "Look, I'm almost done for the day. I want to take you out tonight."
Back at the hotel, I showered first.
While Bella was taking hers, I phoned the restaurant, making a reservation for eight. It was one of Gordon Ramsay’s, and I secretly hoped we’d get to meet him.
Our dinner was wonderful, filled with light conversation and delicious food. It turned out that Gordon was there. He came out and introduced himself before we received our entrees, and then we didn't see him any more for quite a while.
I couldn’t take my eyes from Bella as she ate. She looked absolutely beautiful in her dress. She also wore the earrings and necklace I’d given her.
As a rule, I didn’t get nervous. That had changed since meeting Bella. The thought of proposing, and the possibility that she might not say yes, had me a borderline nervous wreck. I had to use every bit of my acting ability to hide that fact from Bella.
When it was time for our dessert to arrive, who should deliver it to our table but Gordon Ramsay himself.
I greeted him with a smile.
"Hello again Edward and Isabella. I thought you might appreciate a little personal service." He smiled as he presented our desserts.
“Good to see you Gordon, won’t you join us?“ I asked.
“Just for a moment.“ He agreed, smiling broadly.
"Thank you Gordon, that was unexpected but much appreciated." I said as I gestured toward the delicious looking desserts.
"How was your meal Isabella?" Gordon asked.
"Delicious" Bella squeaked.
She looked a little uncomfortable, and I hoped she wasn’t feeling ill. It had been a busy couple of days.
Gordon smirked and turned back to me. "How much longer will you be in England Edward?"
"A few more weeks of filming yet to go." I answered.
Bella excused herself to go to the ladies' room.
I really hope she’s okay.
“So Gordon, I’d like your opinion.”
Gordon’s eyebrows raised in question.
I decided to let Gordon in on my plans. “I’ve purchased a house in Oxford as a surprise for Isabella.”
“Really? Pardon me for saying this, but that’s an odd place for a Hollywood movie star to own a home.”
“Actually, it’s the home where Tolkien wrote Lord of The Rings, so it will mean a lot to Bella.”
Gordon nodded knowingly as I continued. “So, I’m having Tolkien’s study done up to look like something from Middle Earth, and intend to propose to Bella there on Saturday evening.”
“For fucks sake Edward, are you determined to make the rest of the male population look like assholes?“ He laughed.
I laughed along with him. “No, nothing like that. It’s just that I’ve waited for Bella for a long time. I want to make this perfect.” I took a deep breath. “What I wanted to ask was if I were to reserve a private room at one of your restaurants for dinner afterward, which restaurant would you suggest for the greatest amount of privacy?“
Gordon thought for a moment, “Edward, I’m going to arrange dinner for you and Isabella to be delivered to the house.“
My eyes shot open in surprise. “That sounds wonderful.“ I blurted in my surprise.
“Your proposal idea is damned near perfect Edward, why do you want to drag your fiancée out into a public place. You should have dinner in complete privacy. Let me handle this, it’s what I do best.“ He said with a grin.
“I don’t know how to thank you.“
“Please don’t mention it.” He smiled again. “Here’s my card, call me or have your assistant call me, and we’ll arrange everything.”
As I placed Gordon’s card in my wallet, Bella arrived back at the table. We both smiled at her. "Here she is." Gordon announced happily.
Bella smiled and sipped her wine. She seemed a bit calmer.
"Isabella, are you always this quiet?" Gordon asked.
"No, not really. I like to talk. Sometimes too much. But I'm also afraid of embarrassing Edward in public with my ramblings."
I don’t know how I’ve survived this long without her adorable ramblings.
"Um well, Gordon let me just say that you have a lovely place here."
"Thank you Isabella. Although I don't have a lot to do with the daily operation of this particular restaurant, they call me in from time to time to help with things like hiring and firing." He grinned.
Bella looked at Gordon for a moment before continuing. "May I ask you a question?"
"Of course Isabella" Gordon answered, still smiling.
"What would you do if you found out that one of the wait staff didn't wash their hands after using the rest room?"
I tilted my head toward her curiously.
Did she catch someone in the ladies room not washing their hands again? This must be more common then I realized. Disgusting.
I glanced at Gordon. He was pissed off.
"Which one was it Isabella? I need to know. They will be fired immediately. Well, after I've kicked their ass first." He practically shouted.
"No Gordon, you misunderstand me.." Bella tried to interrupt.
"That type of behavior is never acceptable if someone wishes to remain in my employ." He was really angry.
Holy shit, Gordon’s face is blood red.
"Can't trust these fucking people as far as I can throw them." He immediately shot up from the table and barreled into the kitchen.
We heard a lot of shouting and commotion.
Bella looks distressed.
"Edward, I was merely trying to find out how he would have handled that nasty waitress from our lunch with Johnny Depp. I wasn't talking about anyone here."
"Oh no." I muttered. "We have to do something Bella."
When Gordon approached our table a few minutes later, he still looked pissed, but controlled. "No one will admit to it Isabella. I hate to bother you, but will you point the culprit out for me please?"
"Gordon, I'm so sorry. I wasn't speaking of anyone here. I've had it happen to me before, and I wondered how you'd handle it. By what I just witnessed, I think I got my answer. I feel so bad that you yelled at everyone." I smiled and patted her hand in a comforting gesture.
Gordon looked a little puzzled, and then burst into laughter. "All in a days' work Isabella. If nothing else, they've all been reminded of the importance of washing their hands." He was still grinning. "Well, I will leave you two to eat your dessert. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
And then he was gone.
What the fuck? I didn’t know dinner included a floor show.
Bella and I laughed all the way back to the hotel.
That night as Bella lay in my arms, she clung to me. Now and then she would sigh, but wouldn’t relax enough to close her eyes.
"Trouble sleeping?" I whispered.
"A little." She admitted.
I knew the feeling.
"Did you want to do something tomorrow before I have to be on set?"
"Maybe go to a museum?" She asked.
Good idea. Getting lost in ancient artifacts would be just the thing to distract me from my plans.
Or so I thought.
Instead of giving the exhibits the attention they deserved, I found myself staring at Bella most of the time.
Every now and then the thought would cross my mind:
Suppose she says no…
My heart clenched, and I searched my brain for everything she’d ever said about marriage. I finally settled myself with a different thought:
Suppose she says yes?
That should have calmed me, but instead made me even more nervous.
This is ridiculous, marrying Bella is the best thing that could ever happen to me.
But, if Bella agreed to marry me, there would be no turning back. She would be part of this fucked-up world I live in for the rest of her life. Could I really and truly do that to her?
The only alternative was to give her up. I sighed. I couldn’t be without her again, and she had made it clear that she couldn’t be without me. So, the sanest thing to do, which was also the most insane thing to do, would be to make our commitment to each other permanent.
Forever with Bella. What did I ever do to deserve such a gift?
Bella caught me watching her.
"Are you okay Edward?" She asked quietly.
I smiled "I'm better than okay, I'm wonderful." I answered as I pulled her into my arms "Have I told you how happy you make me. I still can't believe you're here."
I needed to report to the set by noon. When we arrived, Bella and Crystal made plans to go off sightseeing and shopping. I reluctantly agreed to let Bella go without Sidney, agreeing that they could probably navigate London a lot easier without a car.
After Bella left, my first stop was hair and makeup. Rachel and I would be filming our only intimate scene that afternoon. I was secretly relieved that Bella wouldn’t be around to witness it. She had made a point to ask if I had to film a ‘sex’ scene, so I knew the thought bothered her.
If only she knew how un-romantic those scenes were to film, she wouldn’t worry. If only she would truly believe and understand that she’s the only woman I’m interested in, that she‘s the only woman I could even fathom having a sexual relationship with, maybe, just maybe, we could put some of her damned self-esteem issues to rest.
As I sat there contemplating the future, I heard the makeup artists giggling as they gossiped.
“Did you see the new Calvin Klein underwear ads? They must have just come out today. I swear one of the adverts was stopping traffic on the way in.“ Rachel’s makeup artist Claire said with a giggle. “Somebody told me the model is some sort of rugby player in America.“ She sighed.
No fucking way.
“American football is not rugby Claire. Don’t ever let my hubs hear you say that.” my makeup artist Donna said with a laugh.
“No matter.” retorted Claire. “That man was absolutely gorgeous.”
The furniture arrangement, and the lighting on set wasn’t working out to Hal’s satisfaction, so I spent a good hour in my trailer while my stand-in took my place. I spent the hour arranging things for the next evening. Alec was going to take a house key to Gordon early Saturday, he was also going out to the house tonight to check on Maggie’s preparations.
A knock on my door alerted me that they were ready for me on set.
The first part of the scene, where Rachel and I were both still clothed was pretty simply done. The next part, which took place in the bed, turned out to be quite tedious. My ass was hanging out for the whole world to see, as Hal kept stopping to move a leg or arm this way or that. Then the same thing with our heads, tilting to the left or right, up or down.
We had to stop filming when I bumped Rachel in the nose with my chin, and again when we were supposed to roll over, and she kneed me in the balls.
It was uncomfortable, but not bad enough to ice, and didn’t even cause any slippage if the material covering the affected area.
Thank God. I don’t think Bella would react well if I had to explain that.
As much as I loved her and missed her every moment that we weren’t together, I was thankful she wasn’t on set for that particular scene.
“Evidently, I missed a great cat fight.” Alec remarked with a shit-eating grin as we walked toward my trailer.
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Nicole snuck into Yves’ trailer and Crystal found her. She dragged her ass out. Get this, Nicole was wearing only a bra and panties. I guess she was going to surprise Yves.” Alec said as he erupted into laughter. “Nicole slapped Crystal, and Crystal punched her in the face. I wish I’d been there to see that!”
“Was Crystal okay?” I asked with concern
“Oh yeah, from what I heard, she definitely gave better than she got.” He grinned. “Yves and Crystal are going to complain to Hal. Nicole will be lucky if she’s not fired from the movie.”
Then I remembered that Bella and Crystal had been together all afternoon.
“Where was Bella when this happened?” I asked in a panic.
“Relax Edward. Nothing happened to Bella. She was with Crystal, but now she’s waiting in your trailer.”
I sighed in relief.
“See you at the car.” Alec announced as her veered off in that direction.
I found Bella sound asleep inside my trailer. She was so beautiful. I stood there just watching her for a few moments. In her sleep, her expression was free from worry and painful memories. She looked like the young carefree girl she probably was before an act of pure evil changed her.
My love for her and my need to protect her was overwhelming. I was determined that no one would ever hurt her again.
I leaned down and started to place soft kisses on her neck and shoulders as I quietly called her name.
She began to stir.
"Come on beautiful girl, let's go back to the hotel." I breathed in her ear.
She shook her head, still not opening her eyes. "Bella, I'm done filming, and I have the next two days off. Let's not waste the time here."
She frowned as she sat up, pulling away from me. I reached for her, but she wouldn’t let me take her hand. I was confused, and a little hurt by her reaction to me.
For the life of me, I couldn’t think of anything I’d done to warrant this reaction. Bella, sensing my hurt, grabbed my hand, letting me lead her to the car.
"Hey Bella." Alec said as we climbed in.
She smiled, but it was forced.
She was quiet on the ride to the hotel. Too quiet.
"I was surprised that you didn't stay longer on set today Bella." Alec remarked casually.
What? Bella was on set?
Fuck. That explains a lot.
"I had to hand it to Sean, he made it to the bitter end." Alec laughed.
Bella looked at him questioningly.
"Sean is Rachel's husband." He explained.
Bella looked at me and smiled nervously. I returned the smile, but couldn’t say anything, not with Alec in the car.
Back in the suite, we both changed into casual clothing. "Did you want to have dinner here?" I asked.
I knew we needed to have a conversation about today before it sat and festered.
Bella’s reaction surprised me. "I think I'd rather go out. We can just pick something up."
As soon as we were a couple of blocks from the hotel, she stopped in front of a chip shop. "Edward, let's get our food here."
"Really?" I said with a grin.
"Absolutely, this is my first trip to England. I think I should learn to live a little." She chuckled.
We ate our food as we walked back to the hotel.
Back in the suite, I took the initiative to address the issue at hand. Pulling her to my side, I started "Bella, I had no idea you would show up on the set during that scene. I'm really sorry if it bothered you baby." I rubbed her arm as I spoke.
She thought for a moment, "I guess the fact that you were filming an intimate scene wasn't the thing that really bothered me Edward."
"What bothered you then?" I asked, puzzled.
She let out a breath. "My basic insecurities run amok, as usual." she laughed without humor. "Seeing Rachel like that. Wondering if you thought she was sexy. You having to put your hands on her, and kiss her…" She trailed off.
Precisely what I‘d feared. I wonder if it would help if she knew I got kneed in the balls?
Probably not.
I smiled. "I wish you had stuck around Bella. Filming an intimate scene is the most un-sexy thing in the world."
"To begin with, the director stops every ten seconds to place hands in certain positions, to angle the bodies in different directions, to tilt your head a little more to the left or right. And, after all that, the actors are expected to pull off a beautiful realistic love scene. It's a wonder any of those scenes ever come across as believable in the final cut."
"As for Rachel being almost naked.. Even if I had never found you, I would never be attracted to Rachel in that way. She's a nice person, but that's it. You're the only woman I find sexy Bella."
"You've said that before, but it's always nice to hear." She said with a smile.
"Just tell me one thing."
"What's that sweetheart?" I asked, pulling her into my arms.
"Tell me that little piece of material you were wearing stayed in place during filming."
She’s adorable.
I barked out a laugh. "Have no fear Miss Swan. There was no slippage. And for your information, that material was not 'little' because what it had to cover isn't 'little'." I smirked, deciding to tease her.
"Good to know." She squeaked.
I hope to give you ‘first hand’ knowledge soon enough.
"Hey Edward" She whispered.
"Yes?" I said looking into her eyes.
"Remember my bubble bath the other night?" She questioned.
And immediately my body started to react to the image of Bella naked, covered in a thin layer of bubbles. I fucking growled. "How could I forget?"
"Well.." She smirked. "I think we're even now because I totally saw your bare butt today."
Touché Miss Swan.
I started laughing loudly as she giggled. "Bella, don't ever change." I smiled before kissing her sweetly.
Early the next morning, I left Bella sleeping and checked with Alec about the preparations for that evening. I was thrilled when he described what the workers had been doing at the house. I gave him my I-home and asked that it be set up in the study of the Tolkien house for me.
When I returned to the suite I heard Bella in the shower. I took the next few minutes to think about what I would say to her tonight. I only hoped I didn’t stutter or break out in a cold sweat.
"Sweetie, would you tell me what we're doing today so I know how to dress." I heard Bella call to me.
"Stratford upon Avon". I answered as I placed my newly laundered items away.
Suddenly I felt Bella throw her arms around me from behind. "Stratford upon Avon? Really?" She asked excitedly.
"Now Bella, give me some credit. How could I let you go home without seeing Shakespeare's birthplace?" I said as I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go.
If she’s this happy over Shakespeare’s home, I can only imagine her excitement over Tolkien’s.
"There are so many places I want to take you. I wish we had more time." I admitted.
"After graduation, I'll go anywhere you lead Mr. Movie Star." She said with a wink.
That’s the plan.
"Come on, let's go. We have over an hours' ride ahead of us."
Our first stop was Shakespeare's birthplace. We toured the house, and then moved on to New Place, which was Shakespeare's last residence, living there for almost twenty years, until his death.
The house was no longer standing, so we explored the gardens. As we walked along, I held her to me as I quoted random passages from Shakespeare's plays to her.
"I didn't realize how big a fan you were Edward."
I have become the epitome of the ‘lovesick fool’, I do believe.
"The result of having a lot of time on my hands my love." I smiled. "At least I used to have a lot of time on my hands. Before I was gobsmacked by a certain brunette beauty. I can understand exactly how Romeo felt the first time he saw Juliet."
'O she doth teach the torches to burn bright
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night.
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear'
Bella had a strange expression on her face. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it until she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss.
We ate at one of the pubs in town, and I spent a little time with some of my fans. Bella never seemed to mind.
We toured more of Stratford after lunch, Bella’s favorite seemed to be Anne Hathaway’s cottage. She enjoyed it so much, that I had to promise a surprise to coax her away.
Upon arrival back at the suite, I was pleased to discover the clothing from Bruce Oldfield had arrived.
I showered, and then dressed in the bedroom while Bella was in the bath. As I waited in the sitting room, I memorized the words I wanted to say to her tonight.
When Bella walked into the sitting room, I felt my heart clench. She was a vision. I greeted her with a smile and a kiss, noticing that for the second time this week, she wore the necklace and earrings I’d given her.
By the time this evening is over, I hope that she will be wearing one more diamond from me.
Bella’s curiosity got the better of her as we drove out of the city, "Edward, can you at least tell me how far away we're going?"
I grinned. "It will be about an hour until we reach our first stop."
As soon as she stepped from the car, I knew without a doubt that she understood the significance of The Eagle and Child pub as she clapped her hands excitedly.
"Oh Edward." Was all she said. It was enough.
She looked nervously down at her dress then, "We may be just a tad overdressed though." She whispered.
Not for what I have planned.
I smiled. "We're still having dinner later Bella. I thought it would be nice to spend some time here, and maybe have a pint." I said with a wink.
My beautiful girl was so touched by this, the least of my gestures for this evening, that I could feel my confidence growing, my fear of her turning down my proposal fading away.
As we drank, I thought about my life before Bella. I didn't deserve her, but I’d be damned if I’d ever willingly walk away from her again. I needed Bella’s love to survive. There was no returning to the pathetic excuse for a man that I’d been before I knew her.
She looked at me with adoration in her beautiful brown eyes as she reached for my hand, covering it with hers. "Thank you." she whispered. "I love you Edward."
"I love you too beautiful." I answered with a smile as I squeezed her hand. "Are you ready to leave?" I asked.
She nodded.
"We have one more stop, before we eat." I told her as Sidney pulled up to the curb.
When he pulled into the driveway of the Tolkien house, and I led Bella to the front door, I watched her face for any hint that she knew where she was.
"Does someone you know live here Edward?"
"No one I know Bella. Actually the house is vacant. The new owner hasn't moved in yet."
Once she saw the blue sign which read: 'JRR Tolkien author of The Lord of the Rings lived here 1930-1947', and she gasped while covering her mouth with her hand, I relaxed.
I had made the right choice.
"The owner has given permission for a tour." I said while unlocking the door and leading her inside.
I gave her a tour of each room, leaving the study until last.
"I have a feeling that this room will be your favorite my love." I smiled as I turned the knob.
As soon as Bella stepped into the room, she got a look of wonder on her face. I was suitably impressed, Maggie had done exactly as I’d asked, and added a few touches of her own besides. It was a stunning transformation to this once vacant room.
"This was Tolkien's study." I murmured quietly.
Bella just stood there in stunned amazement, taking everything in.
"The set decorator for the movie created this. Being herself a Tolkien fan, when I told her what I wanted, she was thrilled to help me out."
"Oh Edward, it's stunning. I can't believe you did this for me." She choked out.
"I wanted to do something special.." I said quietly.
Bella made her way over to the window. Maggie had lined all the trees outside in the garden with white lights. It truly looked magical.
This was the moment that would hopefully change the rest of my life. As Bella turned back to face me, I pulled the ring from my pocket and dropped to one knee.
I saw her eyes widen as she registered my movement.
Chapter 47 - A Sigh Of Relief For The Betrothed
I looked into the eyes of the woman I loved, so trusting, so filled with love for me.
I cleared my throat, the nervousness making a reappearance just when I needed it least. "Bella, from the moment we met, I was drawn to you. You jolted my dead heart to life that day, and now it beats only for you my love. Each day since, I feel more alive than the day before. We've known one another for one hundred and thirty days. Believe me, I researched it." I grinned. "One hundred and thirty days that have changed my life forever."
Her beautiful eyes had opened wide with surprise when I‘d first started speaking, but as I continued she relaxed a little, still not uttering a word.
"On day seven, you told me you loved me and we kissed for the first time. On day sixteen, you learned the last of my truths, and didn't run away." I smirked. "On day seventeen, you agreed to go on our first official date. On day eighty-nine you took me back after my bout of sheer and utter stupidity." I added quietly.
I didn’t deserve her forgiveness, but am so thankful to have received it.
"On day one hundred, one of my personal favorites, you gave me a lap dance in my Dad's Mercedes." I grinned as she giggled.
“On day one hundred and nine, you performed the sexiest belly dance of all time, just for me." I said with a wink as she palmed her face.
Fucking awesome memory.
"On day one hundred twenty-seven, you arrived in England, surprising the hell out of me. I can't express just how much that meant to me sweetheart." My tone turning serious.
I took a deep breath in preparation for what I would say next, "And on day one-hundred thirty, the most important day of them all. Today. On day one-hundred thirty, I am hoping, that you will consent to be my wife."
"Isabella, please make me the happiest man on earth. Say you'll marry me."
I waited, my future in Bella’s hands.
She just stood there, staring into my eyes, her expression unreadable. I was unaware of how many seconds, or minutes, passed between the time of my question and the moment she finally parted her beautiful lips saying the words which would allow me to breathe again, "Yes, Edward. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't imagine a single tomorrow without you."
"That's good baby, because I intend for us to spend all of our tomorrows blissfully together." I kissed her left hand, and then placed the ring on it before kissing the finger upon which it rested. "I love you Bella." I said as I stood, pulling her into my arms.
She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you too Edward, so much."
My heart was filled to bursting.
I leaned down and placed whisper soft kisses on Bella’s nose and cheeks before grazing her lips with mine. "Thank you." I whispered. I couldn’t hold back, I pressed my lips to hers. She was my soul mate, my other half. For once I fully understood the term my better half.
This was the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. The thought was both sobering and exciting all at the same time. I longed to be her partner for wherever the rest of life’s journey would take us.
I began to kiss down her neck. "I want to marry you, and have babies with you." I kissed along her shoulder. "I want to take you all over the world, and make love to you on every continent."
Bella has no idea how serious I am about that. Antarctica may be a little tricky, but it is definitely doable.
"I want to argue with you…"
She pulled away slightly and looked at me questioningly. "Why do you want to argue with me Edward?"
I knew that would get her attention.
I smiled "So we can make up afterward of course."
She giggled.
Two words: Makeup Sex
I refrained from saying that part out loud, not wanting to tarnish the moment with my baser thoughts. Once again, being around Bella unleashed my long-dormant horny teenager.
Because it was us, the kisses quickly turned passionate, with our lips molded together as our tongues explored. Bella’s body melted into mine as each gasp of air was coupled with whispered 'I love yous'. Finally, but all too soon, we broke the kiss, while still holding tightly to each other.
"I can't believe you were able to pull all of this together." Bella smiled up at me.
"It's a long story love." I said with a smile.
"I think I've got time. Although my fiancé is supposed to be taking me to dinner."
I smiled, remembering the dinner plans, although it was easy to forget all thought of food when I lost myself in Bella. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, while still holding her close. The moment was so surreal, that I feared if I let go, Bella might disappear.
"Hold that thought." I said as I dialed.
“Hello Edward.“ Gordon’s voice sounded in my ear.
"Hello Gordon. We're ready." I said quietly.
“Well, don’t leave me hanging? Did she say yes?” Gordon asked.
"Of course she said yes." I looked at Bella and grinned.
“Lucky bastard.” Gordon replied with a chuckle. “We’re actually not far away. We were just waiting for your call.”
"Alright see you in a bit." I answered as I ended the call.
"Gordon? As in Gordon Ramsay?" Bella asked, intrigued.
"Yes, part of the long story." I smiled and put the phone away.
"Spill it Cullen." She pressed with a smile.
"I've been planning to ask you for some time now, I just wanted the moment to be right. I assumed it wouldn't be until I returned home from England, but your surprise visit spurred me on to act sooner."
I may as well tell her everything.
"On Easter Sunday, I asked your father's permission."
She looked surprised. "What did he say?" She asked fearfully.
Hmm. Something tells me that Charlie wouldn’t want her to know how amicable most of our conversation had been. The man has an image to uphold after all.
I laughed. "After a lengthy lecture about all the things he could do to me, and make it look like an accident if I were to hurt you, he gave us his blessing." I responded with a smile.
There. I embellished a little. I have no doubt Charlie would be pleased.
"Things started to come together after that. The first week that I was here in London, I went out exploring when I had a free afternoon. I literally saw the jewelers and felt compelled to go inside. I chose the ring that day."
At the mention of the ring, Bella immediately jerked her hand up in front of her face. I saw her eyes shining as she gazed at it.
I continued. "Of course I had to phone Rose in order to get your ring size, and she almost burst my eardrum with her screaming."
"I swore her to secrecy, and obviously she kept her word because you genuinely seemed surprised." A fact which pleased me more than I’d imagined it would.
"But how did you pull all this together?" She asked, pointing around the room.
"Ah, well. The weekend I went out with Alice and Jasper, we ended up here. I suspect that Alice must have known the house was on the market, although she swears she didn't. When I realized that this home was for sale, it felt as if fate had sent me here."
"Edward are you saying that you bought this house?" She asked as her eyes bulged.
I took a breath. "I was hoping that we could buy this house. The paperwork is awaiting your signature."
Oh shit, maybe I assumed too much. Bella looks like she’s about to hyperventilate.
"Bella, it's okay if you don't want it. I didn't know..."
She grabbed my jacket by the lapels and smiled. "Are you fucking kidding me Edward? I love this house. I love that you thought to buy it for me. And I love you most of all." She said as she threw her arms around my neck again.
I hugged her and laughed. "My intention was to bring you here after graduation, and propose then, but when you surprised me with your visit, I couldn't wait."
"I'm so glad you didn't." She grinned.
At that, I finally breathed a true sigh of relief.
"I threatened Alec with bodily harm if he screwed this up." I smiled. "He and the set decorator were in charge of making sure this got finished by tonight. The other evening, when we met Gordon, I explained to him about the proposal while you were in the restroom. Originally, I had planned to take you out for dinner afterwards, and I was explaining to Gordon that I wanted it to be special. He came up with a different idea as we talked."
Her eyes widened in surprise again.
"Of course my idea was infinitely better than Edward's." came a voice from the doorway. We turned to see Gordon standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, a satisfied smile on his face. "Why in the hell would you want to go out and have a bunch of nosey bastards stare at you all night, when I could bring the dinner to you." Gordon signaled to someone behind him, and several people filed into the room.
We watched as they proceeded to set up a small dining table, covered with a linen cloth and place settings for two. A few minutes later a small side table was set up with our dinner. Gordon himself carried in a bucket containing a bottle of chilled champagne.
"I realize that there are a lot of family and friends with which you'd probably like to share this moment. But they are not here." Gordon said as he filled two champagne flutes and handed them to us. "So, let me be the first to congratulate you, because I fucking can." Gordon said as he grinned from ear to ear.
We laughed and accepted his congratulations, thanking him profusely. "Don't mention it, but I do expect an invite to the wedding." He said with a smile as he left.
Bella froze in place, still watching the doorway that Gordon had just exited through. I pulled her to a chair and made her sit as I crouched beside her and rubbed her arm soothingly.
"Sweetheart, do you not feel like eating? We can get something else." She seemed a bit overwhelmed.
"No Edward, I'm actually starving, I'm just freaking out a little." She said, biting her lip.
A little mood music may be just what we need.
I walked over to the bookcase where Alec had set the I-home and started my selected play list. Van’s version of ’Have I Told You Lately’ began to play just as I turned and took my beautiful girl in my arms.
She smiled, still seeming a little dazed. "Mr. Movie Star, you truly thought of everything."
"Would it be too much to ask, before we eat, to have a first dance with my fiancée?" I smiled as I reached for her hand.
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
I couldn’t stop myself from singing along in Bella’s ear.
Oh the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
And you fill my life with laughter
You can make it better
Ease my troubles that's what you do
Truer words were never spoken, or sung.
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the One
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me Mr. Movie Star." She whispered.
I quirked an eyebrow as I looked down at her. "Do you know better?"
I had no expectations in that regard, as I told her before, but was always hopeful.
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Knowing that Bella needed to get some food into her system, I led her back to the table. I didn’t realize how hungry I’d gotten until I started to eat. I’d left the food choices up to Gordon, and everything was top notch.
After our dinner, and the champagne, I led a very sleepy Bella out to where Sidney waited in the driveway.
It had been a perfect outcome to the most perfect of days. We were one step closer to our forever, and I couldn’t wait until we were officially man and wife.
Mrs. Isabella Cullen
Bella Cullen
Maybe this is a little presumptuous of me. She may want to keep her maiden name.
By the time we reached the hotel, Bella was asleep. I carried her upstairs and laid her in bed. I stood over her for a few minutes debating whether or not to remove her dress. As much as I would have loved to undress her, there was no way I’d ever do that while she lay there unconscious.
Instead, I changed into my sleep pants and t-shirt, crawled into bed beside her, and whispered, "Sleep sweetheart, you had a big day."
It felt early when I started to wake. I could feel Bella’s soft warm body pressed against me, we were spooning as we often did, being drawn to each other even during sleep. I could hear her softly breathing as I lay there with my eyes closed.
My hand was splayed across her stomach. I began to move my fingers so they were gently rubbing her soft skin.
My eyes opened wide when I realized that where normally my fingers would be met with the material of Bella’s t-shirt, instead they were touching bare, very soft, skin. As my fingers continued their exploration, it became apparent that Bella was not in her usual sleep attire. Instead, she was lying beside me, sound asleep, in nothing but her bra and panties.
She must have taken her dress off during the night.
Oh Christ.
It took about five seconds for my brain to send that information south to my already prominent morning erection. I found myself having to back a few inches away from Bella for fear that my dick, suddenly as hard as steel and poking her in the lower back, would wake her up.
I was having a flashback to the belly dance and, as a result, I couldn’t stay in the same bed with her dressed like that. I had to move, and I had to move immediately.
After my arctic shower, I placed my hands, palms down on the vanity, and leaned forward as I studied the person in the mirror. He looked happy. In fact, he looked happier now than he’d ever been in his entire life.
And why shouldn’t I be the happiest I’d been in my life? I was twenty-four, had a wonderful family and a successful career. I had more money than I knew what to do with. I was healthy, well except for the ever-present case of blue balls which no doctor could cure.
Yes, I’m afraid the cure for that can only be found with Bella.
The fact was that I’d had all those things before meeting Bella, with the exception of the blue balls of course. But I still wasn’t happy then.
Bella has made all the difference.
The memories from last night came flooding back as I thought about her, the source of my happiness.
Bella saying yes. Bella taking a chance by choosing to spend forever with me. She was an amazing woman.
Reentering the bedroom, I found Bella still asleep. I knew I couldn’t get back in the bed without going out of my fucking mind, but I didn‘t want to be too far away either. I decided to sit a safe distance away in the armchair at the foot of the bed where I would be able to watch her sleep. Thankfully, her beautiful half-naked body was hidden under the blankets.
I’d resigned myself to the fact that I would remain sexually frustrated until Bella decided to move forward with that part of our relationship. After last night though, I couldn’t help but wonder if she would want to ‘hold out’ until our wedding night, or not.
It was a question I didn’t have long to ponder because Bella started to stir. I saw her eyes open and then she rolled over to face my empty side of the bed. Spying me seated in the chair, she smiled and sat up, which caused the covers to fall away from her body. The beige strapless bra barely covering her….
Fuck my life.
"Good morning." She whispered.
"Good morning sweetheart." I answered, not able to tear my eyes away from her cleavage.
Fucking pervert.
Bella realized what I was doing and immediately pulled the sheet up to cover her chest while clearing her throat.
I was embarrassed at being caught ogling, but couldn’t find it in me to be remorseful.
I’ve realized that any time she’s willing to show it, I’ll be more than happy to look.
"Edward, why don't you come back to bed. It's too early, and I'm lonely." She pouted.
She actually pouted.
Why did I even bother with the shower? I was back to square fucking one.
"No baby, I'm good. You should probably get up soon if you want to go to Mass."
And say some extra prayers for my perverted soul.
"Okay" She announced cheerily as she threw back the covers and stood.
I sat without moving as I watched her disappear into the bathroom in her strapless bra and ‘barely there‘ panties. I groaned out loud as all the blood from my brain traveled south. Again.
My brain still hadn’t rebooted all the way when Bella pranced out a few minutes later in nothing but a towel.
She’s doing this shit on purpose.
"I'm on to you Miss Swan. Understand that two can play at that game." I whispered in her ear on my way to take another cold shower.
She was fully dressed when I emerged in my own towel, enjoying her stunned reaction immensely.
Over a light breakfast, Bella revealed that she wanted to wear her ring in public. It was more than I could have hoped for. I was ecstatic.
When she mentioned purchasing something for me to wear which would represent our commitment, I was over the moon.
She really does feel the same way about me as I do about her.
It was decided that we would stop by Tiffany’s on the way home.
Sidney dropped us at Westminster Cathedral. The Mass was beautiful, and uneventful, until we were leaving. As soon as we exited the Cathedral, we were greeted with a wall of photographers shouting at us, and blinding us with the flashes from their cameras.
'Edward and Isabella, is it true that you are engaged?'
How the fuck did they find out so fast?
The crowd was a bit intense. Fearing for Bella’s well-being, I signaled to Sidney, and he whisked her to the safety of the car. I followed close on their heels.
She turned to me with a smile as we pulled away. "Good news travels fast."
Well at least she wasn’t frightened.
I smirked. "It would appear that way, soon to be Mrs. Cullen." I said as I pecked her on the lips.
During the car ride, I phoned my parents. It was still the middle of the night there, so I woke them up, but I did not want them to hear of this through someone else.
“Hello son. I hope there’s nothing wrong?” My father answered in a groggy voice.
“No, Dad. Everything is perfect actually. Is there any way that you and Mom can both get on the line?”
“Of course. Hold on just one moment.” Dad answered. He must have handed the receiver to Mom as he went to pick up the extension.
“Edward, are you calling for the reason I think you’re calling?” My mother asked excitedly.
“I’m here now son.” My father’s voice came over the line again.
“I just wanted you both to know that I asked Bella to marry me, and she has made me the happiest man in the world by saying yes.”
My mother actually screamed. It was never a mystery where Alice inherited her exuberance.
I chuckled. “Oh Edward, I’m so happy.” She said as she burst into tears. “Congratulations darling.” She whispered.
“Congratulations son.” My father chimed in. “I may need to give your mother a sedative after this.” He chuckled.
“Oh hush Carlisle. Now Edward, put Bella on the line!” Mother demanded.
I continued to chuckle as I handed the phone to Bella.
By the time Bella disconnected the call, she was also shedding happy tears.
Bella chose a man's link bracelet in white gold. Never in my life could I have seen myself wearing any kind of jewelry, let alone a bracelet. Call me a pussy, but because of what it represented to us, I decided right there and then that it would never leave my wrist unless I was filming. The same thing I planned to do with my wedding band after Bella and I married.
Back at the hotel, we called Alice and Rose. They squealed and carried on just as we expected, and began talk of an ‘engagement party’. Bella did not look pleased.
I hadn’t planned our last day together, so after much discussion we decided to tour the Tower of London. Because of the mob atmosphere outside the cathedral, I had Sidney contact a local security company to hire an extra bodyguard. Maureen Casey came highly recommended, and arrived just before we left for the Tower.
The crowd of paps was light as we entered, but was certain to grow before we were ready to leave.
Bella seemed to enjoy the Tower. I found it a bit overwhelming, especially seeing the place where so many public executions had taken place, today looking green and quite peaceful.
“Gentle visitor pause a while,
Where you stand death cut away the light of many days.
Here, jeweled names were broken from the vivid thread of life.
May they rest in peace while we walk the generations around their strife and courage,
Under these restless skies.”
The crown jewels were impressive, but I was more impressed with the sweet girl holding my hand and trembling with excitement over each new thing she saw. Bella had a look of wonder in her eyes which could only be compared to that of a young child at Christmastime.
There’s a room in the Tower of London which contains implements of torture and execution. I was immediately reminded of the afternoon I spent in The London Dungeon with Alice and Jasper, and chuckled as I remembered Jasper’s reaction to some of those devices.
Suddenly, Bella turned to ask me a question. "Edward, how soon did you want to get married?"
I grinned. What a strange place to ask a question like that. “Yesterday." I answered honestly.
She smiled. "Serious answer Edward."
Making sure that I spoke softly enough not to be overheard, I answered. "I am being serious. I wouldn't be averse to running away, but I get the impression that wouldn't be your first choice."
She thought for a moment. "No, I want to get married in church." She answered.
Just as I suspected.
"Holy crap Edward, would you look at that." She stopped talking to stare at something called a 'Scold's Bridle'.
It was a metal mask, but it looked more like a helmet made of metal straps, which fit over the head. There was a metal piece that fit in a person's mouth.
Specifically a woman’s mouth.
The bridle was often used as a punishment for the 'nagging' or 'scolding' wife, and the husband could attach a leash to the mask in order to lead the transgressor through the town square as a form of humiliation.
Any man who got off treating women like that, no matter how long ago it was, must have been trying to make up for their personal inadequacies. I call it S.D.S.
Small dick syndrome.
"That's disgusting." I muttered, I was appalled.
All afternoon, I felt the eyes of the other tourists on us as Bella and I walked around, her arm around my waist, and mine draped across her shoulders. She would be leaving the next day, and there was no way I wanted even an inch of space between us. There were definitely more people shadowing our steps, and the addition of a second security person had been the correct call.
After touring The Tower, we had a quick lunch before heading back to the hotel. Bella giggled as she took a photo of our jewelry-adorned hands and send them out to everyone in her address book.
She giggled again as she had me read the responses as they arrived:
Our boy's got good taste-not just in rings. xoxo Chris
We are so happy for you both. Love Esme and Carlisle
OMG is that what I think it is? Joanna just fainted. miss you. Tara
Upon our arrival at the hotel, we were greeted by a large crowd of paps as we made our way from the car to the doors.
'Edward, were you aware of another former date speaking out about your relationship?'
'Bella, can we see the ring?'
We just rolled our eyes at one another as we disappeared into the hotel. It turned out that another former date had indeed decided to 'reveal' that I had been a perfect gentleman.
After my shower, I found Bella relaxing on the sofa while she watched a movie. I laughed at the fact that she covered the sofa with a blanket before lying on it.
"Hey don't laugh. If I caught Alec doing the nasty in here, can you imagine how many other people may have done that?" She snarked. Which only made me laugh harder.
After Alec’s confession, Bella had told me everything she witnessed that afternoon. I made a valiant effort not to laugh when she told of the panties landing on her face. It was so predictably Bella that I shouldn’t have been surprised.
"Okay, Mr. Movie Star, you have your choice of movies tonight. Breakfast at Tiffany's or Sweeney Todd." She announced.
"So in other words, it's either Audrey Hepburn, or you get to watch me drool over Johnny for a couple of hours." She said with a grin.
"Bella, he's so creepy in that film." I said.
"Creepy or not Mr. Movie Star. He's still Johnny freakin Depp." She poked my chest while pronouncing the last three words.
I sighed and sat on the sofa, pulling her down with me. "Tiffany's it is then." I answered with a smile.
Audrey Hepburn always reminds me of Alice.
"Hold on, maybe I can find September Ends somewhere in the listing." She giggled.
"Forget about it." I said as I narrowed my gaze at her.
"Oh, so I don't get to see your butt again?" She grinned.
Hmm. She’s not the only tease around here.
I pulled her close and breathed into her ear. "I'll show it to you in person later baby."
I watched as Bella visibly swallowed. "Really?"
I nodded.
We watched the movie, took a nap, and ate room service as we whiled away the evening. I also ordered a bottle of champagne, because we weren't done celebrating our engagement. Not by a long shot.
"Bella, I want to celebrate the fact that you said yes, every night from now until our wedding."
We sat on the bed together and toasted our future.
Bella confessed that she couldn’t wait to be married to me, but the thought of facing a huge wedding, was terrifying.
"Bella, don't worry, my Mother and Alice will be more than happy to help plan it. If you tell them 'simple', they will abide by your wishes."
"But Alice is already helping Rose." She argued.
"Bella, this is for her little brother." I grinned. "Besides, Alice thrives on keeping busy."
She took another sip of champagne. "Well, I should probably get ready for bed." She said as she stood to walk to the bathroom. I gently touched her arm, signaling her to stay.
I had decided that tonight I would ‘test the boundaries’, as it were. I would never in a million years want Bella to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with. My intentions were merely to try to get her to relax around me and hopefully be able to help her ease into an intimate relationship at some future date.
I gently pulled her down to sit beside me on the bed, taking the flute glass from her hand and placing it beside mine on the nightstand. "May I help you?" I breathed.
Why am I so fucking nervous?
"Yes" She whispered as she looked into my eyes.
As I unbuttoned Bella’s shirt, I made sure to kiss her lips before trailing kisses over her face and down her neck. I then proceeded to kiss every bit of exposed skin as she allowed me to remove the shirt from her body. I made sure to kiss her ring finger, trying to calm any fears she may have had.
I loved her and I was already hers forever.
She reached for my shirt, and I immediately slipped it off before pulling her against me. She was trembling.
"Hey" I pulled away slightly to look down into her eyes. "No expectations tonight Bella. It is not my intention to take your virtue the night before I have to say goodbye again."
With those words, she seemed to calm, and nodded at me.
I got her to lie back on the bed, before continuing to kiss her lips, and her neck and chest above her bra.
Bella surprised me by sitting up and lowering both bra straps before trying to unclasp it.
"Allow me" I said in a low voice.
I reached behind her back and unclasped the bra before pulling it away from her body. I was thankful that Bella couldn’t see how much my own hands were shaking.
My gaze was immediately drawn to Bella’s naked breasts. I’d tried to imagine what they looked like ’beneath the bubbles’, but all my imaginings paled in comparison to the real thing. I’d been in the presence of a few half-naked women during filming, and Bella was lovelier than any of them by far. She was absolutely perfect.
Unfortunately, in her embarrassment, Bella wouldn’t meet my eyes, and after a moment, she went to cover herself with her hands.
"Don't" I whispered. "Don't Bella. You are so beautiful. Please don't hide from me."
She gave me a trusting smile then. "Edward, I don't think I can" She swallowed hard, "make love, not yet, but I want to feel close to you."
I nodded.
She reached for the button on my jeans. I watched her fingers as she worked the button. It wouldn’t cooperate with her shaking hands, so I assisted. She did pull the zipper down, although at an agonizingly slow pace.
As soon as the zipper was all the way down, I stood, and in one fluid movement, removed the jeans. I was left in nothing but my boxer briefs.
Bella then reached for the button of her jeans, but I was faster. I unbuttoned and unzipped them, and soon Bella was left in nothing but her panties.
"Exquisite." I whispered as I took in her partially clothed body before pulling her into a passionate kiss.
We crawled under the covers together, and I positioned my body above Bella as I kissed every inch of newly exposed skin. When I reached her breasts, I was careful to move slowly, not wanting her to regret anything. I began by cupping her left breast and grazing my thumb across the nipple. She was so responsive, her nipples pebbling at the slightest touch. I ghosted my lips over her right breast and then the nipple, before lightly circling it with my tongue. Bella gave a low moan which, in my very aroused state, nearly caused me to embarrass myself.
All I need is to explode in my boxers and thoroughly scare the shit out of her.
I continued kissing her breasts very lightly, making sure to give equal attention to each. I was still hovering above her, but making sure that my now painful groin area did not come in contact with any part of her body.
The longing to make love to my beautiful girl was overwhelming. I knew there would come a day soon when it would be all-consuming. I only hoped that it would coincide with the day Bella would be ready for me to make love to her. The day she would be ready to commit to me completely, both emotionally and physically.
All that stood in our way was one more long period of separation…
Chapter 48&49 - Sweet Torture For The Lovesick Fool
Early the next morning, I found myself snuggled against Bella as usual. I didn’t want to move away from her, but my morning wood was pressing into her back, so I reluctantly rolled onto my stomach.
As I drifted back to sleep, I thought about last night. She’d surprised me by allowing me to partially undress her. She was so lovely, I couldn’t stop myself from worshiping her body.
The horny teenager in me smiled like an idiot at the thought that we’d almost seen Bella completely naked.
My dreams were filled with images of Bella. Bella in a tub full of bubbles. Bella, naked and wrapped in my arms. I was fairly sure that what happened next was still a dream.
I felt the sheet that was covering the lower half of my body start to move, this continued until it was below my hips. I started to realize this wasn’t a dream when I felt very light fingertips on the waistband of my boxer briefs.
What is she doing?
Then Bella tried to stealthily slip her finger under the waistband and start to lift.
"Are you peeking Miss Swan?" I said in a groggy voice. Trying to keep from laughing. After all, I had promised her a look.
I must have startled Bella, because at the sound of my voice, she let go and the elastic popped me in the ass.
"Ow," I moaned in a sleepy voice, although it didn’t really hurt.
Bella, Bella, Bella, you would never make it as a pick-pocket.
I immediately rolled to face her, and was treated once again to a view of her naked breasts. I grinned, unashamed.
As soon as she realized that she was giving me a show, Bella blushed and grabbed the sheet, pulling it up.
"Good morning beautiful." I breathed.
"Good morning." She smiled back.
"Are you ready for today?" I asked quietly, knowing that soon, Bella would be flying home.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She whispered.
Where had the time gone?
I sat up and pecked her lips. "I'm going to jump in the shower, I've got to meet with Alec in a few minutes. I don't have to go to the studio until after you leave this afternoon."
She suddenly frowned and cleared her throat. "Edward, do you have any more sex scenes to film?" She asked.
Why did I find her jealousy so hot?
I laughed. "Bella, you are so unexpected." I smiled again. "No, Miss Swan, I am done filming those scenes that offend you so." I leaned up again and kissed her nose, before going into the bathroom, purposely leaving my clothes in the bedroom.
As soon as I had undressed, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back into the bedroom, enjoying the way Bella’s mouth fell open in surprise when she saw my lack of clothing.
"I forgot something." I announced, feigning innocence, as I stood beside her, grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from the dresser. I turned and walked back toward the bathroom. Once I reached the threshold, I took a quick look over my shoulder to make sure she was still watching. I then dropped the towel before disappearing into the steam-filled bathroom.
The expression on Bella‘s face: priceless.
After showering and dressing, I walked into the sitting room to find Bella chatting with Crystal. I said hello, and then turned to Bella “Sweetheart, I'm going next door to speak with Alec about my schedule. I'll be back in less than fifteen minutes." I leaned down and pecked her lips before heading over to Alec’s room.
Once again, Alec was dressed and ready for the day.
“Good morning Alec” I said with a smile.
“Hey Edward” He answered. “Everything has been set up for today.” He assured. “I’m even having that chip shop you like deliver lunch. I don’t know if that’s something that’s usually allowed on The London Eye, but they didn’t question it when I told them it was for you.” He said with a smirk.
“Sometimes it pays to be famous I guess.” I said with a light chuckle. “Thank you Alec. I appreciate all your hard work.”
He nodded.
I cleared my throat and put my hands in my pockets. “Here’s the thing” I hesitated, which immediately got Alec’s attention. “I’ve decided that you and Sidney will switch rooms today.” At those words, Alec seemed a bit crestfallen. “I appreciate your professionalism during Bella’s stay, well with the exception of the first day.” I gave him a hard look.
He had the good grace to look remorseful.
“But, the truth is I just can’t trust that you won’t slip back into your old habits. Also, Sidney believes that for security purposes, it would be better that he had the adjoining room. I had to agree.”
“Okay Edward.” He looked down at the floor. “If it means anything, I’m really sorry about the day Bella arrived.”
“I believe you Alec, and thank you.” I grinned. “Cheer up. After all, we’re going to Cannes next week.”
His eyes lit up at that, and he grinned cheekily.
When I arrived back at my suite, Bella and Crystal were just exiting the bedroom, giggling like school girls. As soon as they locked eyes on me, the giggles turned into cackles.
What the fuck is so funny?
Bella was thrilled with my surprise. When I’d come up with the idea of spending our last afternoon together high above the city, I’d neglected to take Bella’s fear of heights into consideration.
In the end, I couldn’t regret a single moment. Especially when Bella spent the entire time wrapped around me. It made things a little awkward when trying to eat our lunch, or drink the champagne, but I wouldn’t have changed things for the world.
As we looked out over the city, I silently made note of all the places I still wanted to take her.
I was standing with my front to her back, my arms wrapped around her as we looked out over the city. "Oh Edward, it's wonderful, thank you." She rubbed her hands on my arms. "Now I can truly say that I saw all of London."
I leaned down and kissed her neck, lingering there as I spoke. "Next time we'll see everything. We'll explore London. I'll take you to Wales, Bath, and Scotland. We've got to come back soon, we have a house to furnish."
Bella smiled.
All too soon, we were back down to earth, and it was time to take Bella to the airport.
The ride was quiet as Bella leaned into my side, our arms around each other. Before I knew it, we were at the security gate beyond which I couldn't follow.
"Skype tonight baby." I reminded.
She nodded in response and wrapped her arms around my neck for one last goodbye. "I love you Edward."
"I love you too Bella, and I can't wait to marry you." We didn't care that we were in full view of the paps as I pulled her into my arms for our last kiss before she’d have to board her plane.
I would have to make this memorable. This kiss, along with the other memories from her visit would have to sustain me during the coming separation.
I lightly brushed my lips against hers before pressing against her forcefully. The electric current that always existed between us intensified. Bella surprised me by pulling away slightly before tracing first my bottom lip and then the top lightly with the tip of her tongue. When she took my bottom lip gently between her teeth, I moaned at the effect her sweet torture was having on my dick. As soon as she released my lip, I kissed her again while pulling her body impossibly closer to mine. I kept my hands locked on her hips, resisting the urge to let them roam her body, fully aware of our audience. I could hear the click of the cameras, knowing they were capturing our kiss, but couldn’t bring myself to give a fuck.
We broke the kiss, but stayed close enough for our lips to almost touch. "I'm going to miss you so much." She whispered.
"I know baby. The time will fly, you'll see." I breathed.
She nodded. "I guess I'd better go. Oh Edward, I don't want to leave." I gently wiped away the tears that escaped down her cheeks.
"Tonight Bella. We'll talk tonight." I leaned down and kissed her briefly one last time.
I forced my expression into an emotionless mask as Bella turned and began to walk away.
The paps had already had enough of a show today, they didn’t need to see me break down.
Suddenly, she turned and came running back to me.
Maybe she’s decided to stay after all. No, I couldn’t let her do that. She’s too close to obtaining her degree, it would be foolish to walk away now.
I found out rather quickly Bella’s real reason for turning around as she pulled me down in order to whisper in my ear.
"By the way, Edward, I know you stole my panties."
Oh fuckity, fuck, fuck.
Here comes the moment when she calls me a pervert.
She continued, "It's okay, but I figured that turnabout is fair play so…." She hesitated, drawing out my agony, "I want you to know.." She said slowly "I'm wearing your underwear."
I was vaguely aware of her peck on my cheek, before she turned and ran away, leaving me looking like a dumbstruck idiot.
When I noticed her wave and blow me a kiss, I snapped out of my trance and flashed her a meaningful smile before she rounded the corner and disappeared from sight.
There goes the woman I’m going to marry.
And she’s wearing my underwear.
Once I pulled myself together, Sidney, Maureen and I returned to the car and began the drive to the studio. No sooner were we out on the road than my cell chimed with an incoming message. Bella had sent two photos and a text. I opened the photos first.
I groaned out loud when I saw the first one, which gained me a couple of questioning looks from Sidney and Maureen in the front seat. There was my beautiful smiling girl wearing nothing but her Little Mermaid panties. Up until that moment, I’d had to use my imagination to determine what she looked like wearing them.
Fuck if my imagination did not do her justice. Not one bit.
I was more than curious, and also a little afraid to view the second photo. This time I was able to keep my groan in check, just barely.
There was Bella in all her glory wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, my black boxer briefs, her lips puckered into a kiss.
If her intent was to torture me, she has succeeded. She has got to be the sexiest creature alive.
The only saving grace was that she’d kept her breasts covered with her hands. If she hadn’t, I’m sure I would have embarrassed myself in front of Sidney and Maureen more than I already had.
I read the text:
Don't worry, I put the Little Mermaid panties back in your suitcase after taking the photos.
I love you.
P.S. I'm keeping your boxer briefs.
I chuckled, relieved that she’d left the panties.
After I’d gotten my breathing under control, I dialed her.
"Hello" She answered in a sweet voice.
I drew in a breath before speaking. "Baby, what are you trying to do to me?"
Hoping that Sidney and Maureen weren’t listening.
"I don't know what you're talking about sweetie" She said, toying with me.
I chuckled. "You know, I can't decide which of these is going to be my new screensaver, so I think I'll alternate between them."
"I don't have a problem with that Edward, as long as your computer is password protected." She responded. "Those were for your eyes only." She whispered.
All I need is for Alec to get an eyeful of my half naked girl.
"Trust me Bella, no one will ever see these but me." I chuckled. "You always find ways to surprise me."
"I try Mr. Movie Star." She answered quietly.
I sighed. "I'd better let you go. I'm sure you'll be boarding soon."
"And you have to go to work." She added.
"I actually just arrived at the studio." I said as Sidney pulled into the lot.
She sighed. "I'll talk to you tonight. I love you Edward, and I can't wait to marry you either."
"Love you too Bella, so much. Goodbye."
After thanking Maureen for her assistance this week, and promising to call on her services the next time Bella and I were in England, I headed to work.
Hal pulled me aside before my first scene to explain that after the incident with Nicole the week before, they’d rushed to finish her scenes over the weekend, everyone more than happy to see her go. He also told me that because of the relatively incident-free shoot, we were ahead of schedule.
I couldn’t pin him down to admit if that meant I’d be able to return to Seattle sooner than anticipated though.
With the possibility of returning home sooner than I’d thought, I found it surprisingly easy to focus on the task at hand. Before I knew it, the work day, which had stretched late into the evening, was over.
Bella had texted me when she landed, so I knew everything was okay on that front. As soon as I reached the suite, I signed on to skype, not wanting to miss her. After my shower, I settled into bed waiting for her to appear.
"Hello my love, did you have a pleasant flight?" I asked as soon as I saw her beautiful face.
"It was uneventful. I wish I could have stayed longer." She admitted sadly.
I drew in a deep breath. "Me too Bella. I missed you as soon as you rounded the corner in the airport."
She nodded in agreement. "Edward, it's really late there, you need to get some sleep."
"Will you lay down with me?" I asked.
"Certainly." I watched as she crawled into bed, and drifted off to sleep, following soon after.
Before leaving for the studio the next day, I had a brief meeting with Sidney.
Evidently he had spoken with Lou and discovered that Bella had been greeted by a throng of reporters when she landed in Seattle. He informed me of his fears about both mine and Bella’s security now that we were engaged. In the end, we decided that neither Bella nor I would fly alone any more. Once I returned home, we would always have one or both Sidney and Lou with us when we ventured out in public. I phoned Lou to offer him a full-time position as Bella’s driver and bodyguard. It was a job he’d already been doing, but we’d never had a formal agreement until now. He was happy to accept.
That settled, I left for another full day at the studio.
“You’re mentioned in the latest People magazine.” Jasper informed.
“What else is new?” I replied sarcastically.
“True.“ Jasper answered with a laugh.
“You’ve got an interview tomorrow morning in your hotel suite with Entertainment Tonight. They’ve been informed about how far they can go with personal questions.”
“Okay.” I answered.
“Everything is set for Cannes. You’ve got a full schedule of interviews and a photo shoot.” Jasper continued. “I’ll e-mail the exact schedule to you along with the information about tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.” I answered.
“Do you still expect to return to the states around the 24th?” He asked.
“I’m not sure. Hal said we were ahead of schedule, but I don’t know what that means for me.”
I wished it meant that I could return to my girl sooner, but I wasn’t getting my hopes up.
The next morning, I was greeted by a smiling Bella soon after I woke up. “Hey baby.” I said with a smile.
“Hi.” She answered with a slight smile. “I have to tell you something.”
I braced myself. She didn’t look happy.
“Oh yeah?"
She swallowed. "I got another vase of yellow carnations today."
I looked down and muttered a low "fuck" before raising my eyes to look at Bella. "Was there a card?"
I was angry, someone was fucking with my girl. My fragile girl.
"Yes. It just said the word 'soon', and was unsigned." She answered. "But I've already spoken with my Dad, he's investigating it, and has involved the Seattle police. Everything's fine, no need to worry."
I was pleased that she’d acted so quickly, and without prompting from me or her family. "I'm glad to hear that you're taking this seriously Bella, but I'm always going to worry about you." I blew out a breath. "What did Charlie say?"
She informed me of the details of her conversation with her Dad. I felt better knowing that Charlie was involved.
I informed Bella that I didn’t need to go to the studio until afternoon, because we’d been shooting late into the night. After I yawned loudly, she insisted that I get a couple more hours sleep.
It was a restless sleep. I knew I wouldn’t rest easy until I spoke with Charlie later today.
The interview was awkward. Never before had I answered questions about my personal life, because never before did I have a personal life. I made sure to flash my bracelet as often as possible, just in case Bella were to see it. The interviewer assured me that the segment wouldn't air until the next week, so I had plenty of time to let her know.
On my way to the studio, I phoned Charlie.
“Hello Edward, everything okay?” Charlie answered in his usual gruff tone.
“Hello Charlie” I responded “I suppose you can guess the reason for my call.”
“Yeah, but there’s nothing I can tell you Edward.” He said with an exasperated sigh. “I’m following a couple of leads, I’ll let you know if anything pans out.”
“Thank you Charlie. I’d never forgive myself if anything were to happen to her.” I admitted.
“Edward, I fail to see how anything happening to Bella would be your fault son.” His tone serious.
“I just need to be there with her.”
“As I said before, you do your job and we’ll keep everything here under control until you get back.”
“You really think this is not a big deal?” I questioned.
He let out a breath. “I’m hoping this turns out to be nothing.” He cleared his throat. “I can’t think about the alternative Edward. If anyone were to ever hurt her again” His voice seemed to catch. “I can promise you that I would find them and tear them limb from fucking limb, even if it was the last thing I ever did.” He said in almost a whisper.
There was silence for a long moment before Charlie cleared his throat again.
“But as I said, even if it is something, Bella is well-protected. We won’t let anyone get close.”
I finally took a breath. “Thanks Charlie.”
“You’re welcome Edward.”
"Guess who I had lunch with today?" She asked as we spoke on skype.
"Hmm, I don't think I can guess." I grinned. "Possibly my mother?"
"How did you know?" She questioned.
"I try to call her every few days as I'm leaving the studio, just to touch base. She told me she wanted to have lunch with you some time this week. She didn't pressure you about wedding plans did she?"
"Oh no Edward, nothing of the kind. We had a really nice visit. She told me all about her family."
I smiled.
"She mentioned that her father lives in Chicago, and that got me thinking."
"Well, do you suppose I could meet him, you know, when we go on the Route 66 trip. We're starting in Chicago." She said in a quiet voice.
"Bella, that's a wonderful idea. I've had such tunnel vision about finishing this film, I'd completely forgotten about the road trip. That would be great. He'll like you very much." I said with a wink.
I secretly can’t wait to show her off to my Grandfather. He will adore her.
She smiled, seeming extremely happy with my answer.
"I was also thinking about our wedding." She said, looking a little nervous.
This got my attention. "Yes?"
I hope she hasn’t changed her mind.
"Well, at the very least, we should start thinking about the when. Don't you think?" She asked timidly.
I knew I was smiling from ear to ear. "Of course Bella. I told you if it were up to me, I'd have married you yesterday. I'll be happy with any date you choose sweetheart."
She cleared her throat.
Why was she so nervous about this?
"Well, at first I thought December would be a good time. You know, after you finish filming with Clint. Alice had mentioned how she 'saw us' having a winter wedding."
I kept the smile frozen in place, but inside I was disappointed. If it were up to me, I’d marry Bella the moment my plane touches down in Seattle.
"But" She took in a deep breath before continuing "the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't want to wait that long."
Maybe Bella can read my mind.
At that moment, I was hanging on her every word.
"So," She blew out a breath "how would you feel about August? Maybe around August 14th? It would be after Emmett and Rose return from their honeymoon, but before you start filming. If you don't want to do it then I'll totally understand…" she babbled on before she finally lifted her head to look at me.
I was overwhelmed with happiness. This date was so much sooner than I’d dared hope for. Bella didn’t want to wait. Here was tangible proof that Bella wanted this as much as I did.
I need to hold her in my arms and kiss her right the fuck now.
"Say something Edward." She whispered.
I cleared my throat. "I really wish you were here with me right now, because I desperately need to kiss you Bella."
She smiled.
"I love you so much." I said as I considered what she’d said. "So three months huh?"
She bit her lip. "I know. It's not a lot of time to plan a big wedding. Alice is probably going to kill me." She said with a guilty shrug.
I barked out a laugh. "Bella, I don't care about a big, lavish wedding. Three months is plenty of time to plan what we want."
She nodded in agreement.
“So I just scrapped the designs I’d come up with for a winter wedding.” Alice informed. “What’s the exact date brother dear?”
Bella and I had only discussed this a few hours before, but somehow I wasn’t surprised that my sister already knew.
“August 14th” I beamed as I said the date out loud for the first time, although no one was around to see my happy expression.
“Poor Charlie’s going to have a busy summer.” She said lightly. “Marrying off both his children.”
“It will be a summer to remember.” I stated sincerely.
“Alice, can I ask you a favor?”
“Of course.” She responded.
“Try not to overwhelm Bella with wedding plans yet. I’d like it to wait until I get home.”
“Not a problem Edward. Right now I’m so busy with Rose’s wedding and other weddings here in California, that I can easily wait until you’re back to start.”
“Thank you Alice.”
“I am however going to work up some dress designs for her and her bridesmaids. I already have a feel for what Bella would like, but how about you? Will you want the traditional black tux?“
I thought about that.
Every award show I attend seems to find me in the traditional black tux. Now and then I get bored and Alice dresses me in another color.
Suddenly, I had a brainstorm. “Come to think of it” I hesitated before continuing. “Bella has a weakness for white dinner jackets.”
Alice hummed in appreciation. “Oh Edward, how very James Bond of you.” She said with a giggle. “Coupled with black tuxedo pants?”
“Yes, I think so.” I answered.
“It’s a good thing you decided on a summer wedding.” She concluded. “I think we may have the beginnings of a plan” She laughed lightly. “This will be perfect.”
After an intense day of filming, I was finally on my way back to my suite. It was Friday, so that meant ‘movie night’.
Upon entering the bedroom, I immediately connected to skype. There she was, my own personal angel, waiting for me.
"Hey baby. How are you this morning?" I murmured.
"I'm good Edward. Have you eaten dinner?" She asked.
"Not yet, I'm having something delivered. Today was grueling." I moaned as I removed my shirt, wanting nothing more than a hot shower at that moment.
"Have you eaten breakfast Bella?"
"Not yet." She answered.
I walked back over to the screen and smirked when I caught the expression on Bella’s face as she reacted to my bare chest.
"Tell you what. Why don't you go grab your breakfast and bring it back with you. I'll take a quick shower. Hopefully by the time I'm finished, my food will be here and we'll eat before we watch the movie."
She smiled and nodded.
My dinner arrived just as I stepped out of the bathroom, so Bella and I could eat and enjoy the movie together.
Young Victoria was very well done. I teased Bella by labeling it a ‘chick flick‘, but was drawn into the story almost immediately. I decided that Victoria and Albert were almost as much in love as Bella and I.
"It would seem that Queen Victoria had to suffer through her fair share of negative public opinion." Bella concluded.
I nodded in agreement. It was very true. She and Albert even had lunatics shooting at them.
"Did you see the most recent story about Tanya?" Bella brought up, out of the blue.
I hadn’t heard anything. Alec had backed-off bringing me tabloids, knowing that they put me in a bad mood.
I shook my head, frowning. "No, what's going on now?"
"It would appear that someone took photos of her leaving her doctor's office, her very prominent baby bump showing. Now the photos are all over the internet." She smiled, shaking her head. "Suddenly, everyone is in love with the thought of her as a mother."
I shook my head and chuckled. "I'm not surprised Bella. Remember, we discussed how fickle people can be."
I was glad for Tanya. Maybe she’d be able to salvage her career from all the fuckery.
"Yeah." She said with a sigh.
I smiled at her and yawned. "Okay, that's my cue." She said with a wink.
"No, don't go." I pleaded with a grin.
"I have to Edward. You need to sleep, and I have an appointment, remember?"
How could I have forgotten? The therapist. "Oh, yes, I forgot. Are you going to be okay?" I asked quietly.
She forced a smile as she answered. "I will be fine. This is necessary." She paused. "I can't wait until you're home though, I'm better when you're with me."
"I feel the same way baby." I thought for a moment. "We'll skype first thing in the morning, and you can tell me everything. I love you Bella."
"I love you too."
My dreams, as usual, were filled with my beautiful girl. Soon I hoped to be holding her in my arms again.
Chapter 50 - A Breath Of Fresh Air For The Punk’d
When I woke the next morning and turned to face my computer, my heart jumped at the sight of my girl busily writing in a notebook. I watched her for a moment before I spoke. She was so beautiful.
In three short months, I get to wake up to her every morning.
When she threw the notebook aside, I decided to speak. "Hello beautiful, what are you up to?" She turned to find me smiling at her.
"Just a little homework." She said with a sigh before she smiled back at me. "I saw your interview tonight."
"Already? Sorry, I would have warned you about that, but it wasn't supposed to air until next week."
"I guess they had a slow news night."
"I suppose. Although, now that I think about it, they probably wanted to be the first to 'officially' announce our engagement." I said with a smirk.
"It made me happy." She added.
I smiled. Her happiness had become the most important thing to me.
"I felt weird giving away personal information like that, but maybe they'll be satisfied now."
She laughed. "They'll always want more Edward, but I still think it was necessary."
Bella is becoming quite savvy.
She was quiet for a minute. "You wore your bracelet."
I grinned, so glad she noticed. I shouldn’t have doubted it. She didn’t miss anything, just as I noticed everything about her. "I don't take it off, unless I have to, while filming."
I suddenly remembered what I had scheduled for today.
"I wanted to check with you about something Bella."
She looked curious. "What?"
"I thought it would be a good idea to hire someone to care for the house in Oxford, seeing as we're not planning to live there full time."
"I agree Edward. Did you have someone in mind already?"
"I'm going to interview a couple of people today. After that I've got to film for a few hours this evening. We can talk about it afterwards, it will be late but I still want to see you before I sleep."
She smiled and nodded. "Me too." She thought for a moment. "So you're going to Oxford today?"
"Yes. Sidney and I are leaving in a bit."
"Do me a favor?" She asked sweetly.
"Anything sweetheart."
"Will you have a pint at the Eagle and Child and think of me."
Missing you the entire time.
"So what's your schedule after today?" She asked suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Unfortunately, I've got to film tomorrow and Monday because I'm scheduled to go to Cannes on Tuesday and Wednesday."
She looked a little stunned. "Will I get to see you in Cannes?" She asked.
"I think I'll be able to skype, although I don't know how busy my schedule will be. Jasper's set me up for several interviews and even a photo shoot."
She got a strange look on her face and seemed to zone out for a minute.
She must be exhausted. I’ll wait until later to ask about the therapist.
"Bella?" She looked at me then "I think you should probably get some sleep baby." I murmured.
She yawned, proving my theory. "Okay" She sighed. "I miss you Edward."
"Me too sweetheart. I love you. We'll speak again tonight."
"I love you too." She said just before falling asleep.
I logged off of my computer, and left for Oxford with Sidney and Alec in tow.
The first couple of interviews were bloody disasters. I was using the front sitting room in the Tolkien house to conduct them, having had a desk and several chairs brought in for the purpose.
Of course the interviewees had no idea who the owner of the house was until they walked through the doors. The first one, I soon found out, spent her days as a palm reader, or was it a fortune teller?
What the fuck is the difference?
She was excited to meet me and informed me right away that she was one of my followers on ‘twitter’. In answer, I informed her that I didn’t have a ‘twitter’ so she was obviously following someone pretending to be me.
“Well how about Facebook? I’m your friend on Facebook also.” She defended.
I knew for a fact that this was incorrect. My Facebook was listed under a different name, and completely private. My list of friends was so small, that I had it memorized. Obviously, the lovely Bella topped that list.
“Sorry, you must be mistaken. I’m not on Facebook.” I lied.
She looked disgruntled. When she tried to grab my hand to ‘read my palm’, the interview was officially over.
Alec stood in the corner snickering the entire time. Sidney, on the other hand, eyed her as if he might need to tackle her at any moment.
The next interview was worse. As soon as I discovered that the guy had spent time in jail for burglary, I immediately showed him the door.
I turned to Alec. “Where the fuck did the employment agency get these people?”
The third guy had a problem with flatulence. I was polite as I hastily showed him to the door. Unfortunately the damage was done.
I turned to Alec, “Fuck, when’s the next appointment? I feel like I’m in an episode of Punk’d.”
Alec couldn’t answer. He was too busy trying to hold his breath. Even Sidney looked a little ill.
I wonder if Emmett has found some way to play a practical joke on me all the way from Seattle.
Damn he’s good.
“For God’s sake, open some fucking windows” Alec blurted with his last bit of stored air.
It was something that Sidney and I had already been attempting, when Alec suddenly fled the room. “Uh, I think I’m gonna be sick” He whined as he disappeared toward the kitchen.
“Pussy” I heard Sidney mutter, causing me to blurt out a laugh.
At that precise moment, a voice like music sounded from the foyer. “Hello, is anyone at home?“ it was a woman’s voice. Sidney and I both turned our heads in the direction of the doorway just in time to see an older man and woman make their way into the room.
“Oh good heavens, did something die in here?“ asked the same voice as before.
“No, I’m terribly sorry. We just had an incident with a gentleman who was interviewing for a position.“ I tried lamely to explain.
“Oh I see.” She said quietly.
“Well, sorry we’re a bit early. We’re here to interview as well.“ The man stated.
I immediately had them take a seat as I looked over their references. They were both retired, had excellent references, and had extremely pleasant and unassuming personalities. I closed my eyes and silently thanked God that this day had finally turned around.
I liked the Griffins instantly, and knew that Bella would too. They were from Staffordshire, but had sold their home with the intent of living closer to their son and his family who made their home near Oxford. When they heard about the caretaker position, they were delighted.
After I explained that they would only have to do light housework and upkeep, and hire out for all repairs, they expressed their keen interest in the position. I watched as Mrs. Griffin smiled happily when she took in the sight of the rooms that would make up their personal apartment, a large sitting room, dining area, bedroom and bath, just off of the kitchen.
“Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, I would like to offer you this position.“ I stated as we stood in the large kitchen.
They glanced at each other. “May we have a few moments alone to discuss it?“ Mr. Griffin asked.
“Of course. I should also tell you that before we sign a contract, I will want to okay this with my fiancée. The time difference being drastic, between here and Seattle, I probably won’t be able to confirm everything until sometime tomorrow. So, by all means, let me leave you to discuss things.“ I exited the room and waited in the sitting room.
Less than a minute later I had my answer, as both the Griffins entered the room and shook my hand while smiling broadly.
I was relieved. “Once everything is settled” I began “I will be more than happy to pay for whatever furnishings you may need for your rooms Mr. and Mrs. Griffin.” I informed.
“No need Mr. Masen” Mrs. Griffin answered. “We have our own furniture.”
I nodded. “Actually, my last name is really Cullen, but I would be more comfortable if you would call me Edward.“
Mrs. Griffin smiled. “Then I suppose you’d better call us Edith and George, Edward.”
“There’s one more thing you need to know. The rest of the house won’t be furnished right away. My mother has taken it upon herself to decorate it with antiques as a surprise wedding gift for Bella. I believe she’ll be coming over herself sometime in June.”
They nodded their heads. After leaving all pertinent contact information with them, I headed over to the Eagle And Child to have my pint.
As I sat there with Alec and Sidney, I thought back to the night I proposed to Bella.
Had it only been a week?
She was so lovely in her dress, and so clueless that I was planning to propose. I smiled at the thought.
“Here” I said as I handed my phone to Alec. “Take my photo please.”
He smirked, no doubt readying some pithy remark, but I cut him off. “I want to send it to Bella.“
He nodded, and mercifully didn’t speak. I sent the photo to her with a message.
As per your request Miss Swan, soon to be Mrs. Cullen, I am enjoying a pint at the Eagle And Child.
Miss you terribly.
We filmed well into the night. When I arrived back at the suite, I literally crawled into bed.
Chapter 51&52 – Sage Advice For The Overworked
I woke so late the next morning that I was only able to spend a few minutes on skype with Bella before leaving for the studio.
During that short amount of time, I told her about the Griffins, and got her enthusiastic approval to hire them.
She told me very little about her visit to the therapist, promising more later. I didn't press for information, forcing myself to be content with as much or as little as Bella would be willing to tell me.
It promised to be a long, grueling day of work, and even though our time on skype had been brief, I was grateful to have had it.
During my afternoon break, I phoned my mother.
"Hi Mom, happy Mother's Day" I said.
"Hello dear. Thank you for the flowers, they are lovely." She answered.
"I'm still trying to figure out how the card was written by you."
I chuckled. "Simple. I arranged everything with the florist before I left Seattle."
"I have such a thoughtful son." She said with a sigh.
"I've also arranged for two first class tickets to London for you and Dad, to be used at any time."
"What a wonderful idea. I hear that my son owns a home in Oxford." I could hear the smile in her voice.
"Yes, but unfortunately at the moment, it's an empty house." I answered quietly.
"I'll have to see what I can do about that." She answered happily.
I tried to suppress it, but couldn't hold back the yawn that escaped my mouth. "Pardon me." I apologized.
"Edward, I hope you're taking care of yourself." She remarked in a slightly scolding tone.
"I'm okay Mom. I've just been working a lot." I explained.
"Please take care of yourself Edward. We all want you home soon, but we want you well dear."
I smiled at her concern. "I will Mom. Thanks for worrying."
"I'm your Mother." She answered in explanation.
"Alice told me that Bella will be there this afternoon." I said, trying to change the subject.
"I believe so." Mom said.
"It's a difficult day for her, and for Emmett." I said solemnly.
"I'm sure it is darling." Mom answered quietly. "I'll do my best to make it easier for them."
"Would you tell Bella that no matter how late she arrives back home, I still want to skype with her."
"I'll tell her."
"Mom, do you even know what skype is?" I teased.
"Of course I do Edward" She sounded a little insulted. "Your father and I skype every time one of us has to leave town on business. It's so much nicer to be able to see him instead of talking on the phone."
"Well except for the time I attended a conference in San Francisco and drunk-skyped him at two in the morning." She started to giggle.
Why the hell is she telling me this?
"I was so embarrassed when I woke up the next day and remembered doing a little 'strip tease via skype' for him." She laughed out loud. "Although he seemed to have rather enjoyed it."
Oh fuck. She did not just say that.
Alice is exactly like her.
"Mom! Too much information!" I shouted into the phone.
She continued to laugh, despite my discomfort. "Oh Edward, you're almost a married man. You need to loosen up a little honey."
I cringed. "I know that, but you're my Mother. It's just, that's just, oh hell, it's just wrong." I whined.
She hadn't stopped laughing. "Edward, I'm going to tell you something that may shock you. I really hope it doesn't lessen the high opinion you have of me." She hesitated.
Oh shit, what can be worse than what she's already subjected me to today?
"What Mom?" I choked out the question.
"Well, the fact of the matter is that… your father and I have sex. Quite often actually. You should appreciate that fact, otherwise you and Alice wouldn't be here." She said before she exploded in laughter.
I wonder if she's been drinking mimosas?
"I love you Mom, but I really need to go now."
She cackled at the urgent tone of my voice.
I need to figure a way to bleach my fucking brain.
"Thank you again son. I love you."
"Love you too Mom."
She is still fucking laughing
Late that night, after showering and collapsing into bed, I made sure to connect to skype before succumbing to sleep.
Hopefully my sweet girl's face will be the first thing I see when I open my eyes.
I knew it would be a good day, when I opened my eyes. Once I could focus on the screen, there she was, the woman who meant everything to me.
"Good morning beautiful, although I guess it's still Sunday at home." As those words left my mouth, I realized that being Sunday meant that it was still Mother's Day there. "How was today sweetheart? I wish I could have been there with you."
"Oh Edward." She said quietly, tears threatening to spill. "It turned out to be a wonderful day." She blinked, causing the tears to escape, and run down her cheeks.
"Bella, if the day was wonderful, then why are you crying?"
"It was just a bit overwhelming." She said as the tears really started to flow.
I started to panic, trying to find a way to fix her distress from thousands of miles away, as I dragged my fingers roughly through my hair. "Bella, please tell me what's going on before I lose my mind. You have no idea how difficult it is to watch you cry, and know that I can do nothing to help."
"Edward stop!" She said forcefully. "These are happy tears."
I stopped tugging at my hair, waiting for her to explain. "I was prepared for this day to be difficult, but it never happened. Early this morning, Rose found out she's pregnant." She emphasized the last word.
Well that was unexpected.
She then proceeded to fill me in on the details of her day. From my sister's arrival with a bag full of pregnancy tests, to my mother being the proud owner of a MILF shirt.
I had a flashback to my conversation with her earlier, and cringed.
Evidently everyone was happy, and Emmett was apparently over the moon with the news. I was just happy to see her so happy.
"There was only one sour note to the entire day." She grimaced. "Mrs. Whitlock rode in on her broomstick and made Rose cry." At that, Bella told me about the venom which had spewed from the troll-bitch's mouth, and poor Rose being reduced to tears.
I shook my head in disbelief. Rose and Jasper didn't deserve the way she treated them. Amazingly, although they should both be screwed up and in therapy by now, that simply wasn't the case.
I was suddenly very grateful, once again, for being blessed with the perfect mother.
Even if she did freak me the hell out sometimes.
"Your mother got angry and said that a baby was never an embarrassment, and told her she should be ashamed for making her daughter cry." Bella continued.
I smiled, happy that my mother intervened, but sad that it had been necessary in the first place. "I'm not surprised. My mother considers every child to be a blessing. She would have been quite happy to have had a house full." I said wistfully. "I know that Mom and Dad wanted another child after I was born, but it never happened. Personally, I'm surprised she wanted any more after having me."
From what I've been told, my birth was very dangerous and difficult, but I'll spare Bella the details.
"Why Edward? Because they'd already attained perfection?" She teased, completely misinterpreting my statement.
I laughed. "Yeah, right." I laughed again. "No, Bella, I wasn't being egotistical. Evidently Mom had a horribly long and painful labor with me. I was rather big."
As I said that, Bella got the strangest expression on her face.
What the hell is she thinking?
She zoned out for a time, and then started chuckling to herself.
She's probably so tired that she's now delirious.
"Bella, where did you go just now?" I asked. "You completely zoned out on me." I narrowed my eyes, observing her reaction. "I'm dying to know what you were thinking about because your face just turned the loveliest shade of red."
Could Bella possibly be having inappropriate thoughts about me?
The possibility caused me to smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about Edward." She answered with an innocent smile.
Sure you don't.
Later that day, Bella and I talked briefly on the phone, while I was filming. The next time we spoke was early Tuesday morning on skype.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.
"Always so inquisitive." She answered with a smile.
"If you must know, I was wishing for the millionth time that I was with you." She answered.
I didn't let on how much it hurt me to be leaving for Cannes without her.
"Next year baby." I suddenly realized that next year everything would be different. "We'll be married by then, and if I have to go to Cannes, you will be with me, as my wife." I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face.
She smiled back at me. "Speaking of getting married…" She hesitated before continuing, immediately causing me to worry.
"Not having second thoughts are you?" I questioned.
"Of course not Edward. Never." She stated vehemently.
"What are your wishes for the wedding?" She questioned. "I mean, I should probably start making some plans, instead of waiting until you get home to do everything."
"Bella, here's my honest answer." I made sure to sit up and look directly into the camera before continuing. "None of that matters to me. As soon as I see you in that white dress, your father walking you down the aisle to me, no one and nothing else will matter. I doubt I'll notice much else for the rest of the day."
At my words, Bella got the strangest look on her face.
"That's sort of the way I feel every time you say something sweet like that. Edward, you were blessed with a silver tongue."
Hmm. Why not have a little fun with this?
I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows before teasing her by slowly licking my lips.
Oh baby, what I'd like to do with this tongue.
"Okay, I'm changing the subject now, because you are entirely too distracting." She blurted, causing me to laugh out loud.
"How soon until you leave?" She asked, effectively ending my fun.
"I have to start getting reading in fifteen minutes or so."
"Okay, maybe you have time to help me with my homework."
I shrugged. "Of course Bella. What can I do?"
"Well, it's not actually for school. Dr. Miller wants me to make a list of things that I like about myself. That part of the assignment is proving difficult."
Hearing this did not please me. Here we are back to the issue of her low self-esteem.
"The other part of the assignment is to list ten things that others like about me. Emmett already gave me a couple, I was hoping to get a couple from you."
I sighed. "I'm limited to ten?" I asked, smiling.
She nodded. I proceeded to hold up my fingers as I counted.
"You're breathtakingly beautiful, extremely sexy, the most honest person I know, charming, witty, funny, smart, forgiving, compassionate, and thoughtful. That's ten, but I feel compelled to add that you're also a great kisser." I smirked as I wiggled my eyebrows yet again.
She laughed before asking quietly, "Do you really see me that way Edward?"
I nodded. "Bella, I thought maybe your self-esteem would be improving by now. Sometimes you act as if people want to spend time with you out of pity." I sighed. "I don't pity you Bella. I love you. My heart breaks when I think of the things you've had to endure, but my main concern is the future, not the past. We're going to have a wonderful future baby." I added gently.
She seemed to accept my words. "I've wasted a lot time haven't I?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Thinking myself unworthy of everyone's love. I'm working on it Edward. Dr. Miller said that I need to learn to love myself and the first step was learning to like myself. That's why she gave me this exercise."
"Bella, you honestly can't come up with ten things you like about yourself?"
"I've come up with two so far, but I'm still working on it."
I rested my chin on my hand as I thought. "I know this is a private matter, but will you keep me apprised of your progress?" I asked quietly.
"I can do that."
When Alec, Sidney and I arrived in Cannes, it was just after noon. We went straight to our hotel to check in .
The first interview was for a European radio station. It was a surreal moment when I sat in the makeshift radio booth, surrounded on three sides by the French Riviera, and on the fourth by the brilliant blue of the Mediterranean.
“Hello Edward, good to see you again.” I was greeted by the host.
What was his name again?
I glance surreptitiously at the cheat sheet Alec had provided.
“Hello Simon, wonderful to see you again too. “ I smiled. “I think the last time we spoke was during the promotional tour for Time Stands Still. That would be when? Last November I suppose?” I answered by own question.
Simon looked a little stunned, surprised, no doubt, that I remembered him.
Well I did, sort of.
“Yes, that’s correct.” He said with a smile. “So Edward, tell everyone a little about the film you’re working on right now.”
“Well, it’s called The Harvest of Avarice, it’s set during the 1930’s and later during World War II.” I needed to word this carefully in order not to give away the plot. “My character, while still a child, is separated from his best friends, only to meet them again later in England, on the eve of the D-day invasion.”
“Edward, I’ve been hearing the terms ‘blockbuster’ and ‘epic’ being used to refer to this movie. Is it going to be as big as predicted?”
I pursed my lips as I thought.
“All I can say is that the director, along with the cast and crew, have been working very hard, and putting in a lot of long hours. I only hope that my part in it does justice to everyone else’s hard work.”
“Oh Edward, I’m sure it will. Don’t be so modest.” Simon responded with a chuckle. “Now your next film will be quite different. You’re filming with Clint Eastwood?”
I nodded, then, remembering we were on radio, I spoke. “Yes. We will start filming in September.”
After Bella and I return from our honeymoon.
I smiled smugly to myself.
The next few questions were all about Enemy Combatant, and what it would be like to work with Clint. I got the impression that Simon was almost as big a fan as Charlie.
The interview had been comfortable, probably the reason I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. When the tone of Simon’s questions changed abruptly, it took me by complete surprise.
“I must ask you this Edward. All these stories about your personal life in the news are confusing. For years we were led to believe that Tanya Madison was your steady girlfriend, whom you cheated on I might add. Now we are told that was all fabricated, and a slew of former dates have said you never laid a finger on them.”
I took a breath, trying to gather my wits. As it turned out, it wasn’t necessary, because Simon wasn’t finished.
“You truly expect the public to believe that your relationship with Isabella Swan is genuine, after you admit you weren’t honest with the public for years?”
I was stunned. “What do you want me to say Simon?” I was pissed, but part of me knew that this was my fault for letting the studio spin that false image for years. “I was wrong to allow that to go on for so long. Admittedly, I was young when all of it began, but that’s no excuse. In the end, I took the easy way out. It was simpler to go along with the lie, and protect my privacy.”
“Oh and why is that Edward? What do you have to hide? Why was your privacy so important that you were willing to live a lie?” Simon smirked. “It’s been done before Edward. You are not original. The studio wanted their prize bull to appear to be heterosexual. Don’t you think it’s a little pathetic to use a sad, broken girl to continue the lie.”
What the fuck?
I stood from my chair, my fists clenched at my sides.
“I don’t care what you say or think about me, but you will leave Isabella out of your attacks.” I was fuming. “As for being gay, which was what you were alluding to Simon” I spit his name as if it were a curse word “I’m not gay. Period. End of story.”
He smirked at that.
Fucker has an agenda.
“Simon, if I were gay, I wouldn’t hide it. One of my best friends is gay, it’s part of who he is, I’m sure there were many times in his life that things would have been easier if he’d hidden it, instead he remained true to himself.”
Chris is one of the bravest men I’ve ever known.
I ran my hand through my hair.
“For the first time in years, I am doing just that. I’ve come clean about stupid things I’ve done, which were never my idea. I’ve found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Not that it’s any of your business, but Bella and I can’t wait to begin that life together.” I gave him a hard glare. “And neither of us gives a fuck what you or anyone else has to say about it.”
Simon’s mouth fell open in surprise at my language. I ripped off the microphone and threw it on the table before storming out.
I’d probably said too much, and the studio would chew my ass for sure for dropping the ‘F’ bomb, but I didn’t care.
Once we were outside, Alec slapped me on the back. “Fucking A, Edward!”
I shook my head in exasperation. “I guess we’re back to ‘no personal questions’ again.” I complained.
Needing to hear Bella’s voice, I pulled out my phone and dialed her. “Hey baby” I breathed into the phone.
“Edward” she mumbled, her voice still groggy from sleep. “Are you in Cannes?”
“Yes. I arrived a couple of hours ago.” I said sadly. “I just stormed out of an interview.”
“What happened?” She asked with concern in her voice.
“I guess I’m just tired of assumptions about you and me. Either I’m a man-whore or I’m gay. I know it’s my own fault because I was dishonest for so long, but everything has changed. I want everyone to understand that I’m deeply, irrevocably in love with you, and can’t wait to make you my wife.” I sighed heavily. “I want to protect you Bella. I don’t want any of this shit hurting you.”
“Oh Edward. I’ve made my peace with the fact that some people will never accept the truth. You need to learn to be okay with it too. As for protecting me” She paused “I’m a lot tougher than you think Mr. Movie Star.”
I knew she was trying to lighten my mood. It worked.
I blew out a breath and smiled. “Thank you sweetheart, I guess I just needed to hear that. I love you.”
“You’re very welcome. I love you too Edward. Do what you need to do so that you can hurry home to me.” She whispered.
My heart clenched at her words.
“I’ll do my best baby.”
A short while later, Alec led me to a group of reporters. I was supposed to give a little impromptu press conference. Even though the last interview had left a bad taste in my mouth, I plastered on my Hollywood smile, and began.
“Edward, where is your lovely fiancée today?” asked a female reporter. I believed she was Dutch.
I smiled. “Unfortunately, she couldn’t be with me today.”
“Are the reports true that say she assaulted Nicole French, hitting her in the face?” shouted a rude voice above the others.
Should I even answer that?
Deciding that I should, so that Bella didn’t acquire a reputation for hitting random people on the movie set, I stated firmly, “That is absolutely untrue.”
“Edward, how did you like filming in England?” asked a reporter from the BBC.
“We haven’t quite finished yet”, I responded with a grin. “But to answer your question, I absolutely adore England, even though I haven’t ventured much outside of London during my stay.”
England will always hold a special place in my heart because it is where Bella agreed to make my fondest wish come true. She agreed to spend the rest of her life with me.
“The British people have been wonderful, the weather pleasant, there’s nothing I can find to complain about.”
Except for the fact that my girl is so far away.
“You sound as if you’ll be disappointed to leave” added the same reporter.
“Now don’t put words in my mouth” I responded with a cheeky grin.
He laughed.
I phoned Bella once more before going to my photo shoot. For some reason, having to answer all those questions had made me nervous, and I needed to hear her voice to be centered again.
The photo shoot was held at a very resplendent, and very private, villa on the Riviera. I spent about an hour posing for photos indoors, and then another hour outdoors.
For the last few photos, I had to don a white dinner jacket. My mind immediately travelled back to dancing with Bella at Carnation Plaza Gardens in Disneyland. It was one of many wonderful memories of our time together.
Once the photo shoot was over, I had Sidney take a shot of me in the jacket, before changing back into my own clothes. For the first time all afternoon, I had some down time. We headed back to the hotel to rest and then prepare for the movie premiere and party I was scheduled to attend that evening.
On my way to the premiere, I pulled out my phone and sent Bella the photo and a short message.
Finished my photo shoot earlier today. On my way to a premiere now. Knowing how you loved the white dinner jacket, I'm sending you a photo that I had Sidney take just for you.
I love you. I miss you.
The next morning I woke to find that sometime during the night, Alice had sent several photos to my phone. She had obtained preview copies of the Vanity Fair issue with she, Chris, Bella and Rose on the cover. It made my day to receive those photos. They were dazzling.
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from my girl. I found that, for the rest of my stay in Cannes, all I had to do was look at those photos, and my spirits would immediately be lifted.
After a light breakfast of croissant and coffee with Sidney and Alec, and a swim in the hotel pool, I was shuttled to my next interview. This one was for the Cannes issue of Premiere Magazine. When I arrived at Hotel Le Canberra, I was immediately ushered into a small waiting room. As I sat there, I pulled my phone out again and looked at Bella. She was so beautiful. I knew I was smiling like a fool, when I heard a familiar voice to my right.
“Well, well, well, what’s going on Edward? The lovely Bella ‘sexting’ you?” He remarked with a chuckle.
I looked up to see Johnny smiling down at me. I stood immediately and shook his hand. “Hello. I wasn’t sure if you would be in Cannes yet.”
“I’ve been here since late last night.” He answered. “Look, I’ve got to run to an interview, but how would you like to meet for lunch today?”
“Sure” I agreed with a smile.
“The restaurant here in the hotel is good. What do you say we meet in an hour?” He asked.
“Sounds good.” I answered, and then he was gone.
The interview was surprisingly painless, the reporters sticking with questions which focused on my movies rather than my personal life.
Before I knew it, I was having lunch with Johnny as we discussed my upcoming nuptials.
“I’m happy for you Edward.” Johnny congratulated. “And I hope I get an invitation.”
“Of course” I answered as I nodded.
“Bella’s a great girl. I told Vanessa all about her, and she can’t wait to meet her.”
I smiled. “I know she’d like that very much.”
At least I hope so.
“So have you discussed where you’re going to live after the wedding?” Johnny asked as we ate.
“Not really. I think we’ll discuss all that when I get home.” I answered.
I wonder where Bella will want to live?
“I bought a house in England.” I admitted.
Johnny’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “That’s great man. Do you think you’ll live there after you’re married?” He asked.
I shrugged. “I don’t think L.A. will be our main home. It’s convenient when I have to film in California, but I don’t think Bella will ever be completely comfortable there.”
Johnny nodded in understanding. “It’s a whole different world once you get outside of L.A. Once you find the place you’re most comfortable, hopefully the rest of the world won’t intrude, especially if you have children.” He mused. “We spend part of our time in California, but the farm in France is home. I knew from the beginning that I didn’t want my kids around all the crazy shit going on in L.A. I never wanted them growing up to think that’s what life was all about.”
This is something Bella and I would need to discuss, but there wasn’t any great hurry.
Johnny gave me his address, insisting I send him an invitation. He also insisted that I attend the Chanel party that night, in order to meet Vanessa. I agreed before going back to my hotel to prepare for yet another premiere.
This one was much better than the one I’d endured the night before, although it didn’t capture my attention enough to keep my mind from wandering. Johnny had given me a lot to think about.
At the Chanel party, I was finally able to meet Vanessa. She was beautiful and smart with a confident air, but was very quiet, seeming almost shy. I decided that Bella would like her very much.
Knowing I had to work the next day, Sidney, Alec and I left the party early to fly back to London.
The next morning, I was finally able to talk to Bella on skype again. It was Wednesday evening at home, and she seemed troubled about something.
I hope there were no more damn flowers delivered.
"I had lunch with your mother today." She informed.
"That's nice." I smiled and decided to take this opportunity to tease her. "I had lunch yesterday with Johnny Depp."
"You did!" She exclaimed. "How did that happen?"
I chuckled. "We were granting interviews for the same magazine, and he asked if I was busy for lunch. We had a nice time."
"What did you talk about?"
"You" I breathed.
At least part of the time.
I laughed. "My God Bella, you should see your face. You look so guilty."
"I am guilty." She muttered. "Guilty of ruining our lunch with Johnny because of my drunken behavior."
I continued to laugh. "You didn't ruin anything. I told you, Johnny likes you. A lot. He'd heard about the engagement, of course, and wanted to congratulate me."
She smiled. "That was nice."
"I told you he's a good guy. I'd like to invite him to the wedding if that's okay?"
"Absolutely Edward." she smiled and nodded. "Speaking of the wedding, your Mom mentioned that we could use their house for the wedding and reception."
"Is that what you want?" I asked.
She sighed. "Edward, I really want to be married from my church."
Not a surprise.
"Then that's what we'll do Bella. Stop worrying, you won't hurt my mother's feelings." I thought. "We'll get married in Forks. Where would you like to hold the reception?"
Her face scrunched up adorably as she thought about this. "There's really no where that will work. I don't think we should have it at the fire hall if you're inviting Hollywood people." She announced with a chuckle.
I smiled as I thought of the perfect solution. "I have an idea."
"We get married in Forks, but hold the reception at my parent's home." I suggested.
"But…it's so far away." She whispered.
"It would take a little planning, but I don't think the guest list is going to be massive Bella. After the wedding, we arrange to have all the guests shuttled to my parent's house."
"Like, get married in the morning?" She asked.
"It's just a thought. We can discuss it later if you'd like."
She smiled brightly. "I would like that very much."
"Good. I'm glad I could help." I smiled. "Sweetheart, I have to get going. Call my Mom, she can get the ball rolling with preparations."
"I can't wait until you get home Edward." She said quietly.
"I'll be back before you know it." I smiled. "I love you beautiful."
"I love you too."
I hadn’t realized at that moment how true my words were. Hal informed me that afternoon that he’d been able to shave days off of my film schedule. It was still unclear exactly when I’d be able to go home, but I would take whatever I could get. From that night, I kept my bags packed in anticipation.
Chapters 53&54 – Some Peace of Mind for the Jet-Lagged
I think I was finally coming to understand the term 'in the eye of the storm'. The whirlwind trip to Cannes had been just that. In short, I was happy to be back in London.
Jasper had heard about my radio interview, but not because it had been publicized. He'd heard about it from the studio.
"They aren't going to say anything to you directly Edward. Sal's assistant Ryan called me instead. They don't want to run the risk of pissing you off." Jasper stated in an amused tone.
"What did he say?" I asked, although I really didn't care. I'd been pushing myself to finish my scenes, and I was tired.
"He just wanted to give us a friendly reminder that when you go to interviews set up by the studio, you are, in effect, representing them."
"So this is because I said fuck during the radio interview." I mused, beginning to lose my patience with this bullshit.
"Yes, although I don't understand why it's a big deal. This hasn't even been reported in the U.S. and no one, aside from Simon, cares about it in Europe." Jasper continued. "Actually, I heard that Simon got in trouble with his bosses for cornering you like that.
I shrugged, although Jasper couldn't see me over the phone. I was making a concerted effort to let this roll off my back.
"He's popular, he'll get away with it." I answered.
"I'm sure you're right." Jasper agreed.
"She's dead?" I asked in disbelief.
Bella nodded, "Yeah. Evidently she got impatient waiting to cross the street and was hit by a city bus a few hours ago." She answered. "The weirdest part was that the bus had one of Emmett's underwear ads on the side."
"Oh my God Bella, you are kidding." I said, shocked.
"Well, I guess I wouldn't have wished death on her, I mean she was already in a lot of trouble, I figured that would be enough of a payback. But Bella, you have to admit that the underwear ad makes this pretty fucking funny." I chuckled.
"I suppose it is funny." She said as she attempted a smile.
"Bella, what's bothering you?" I asked.
"Don't get me wrong, I despised Geri Chance with every fiber of my being, but when I heard this tonight, I didn't feel vindicated or satisfied in any way, I just felt a little empty." She admitted. "Somewhere out there, somebody, even if it's only one person, is mourning her death. I can't help but have compassion for them."
She never ceases to amaze me.
"Oh Bella, just one of the many reasons I love you, your forgiving nature." I sighed. "You're a very good person Bella, even if you refuse to see it."
"Right back at ya, Mister Movie Star." She finally smiled.
She's too good for me..
"So how's the filming going?" she asked brightly.
"Very well. At the rate we're progressing, my scenes could be completed in just a few days."
"You're kidding!" She squealed.
"I'm hoping to be back with you very soon baby."
I only wish I knew exactly when that was.
"Oh Edward, that news made my day." She admitted happily.
"Keep your fingers crossed." I smiled.
I was worried about my girl. The anniversary of her mother's death was Monday, and I still didn't know if I'd make it back in time. I didn't mention the possibility to her, knowing it would be worse to build up her hopes, only to have them dashed at the last minute.
Thankfully she would be spending the weekend with her Dad. He'd take care of her whether or not I was able to make it.
On set, we continued to stay ahead of schedule. Sometimes I felt as if fate was finally giving Bella and me a break by helping me return to her sooner.
She was constantly on my mind, which may explain, in part, what happened to me on Friday night.
'Edward, come on, we have to hurry.' Bella smiled as she took my hand, pulling me toward the trees behind Charlie's house.
I didn't answer, I just smiled and followed.
'Faster silly' she laughed.
Suddenly the scene changed, and Bella and I were pushing our way through a crowd of people. Fans and paps grabbed at me, holding me back. Try as I might to keep my grip on Bella's hand, the force of the crowd became too strong.
'Bella, no.' I shouted as her hand slipped from mine.
I could still see her as she drifted further and further from me. I tried to reach her, but she was too far away. She turned her head to face me, a terrified look on her face.
'Bella, wait...' I called as I pushed through the ever-thickening crowd.
'Edward, help me' She shouted, her voice faint over the din of the crowd. A moment later, I lost sight of her.
'Bella, no' I shouted.
I pushed through the crowd, moving forward until I couldn't move any more.
'Where are you Bella?' I shouted, my steps slowing. It felt as if I was running through wet cement. My movements became ever slower, until I couldn't take another step. Exhausted, I bent at the waist, grasping my knees and shutting my eyes, as I tried to catch my breath.
When I opened my eyes again, I was back in the forest. The crowd of people had vanished. I looked at the path ahead of me, and noticed something, or someone, lying there. I used the last of my energy to make my way over to it.
As I drew near, I realized to my horror that it was the still form of my beautiful girl lying there, yellow carnations strewn across the ground beside her. 'Bella' I sobbed as I sank to my knees…
"Wake up Mr. Cullen' said a deep masculine voice. "Mr. Cullen. Edward. Wake up. You're having a nightmare sir."
I forced my eyes open, and found Sidney looking down at me, a worried expression on his face. After sitting up, I looked around in an effort to get my bearings.
I was in my hotel room in London. "What?" I looked at Sidney questioningly.
"Sir, I was in the kitchen and heard you shouting. I thought someone had broken into the room." Sidney explained.
I scrubbed my face with my shaking hands.
Only a dream. Not real. Only a dream.
I let out a heavy sigh and looked at Sidney gratefully. "Thanks man. I think I've been working too hard." I said, trying to play off the fact that I was freaking the fuck out.
Sidney just gave me a serious look and nodded once, before exiting the room.
I lay in the bed for another fifteen minutes trying to calm my breathing. Even though I knew it had only been a nightmare, without being able to hold Bella safe in my arms, my mind started to run amok with worry. Even after my shower, I still hadn't completely calmed. I looked at the clock and realized that it was still Friday night at home. Just as I reached for my cell to dial Bella, my phone rang.
I looked at the screen, taking a deep breath.
If I didn't want her to worry, I needed to do one hell of an acting job. Two more deep breaths, and I answered.
"Hello sweetheart, did you have a nice evening with your Dad?" I asked.
"We went to the movies."
My God it was good to hear her voice.
Just a dream.
"Ah, and what did you see?"
"Iron Man 2. As usual, Robert Downey Jr. did not disappoint." She answered, obviously trying to make me jealous.
I'll play along.
"Is that a fact?" I responded. "Should I be worried about your admiration of Mr. Downey?"
"Absolutely not." She responded with a giggle. "I'm afraid that you're the only man that will ever receive my admiration along with my undying devotion Mister Movie Star."
I sighed. "I already knew that, but it's always good to hear."
"Do you want to go on skype?" She asked.
"At Charlie's?"
"Yes, he broke down and purchased a wireless router and a laptop, so he could carry his computer around the house."
I logged onto skype as she continued.
"He still has the old desktop dinosaur though. Between you and me, I think he's been taking the laptop in the kitchen to look up different fish recipes. Charlie getting experimental in the kitchen can only lead to disaster. I have to admit it has me worried." She joked.
"Maybe the Forks fire department should be put on alert." I answered with a laugh.
"Good idea." She responded just before appearing on my screen.
She was a vision. All my worries evaporated as soon as I saw her beautiful smile.
"Hello fiancé." She teased.
"Same to you my love." I said with a wink "When will Rose and Emmett arrive?"
"I would assume sometime around noon tomorrow. They have to start their Pre Cana classes at two o'clock."
"Will we have to do that also?" I asked.
I'd been so busy working; I hadn't had time to think about much else.
"I was going to speak with Father Pat on Sunday, but I'm assuming that it's required. Are you okay with that?" She asked with a hint of nervousness.
"Of course Bella, I want to marry you in your church. Whatever is required of me, I will do."
"Sometimes you are too good to be true." She smiled.
"Get used to it Miss Swan, you're going to have me around for a long time." I grinned.
"I'm counting on that." She whispered.
I paused as I thought about the upcoming anniversary. "Sweetheart, what are your plans for Monday."
"Um, Rose has to work on Monday, so she and Emmett are returning home Sunday afternoon." She sighed. "Lou is coming to pick me up after my visit to the cemetery on Monday evening." She whispered. "I want to spend as much time as possible there before I have to go home."
"Once again, I'm not with you on a day when you need me." I wished I could know for sure whether I'd make it back.
"Don't worry about it Edward. Even when I'm through with school, you won't be able to be with me all the time. There are some days when your film schedule is not going to fit in with something I need to do, and that's okay."
I nodded, still sad. "Does it get any easier now that seven years has gone by?"
"Not easier. I can't think about that day, it's too difficult. But I can think about my Mom without breaking down in tears. So, not easier, just different." She answered in a quiet voice.
We chatted a while longer about what we'd do when I got back.
"Bella, I know graduation isn't until mid-June, but would you come to L.A. and attend the MTV movie awards with me?"
"When is it?" She questioned.
"June 6th. I'm up for two awards." I smiled, hoping she'd agree to go.
She pretended to be deep in thought. "I guess so. Which awards?"
"Um, Best Male Performance for Time Stands Still." I answered.
"Oh Edward, that's wonderful, I hope you win." She said enthusiastically. She thought for a moment. "Didn't you say two awards?"
I nodded.
Please don't make me say the other one.
"What's the other one?" She tilted her head to the side, waiting for my answer.
"Uh, globalsuperstar." I mumbled.
"What was that?" She asked with a laugh, "And why do I get the impression you don't want me to know?"
I sighed in exasperation. "Glo-bal-su-per-star" I answered, pronouncing each syllable loudly.
She snickered. "My fiancé, the Global Superstar…ooohhhh." She teased. "If you win, will it go to your head? " She asked, still teasing. "Maybe I'll need to ride in a separate car so there will be enough room for you and your ego." She laughed out loud then.
"Ha ha Miss Swan." I smirked. "I hope I don't win. I mean, how do you accept an award for that? It's just bizarre."
She continued to chuckle until it was time for me to leave.
It was Saturday evening.
I died today.
Expired. Assumed room temperature. Shuffled off this mortal coil. Passed on. Bit the dust. Breathed my last. Gave up the ghost. Went to meet my Maker.
Well, actually not me per se, but my character in The Harvest of Avarice was now dead. We'd filmed the death scene earlier today. After completing it, I discovered what a strange sense of humor Hal had.
In celebration of my 'death', we were knocking off work at a decent time tonight. Hal had ordered in a lavish dinner for the entire cast and crew. He'd even had a portion of the soundstage decorated to look like a funeral parlor and the wait staff dressed as Victorian undertakers.
I'd have expected this from someone like Tim Burton or Wes Craven.
Before I left for the evening, Hal pulled me aside. "The scenes we filmed today were perfect Edward. You've done an amazing job."
"Thanks Hal, but I didn't do it alone."
"Don't fool yourself Edward. As great as this story is, the people will be flocking to the theatres in droves because of your performance." He answered confidently.
I just shook my head in response.
Hal chuckled. "I thought I'd let you know that once we finish the scene tomorrow night, you are free to go."
My eyes shot open in surprise. "You wouldn't shit me would you?" I asked warily, almost too afraid to hope.
Hal laughed. "No Edward. Barring any unforeseen problems, we should be close to wrapping your scenes by this time tomorrow."
I knew I was grinning from ear to ear. "I can't tell you how happy that makes me Hal."
"We'll still have some reshoots, but we'll deal with those in California next month." He grinned "I also expect you to attend the wrap party in L.A. around the same time."
"I'll be there." I was ecstatic. My chances of making it back to Bella on Monday were getting better and better.
The nightmare returned again that night, although it was an abbreviated version of the first one. I woke up sweating, but didn't scream this time. I was certain that all the long hours and anxiety caused by being so far from Bella had finally taken a toll on my sanity.
I needed a rest.
"Alec, call Jasper and let him know I was able to fly back today. I'll give you a call on Tuesday about my upcoming schedule." I said in a rush as I grabbed my bag, heading for the door.
We had completed my final scene in the middle of the night. Sidney and I had reservations on the first flight to Seattle leaving that morning. I had called Lou as soon as our flight was booked. He was going to pick me up from the airport, driving me straight to Forks.
Deciding to surprise Bella with my arrival, I sent her a text on my way to the airport.
Unfortunately, my schedule today makes it impossible to skype.
I've already left the hotel. Very busy day ahead, but I promise I will speak with you this evening.
I love you more than words can say.
My departure from England must have taken the media by surprise. I did not see one pap on my way through Heathrow. However, a couple of fans recognized me when I had to go through security, and I was certain that photos or video of me would be on the internet soon. I also knew that, because of what day it was, my beautiful sad girl wouldn't be surfing the net to see them.
When I was finally on board the plane, I relaxed.
It was during times like this that I wished I could sleep on airplanes. The most I had ever been able to achieve were cat naps. Because of the nightmares, I hadn't had a decent sleep in days.
I was going to be in shitty shape by the time I landed.
For the first couple of hours, I listened to my ipod or read. Sidney wasn't much of a conversationalist. After trying to draw him out repeatedly over the last couple of months, I finally came to realize that his lack of response wasn't personal. I noticed that he would interact just like anyone else when we were in the hotel suite, however out in public, he was all business.
Protecting me was his number one priority. He didn't want to get sidetracked with meaningless chit chat during the times when he needed to stay alert. I had grown to appreciate that over these last few weeks.
After breakfast, I reclined my seat and put up the privacy dividers, deciding to watch a movie. I laughed when I saw that Pirate Radio was one of the options. Unable to resist the reminder of movie night with Bella, I settled back to watch it.
The smile that had broken out on my face at the thought of Bella, remained there as I thought about being with her again in just a few hours.
When we touched down in Seattle, my adrenaline kicked in one more time, helping me navigate customs and security with ease.
As instructed, Lou was waiting for us when we landed. We wasted no time dropping Sidney, before heading to Forks. I couldn't sleep in the car; I was too excited.
Not much longer until I can hold Bella in my arms again.
As we passed the 'Welcome to Forks' sign, I started to tense, my body coiled, ready to spring. Lou drove straight to the cemetery. As we pulled in, I noticed the Chief's truck parked just inside, and then noticed that he was leaning against it. As soon as we parked, I exited the car and I hurried over to him. The look of surprise on Charlie's face was almost comical, but as I got closer, his surprised expression changed into a welcoming smile.
As soon as I reached him, he shook my hand. "Glad to see you back Edward. This is just what she needs, I think." He grinned and pointed up the path.
"She's just beyond that grouping of trees." He watched me as I began to walk up the path. "Oh, and Edward." He called.
I stopped and turned to face him.
"I'll wait at the house." He said.
I nodded and waved before turning again, anxious to see my girl.
As soon as I neared the trees, there she was, standing in the path, staring at me in shock.
I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face at the sight of her. The woman I'd longed for and missed for weeks was almost close enough to touch. She started to move slowly toward me then, and when there were only a few feet left between us, she launched herself into my arms. I held onto her for dear life, burying my face in her hair, inhaling her sweet scent as she shed happy tears.
For the first time in weeks, I could relax.
After a few very emotional moments, she looked up at me through her tears. "Oh Edward."
"I know." I murmured as I held her, never wanting to let go.
As we stood there, I glanced around, curious as to which grave belonged to Bella's mother. "Would it be alright, I mean" I hesitated as I cleared my throat. "Bella, may I meet your Mother?"
She seemed to understand what I was asking as she took my hand and led me over to a grave. It had a simple grey stone, with a cherub resting on top.
Bella immediately sat down on the grass, pulling me down beside her. I sat there feeling awkward, never having sat on a grave before.
Bella, noticing my reaction, surprised me by crawling into my lap, and kissing me firmly on the lips. The action soothed my overworked nerves. She placed her hands on my shoulders as she spoke, "Now, if by any chance she was able to see that, she knows how much you mean to me." She smiled.
I smiled sadly in return before turning to look at the gravestone.
Renee Louise Swan
January 24, 1962 - May 17, 2003
Beloved daughter, sister, mother and wife
Rest in perfect peace, gentle soul
She rubbed my arm. "It's ironic that Forks became her final resting place. She never liked this town" Bella said in almost a whisper. "She didn't want to stay, and Charlie didn't want to leave." She sighed. "Stupid reason to get divorced isn't it?"
I nodded.
"I loved her with all my heart Edward, but I've discovered that I'll never be like her. Our time apart has taught me that. Once we're married, I don't want to spend a single night apart." She wrapped her arms around me, and laid her head on my shoulder. "I don't care if you're filming on the moon, I want to be with you." She whispered. "My home will be wherever you are."
I ducked my head down to see her face. "I love you so much Bella" I murmured as my lips met hers. I wanted her so badly, that within seconds, I completely forgot where we were. I grazed each of her lips with my tongue, begging for entrance. Bella's lips parted and the moment I pushed my tongue inside. I was lost.
I could feel her soft warm arms wrap around me, under my jacket as I kissed along her jaw and down her neck and collarbone. When I nipped the skin there, Bella moaned softly.
At exactly the same moment, we both seemed to become aware of our surroundings again.
I almost groaned out loud when I realized how inappropriate my behavior had been.
"Oh God Bella, I'm so sorry. What must you think of me?" I asked, feeling like a dick. "Here I am, almost taking advantage of you on your mother's grave no less."
I am such an asshole. I can't blame this on sleep deprivation.
Bella actually giggled, stunning me. "Edward, I guess this makes us even for the time I dry-humped you in the church parking lot."
One of my all-time favorite memories
Oh Jesus. I give up. How can I possibly keep a straight face when she says shit like that?
It was difficult, but I managed to keep quiet as my body shook with silent laughter.
She pulled my chin up, and looked into my eyes. "My mother would have found both incidents to be highly amusing. Remember, I said she was a free spirit. She also had a wicked sense of humor. Emmett takes after her in many ways." She added with a grin.
Sounds a lot like my Mom
I sighed before smirking at her.
She stood, pulling me with her. "Let's go home."
We stopped by Charlie's, and said a quick goodbye before making the long trek back to Seattle.
I couldn't take any more. I was mentally and physically exhausted. Before I succumbed to sleep however, I explained a little of what the last twenty-four hours had been like for me. I also explained that Sidney, Lou and I had discussed the necessity for better security. In short, any time Bella and I ventured out in public, one of them would be with us.
I tried to continue our conversation, but I was finding it difficult to keep my eyes open. Bella gently pulled my head down to rest on her shoulder, and ran her fingers through my hair, and down my cheek.
I could feel my body completely relax, knowing that I didn't need to worry any more. She was safe here with me.
Bella's voice was the next thing I heard. I blinked my eyes open and tried to clear my head. We were at her apartment building.
I must have slept the entire way.
As soon as I saw the sidewalk in front of her building, I winced.
Fuck. It looks like the paps have found us after all.
Lou helped usher us inside. I had just enough energy to shower and stumble into bed, before falling into a deep dreamless sleep, my arms wrapped around the warm soft body of my beautiful girl.
I wasn't surprised when I woke early. My body was finding it difficult to adjust to the time change. It was dark, the only light coming from a small night light that Bella kept in her bathroom. Sometime during the night, she had turned her body so that we were face to face. I studied her features as best I could in the dim light. I smiled as I watched the way she pursed her lips as she slept. Every now and then, she would sigh, and I wondered what she was dreaming about.
As I lay there, I knew there would never be anything else I'd ever want or need in this world.
I thought about what she'd said in the cemetery. How she'd told me she always wanted to be with me. I knew that I felt exactly the same way. Wherever she was, that was where I wanted and needed to be.
She was willing to give up so much for me. I couldn't help the feelings of guilt that washed over me when I thought about that. We would have to discuss this further. Once we were married, I had no plans for us to ever be apart, but I would give up acting before I'd allow her to abandon all her dreams for my career.
I am no superman.
I have no answers for you.
I am no hero, aw that's for sure.
But I do know one thing
Where you are is where I belong.
I do know, where you go, is where I wanna be
I dozed off again, Where Are You Going playing through my head. My life in song lyrics…
When I woke again, Bella was still asleep, but the grey light of dawn was peeking through the curtains. I kissed her gently on the cheek before slipping from the room.
After showering and dressing in jeans and a t-shirt, I attempted to fix breakfast. I couldn't find any coffee, so I decided to make a pot of tea instead. I toyed with the idea of making scrambled eggs, but I knew my limits.
I really didn't want my girl to be woken by the distinctive odor of burnt eggs.
Toasting a couple of bagels seemed like the safest choice.
Once everything was prepared, I walked back to the bedroom and sat down next to Bella.
I brushed back the hair that had fallen across her cheek. "Bella" I called quietly.
"Five more minutes" She mumbled.
"Sweetheart, as much as I'd love for you to stay home with me, I know you'll be upset if you're late for class."
I really wanted her to stay home, but I was being the responsible, self-sacrificing fiancé.
Wow I am really full of horseshit today.
She groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. I chuckled at her juvenile behavior.
"What time is it?" She rasped from under the blanket.
"It's after seven. Baby, I made tea." I crooned.
She rolled onto her back then, and yanked the covers down. I smiled down at her.
"Good morning." She whispered with a smile.
"Good morning." I returned the smile.
"Missed you." She added, still in a whisper.
"Me too."
She sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug.
Fuck responsibility, she should stay here today.
I turned my head in an effort to kiss her. Bella immediately placed a finger on my lips to stop me.
"Edward, you know I love you don't you?"
Here we go again.
I smirked and nodded her finger still on my lips. "I need you to understand that I'm not kissing you until I've brushed my teeth." She announced just before bolting away from me, in an effort to escape to the bathroom.
I don't think so Miss Swan.
I was ready for her, and sprang toward the door, cutting off her escape. I then grabbed her and pinned her to the wall with my body.
"Got you." I announced happily. "You know what that means Miss Swan."
She frowned before pecking my lips. I returned her frown. "That wasn't a real kiss Bella."
"That's all you're getting and you know it." She answered with a smirk.
I sighed. "Oh alright, brush your teeth and then kiss me properly."
I sat on the bed waiting, determined that she wouldn't leave the room before giving me a proper kiss. She smirked when she opened the door and found me. "You're funny." She stated.
"Why's that?" I asked as I pulled her down on the bed.
"You're so determined to get that kiss." She answered with a smile as she flopped back on the bed.
"Bella, you're lucky I'm letting you out that damned door today." I said as I pinned her to the bed with my body. "If I have to let you go, I'm at least getting a welcome home kiss out of the deal." I breathed the words as I ghosted my lips across hers.
"I thought you got your welcome kiss last night." She whispered.
"Hm? I think I may have amnesia, because I don't remember." I lied.
She chuckled. When she opened her mouth to speak again, I cut her off, my mouth finally claiming the elusive kiss.
I had planned to spend the morning doing abo-fucking-lutely nothing. That brilliant idea however was quickly set aside by a loud banging on Bella's door.
"Hello there Andy, how's it hanging?" He grinned as soon as I opened the door.
How does one answer that question?
"A little to the left, I think?" I responded. Which in turn, earned a bark of laughter from my future brother-in-law.
Future brother-in-law? Well at least Jasper and I would have that to commiserate over.
"Get dressed."
I looked down at my attire. "I am dressed."
Emmett smirked. "Well then, get changed. We're going for a workout and then to lunch."
So much for my plans.
"Did Bella tell you that my bachelor party is going to be in Vegas?" Emmett asked with a grin.
We were having lunch at the Blue Water, Emmett's favorite Mexican restaurant.
"I think she mentioned it." I was finding it difficult to show a lot of enthusiasm.
"Dude, I know jet lag is a bitch, but you're a zombie." He remarked.
"Sorry Emmett."
"It's okay. Pops is giving me shit already because he's my best man, and technically it's his job to plan the bachelor party. I told him that he can still plan it, only it has to be in Vegas."
I nodded.
"If I left everything up to him, we'd be going fishing or some shit like that." He chuckled.
As little as I knew about Charlie, I had to agree with Emmett's assessment, and chuckled with him.
"Who's your best man Edward?"
"Ah, that would be Jasper." I answered quietly.
I was suddenly very happy that Emmett would have nothing to do with planning my bachelor party. The fact of the matter was I didn't even want one.
At least if I'm forced to have one, Jasper won't plan anything ridiculous. Will he?
Back at Bella's apartment, the afternoon dragged on. I tried to think of things to pass the time, like playing my guitar, but found myself checking the clock so often that I finally gave up.
I had Lou pick me up from the apartment a full hour before Bella was due to leave work. While waiting in the car, I talked to Alec and reviewed my schedule.
Starting in less than two weeks, I was going to be very busy again. I had community service to perform in L.A. The reshoots would also happen at about that time. Jasper had scheduled me on several late night shows, including Leno and Letterman. Apart from being nominated for two awards, I was also presenting at the MTV movie awards. I was even scheduled to appear on Oprah during our two day stay in Chicago before hitting Route 66.
Until Bella graduated, I knew that some of these appearances would mean more periods of separation. Although this time it would only be a matter of days rather than weeks apart in order to fulfill my obligations. I could feel my anxiety begin to return.
Refusing to think about any of that until it was necessary, I headed inside the building to find my girl. I approached her cubicle quietly, and found her rifling through paperwork.
"Look at her working diligently. I wonder if she even gives a thought to her poor fiancé quietly losing his mind at home as he waits for her return." I remarked with a chuckle.
She spun around and threw herself at me. "Mister Movie Star, never doubt that you are the first thing I think of every morning, the last thing I think of every night, and the one thing on my mind every minute of every day." She answered as she proceeded to pepper my face with kisses causing me to laugh softly. "It's a wonder that I ever get any work done."
"Good to know" I returned her smile as I held her against me.
Suddenly, Bella turned to look at something off to the side. The smile on her face melted into a grimace. I followed her gaze, only to find some tall blonde douchebag standing in a doorway and leering at my girl.
The fucker didn't back down, even when I glared at him. I continued to glare until he finally beat it into his office and shut the door. The name plate read: Victor James.
I turned back to Bella, hoping for an explanation. "Is there something I need to know Bella?" I asked as I gestured a nod toward the prick's closed office door.
"I'll tell you at home." She sighed. "Let's get out of here."
Once back at the apartment, Bella told me about the run-in she'd had with that motherfucker Victor James. I was so angry when I heard the things he'd said to her that I wanted to tear him to pieces.
"Bella, I wish you had told me the vile things that man had said to you while we were still at the office." I spit the words out angrily as I paced the living room floor.
"Why Edward?" She asked. "So you could fight with him?"
"Damn right. I would have given him a lesson in manners."
"That's precisely why I didn't say anything." She answered. "You needed to have a chance to calm down first."
I flopped onto the sofa beside her. I knew my anger was irrational, but I couldn't help myself, I wanted to fuck up anyone who hurt my girl.
After a few minutes, I was able to calm down somewhat. "He wants you." I muttered.
"Yeah, that's what Rose said." She answered quietly. "He's a terrible person Edward. He thinks he can have any woman. He uses them and then discards them." She scooted closer to me on the sofa, and began to rub my arm soothingly. "It doesn't matter how much he wants me." She laughed without humor. "I'm afraid the only thing he'll ever get from me will be a well-aimed knee to the balls."
I never wanted him close enough for her to do that. I never wanted anyone that could harm her to get close.
The memory of my nightmare returned full force then, and I could feel myself crumbling under the weight of the sorrow I felt at seeing Bella's still and lifeless body lying on the forest floor.
I turned to face her. "Bella, I worry about you so much. I worry that someone will get close enough to hurt you and I won't be there to stop them."
She crawled onto my lap and placed her hands on either side of my face, forcing me to look in her eyes. "Hey, where is this coming from. I'm right here. We're together. Everything's perfect now."
Not wanting Bella to know about the nightmares, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her lips. Her stomach chose that exact moment to growl loudly.
We broke the kiss with a shared chuckle.
"Well, everything's perfect except for the fact that I seem to be starving."
I stood, pulling her with me, and lifted her off the floor. "Let's get you fed Miss Swan." I smiled; after all it was only a dream. "I promise not to put a damper on our evening with my worrying."
After eating takeout Chinese, we settled back on the sofa. I couldn't hold back any longer. I needed to touch her. Kiss her. Bury myself in her warm embrace.
I started by kissing her lips, then her neck. As my lips began their journey further south, Bella pulled away slightly.
"I hate to be the party pooper Edward, but if I'm meeting with your mother for lunch tomorrow, we need to make some decisions tonight."
I smirked, "What decisions?"
"In order for your Mom to plan the reception, we need to have an estimate of the number of guests. Therefore tonight we need to choose our invitations and write up a list of people to invite."
As much as I wanted to put all of that off until another night, there was no way I wanted anything to delay our plans. The sooner we completed all the preparations, the easier things would be in the days leading up to the wedding.
We agreed very quickly on the invitations. I didn't really care, as long as they weren't flowery. We chose simple, elegant and traditional.
After phoning Father Pat and my mother, we not only had a wedding date, but definite times for the ceremony and reception.
Our next challenge was to choose the wording for the invitations. It seemed a simple task, but turned out to be the most difficult part of the evening.
Bella was using examples that came with the invitation sample package to guide her. I could see her becoming more and more frustrated as she wrote. I rubbed the back of her neck in an effort to calm her.
She looked at me "I don't like the way any of these look."
I looked at the tablet she'd written on, realizing that Renee's name was missing from all mention of our parents. I turned to my laptop and keyed in a search for invitations that included a deceased parent's name.
When I found exactly what I was looking for, I turned to her. "Bella, I think I know what's troubling you about the wording."
She looked at me questioningly.
"Sweetheart, all these options mention your Dad and my parents, but not your Mother." With that, I turned the laptop to face her. She smiled happily as soon as she read the words, and scrawled out her own version on the tablet.
Once that task was done, I watched as she set everything aside. "Let's work on the guest list tomorrow night."
"Sounds like a plan." I grinned as I pulled her back into my arms, taking up where we left off.
I spent the next morning making phone calls. The first was to my accountant.
"Hello Howard, this is Edward Cullen. I need to make some changes on my financial accounts."
By the time I finished, I had added Bella's name to all of my bank accounts, and started the process of adding her name to the house in L.A. I also had an appointment to change my will.
The next phone call was to my mother. She was delighted that I wanted to crash her lunch with Bella.
"Oh that's wonderful Edward. Now we can include you in the wedding talk."
The best part of lunch was being able to surprise my girl. I had regretted not getting to have lunch with her on Tuesday, so this more than made up for it.
When my mother started in on the wedding talk, I was very glad I was there to make sure Bella didn't get overwhelmed.
She seemed to handle things well, even when Mom gave her the 'Cullen' portion of the guest list, and suggested using Alice's wedding planner.
I left her with a kiss and a promise to work on the guest list with her that night.
After lunch, Mom went back to work, and I went grocery shopping. My intent was to purchase everything needed in order to help Bella prepare dinner. The only problem was I didn't have one damn clue what we would prepare, or what I should buy.
Not wanting to disturb my mother, I called the one person I knew I could rely on in this matter.
"Hello stranger" A sweet voice sounded over the phone, "When are you coming home Eduardo? I fell silly cleaning an empty house every week."
"Hello Mrs. Hernandez." I smiled. "I'm sorry, but I'll be in Seattle for a while yet."
"I see." She paused before continuing. "If I was telling the truth, I don't want to see you anyway." She chuckled. "At least, I don't want to see you alone. I want to meet your girl."
I laughed. "Thanks, I feel so loved."
"Hush. You know I love you Eddie, but I can't believe you hid Isabella from me the last time you were here."
It was easy to do. Mrs. Hernandez came to my house three days a week to cook and clean. When I was out of town, she only came by to clean.
"We were trying to fly under the radar on that trip." I admitted. "I promise you'll meet her in June. We're flying back for a weekend."
"You'd better, or I'll kill your plants." She said with a snicker.
I laughed again. "I promise, only please don't harm my weeping fig."
She laughed out loud. "Okay Eddie, as much as I enjoy talking to you, I know you called for a reason."
"Yes. As a matter of fact, I had the brilliant idea of going to the grocery store while Bella was at work, in order to help with dinner tonight. Now that I'm here, I find myself woefully unprepared for the task." I admitted.
I could hear Mrs. Hernandez chuckling. "You are standing in the middle of the grocery story right now?" She asked.
"Not in the middle exactly" I answered.
She continued to snicker. "Oh Eddie you are so clueless. I bet there will be several ladies going home tonight with baskets full of crap because they were distracted by Mister Eye-candy."
"Oh never mind. I'm going to walk you through the store, when we're done you'll have everything you need to prepare a nice pork chop dinner tonight."
And that's just what she did.
After my grocery store odyssey, I stowed the food at Bella's apartment, before having Lou drive me to WIRI. It was quite a while before Bella would be through with work, but I had some personal business to attend to.
I knocked on the office door. It would be the last polite gesture I would bestow upon this piece of shit. "Enter"
I opened the door and approached the desk. Victor James glanced up at me and smirked. "To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from Edward Masen." He said as though my name left a bad taste in his mouth.
I gave him a dark chuckle. "I don't intend for anything about this to be pleasurable, at least not for you."
He continued to smirk as he studied my angry expression. "Hm, I see that Miss Swan told you about our little conversation."
"Is that what you call it?" I asked incredulously. "Because I would refer to it as verbal sexual harassment."
He stood then and crossed his arms over his chest before grunting out a laugh, "Does she intend to file charges?"
"I don't think that will be necessary." I moved around the desk until I stood in front of him. "Let me be clear." I glared menacingly into his eyes. "I don't want you speaking to Isabella again. I don't want you close enough for her to smell your cheap cologne." He looked rather insulted at that. "As a matter of fact, I don't want you in the same room with her ever again."
"Or what?"
"As much as I'd like to fuck you up to the point where you would need medical attention, somehow I get the feeling that you'd like that. Getting your face on the national news while you have me arrested for assault is just the sort of thing that would appeal to a low-life like you."
"I think you need to leave my office Mr. Masen." James declared. "I don't appreciate your threatening tone."
"Don't worry, I'll be gone as soon as I've finished." I took a step forward as he took one back. "Just understand this" I poked his chest as I emphasized each word, "I have a lot of influence in Hollywood that extends to both film and television. It all comes down to money, and I make them a whole lot of fucking money."
I studied his reaction; I definitely had his attention now.
"One phone call fucker. Just one phone call from me, and I put an end to your pathetic excuse of a career."
I wanted to smile, because the limp dick actually paled at those words.
"Do we understand one another?" I asked.
He gave a short nod, but didn't answer before I turned and walked to the door. Before leaving however I turned to face him one last time. "Remember what I said."
As I rounded the corner toward Rose's office, I couldn't help the satisfied smile that spread across my face. I knocked on the door before I entered. My breath caught in my throat when I saw my beautiful girl sitting on Rose's sofa. She smiled and walked over to greet me.
"Hello sweetheart. Ready to go?" I asked.
She pecked me on the lips. "Give me five minutes."
Bella was pleasantly surprised that I'd gone grocery shopping, but not as thrilled as I was to hear that a publisher was interested in her work.
I knew what it was like to make a living doing what I loved. Knowing how much Bella loved to write, I was excited with the prospect that she could make a career of it.
Neither of us having to sacrifice our dream careers in order to be together seemed too good to be true. Most people would never have that much good fortune, but most people hadn't living through the shit we had in order to get to this point. Karma owed us.
"So are you completely done with the film?" She asked.
"I'll have to go to L.A. for a few days in June for re-shoots, but I'm finished filming in London."
No need to tell her about the rest of my busy schedule.
"I won't have to return there for work until I begin filming A Tale Of Two Cities in February."
Bella dropped the knife she was using with a clatter. "You're starring in A Tale Of Two Cities?" She asked in surprise.
Oops, I guess I forgot to mention that.
"Yes." I watched her, trying to gauge her reaction.
"Which character?" She asked.
"I'm to play Sydney Carton. Why?"
I wonder why she looks so freaked out?
"Oh my God Edward. That's such a powerful story. And once again you'll die!" She almost shouted. "I don't know if I can watch that."
I grinned. "Maybe I should turn it down after all?" I teased.
"Don't you dare. That is my favorite Dickens novel. You'll be wonderful in it."
"I was told that they adapted the script with me in mind for the main part."
"Wow". She paused, "Um, so we'll be in Europe next winter?" She asked with a grin.
Yes WE will.
I smiled. "Yes, I can't wait until you travel with me my love." I pulled her into my arms, "Truth be told, I can't wait until August Bella."
"That makes two of us." She smiled.
Fuck the dinner, I have to kiss her right now.
We kissed until we were interrupted by a loud knock which startled us both.
Damn it.
She looked up at me. "There's only one asshole in this world who would knock on my door like that."
And that asshole's name is Emmet.
As it turned out, Emmett came over to invite himself to dinner, and to give us a heads up that Jasper, Alice and Chris were arriving in town the next day.
This was confirmed after dinner by a phone call from my sister. She spoke with Bella first, before asking to speak with me.
"Hi Alice" I said after Bella handed me the phone and disappeared into the kitchen.
"Hi Edward" She paused for a beat "I have to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Christopher kind of has his heart set on doing something for you and Bella, but I need to make sure it's okay with you first."
My curiosity was piqued.
"I'm listening."
"Ever since we found out that Bella never attended prom, and we also know what a disaster yours was…" Alice took a breath, "Long story short, Forks High School's prom is this weekend, Emmett and Charlie got the verbal okay for us to attend as chaperones if it's something you want to do. I'm just afraid that this will dredge up bad memories for you Edward…"
"Alice, calm down." I interrupted her. "Are you asking if I want to take Bella to prom?"
"I guess so. Do you think it's something you could do?" She asked.
The thought of prom brought back the worst memories along with feelings of anger and hurt.
Could I do this for Bella?
She certainly deserves to have a happy memory.
As I thought of prom with Bella, the feelings of anger and hurt began to dissipate. Just as in so many areas of my life, Bella was my healing force.
"I think I'd like that." I murmured.
It was true. The more I thought about taking Bella, the more I began to look forward to it.
"You're sure?" Alice wasn't convinced.
"I actually am Alice."
Bella and I spent the evening putting together a list of wedding guests. My mother had gone a bit overboard by including politicians and very nearly every member of Washington's social circle.
If anyone on that list didn't know that Edward Masen was actually Edward Cullen, they are about to find out.
Even though Bella assured me that she could handle sharing the day with that many people, I made a mental note to discuss things with Mom before the invitations went out.
That night as I held her in my arms, I thought back to our last night in England. Bella had let go of some of her inhibitions, and I longed a repeat of that night. Since I'd returned, we seemed to be back physically to where we were before I'd gone to England.
I was unsure whether her pulling back was caused by nerves, embarrassment or fear, but I silently promised myself not to push her.
On a positive note, I was glad that I seemed to have left my nightmares behind in England.
At least I thought I had until I dozed off on Bella's sofa on Thursday afternoon, and awoke in a cold sweat. The image of Bella's broken lifeless body haunted my waking hours for the rest of that day.
On Friday morning, Alice and Christopher arrived, and literally kicked me out of Bella's apartment. They were talking wedding gowns, and evidently the groom wasn't allowed to be present.
To add to my torture, Jasper and I were supposed to spend the morning with Emmett.
We ended up sitting around his apartment, watching a couple episodes of Spartacus, Blood and Sand.
At eleven o'clock, Emmett jumped up from his chair. "Come on bitches, we're going to lunch."
Jasper and I followed obediently.
On the way to the restaurant, Emmett told us that we were meeting some of the other groomsmen for lunch.
"Marcus and Walter are my teammates, and Jon and Joey are friends of mine from college." He informed.
"My dick is so big that it calls my balls its minions" Emmett's friend Joey announced, drawing uproarious laughter from everyone at our table.
This was what I was reduced to. Sitting in a restaurant with several grown men, trading 'dick jokes' back and forth.
We'd already exhausted all of the Chuck Norris facts, so in the natural progression of things, dick jokes were next on the list.
"My dick is so big; I can change channels without the remote" Jon shot back.
It was juvenile, but funny. The only one not laughing was Jasper, he'd had a stick up his ass all day, but wouldn't say what was bothering him.
Whatever the fuck. If he doesn't want to talk, let Alice sort his moody ass out.
It was Joey's turn again, "What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick?"
"You don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck." Jon answered with a laugh.
When the ensuing laughter died down, Emmett was on his feet.
"That's it!" He exclaimed. "My dick is so big that it has its own dick, and that dick is still bigger than yours." Emmett boomed. "Try and top that one motherfuckers!"
And so it continued...
Bella and I were leaving for Forks that afternoon. The whole prom weekend had gotten me thinking, and I'd decided to drive my girl there in style, so I'd gotten Sidney and Lou to pick up my Vanquish from my parents' home and bring it to me at the restaurant.
Emmett's friends were suitably impressed.
I was a little nervous about the meeting with Father Pat on Friday evening. I didn't know a lot about Bella's faith, and hadn't had a lot of time to read up on it while in London. Thankfully, Father Pat gave me a book which he said would answer a lot of questions a non-Catholic might have.
Father gave us a brief overview of the subject matter of each lesson, the only one that seemed to make Bella sit up and take note was the one about 'sexual intimacy'. I was curious to know if that pertained to before or after marriage.
I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Before Father left, Bella tried one last time to change his mind about sharing the class with Emmett and Rose.
"Bella, these classes are designed for more than one couple in order that they may help with insight that the others may not have. I guarantee that by the end, you will be glad that you did this together."
So he thinks we'll learn something from Emmett?
I already knew that Emmett's dick was so big that it had its own dick. What more could he possibly teach me?
Chapters 55&56 – Night Terrors for The Fatigued
That night as I attempted to sleep on the Chief's sofa, the nightmare returned. I had come to the conclusion that Bella kept it away. I couldn't remember an instance where I'd had the dream while she slept in my arms.
This time when I'd found her lying on the path, aside from being motionless, she'd also been bruised and bloody. I awoke in a cold sweat once again, my body wracked with shudders.
Even though my logic told me that Bella was sleeping soundly upstairs, I couldn't settle down enough to fall back to sleep. I needed to see her.
I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could. When I reached the top, I glared at the Chief's door as I passed, willing it to remain shut. Bella's door was standing open. When I reached it, I stood in the doorway for a minute, just taking in the sight of her.
The nightmares were really fucking with my head. I knew I needed to get a handle on this anxiety, or pretty soon I would undoubtedly start acting like a prick. I moved across the room, and sat in a chair by the window. Bella tossed and turned as I kept vigil.
She told me before that she didn't sleep well without me.
I could feel myself begin to calm as I watched her. After a few minutes, she rolled over in bed, giving me a better view of her beautiful face. She didn't look peaceful or content at that moment though. I watched as her brows knit together and she frowned, "Edward" she murmured, still asleep.
I moved then, not caring if the Chief found me. I had to hold her. She never woke as I pulled her into my arms. Within minutes I relaxed and drifted into a peaceful slumber.
When I opened my eyes it was already dawn. I had never intended to stay this long, hoping that I'd awake while it was still dark and be able to creep downstairs unnoticed.
Charlie's going to kick my ass.
I carefully slipped my arms from around a still sleeping Bella and quietly left the room. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, I thought I was home free. That was until I saw the Chief sitting still as stone in his recliner, next to the sofa which was supposed to be doubling as my bed.
I sheepishly walked over and began to gather the pillow and blankets together in order to put them away until that night. As I worked, Charlie watched me silently.
After the bedding was stowed, I went back to sit on the sofa. It was time to face the music for disobeying my future father-in-law's wishes. Charlie let me squirm for a few minutes before opening his mouth to speak. "Does Bella know you were in her room?"
"No sir, she never woke up. I was having trouble sleeping, it's always better when she's there." I offered lamely as I shrugged. "Nightmares."
Charlie pursed his lips as he thought. "Yeah, I heard you." He sighed.
He heard me? Was I talking in my sleep?
"I made coffee, you should have some." He directed.
And that was the last we spoke about it. If Charlie was angry or upset with me for sneaking into Bella's room, he never showed it.
Unbeknownst to Bella, Emmett and Rose were bringing our prom attire with them when they arrived Saturday morning. I tried to be nonchalant when I went out to help Emmett carry everything in, but the ever observant Miss Swan kept a close eye on us as we carried the garment bags upstairs.
I assumed that Rose gave her some sort of explanation, because she never questioned me.
Bella and I would have our first Pre-Cana class this morning. The only part of this exercise that troubled me was the fact that Emmett and Rose would also be attending.
I held out hope that if Emmett did something crazy enough, Father Pat would allow us to take our classes separately from them.
As it turned out, the next couple of hours were more a lesson on pre-teen Emmett's bad behavior. After hearing about all the insane things he'd done, I had a lot more respect for Charlie.
Once Emmett explained how messed up he'd been because of his parents' divorce, I almost felt sorry for him.
It did manage to give me a new understanding of Bella's insecurities.
Once we got past all the Emmett stories, some of which were downright hilarious, I found the class to be quite insightful as Mr. and Mrs. Combs, the married couple that Father Pat had recruited to help, imparted their wisdom of almost forty years of married life.
After spending time with Mr. and Mrs. Combs, their marriage as close to the ideal as my own parents', I had to admit that I didn't expect our marriage to be like theirs. I had hopes that it would be even better.
I didn't know what prompted the sad expression which crossed Bella's face at one point during our discussion, but whatever the cause I needed to erase that haunted look. I covered her hand with mine, encouraging her to look into my eyes and was able to coax a smile.
From that moment, I didn't lose physical contact with her for the duration of the lesson.
I was unprepared for the moment when we were asked to write a letter to our intended. Bella, being a talented writer would no doubt be able to express herself far better than I, but I did my best and wrote the words that were in my heart:
From the moment we met, I somehow knew that you would be a part of my life. Little did I realize that you would become my entire life.
I don't think I've made you fully aware of how bleak an existence I led before I found you. My family and friends loved me, certainly, and I had my work to keep me busy. I was content, but never truly happy. I knew in my heart that something was missing, something that would, if I found it, quell the nagging loneliness which filled my waking hours.
For years, I went through the motions of living a full life, all the time waiting. For what? I didn't know.
My heart recognized what I'd been missing the moment you spilled coffee on your shirt and blushed that beautiful shade of pink. I will admit it took a little longer for my brain to catch up with my heart, but once it did I knew that I had to make you mine.
I count myself among the luckiest men on earth merely for the fact that by some miracle, you felt the same way.
I thank God every day for helping us find each other my beautiful girl, and I look forward to the day that I can call you my beautiful wife.
I love you with all my heart.
Yours forever,
I folded the letter, putting it away until the time was right to share it with my girl.
Before going back to Charlie's, we stopped by the Church and Father blessed the girls' engagement rings and my bracelet.
After lunch, Rose and Bella planned to leave for the salon. Rose had been such a good friend to us both, actually more of a sister to Bella, that I had decided to surprise her with the keys to the Vanquish for their outing.
The grateful smile my girl gave me before she and Rose left, was all the thanks I needed.
I went into the kitchen to grab a drink as Emmett peered through the front window, presumably watching them drive away. "Damn" I heard him mutter.
I walked over and looked at him questioningly.
He was staring intently out the window while clutching his chest. "Fuck" he gasped out before pulling himself away from the window and looking at me. "You're welcome." He said to me pointedly.
I was bewildered. "For what?"
"Rosie just buffed that fine automobile of yours. With. Her. Tits." He said with a pained expression before grabbing the beer from my hand and taking a long draught. "Fucking blue balls" he said with a sigh before retreating to the basement.
I feel your pain Emmett.
I swore I saw Charlie shaking with silent laughter from his spot in the living room.
While the girls were gone, Emmett and I went to the florist to pick up corsages and buttoneers. Upon entering the shop we were greeted by an older gentleman, presumably the owner.
"Emmett Swan" He said with a smile.
Emmett beamed at him. "Hi there Mr. Flowers, how have you been?"
"I can't complain." He answered. "How's everything with you? When do you start practice again?"
"Not until training camp in August. You heard I'm getting married didn't you?"
"I believe the Chief mentioned something about that, yes." Mr. Flowers grinned. "I also heard your girl has a lovely name, Rose isn't it?"
Emmett chuckled. "Yes."
"Well what can I do for you today Emmett?"
Emmett gave Mr. Flowers our order details, and less than ten minutes later we were on our way back to Charlie's.
"See, that back there is a perfect example of what I was saying about people having names that fit their occupations. Just like Dr. Fuckit is an obstetrician, Mr. Flowers is a florist."
I shook my head and laughed at Emmett's logic.
"Although Mr. Flowers carries it even further, his daughters are named Daisy, Lily and Ivy." He laughed out loud. "Didn't you notice how excited he was that I was marrying a Rose."
We laughed.
"I dated his daughter Ivy before I met Rose." He stated matter-of-factly.
"And Mr. Flowers is still speaking to you?" I grinned.
Emmett smirked. "I'll have you know I was a fucking gentleman."
I laughed again.
Maybe he'd gotten past his inappropriate boob groping phase by then.
Once dressed for our evening out, I waited downstairs with Emmett. As soon as I heard the girls coming down the stairs, I turned to see my beautiful fiancée looking as if she should be gracing the cover of a fashion magazine.
As soon as she was close enough, I pulled her into my arms. "You are so beautiful my love." I whispered as I kissed her exposed neck.
She wrapped her arms around me before kissing my lips. I was swept away by the kiss, totally forgetting that Chief Swan was in the room until I heard his signature throat-clearing.
Well, at least he doesn't look angry. He looks.. amused?
"Dad, are you sure you can't come with us?" Bella asked.
Charlie grinned. "Sorry gang, but I have to work tonight."
Little did Bella know that Charlie's 'work' entailed chaperoning Forks High's prom.
Once we were seated in the Vanquish, I turned to Bella. "I have something for you." I said as I showed her the flower.
Bella chuckled. "You bought me a corsage?"
"It matches my buttoneer." I grinned as I pointed to my lapel. "Alice insisted."
"Your sister is one of a kind." Bella smiled as I pinned the flower to her dress.
"Thankfully" I admitted.
Emmett and Rose had chosen the restaurant in Port Angeles where we were meeting for dinner. Alice, Jasper and Chris were already there when we arrived, along with several photographers stationed outside.
"Hello everyone" Chris exclaimed. "My, don't we all look smashing."
I tore my eyes away from Bella for a moment to look at everyone else. Chris was absolutely right.
"I wonder how the paps knew we'd be here?" I asked out loud.
"They followed us." Jasper admitted with a shrug.
We all looked at him questioningly. "The Vanity Fair interview was leaked. Everyone now knows that Alice is your sister, and that she and Chris collectively are 'Brandon Miles'."
A little earlier than I would have liked. I hope this extra attention doesn't bother Bella.
Alice just shrugged. "I'm glad everything's out in the open finally."
Bella reached over and patted my hand as I sat there, giving me a lovely smile. I sighed and smiled back at her.
"Excuse me for a moment sweetheart." I said before kissing her cheek and retreating to the back of the restaurant, cell phone in hand.
I dialed Sidney's number. "Mr. Cullen."
"Hello Sidney, listen, there's been a change in plans. The paps have found us and I'm sure they're going to try and follow us to Charlie's. While we're attending the prom, I'm going to need you and Lou to drive to Forks High School and retrieve my Vanquish. After the prom one of you can drive it back to Seattle. I'm hoping that the paps will think it's me and follow the car. Whoever doesn't drive the Vanquish will need to spend the night here in order to drive us home tomorrow."
"Very good sir. I'll phone Lou." He responded.
"Let me know if there's a problem." I directed before ending the call and returning to the table.
"So Chris, where's Gerry this weekend?" Rose asked.
"Oh honey, this is the busiest time of the year for him with finals just a few weeks away. It's okay though, he'll be with me for the weddings." He said with a wink.
Dinner was excellent. I was pleasantly surprised that a restaurant in Port Angeles would be on par with the restaurants in Seattle.
As we ate, Emmett started pestering Bella with some bullshit ghost stories. It made me uncomfortable.
"You know Bellaboo, this place is haunted." He told her in a low creepy voice.
She tried to come off as undisturbed by his comments, but I wasn't convinced. "I don't care Emmett" She snapped before shifting closer to me.
Hm. Bella being a little frightened definitely has its benefits.
I smirked and used the opportunity to place my hand on her knee under the table.
"Yeah, they had a whole team of those ghost-hunters here recording ghost sounds and shit." Emmett continued.
"Shut up now." Bella said in warning.
"There's supposedly a bunch of ghosts here, but there's one in particular that they refer to as the Shadow Man because all anyone ever sees is a dark shadow when he appears. Those ghost hunter dudes even saw him. He darted up the stairs while they were here."
I could tell that Bella was a little freaked out. After we'd eaten, and she left to visit the rest room, she dragged Alice with her.
I turned to Jasper. "Glad to see you're in a better mood today you touchy bastard." I teased.
He glared at me. "I'm trying not to ruin everyone's evening."
"What the hell is going on with you anyway Jasper?" Rosalie sniped.
Chris and I both looked at him with concern. It was at that moment that I realized Emmett had slipped away from the table.
"Ask Emmett." He retorted.
Rose looked puzzled.
Before anyone had a chance to get any more information out of him, we were all frozen in shock by the blood-curdling scream emanating from the direction of the rest rooms.
"That sounds like Bella." I blurted before bolting from my chair, the vision from my dream suddenly hitting me full force once again.
I had to push my way through half the wait staff of the restaurant before I reached her. Emmett the asshole was laughing hysterically and clutching the scariest fucking clown mask I'd ever seen, in his hand.
It didn't take a genius to figure out what he'd done.
"Sweetheart are you okay?" I asked when I finally reached her.
"Emmett is the king of assholes." She said before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the exit. I threw a couple of hundreds on the table as we passed.
We waited in the parking lot in order to follow the others to the high school. I spent the time trying to soothe my girl. Several minutes later, the rest of our group exited the restaurant.
I hope the management gave Emmett hell.
Once everyone was seated in their vehicles, I pulled past Emmett to exit the parking lot. The ass had a shit-eating grin on his face.
I made sure to flip him off.
As soon as Bella realized we were driving back towards Forks, she gave me a questioning look.
"Forgive me Bella" I said quietly "I may not have been totally truthful with you. The next stop is meant to be a surprise."
She sat there, perplexed as we drove back to Forks. As soon as she read the sign in front of the high school announcing prom night, I noticed her frown.
I parked the car and turned to face her, deciding to take the coward's way out. "You'll need to ask Christopher and Alice."
She opened her door before I could come around to open it for her, and proceeded to march straight over to Jasper's parked rental car.
I caught up to her just before she reached Chris and Alice and placed my arm around her shoulders.
Chris held his hands up, palms out in front of him defensively. "Bella dear, before you bite our heads off, I want you to know that this was my doing. Please don't be angry with Alice."
Bella looked confused.
He sighed loudly and his shoulders sagged as he began to speak in almost a whisper. "Ever since our drunken afternoon on Alice's patio, the fact that you never got to enjoy things in high school, such as prom, has been troubling me."
"Couple that with the fact that Edward never had a real prom either…" He shook his head and looked down at the pavement. "The things you both endured were, well, tragic is the only word that fits." I noticed his lip tremble as he spoke. I struggled to swallow, my throat suddenly tight.
Come on Edward, don't be a pussy.
By this time, our entire group had gathered around Chris, Alice and Bella.
"I had inquired and kept the date of the Forks prom in the back of my mind for weeks, just in case by some miracle Edward was able to make it back in time." Bella smiled. "Then, lo and behold, to everyone's surprise, he flies back on Monday. I immediately sprang into action."
Alice interrupted. "It's true Bella. I've never seen Christopher like that before, he was like a man possessed." She smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. "He got in touch with Emmett and Charlie, and while they arranged things at this end, we arranged the clothing and hauling our tushys up here from Cali."
Bella took a deep breath, clearly overcome with emotion. "I don't know what to say." I squeezed her shoulder lightly and smiled down at her.
"Technically, we're all here tonight in a 'chaperone' capacity, but that doesn't matter." Chris said. "Bella, remember what we talked about that day?"
She nodded, smiling at him through her tears.
"For you and for Edward, tonight is all about replacing those bad memories with something magical." Chris said as his voice cracked. "You both deserve this."
"Thank you Chris and Alice, and everyone." Bella stuttered out as she hugged Chris and Alice to her. "I love you guys." She whispered.
"Love you too honey" Chris replied.
Alice looked at me over Bella's shoulder, and gave me a sweet smile.
"Love you Bella." Alice whispered before mouthing Love you Edward to me.
As soon as we entered the building, I thought about my beautiful girl and the difficulties she'd endured under this roof. Bella had only shared a handful of instances with me, I was convinced that there had to have been many more.
Before we reached the gym, Bella slowed our pace almost to a stop.
"Edward, is this really okay with you?" She asked quietly.
She's worrying about me?
Knowing that nothing short of perfect honestly would calm her fears, I smiled before I answered. "Bella, I'll admit that I wasn't sure about this when Alice phoned to ask the other day. She was worried then for the same reasons you are now." I stopped walking and took both her hands in mine before turning to face her fully.
"I am so much in love with you Bella, that what happened on prom night all those years ago has become nothing more than a bad memory. I can say without a doubt that the shitstorm I suffered through no longer determines the way I live my life." I smiled again. "I live my life for you now." I said before kissing her hand.
She reached up and placed the palm of her hand on my cheek before leaning up to kiss me. "You make me so happy Edward."
It's nothing compared to the way she makes me feel every single day.
"So, how about you?" I questioned. "How do you feel about being back in your old alma mater?"
She took a deep breath before answering. "It's a little strange, but not upsetting." She looked around. "I haven't set foot in here for so long that it now feels almost unfamiliar. It's hard to believe I spent four years of my life in this building."
I grinned before winking and offering my arm again. "Let's make some new memories Miss Swan."
Upon entering the gym, we immediately garnered a lot of attention. The feeling of chagrin that came over me, knowing that we were disrupting a very important event in these students' lives didn't last long when I thought of how much this meant to both Bella and myself. There aren't many times in life that you're gifted the chance for a 'do-over'.
We'd only been seated a moment or two before Bella was being dragged to the dance floor by Rose and Alice. I objected at first, wanting her first dance to be with me. Once she started to dance however, I was very glad I'd relinquished Bella to the other 'not so single' ladies.
Dear God, I've been meaning to question you for a long time about this. Is it possible to die from blue balls?
Seeing that Emmett and I were in sort of similar circumstances now, I thought maybe I'd ask him if he had any information about the long-term consequences of such a state.
But then I remembered that I'd be talking to the brother of the vixen that put me in that state to begin with, and decided my best option would be to suffer in silence. At the moment though, all I wanted was to stare at my girl, and possibly drool on my shirt.
Fuck she's sexy, and completely unaware of that fact.
The few boys that had tried to stay out there dancing with the 'ladies' eventually gave up and joined the rest of us on the sidelines. I noticed one fucker kept moving along the edge of the dance floor until he was close enough to reach out and touch my girl.
I could feel a growl building in my chest as I glared at him. He must have felt my eyes boring a hole into his stupid face because before he'd fucked up royally and laid a hand on my Bella, he glanced up and met my eyes.
That's right douchebag, back away and no one, meaning you, gets hurt.
Ten seconds later I couldn't see him for dust.
How I enjoyed watching her dance, despite the uncomfortable situation in my trousers. Thankfully the jacket was long enough to prevent anyone around from being the wiser.
Bella, Rose and Alice suddenly seemed to be distracted by something off to the side, causing them to collapse in fits of laughter as they stumbled their way off the dance floor before the song ended. I glanced over to see what had gotten their attention, only to witness an amazing display: Single Ladies being performed by none other than Christopher and Emmett.
Jasper and I cracked up, and he pointed to a kid videotaping their antics.
I really hope that's on Youtube tomorrow.
We sat out a couple of songs. I really wanted our first dance to be a slow one, so Bella snuggled into my side as we waited, and enjoyed watching Emmett and Rose on the dance floor.
As we sat there, an attractive woman who looked to be in her thirties stopped by our table. "Hello Bella."
Bella turned to her. "Hi Miss North, it's so good to see you." She answered sweetly. "Let me introduce you to my fiancé" She said, turning to me, "Edward, this is Miss North, my eleventh grade English teacher. She's the reason I love to write."
I smiled and nodded in her direction.
"I merely helped you realize what was already there." Miss North smiled. "It's very nice to meet you Edward. I find that I don't really need to ask how you are Bella, because the news media seems to think it their mission to give us daily updates." She remarked with a laugh.
Bella good naturedly rolled her eyes and laughed, "Promise me that you won't believe everything they say Miss North."
"Don't worry." She smiled and glanced around. "Well, I'll let you get back to your evening."
Bella smiled.
Miss North hesitated before walking away, and then suddenly leaned in close to Bella, speaking low in her ear.
Bella got quite emotional at whatever Miss North had said to her. She jumped to her feet and pulled her in for a hug. I suddenly felt as if I was intruding on a very private moment.
"Thank you so much Miss North. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for everything." I heard Bella say.
"Don't thank me Bella, just have a happy life." Miss North said with a small smile, before giving Bella one last hug, "and please, you're an adult now, call me Suzanne", she smiled again before walking back to sit with the other teachers.
When Bella sat down, I pulled her back against my side. I breathed in her scent, as I nuzzled her hair before leaving a soft kiss on her temple.
A short time later, deciding that Bella needed a drink, and assuming that I had a little while before a slow song began, I left her in the care of Jasper while I ventured over to the refreshment table.
That turned out to be a bad idea.
I reached the table without incident, but once there I was accosted by several people. The first introduced herself as Barbara Wells, who taught Languages and Theater at the school. I remembered how much I liked my drama teacher in high school, so I conversed politely with Ms. Wells until she started babbling on about the origins of method acting, then I tuned her the fuck out.
As she rambled, several other women gathered around us. From what I could tell, all but one of them taught at the school. The non-teacher was a parent, and happened to be wearing the most provocative dress I'd seen since leaving California. When I felt her fake tits brush against my arm, I took a step back and glared at her. She tried to play it off as an attempt to 'sniff' by buttoneer. I started to plan my exit strategy, wishing to place as much distance as possible between me and her tits.
I was trying to keep my cool, while also trying to remember when I'd last had a tetanus booster. I glanced around the room until my eyes met the expectant gaze of my beautiful girl.
At that exact moment the music changed, and Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley began to sound through the speaker system. Bella got a determined look on her face, jumped from her seat, and proceeded to march in my direction.
She looked hot.
I immediately set the drink down, excused myself, and made my way over to my girl. When I reached her, I pulled her into my arms and onto the dance floor.
Well Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
"Sorry my love." I whispered as I pulled her close and we swayed to the music.
She smiled. "It's alright Edward. I usually don't mind your adoring fans, but tonight I'll admit to being a little selfish."
"I like selfish Bella." I admitted. "The look on your face as you charged across the room to find me was very sexy." I said as I brushed my lips along the shell of her ear, "very sexy indeed."
I heard her draw in a surprised breath when I bit down gently on her ear lobe, causing her to actually whimper.
I chuckled at her reaction, but it also gave me hope. Hope that, despite whatever was bothering her, she still wanted a physical relationship. That she still wanted me.
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
As I listened to Buckley's voice, the epitome of raw emotion, I thought back to the first time I'd heard this song. The lyrics spoke to me then of betrayal and lost love. I'd always associated it with the hell I'd endured at the hands of a woman I thought I loved at one time. It was a song I'd listen to when the memories were particularly painful.
Bella has changed everything.
How little I knew of love back then. It was appropriate that I heard the song again tonight. This evening was all about making new memories. Hallelujah would serve as a reminder of a perfect evening spent with the woman who was my future.
A woman so breathtakingly beautiful, that the majority of male students and faculty of Forks High were finding it difficult to keep their eyes off of her.
"You're so beautiful Bella." I whispered. "For the rest of the night, I'm not letting you out of my sight."
"Edward, no one is going to bother me, it's you who's in serious danger of being molested. And the fact that the molester may be one of my former teachers is seriously creeping me out."
I blurted out a laugh.
Well there was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me do you?
And remember when I moved in you?
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
"You're so wrong Bella." I said.
She looked at me questioningly.
"Every guy in here can't keep his eyes off of you. I've had to glare down several already."
I could tell that she didn't believe me. I smiled and shook my head. "My beautiful, clueless girl."
I held her closer as she laid her head against my chest.
This moment is as close to perfect as any I could imagine.
"What are you thinking about?" I murmured low in Bella's ear.
She smiled up at me. "About how happy I am right now."
"Me too."
Well maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who'd out drew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen in the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
I was overcome with the sudden urge to kiss her here, in full view of the tools that wouldn't stop staring. I bent my head down a little until our lips were almost touching. "Do you think we'll get thrown out if I kiss you?" I teased.
"Chief Swan may be tempted, but I think he'll behave." She answered with a grin. "It's definitely worth the risk."
I leaned down a little more and captured her lips with mine, willing the world around us to allow us this moment.
We continued to kiss as the song played on. When it finally ended so did the kiss. I glanced around giving all the teenage boys in the immediate vicinity a 'fuck you' smirk before we slowly made our way back to the table.
I left Bella laughing and chatting with Rose and Alice as I went in search of the rest room. After exiting the gym, I turned down the hall as I'd been directed and found the men's room on the other side of the cafeteria. I took a look around, spying a bulletin board reminding seniors of the graduation schedule.
Bypassing the urinals, I made my way into one of the stalls. Emmett would probably give me shit if he knew I didn't use public urinals, but he'd never had some asshat try to take a picture of his dick with a cell phone.
Talk about traumatic experiences. It happened just after I'd made my second movie. I had no clue what the douche planned to do with the photo, but in the end it didn't matter because I knocked the shit out of him before smashing his phone.
I'm lucky I can even take a piss in the stall of a public men's room after that.
"Dude, Amanda just gave me shit for staring at Bella Swan." I heard a voice begin from the direction of the urinal.
"You're definitely not getting any pussy tonight Kevin." A second voice stated with a laugh.
"Fuck you" The first voice retorted. "I accused her of eye-fucking Masen, so I guess we're even."
The second voice laughed again. "She sure is hot" He stated.
"Amanda?" Kevin asked.
"No asswipe. Your girl's pretty, but Bella Swan and those other chicks with her are smokin'."
"Don't waste your time Mark. She's with Masen. I don't even know why I'm looking at her. I suppose I like torturing myself."
I'd like to torture you dickhead.
"No, you don't waste your time. Some of us aren't obvious losers like you." Mark laughed. "If I could get her alone, I'd show her what I had to offer."
I gripped the handle to the door, ready to show this douche what I had to offer, by way of my fists, when Kevin spoke up again.
"You're such a jerk. She's not that kind of girl. She's nice. Haven't you heard all the stuff that's been said about her? They're getting married for Christ's sakes. Masen is one lucky motherfucker."
I had to agree.
"She seems to like the bad boys though"
"I think a lot of that shit about Masen was made up. There's a chance he's a decent guy." Kevin answered. "So, no, Bella Swan wouldn't be interested in you or your tiny dick." Kevin laughed.
"Shut the hell up."
I heard some shuffling and low cursing as the door to the bathroom opened and then closed again. When I exited the stall, I was alone.
Even though the blatant disrespect shown my girl had angered me, the guy Kevin more than made up for Mark's stupidity. As much as I hated it, I'd have to accept the fact that because we were in the public eye, people thought that entitled them to speak casually about the intimate details of my relationship with Bella.
I had to accept it, but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it.
Upon exiting the bathroom, I immediately wished I'd stayed there. A group of girls were giggling and laughing in the cafeteria as I tried to sneak past them on my way back to the gym.
Within seconds they'd swarmed me. As it turned out, they were harmless. Most just wanted a photo with me, and a couple asked me to autograph their prom programs.
When I finally got back to the gym, it felt like I'd been gone forever. I was greeted by the sight of Bella, Alice and Rose dancing to Pokerface. The boner that had left long enough for me to piss, returned with a vengeance as I watched Bella's hips swivel suggestively to the beat. Then to add to my torture, it was followed up by Bad Romance.
When Shake Your Money Maker began, I surprised her by pulling her back to the dance floor where I proceeded to grind against her, proving to myself once and for all that I am a fucking masochist.
I finally calmed down by the time Bella and I got to dance like zombies to the strains of Thriller.
When the evening was finally over, we thanked Chris and Alice one more time before Sidney drove us back to Charlie's house.
My plan to elude the paps seemed to have worked, and I went to sleep a very happy man, despite the fact that I was, once again, sleeping on the Chief's sofa.
I knew the nightmare would return. Without Bella in my arms to ward if off, I was defenseless against it. I could see her lying on the path, sickeningly pale…
"Edward, please wake up." The voice of my angel called, but her eyes were still closed and her lips weren't moving.
"Bella…." I moaned as I reached for her.
"Edward, please you're scaring me." She whispered. I opened my eyes blinking several times before I could focus, only to find her sitting beside me, her hands on my face.
"Bella" I rasped. "Are you really here?"
"Yes Edward, you were having a nightmare." She soothed.
"I couldn't find you. I tried, but you slipped right through my fingers. I ran for hours through the woods. I couldn't find you." I scrubbed my face with my hand before pulling her close. I never wanted to let her go.
"It was just a dream Edward. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. Please try to forget it."
"I would if this were the first time." I mumbled.
"This is a recurring dream?" She asked.
I nodded. "They started while I was still in England. I've had the same dream a couple times since I've gotten back."
"Edward, you were exhausted. You were working fourteen hour days just before you came home, and we really haven't had a lot of 'down time' since your return."
I calmed down and took a deep breath. "You're right."
"What happened in the dream?" She asked.
I hesitated. I needed to not make a big deal out of this. "It was nothing. One minute you were there, and then you disappeared. I ran through the woods, but couldn't find you. Just a silly dream."
She wasn't buying it. "Edward, I know it was more than that. Look at you, you're still pretty shaken."
I grimaced and shook my head, a little embarrassed. "All this over a dream" I muttered. "I'm such a pussy." I admitted with a chuckle.
Bella smiled then. "I don't think so. Even in your dreams, you're trying to save me." She fluttered my eyelashes doing her best 'damsel in distress', "My hero."
I laughed and pulled her closer. "Stay here?" I whispered.
"Always." She answered.
"Pardon the vulgarity ladies, but you, Emmett Swan, are one sick sumbitch." Jasper glared at Emmett from his side of the booth. We were all at the Forks diner having breakfast the day after prom. Jasper was pissed at Emmett, and I was certain we were finally going to hear what had caused Jasper to be in such a foul mood for the past few days.
Bella, Chris, Charlie and I all blurted, "What's going on?" at the same time.
Rose and Alice exchanged knowing looks and couldn't stop their ridiculous giggling, so I knew whatever Jasper was going to say wouldn't be a surprise to them.
Jasper, still looking pissed turned toward the rest of us to explain. "A few days ago, Emmett informed me that, because he was getting married in a Catholic church, everyone in the wedding party had to go to confession beforehand, whether they were Catholic or not." He explained in an angry tone.
"Emmett Swan, you big liar." Bella said to her brother. Emmett grinned and shrugged.
"I have been agonizing over this for days." Jasper muttered while shaking his head. "I mean, literally waking up in the middle of the night, and freaking out about it. I had no idea how to make a confession."
What a tool. Even I've knew not to believe anything Emmett says without getting confirmation from a third party.
"This morning, I finally decided to ask my sister if there was any way I could still be in the wedding without going through that, only to find out that whistledick here had been playing me for a fool."
I laughed at Jasper's colorful vocabulary.
After that, everyone calmed down and went back to eating. By the time we were through, Emmett had questioned Jasper on what he was so afraid to confess, and Jasper had made a veiled threat on Emmett's life.
Just a typical morning with friends and family.
When we arrived back at Bella's apartment, she insisted that I take a nap. After she agreed to sit beside me on the bed while I slept, I was able to fall asleep to the sound of Bella's fingers quietly clicking on the keys of her laptop.
Just as I had suspected, no nightmares plagued my sleep while Bella was there.
After I woke, she wanted my opinion on which story to submit to the publisher.
I'd had an inkling of Bella's talent, but seeing it this way, framed in a manner that put no limitations on her imagination, I was very impressed by what she could do. The stories were entertaining, lively, vivid, and sometimes humorous.
The one about a little boy and a swallow in Capistrano could even be described as magical. It was my favorite.
Not surprisingly, once I shared that with Bella, that was the story she chose to submit.
"Nervous?" I asked as we sat in Bella's therapist's waiting room. She'd been bouncing her leg since we'd taken our seats.
She shrugged. "A little, I suppose."
"Bella, you can go back now." Dr. Miller's receptionist informed.
She gave me a small smile before exiting the waiting room.
I decided to read a magazine.
The first one that caught my eye was an old issue of GQ with Johnny on the cover.
Alice never told me I made their list of the 25 most stylish men in the world. So did Johnny.
I was pleased to see a couple more friends on there as well.
Jesus Edward, like the 25 most stylish list is actually fucking important?
What the hell is wrong with me?
I chuckled to myself as I picked up an issue of Entertainment Weekly and began reading about the season finale of Lost.
After I'd had enough of that, I glanced at the latest Cosmo.
Hm, that seems a little risque for a doctor's office.
The glaring headline read 'The Seven Best Orgasm Tricks In The World!'
I remembered Bella telling me that Rose made her read Cosmo for the sex tips.
Holy shit.
I glanced at the headline below that one: 'Give yourself a Brazilian without bursting into tears'.
Holy shit again. Is that something Bella would ever want to have done? If so, I hope she'd leave it to the professionals.
Female professionals obviously.
That area of her body is going to be very important to me very soon.
I realized that I didn't give a fuck if she had a Brazilian or not just as long as I was the only male ever granted access to her pussy.
I really want to have access to that pussy.
I sighed.
I am such a douche.
Just then the door to Dr. Miller's office opened, startling me. I quickly shoved the issue of Cosmo to the bottom of the pile.
I looked up to find who I presumed to be Dr. Miller standing in front of me smiling. She held out her hand. "Hello Edward, I'm Kim Miller."
All that thinking about Bella's pussy had caused an uncomfortable situation. I stood to shake Dr. Miller's hand, hoping she wouldn't notice the bulge in my jeans.
"Hello Doctor, glad to meet you." I said as I plastered on my Hollywood smile.
I couldn't believe I was meeting Bella's therapist for the first time while sporting a semi.
Could I be any more disgusted with myself?
I doubted it.