*This parallels chapters 70 and 71 of V&V 'Fireworks & Dream Homes' and 'Ultimatums & Quality Time' respectively. Please read those before attempting this.
The day after Emmett's bachelor party may have been the first time I didn't regret having a hangover. Sure my head hurt like hell, and I was unsteady on my feet for most of the day. But my girl seemed to make it her mission to take care of me.
All day.
We stayed sequestered away in Bella's bedroom at the Bellagio, watching television, eating the food we ordered in, and basically chilling.
By the time we took Charlie out to eat that evening, I felt almost like my old self. At first, as he recounted the things I'd done the night before, I felt guilty for what I'd put him through, that was until I heard about Emmett and Jasper's escapades.
Damn, I wish I could remember that.
The fact was that, I could remember most of what Chris and I did, but nothing about the rest of the guys.
There was one image that kept coming unbidden to my mind of some dude I'd never seen before, and his dick that sparkled in the sunlight. I wasn't sure what the hell that was all about, but if no one else mentioned it, I wasn't about to.
After the fireworks, we agreed to go see Nelly at the Mirage. I would have been just as happy to go back to the suite and sleep, but this was our last night in Vegas, so Bella and I acquiesced.
In the end, I was glad that we did. We had a good time. The feel of her body against mine as we danced was pure heaven. And being able to give Jasper shit about running around naked the night before made for a perfect evening.
Her dance moves were subtle, but very sexy. As I held her perfect little body in my arms, I held back the urge to really let go and grind against her with abandon, knowing that her family wouldn't appreciate a view of Bella and I in the throes of simulated sex.
The following week was busy, but then when lately hadn't our lives been busy?
When Bella received word from her publisher that they needed her back in town a day early, I hid my disappointment. Although, the abject fear I experienced at the thought of her being alone in Seattle, even for just a day, almost sent me into a panic attack.
I had to use every bit of my acting ability to pull off the supportive boyfriend role.
Thankfully, she bought it.
Try as I might, I could think of no way to return to Seattle with Bella. I was required to finish the community service hours by the end of July, I had to be here on Monday in order to do that. There was no other time during the month of July when I'd be able to fly back down here. Even if I could, it would probably mean having to leave Bella alone because she would be busy with helping plan two weddings.
I sighed in frustration.
We didn't get to see my parents until that night at Mom's birthday dinner, despite the fact that they'd flown in the night before.
After a full day at the soup kitchen, we met everyone at Soho House. There were a few paps waiting outside. We ignored them.
I was literally in stitches when Alice reminded me of the glo stick / condom debacle when we were kids. In fact, our entire table was laughing so loudly that we received more than a few glares from the restaurant's snooty patrons.
Fuck em
I'd had to call in a few favors in order to reserve the cemetery for a 'private' movie showing. As soon as I saw the look of delight on my mother's face, I knew it had been worth it. It wasn't often I was able to surprise her.
While Bella chatted with Rose and Alice, I took the opportunity to have a quiet word with Mom and Dad. "Did you run into any problems in England?" I asked in a whisper.
"None at all." Dad answered. "The caretakers, the Griffins, are a wonderful couple." He continued. "We had a very productive stay."
"Oh Edward, they helped us in so many ways." Mom added in a whisper. "Mr. Griffin and your father handled things at the house when the painters and laborers arrived, freeing Mrs. Griffin and me to shop for furnishings."
"Now, I want you and Bella to be the ones to choose most of those, but I was able to find a few nice pieces. At least the next time you go over there, you won't be faced with empty rooms." She smiled. "We made it 'livable'."
I gave my mother a grateful smile. I was hoping to tack a few days in England onto the end of our honeymoon, and to know we'd be able to stay in our own house made me very happy.
My second day of work at the soup kitchen was complete. I said a quick goodbye to Nick and headed for the dining room. I stopped short when I saw Bella conversing with a small girl and an older woman.
I decided to hang back so I didn't intrude on their moment. My girl was so beautiful as she chattered away about fairies and princesses and all kinds of girly nonsense. Her eyes were actually glowing with excitement.
I knew that she would be the best Aunt in the world once Baby Swan arrived, she was a natural.
Once I finally made my presence known, Bella introduced me. We said our goodbyes a few minutes later, but not before Bella made sure that Kayla and her Grandmother would be back on Saturday.
During the ride to my house, we discussed the little girl's situation.
"Edward, I know there are many stories just like Kayla's, but I also think that people cross our paths for a reason. I want to do what I can for that little girl and for the other children I saw this week."
Just when I didn't think it possible to love her any more than I do, she proves me wrong.
"Did you have something specific in mind?" I asked.
"I don't know, this is new territory for me. To start I think, if her grandmother would accept it, Kayla would benefit from therapy. We could arrange that right?" She asked with a hopeful expression.
I nodded.
I'm sure Dr. Gould could recommend a good child psychologist
"Maybe we could do something to help her grandmother financially. I don't know. I mean, I just got the advance for my book, and admittedly we don't need it to live on. I'd like to do something useful with it." She sighed in exasperation. "I honestly don't know what I'm talking about. I probably sound really stupid."
No, no, no.
I grabbed her hand. "Bella, you are not stupid. You're a kind and loving person with a very big heart, and I thank God every day for that."
"If you haven't noticed, my family is all about 'giving back' in one way or another. I admit to being a bit of a disappointment in that regard because I spent too many years living the life of a hermit." I thought with a smile. "You changed that. I would like to get involved also."
In one conversation, I could see part of our future together. Using our good fortune to help others, just as my parents had always taught me.
We could establish a foundation, possibly in her Mother's name
I stopped that thought immediately. I was getting ahead of myself. First of all, before anything else occurred, I wanted to make Bella my wife.
After that, the world would be our oyster as the saying goes…
"Edward, come with me, I want to show you something." Jane said as she led Jasper, Alec and I down the hall outside of her office. At the end, she unlocked the door to a small conference room. She gestured toward the table. "These are the scripts we've received in the last few weeks." My eyes grew wide as I took in the sight before me.
"Wow" Alec gasped.
The table was literally covered with movie scripts.
Jane chuckled. "This is what's left after I tossed out the ones I was sure you'd hate."
I knew I was popular, but I'd never been this popular.
"You are red hot right now Edward." She said with a smile. "I don't think the public's obsession with you is going to fade any time soon, which puts you in a unique position."
I've never known Jane to smile this much
"We've been dividing the scripts we've received by genre, and prioritizing by director." She narrowed her eyes. "You've wanted to work with Ron Howard for some time haven't you?"
I nodded.
She walked over and pulled a script from the top and handed it to me. "A little light reading" She grinned. "Also, Tarantino's assistant called. She gave me a 'heads up' that Quentin wants to speak with you. He doesn't want to intrude during this time leading up to the wedding, so she left his number in order that you could call him at your convenience."
My mouth fell open. I closed it immediately, for fear that I would squeal like a little girl.
I am such a pussy sometimes.
Jane chuckled lightly. "I'll get a list of scripts with a summary of each to Jasper by tomorrow."
I nodded. "Sounds good."
On the way home, Alec handed me a tabloid with Bella's photo on the front. I glared at it. "In the interest of keeping you apprised of what's being said about you and Bella, I bought this."
I sighed and briefly scanned the article. It contained almost word-for-word the conversation Bella had with the reporter in the casino. The part that disturbed me the most was the admission by Bella that she still couldn't understand what I saw in her.
When is she going to realize that she is everything to me?
That evening, I phoned Quentin. He seemed surprised to hear from me so soon. As it turned out, he wanted to talk about a project that was in the pre-production phase. It was a good thing, because my schedule would be busy for the next eight months or so.
After we finished our conversation, I went in search of Bella, only to find her reading nonsense about herself on the internet. Once again, she surprised me by handling the attention like a pro.
In the end, we agreed to ignore all press, even the positive stories, instead of letting the media dictate the way we live our lives.
It was something we'd already started doing, but it felt good to say it out loud.
Sunday evening was horrible. I said goodbye to Bella at the airport, and proceeded to quietly fall to pieces during the ride back to my house. The sense of déjà vu as I thought about the last time I had to send her back to Seattle without me, and her subsequent kidnapping, was making it difficult to breathe.
I should have known that Alice and Jasper would be waiting for me at my house. "I sensed you could use some company tonight." Alice said before giving me a hug at my front door.
I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming breath.
"Everything will be fine Edward. You'll see." She advised confidently.
Knowing I had a good three hours before Bella's plane landed, I decided to make constructive use of my time.
First on the agenda was a call to my financial advisor. He was ecstatic that I wanted to involve myself, and my money, more extensively in charitable causes, although his reasons for being pleased centered more on reducing my tax burden than helping those less fortunate.
For Kayla, he was going to work up the particulars for establishing a trust, and would send me the details. In the meantime, I would get Alec to deliver a check to Kayla's Grandmother sometime the next week to help with expenses. As for anything further, I agreed that Bella and I would meet with him sometime after our wedding.
For the remainder of the evening, Alice and Jasper helped me make a start on packing the belongings I wished to have shipped to Seattle after the wedding. Bella and I would still come to L.A. to attend premieres and award shows, and when my film schedule dictated it, but once we found a house in Seattle, there was no doubt that it would become our primary residence.
Alec had suggested that I rent the L.A. house out to other actor friends of mine who didn't own homes in the area, to use while they were in town filming. I congratulated him on his idea.
At least, that way, it won't stand empty for most of the year.
As we packed, Alice chatted, no doubt trying to distract me from worrying. I still watched the clock like a hawk, waiting for the moment to arrive when I knew I could phone Bella. She actually beat me to it, when her flight arrived a few minutes early.
"Hi honey" She said in a chirpy voice.
"Hello sweetheart." I felt myself beginning to relax. "Did you have a good flight?"
"It was uneventful, just how I like them." She answered with a giggle.
If Bella was bothered by my almost constant need to stay in touch with her, she didn't complain. I must have phoned her at least two more times before Alice and Jasper left, and then, that night we skyped.
It was an unhappy reminder of all the times we'd been forced to fall asleep that way, and I couldn't wait until the following evening when I'd be able to hold her again.
The next day, I was able to beg a private word with Kayla's grandmother while Peggy sat with the little girl. The old woman started crying and hugging me after I explained what we wanted to do for Kayla. Her overly emotional state made me nervous at first, but once I relaxed I realized that it felt pretty damned good to be able to help.
It was a feeling not quite equal to anything else I'd ever experienced.
The rest of the day flew by, and before I knew it, I was boarding my plane for Seattle.
My phone was eerily silent as I rode from the airport. I had a feeling that Bella was already asleep as I quietly entered the apartment. I found her bedside lamp and television still on, no doubt she had used them in an effort to stay awake for me, but there she was, curled up on her side, under the covers, fast asleep.
So beautiful
Once I was ready for bed, I crawled in behind her, burying my face in her hair, and drifted to sleep.
It was obvious that the realtor was looking for a very large commission. That had to be the reason that every home he'd shown us so far, rivaled my parents' house in size and price.
Obviously I didn't care how expensive the house was, I just wanted a home that Bella and I would feel comfortable in. The choices we'd been given so far weren't cutting it.
When we parted ways on Thursday afternoon, I made it clear to him that we needed to look at something a bit smaller, something that was less 'showy' and more 'homey' than the options we'd seen up until then. I knew he'd finally gotten the message when we pulled up in front a beautiful house, in a rustic setting, which looked as if it had been there all along, waiting for us to discover it.
As soon as I saw the look on my girl's face, I knew she felt it too.
It was perfect.
We'd need to do some remodeling, maybe build an addition. My Mom would have a field day helping us decorate. As I looked around, envisioning us there, I could see Bella curled up in the window seat writing on her laptop and me with my guitar across my knees as I watched her, completely and utterly distracted as usual.
My mind continued to conjure up visions of our future in this house:
Bella and I walking along the water's edge.
We'll need to buy a boat.
Sitting together in front of the fire.
Emmett helping me to build a swing set for Baby Swan to enjoy when he or she visited.
Hopefully a swing set for our own children to enjoy…
Bella and I, making love in front of the fire…
That last image seared into my brain, and I became determined right there and then to do whatever necessary to make it happen.
We need to buy this house.
We stood on the back porch, enjoying the view of Mt. Ranier in the distance.
"Well?" Bella asked.
I turned to face her, feeling hopeful.
"You first." I directed.
"I really like it Edward." She said with a small smile.
"There are only three bedrooms." I said, playing devil's advocate.
She nodded. "We can add on. There's plenty of room for the two of us for now, and a space to have a music room like you have in L.A." She said quietly. "Do you like it?"
"Very much." I admitted. "This is going to sound strange, but from the moment we stepped from the car, it felt like coming home."
I laughed when Bella actually squealed with excitement before throwing herself at me. "Home." She breathed before we kissed.
We were home.
"Fucking A!" Emmett boomed as we parked in front of the restaurant where we were meeting Clint.
Clint had arrived in town a couple of days before, and I'd phoned him to set up this meeting. I'd explained as best I could ahead of time what Emmett was going to ask of him. He agreed to meet him, but never expressed his thoughts on Emmett's ridiculous plan.
After the introductions were out of the way, Emmett started. "So um, Mr. Eastwood, I suppose Edward's filled you in a little about what I'm trying to do?"
Clint nodded as he studied Emmett's face. "A little. Oh and call me Clint." He said with a grim smile. "I understand that you want to prank your father. I am just unclear as to why you want to do that." Clint frowned. "Do you hate the man or something?"
Emmett's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "No! No fucking way. My Pops is the best." He said.
Clint pursed his lips. "So what is it? Are you some kind of little prick that just likes to mess with people?"
"Hell no. Eddie will tell you. Tell him I'm not a prick Eddie."
I cleared my throat. "Um. Well.." I hesitated.
Emmett glared at me, causing me to laugh. "No, Clint, I wouldn't say he's a prick. He's probably more of an asshole."
Clint laughed.
As we ate, Emmett went on to tell Clint all the things that made Charlie the best Dad ever.
Clint sipped his coffee before taking a long hard look at Emmett. "Let me get this straight. Your Dad's a great guy, salt of the earth and all that shit." He said in a quiet tone. "A public servant even, more than that, he's a Chief of Police."
Emmett nodded.
"He always provided for you growing up. Even took time off of work to attend your football games etcetera. The best of fathers." Clint said with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "He spent time with you. He taught you to fish."
"I get what you're trying to say Callahan." Emmett said with no small amount of sarcasm in his voice, causing Clint to chuckle.
Damn I'm glad he's a good sport
Emmett shrugged. "So I prank my Pops. It's what we do. He got even with me in Vegas."
Clint looked interested. "How's that?"
Emmett frowned. "During my bachelor party weekend, he forced me to go on some thrill rides at the top of the Stratosphere Hotel. I'm very lucky I didn't shit myself, or puke on some poor unsuspecting soul down on the ground." Emmett answered pointedly. "The old man had me between a rock and a hard place. I had to do it or else everyone would think I was a pussy." He finished with a whine.
Clint's head dropped and I could see his shoulders shaking with silent laughter. Once he composed himself, he lifted his head and regarded Emmett with a smile. "You know kid, I like you. You're undoubtedly insane, but you're alright." He chucked again. "Tell you what I'll do, you set up a meeting with your father, and I'll take it from there. But I want something in return."
"What?" Emmett asked happily.
"How would you feel about making a cameo appearance in the movie?" Clint asked with a smug smile.
"Oh fuck yeah!" Emmett answered. "Does the pope shit in the woods? Er, never mind that doesn't make any fucking sense. Uh, anyway, hell yeah I want to be in the movie!"
Clint and I were both laughing quietly by this time.
Clint leaned across the table so that only Emmett and I could hear his next words. "Do you have a problem with nudity?"
Emmett shrugged. "I'll get naked right here, right now, if that's what you want." He grinned cheekily, causing Clint to laugh again.
Clint shook his head and turned to me. "Is he always like this?"
I nodded.
"Jesus Christ" He said in a whisper, still smiling. "Alright, as I was saying, you wouldn't need to be completely nude; the scene would require a shot of your naked ass. I think it's just punishment for you wanting to make an ass of your Dad." Clint said with a smile.
"That's all it takes for you to prank my Pops?" Emmett asked, grinning from ear to ear.
Clint nodded.
"It's a deal." Emmett jumped to his feet while shaking Clint's hand.
"God help us." I heard Clint mutter.
Emmett wouldn't shut up all the way back to the apartment. I was seriously beginning to regret our newfound 'bro' status as I pondered how difficult it would be to throw him from a moving vehicle.
Bella would never forgive me
I chose instead to sigh and ignore him.
"You know, I didn't think life could get any better!" Emmett boomed as soon as entered his apartment.
I made a beeline for my beautiful girl seated on the sofa across the room and kissed her before sitting down.
"What's happened Monkey Man?" Rose asked.
"I, Emmett Swan, am going to make a cameo appearance in Clint and Eddie's movie." He grinned widely.
"Emmett, I don't think Clint meant it as a reward. He wanted to see how serious you were when you offered it as payment for him pranking your Dad." I said with a chuckle. "I don't think he expected you to jump at the chance of showing your bare ass on the big screen."
"Hell yes!" He shouted as he did a little fist pump. "Too bad he didn't know that's always been a personal fantasy of mine." Emmett was beaming. "Next weekend, I get to marry the woman of my dreams, I'm going to be a Daddy before the year is over, and as soon as this movie hits the theaters, every horny female and probably a fair number of males get to drool over my hot ass on a movie screen!"
I groaned and palmed my face.
"You're just jealous Eddie." Emmett was still grinning "You don't get to show your ass this time, and I do."
I laughed. "No, Emmett. No jealousy. This is all yours man."
Emmett looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you think I would benefit from an acting class?" He asked.
I shook my head, confused. "Emmett, I don't think that's going to matter. You'll be on screen for like a minute. Correction, your ass will be on screen." I said with a laugh.
Emmett smirked. "Yeah, but maybe my ass would benefit from a class or two. You know, I need to be ready for my instructions from the director. How exactly does he want my ass cheeks to play the scene?" He continued as we fell apart in silent laughter. "To clench or not to clench, that is the question."
What have I gotten myself into?
"Did I ever tell you what an awesome house you have Carlisle?" Emmett slurred as we stepped into my parents' home after our evening at the Edgewater with Clint.
"Why, thank you Emmett." Dad answered, amused by Emmett's drunken state.
Emmett nodded as he looked around. "The house Rose and I are buying is pretty sweet. Nowhere near as big as this though." He announced as he moved through the foyer. "This hall is so big I bet I could make my voice echo" He said before bellowing loudly, "Ri-cola!".
"Keep that up and Rose is sure to smack you tonight Emmett." Charlie said with a laugh.
Jasper, Emmett and I were admittedly 'feeling no pain' as we made our way out to the patio. The old geezers, on the other hand, were stone cold sober. We figured out toward the end of our evening at the Edgewater, that they had been drinking either cola or club soda all evening, while the three of us had been downing the hard liquor.
The old farts had been laughing their asses off at our expense ever since.
I couldn't find it in myself to be angry though. After all, my Dad had admitted that I was a great son.
"Would you try not to fucking fall on me?" I blurted to Emmett as we both stumbled through the doorway to the patio.
"Language Edward." I heard my Mom scold.
"Sorry Mom". I muttered while Emmett and Jasper laughed at me.
I sat down on a lounger and pulled Bella down with me, as Rosalie demanded the details of Emmett's planned prank gone wrong.
Emmett didn't disappoint, and they laughed almost until they cried at his take on things. I noticed with a bit of chagrin that, even though Emmett peppered his story with approximately five thousand vulgar words, not once did my Mother reprimand him.
Pfft. No matter. I'm still the best son ever.
Back at Bella's apartment, I took a hot shower, hoping to dispel the effects of the alcohol.
Damn Emmett for talking me into drinking so much tonight.
After the bachelor party, I had been ready to swear off alcohol forever.
I toweled off and threw on some sleep pants, anticipating the reaction I'd get from my girl once she saw me shirtless. I enjoyed teasing her although, in the end, I ended up being the one who suffered most.
August 14th cannot arrive soon enough
All thoughts of a romantic evening went out the window as soon as I found her clutching a letter from Renee's old boyfriend.
Phil Dwyer seemed like a decent guy. That is, if one can tell anything from a letter. Understandably, Bella had spoken of him very little, not wanting to reminisce about her time in Arizona.
After she assured me that she'd be okay with seeing him again, and I put on a t-shirt, we sat on her sofa while she told me a little more about Phil.
"He's like my Dad in a lot of ways" Bella remarked wistfully. "I suppose that's why she loved him. The difference with Phil was that, if they'd married, she wouldn't have been stuck in Forks. His job demanded that he travel, and she would have loved to accompany him. They would have been happy together. But it wasn't meant to be." She trailed off with a sigh.
I held her hand a little tighter as she continued.
"I try really hard not to live in hatred of that man." Somehow I knew we weren't speaking of Phil any more. "I've talked to Father Pat about it many times. He encouraged me to try and turn my negative feelings into something positive through prayer."
She laughed without humor. "I've said entire Rosaries for that evil man, but only succeeded in making myself angrier." She said as she looked away. "Finally, Father suggested that I leave Dryden out of my thoughts. That helped. I still pray more for the victims, but have found that I have a capacity to pray for perpetrators as long as they remain nameless and faceless in my mind…. pray that somehow they will change… " Her voice broke a little. She let out a big breath and turned toward me, a small smile on her lips. "I'm sorry. We should be talking about our future, not this."
I shook my head. "Bella, it's important to deal with our pasts in order to have a happy future together. I am always here to listen any time you want to share your feelings, if you'll allow me."
Her eyes filled with tears as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her onto my lap, giving her what comfort I could offer as she let a few tears escape. She didn't cry long.
My Bella was getting stronger every day.
"It's on days like this that I realize I have the best job in the world." Chris said with a smile as he lined up a couple of Emmett's friends and me for our final tux fittings. "You all look smashing!" He and Alice had reserved a suite at the Westin Hotel solely for the purpose of doing those fittings.
I chuckled, just as Emmett entered the room. "How's it hanging bitches?" He bellowed.
I'm certain that I've answered that question on numerous occasions before
He approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well, Eddie my man, in three short weeks, we'll be doing this all over again for you and my sister."
"I can't wait." I told him honestly.
He smiled, not his usual happy smile, but a more serious one. "I know." He said before giving my shoulder a squeeze.
Yeah, that's going to leave a bruise.
As Sidney drove us to the Cathedral for the wedding rehearsal, I saw Bella softly smiling to herself.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.
"The night Emmett proposed." She whispered.
"The first of many New Years I intend to spend with you my love." I said before pulling her hand to my lips and kissing her palm. Thinking about Emmett's proposal naturally caused my mind to drift to the night I proposed.
I smiled as I remembered Bella's look of surprise when I dropped to one knee.
It was a night I would never forget.
Good God this wedding is going to be big
I knew that Emmett and Rose's wedding party was large, but to see everyone gathered together really brought that fact home.
I'm so glad Bella and I opted for smaller.
I sensed that Bella was a bit nervous when we entered the Cathedral and she realized that her Dad hadn't yet arrived. Charlie was normally very punctual.
Imagine our surprise when he arrived with a 'date'. Not just any date, but Bella's old teacher from high school. I remembered meeting her at the prom. When I saw them enter, hand in hand, I couldn't help but wonder how serious their relationship was.
"Hey kids." Charlie greeted us sheepishly.
His date smiled too, but seemed a little wary of the reception she would receive.
Charlie cleared his throat. "Well, um, you all know Suzanne." He said by way of introduction.
I knew that Emmett, Rose and Bella weren't intentionally being rude when they failed to respond. Understandably, they were a little shocked, so I took the initiative to welcome Charlie and his date.
"Hello Suzanne, good to see you again." I said as I reached to shake her hand.
Bella perked up then. "Hello Miss North".
"Bella please, it's Suzanne."
Emmett gave his father a little grief over secretly dating, but before things could get out of hand, our attention was called away by Father Pat, in order to begin the rehearsal.
During the entire rehearsal, I watched Bella, whose attention seemed to have been drawn away by her father and Suzanne. I knew that Charlie hadn't dated since his divorce, so the sight of him with a woman no doubt fascinated his children.
As soon as the rehearsal was over, I moved until I was behind Bella and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You ready baby?" I whispered.
She turned to look at me, lost in her thoughts.
I laughed at the confused expression on her face. "The rehearsal's over sweetheart. Where did you go just now?"
She looked around, before leaning close and whispering conspiratorially in my ear. "I think my Dad may be in love" She whispered with wide eyes.
I turned to watch Charlie and Suzanne as they exited through the doors, hand in hand once again. The look on Charlie's face as he smiled and spoke with Suzanne reminded me of the way I looked in the presence of my girl. "You may be right Bella. Does the thought bother you?"
She frowned. "It did for like a minute. But seeing him so happy… I never realized how important that was to me." She said as she bit her lip. "It makes me feel guilty though, like I should be upset because he's finally moving on."
I nodded, knowing for a fact that I would never be able to go on without Bella…
I mulled over what she had said as we rode from the Cathedral to the Westin Hotel. "You shouldn't feel guilty Bella." I finally blurted.
"Hmm?" She asked distractedly as she turned away from her window to look at me.
"It's taken your Dad a long time to find someone. Don't feel guilty that he's finally happy again." I meant the words. Charlie deserved to be happy.
Once again, I thought about Bella and myself.
As much as I knew I couldn't live without her, I also knew that if something were to happen to me, I'd want her to have a chance at a happy life, even if it meant spending that life with someone else.
The thought made my throat tighten, and my heart beat furiously in my chest. It was almost painful. I calmed my racing heart as I pulled her close and thought about the fact that Bella and I were alive and well. God willing, neither of us was going anywhere anytime soon.
"To my Pops" Emmett said as he raised his glass in a toast at the rehearsal dinner. "Lately he's been full of surprises." He said with a grin.
More than once during the dinner, Emmett tried to wheedle information about Charlie and Suzanne from his Dad. I had to hand it to Charlie; he wasn't revealing a thing.
The evening was winding down, but I was loathe to leave because Bella wouldn't be going with me. She and Alice were spending the night before the wedding with Rose in her suite.
I understood, but was just selfish enough to hate the whole idea.
My sister, ever the killjoy, was the one to demand we say goodbye before dragging the girls upstairs.
"I can't guarantee that I won't sneak back here early tomorrow." I said as I pulled Bella into my arms for a goodbye kiss. "I hate being away from you."
"Please." She nodded. "You can come have breakfast with me."
"Don't you have to do that with Rose and the girls?"
She frowned. "Yes. But after that all we'll be doing is getting our hair and makeup done. You could come see me." She added with a smile.
I've got to stop hanging out with Emmett
I grinned. "I'll see what I can do. Sweet dreams my love." I said before kissing her one last time.
We ended up seated in a large semi-circular booth in the bar. One by one, the other guys left, the last of our group to bail being Chris, who claimed that he needed his sleep because he'd be a nervous wreck the next day without it.
That left Emmett, Jasper and I to drink and talk. I scanned the room every now and then as we spoke, ever watchful for paps. I hadn't seen one all day.
After a while, I noticed a guy across the bar that kept shooting glances in our direction. He was seated with a woman, and would smile warmly at her, but the expression on his face when he would look at us, gave me pause.
After a few minutes, I realized that his glares weren't directed at me; instead they seemed to be directed at my brothers-in-law.
As the alcohol once again began to take effect, I forgot about the asshole across the bar and concentrated on spending time with Jazz and Emmett.
"Nervous?" Jasper asked Emmett with a grin.
Emmett shook his head. "On the contrary, I'm as cool as a fucking cucumber Francis." He grinned as he displayed a steady hand.
Jasper winced. "Stop calling me that shit." He muttered.
Emmett and I laughed.
"Seriously though, this is something we should have done years ago. I can't believe I waited so long to ask her." He stared at his glass as he continued. "After Mom…. well, things weren't easy." He sighed. "I'm glad Rose never gave up on me."
"She's not that type of person Emmett. Rose is one of the most fiercely loyal people I've ever known." Jasper smiled. "It's not in her nature to give up on someone she loves."
"Thank God for that." Emmett said in almost a whisper. He pursed his lips as he thought. "I need to say something, and I don't want the two of you to give me any shit about it because it's definitely not the drink talking."
We watched him silently as we waited for him to continue.
"I've come to the conclusion that the three of us are the luckiest fuckers to ever live." He blurted.
"I can't argue with that." Jasper said with a smile as he raised his glass.
"Amen." I added with a smile as I thought about my beautiful girl, more than likely upstairs at that moment, getting ready for bed.
"Come on" Emmett announced as he stood. "The sooner I get to sleep; the sooner tomorrow will arrive."
I sent Sidney a quick text to pick us up in front of the hotel, before standing to follow Emmett.
"I'm gonna make a quick stop and I'm meet you in the lobby." Jasper informed before heading in the direction of the men's room.
We settled the bill and walked into the lobby. Less than a minute later, Sidney pulled up in front, but Jasper had yet to emerge from the bar.
"Maybe we should go check on him." I suggested. "He's been gone a long time."
"Damn it Edward, if he's got explosive diarrhea or something I'm not getting anywhere near him." Emmett announced with a grin.
I shook my head and laughed as we walked back into the bar. We looked around, not seeing Jasper anywhere, but there seemed to be some sort of commotion outside which had drawn the attention of everyone in the bar, staff and customers alike.
We looked out the window just in time to see Jasper pummeling some dude in the parking lot of the bar. I caught a glimpse of his face before Jasper pulled the guy's shirt up and over his head, essentially trapping the guy's arms behind his back. He held the arms in place with one hand while he gave him a jab to the throat with the other. After that, the guy was having a hard time catching his breath.
It was amazing to watch.
Jasper fights dirty
"Son of a bitch." Emmett muttered "I'm going to kill that fucker."
I grabbed him before he could get closer. "Jasper?" I asked in shock.
"Of course not fucking Jasper" He spat "I'm going to kill that douchebag Shawn."
Just then Sidney appeared beside us.
"By the looks of things, Jasper doesn't need your help Emmett." I said as I gripped his shoulder. After the throat jab, Jasper had punched this Shawn person in the stomach, causing him to double over and empty the contents of his stomach onto the pavement.
"Nasty" Emmett muttered in disgust as he watched. Nevertheless, he attempted to move once again in that direction. I grabbed his shoulder again just as Sidney spoke.
"Not a good idea Mr. Swan." He said in an authoritative voice.
"Yeah, Emmett, you're getting married tomorrow. Your Dad will kick your ass if you get arrested. Not to mention Rose…"
Emmett let out a breath and dropped his head in defeat just as Jasper made his way over to us, sporting a satisfied smile, a cut lip, and bruised jaw.
It took a few minutes to sort things out with the hotel manager and the manager on duty at the bar before Jasper was free and clear. Thankfully, a couple of witnesses had seen Shawn throw the first punch.
A couple of hotel employees put Shawn and his date in a cab. After that, the three of us sidled up to the bar for a shot each. Emmett was the first to down his.
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going upstairs to say goodnight to Rose before I leave."
Forget anything I've ever said about him
The man is a genius
"Lead the way." Jasper said with a smile.
On the way up in the elevator, I was the first one to speak. "Anyone care to tell me what the hell that was about?" I asked.
Jasper's expression turned to stone. "Emmett, I think it best if we don't tell Rose what happened tonight."
Emmett nodded. "Yeah, I don't want that fuckface ruining our wedding day."
He then turned to me. "That douchebag who just had his ass handed to him, was Rose's ex-boyfriend." He said through gritted teeth.
"Oh" was my genius response.
"But that's not why I want to end his life." He continued before giving me a pained look. "Rose was a victim of date rape Edward." He seethed.
I felt the bile rise in my throat at the revelation, and I was suddenly sorry that we let that piece of shit leave before we all had a crack at him.
Evidently Bella and I are not the only ones haunted by demons from the past
I fully expected Alice to throw us out, but Jasper's bruised jaw and the story behind it, bought us entrance to the suite. Emmett went off to find Rose who was already in bed, while the rest of us had a quiet conversation about what had transpired downstairs.
When Bella pulled me into her and Alice's bedroom for a proper goodbye, it struck me that we hadn't been alone since we'd left the apartment for the rehearsal earlier this evening. I craved my alone time with Bella like a drug, and the kisses we shared behind the door were exactly the fix I needed.
"I love you Edward" She whispered. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"I love you Bella." I leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Dream of me tonight." I heard her breath hitch at my words.
When my head finally hit the pillow back at the apartment, I pulled Bella's against me and nuzzled my face into it, breathing deeply. The scent of the woman I loved lulled me into a dreamless sleep.
All I managed was a brief visit with Bella early in the day. I decided that my sister missed her calling; she should have been a prison warden.
I couldn't find it in me to be angry with her though, I knew she was ensuring that everything would be perfect for Emmett and Rose.
Soon it would be our turn
The day seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, we were at the Cathedral. Chip took photos of all the groomsmen as we milled around. Once the guests began to arrive, we were kept busy escorting people to their seats.
Everything was fine until a couple of Bella's former co-workers from WIRI arrived. I could tell by the determined look on their faces that they weren't going to allow anyone other than yours truly to escort them, but frankly they both gave me the creeps.
They pushed their way through the few guests waiting to take their seats until they were only a few feet from where I stood.
Imagine my relief when at that very moment, Dorothy appeared through the doors from the street. I blew right past the two women, thwarting their efforts to claim me, and pulled my dear friend into a warm hug.
"There you are." She smiled happily as she hugged me back and kissed my cheek.
She pulled back with a smile which immediately turned into a grimace. "Oh Christ I'm always doing that to you" she muttered as she proceeded to rub her thumb across my cheek. "Damned lipstick smudge."
I laughed out loud. I'd missed her.
Once she finished wiping my cheek, I held my crooked arm out to her. "Shall we?" She wound her arm around mine, and the smile was back.
We spoke in whispers as we made our way up the impossibly long aisle. "This is going to be one hell of a shindig huh?"
I nodded. "As big as Alice's I'm afraid."
Dorothy frowned. "I bet they'll have the expensive liquor at the reception too and I won't get to enjoy any of it."
I gave her a sad smile.
"No matter." She grinned and winked at me. "Are you ready for your big day?"
I smiled. "It can't get here soon enough." I admitted.
She looked at me contemplatively before patting my cheek and taking her seat.
When I got back to the foyer, the WIRI stalkers were gone. "You owe Bradley and Bo for getting those two seated." Jasper said with a grin when he saw me looking around. "I'm going to warn you though, they're going to try and dance with you at the reception."
Jasper was enjoying this way too much. I opened my mouth to say 'Fuck you' but realized at the last moment that we were in Church. So I opted for giving him a dirty look instead.
I found Duke and my parents chatting with Charlie and Suzanne just inside the doors. They all greeted me with a smile.
I escorted my mother, while Dad and Duke followed behind. While we walked toward the front, I saw Emmett bolt down the side aisle straight toward the foyer. I cringed, knowing that if Alice saw him, he was a dead man.
As I walked toward the back of the Cathedral, Charlie passed me while escorting Suzanne to her seat. He looked as happy as his son looked today.
I didn't make it through the double doors to the foyer before being stopped by the wedding planner's assistant. She gestured to the group of groomsmen she had corralled at the back of the Cathedral, asking me to join them and wait.
Jasper appeared less than a minute later along with Charlie.
"Where's Emmett?" I whispered to Jazz.
He pointed toward the doors. "In there talking to Bella."
Before I could think about what I was doing, my feet were moving toward the doors, anxious to sneak a moment with my girl. I heard a couple whispered voices call my name, but ignored them.
Before I reached the doors however, Emmett came barreling through them, followed closely by Chris. As soon as Chris saw me, he pulled me back toward the others. "She's not in there any more Edward. She's back in the room with Rose."
How did he know that I was going to find Bella?
He's been around my sister too damned long
I was disappointed, but decided to bide my time.
It wasn't long before all of us were ushered toward the front and were lined up patiently waiting for the bride to make her entrance. As soon as the music changed, the long line of bridesmaids began to process up the aisle one by one, taking their places across the aisle from us.
Alice gave me a silly grin as she approached. I barely noticed. I was distracted by the beautiful woman walking a couple of yards behind her.
Bella's eyes were shining as she smiled at me. She was so lovely that it took my breath away. Maybe it was because this was a wedding, but something about the entire scene caused a lump to form in my throat and I couldn't believe that in three short weeks it would be our turn.
I still couldn't believe she'd said yes.
I was aware of Rose being escorted in by her father, but couldn't tear my eyes from Bella long enough to notice anything or anyone else. By the expression on her face, I was pretty sure that she felt the same.
What did I ever do to deserve her love? I was a lucky bastard, there was no denying it.
After the ceremony, Emmett thanked everyone for coming before sweeping Rose up into his arms and carrying her from the Cathedral.
I'm pretty damn sure that's not what we rehearsed.
I watched as Bella and her Dad took control of the situation and began the procession back down the aisle. As in rehearsal, I exited just after Jasper and Alice while escorting Rose and Jasper's cousin Harriett.
Bella turned to peek at us once, and I noticed that Harriett grinned and winked at her causing Bella to laugh.
I loved her laugh.
As soon as we were back in the foyer, I seized the opportunity to wrap my arm around Bella's waist, not intending to let go for the rest of the day.
Well that's a bit unrealistic, but a man can dream
I watched in fascination as my sister flitted about, presumably looking for the missing bride and groom. I lost track of her for a few minutes as Bella and I talked with her Dad and Suzanne.
Suddenly Bella excused us and grabbed my hand pulling me toward Alice who by this time was standing just inside the exterior doors.
"I cannot believe those two." Alice gasped out.
"Alice honey, what happened?" Jasper asked her sweetly as he patted her hand.
Alice took a deep breath. "I was looking for the stupid bride and groom because we have to pose for photos at the altar." She muttered.
"I saw you searching. Didn't you find them?" Bella asked.
Alice smirked. "Oh I found them alright." She huffed "As we speak, they are locked in a stretch limo across the street from the Cathedral, having sex." She whispered the last part.
No fucking way
Jasper's mouth fell open. "Alice, you can't know that's what they're doing. You're jumping to conclusions."
"Oh really Jasper?" She snapped. "Then maybe you'd care to interpret the large yellow sign taped to window of the limo which reads: 'Don't come a-knocking if this limo is a-rocking'."
Bella melted into inappropriate laughter at my side, causing the rest of us to do likewise. As soon as we regained our composure, Jasper spoke again.
"What did you do darlin'?"
Alice grunted in displeasure. "I knocked on the window of course. I knew they heard me when Emmett yelled at me to 'read the sign'. I told him to shut up and that if Rosalie's updo was messed up for the photos I was holding him personally responsible."
"Did he answer you?" Bella asked.
Alice grimaced. "Not directly. The next thing I heard was the sound of both their voices shouting the word 'cowgirl' at the same time." Alice admitted with a shudder. "I couldn't listen any more, I ran away."
Alice shook her head in disgust as we burst into laughter once again.
A/N Well, I guess Cowgirl style would be the best way to insure the hairstyle would survive intact.
Obviously the prank with Clint and Charlie is not repeated here. For those of you who haven't read it yet, it can be found under outtakes. Entitled 'Magnum Farce'.
There's now a photo blog, link can be found in the top right corner, home page.
Love to hear from you in the form of a review or a posting on facebook. You are the ones who inspire me to keep writing. Never forget that! And I appreciate each and every one of you. Mwah!***********************************************************************************************
Chapters 72&73 – A Prelude to Forever
*This parallels chapters 72 and 73 of V&V 'Wedding Dances & Viral Video' and 'Dinner Cruises & Love Letters' respectively. Please read those before attempting this.*
Rose and Emmett's wedding reception was, in a word, lavish. I knew that Rose liked to do things in a big way. I wasn't disappointed.
Make no mistake, Bella and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves dancing in the beautiful ballroom, but I was happy that our reception was going to be a bit more private.
The hotel had beefed up security because of the celebrity status of a few in attendance; namely Bella and myself, but Rose and Emmett were also very well-known figures in their own right. It made sense to keep the party crashers and paps as far away as possible.
Be that as it may, I stayed very close to Bella through the entire affair. Even though Emmett and Rose knew everyone there, I sure as hell didn't, and I was certain that fucker Mike Newton was just waiting for the opportunity to dance with my girl.
Not happening
I guess after Mike redeemed himself at Rose's farewell party, she developed a soft spot and decided to invite him.
If I could help it, Bella wasn't leaving my sight for the rest of the evening.
During the toasts, I was pleasantly surprised by the Chief's eloquence.
And here, all this time, I assumed Bella inherited her writing talent from her mother.
After Bella made her toast I decided there and then that, in the unlikely event that I were to ever win an Academy Award, my beautiful wife would be writing my acceptance speech.
As far as the toasts went though, Jasper stole the show. When he recited that line from The Godfather in his southern twang, I just about lost my shit.
Fucker is obsessed with The Godfather movies
Every time he tries to talk me into doing a gangster movie, I know it's because of his obsession and not because the script is worth a shit. I told him that the day Scorsese wants me; that's the day I'll do a gangster movie. The end.
After dinner we sat quietly for a while, taking in the scene around us. Rose and Emmett were truly in their element. I gazed down at Bella to see her watching the crowd as well.
She was so beautiful. I could not wait until we were married and I could whisk her away. All the honeymoon plans had been finalized. My mind began to wander with thoughts of Bella and me, alone on a secluded tropical beach.
I can't wait to get her back into a bikini….or out of it for that matter…
My thoughts soon traveled to images of Bella naked, and my dick instantly sprang to life. That was something that was happening with more frequency the closer we got to our wedding day.
It's as if my dick is aware that the time was coming when he finally gets to enjoy himself…..
Three more weeks….
Bella and I, alone, naked, sweating, writhing….
I glanced at her face and caught her blushing.
I love her blush.
I wonder what she's thinking about?
Once again I wonder if we're on the same page…
"Bella, are you alright?" I asked.
"Uh" She touched her cheek with her hand, and stuttered out an answer. "I need a little more wine."
Yeah. Pretty sure she was thinking about sex.
At least I hope so.
"I'll get you a drink sweetheart." I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.
The line at the bar was too damned long. I kept glancing over at Bella to make sure no one was bothering her.
I was happy when the DeeJay announced the father/daughter dance, knowing that would keep the bastards at bay at least until I made it back to the table.
As the song neared its end, wine in hand, I headed back over to Bella. I could see Emmett moving in her direction and knew that meant it was time for their dance.
While watching Bella dance with her brother, I couldn't help the lump that formed in my throat when I caught a glimpse of the Chief. He had removed himself from the crowd of partiers and was standing off to the side against a wall, from which spot he had a perfect view of the dance floor.
There he stood like a sentinel, never taking his eyes from his children, a sad smile on his face. He never moved until the song was over and Emmett and Bella had exited the dance floor.
As soon as Rose whisked Bella away to the restroom, I walked toward the place where my Grandfather was seated, thinking this would be a good opportunity to talk. I didn't make it five steps before I felt a hand on my upper arm.
I turned, expecting it to be Alice, or at least someone I knew. It wasn't.
A small woman with curly brown hair and an exuberant smile greeted me. I recognized her as one of the WIRI employees who had been determined to have me escort her to her seat inside the Cathedral earlier.
"Hello Mr. Masen, I'm Jessica Stanley, we met before when you came to WIRI," She bubbled "although I don't expect you to remember." She giggled as I stared at her, dumbfounded. "I took over Miss Hale's, er, I mean Rose Swan's old position." She giggled again at her mistake. "I'd really like to speak with you about maybe doing an interview. How about we discuss it during a dan…."
She was abruptly cut off by none other than Mike Newton. "Jess! There you are. You promised me the next dance." He said as he pulled her into his arms and onto the dance floor. He shot me a knowing look over Jessica's shoulder.
I stood there smiling, confused, and shaking my head.
What the fuck just happened?
I had to admit that my opinion of Newton did a one-eighty after that little stunt.
Bella still hadn't returned. I glanced over at Duke to see him deep in conversation with Colonel Whitlock. Not wanting to get in the middle of that, I returned to my seat. I had just determined that I was going to have to hide from Jessica Stanley if Bella didn't return soon when I heard a throat clear beside me.
I turned to see two women, cousins of Jasper's I think, I only knew he couldn't stand them. It was hard to determine which of the two was the most unattractive; the one with the frizzy blonde perm, or the one who was dressed like a hooker.
"You look a little lonely Edward." Frizzy hair said.
I glared at her. Knowing Jasper hated the bitch made this a whole lot easier.
"Maybe I can keep you company?" She said as she quirked a suggestive eyebrow at me before turning to her friend. "Britni, why don't you go dance with your boyfriend?"
Having received her marching orders, Britni quickly disappeared. Frizzy turned back to me.
"So how about it?" She grinned.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"You and me. A dance?" She smirked.
I could tell that this chick thought very highly of herself.
"No offence, but I don't plan to dance with anyone other than my fiancée this evening."
She cackled out a laugh. "Well then how about we just have a little fun?" She purred. "We could just disappear for a while; your little girlfriend would never have to know." She said as she attempted to run her fake nails along my forearm.
I captured her wrist in my grasp.
"You know, it's impossible to remain polite with women like you, so let me be blunt instead." I took a breath as I glared at her. "My little girlfriend as you call her happens to be the brightest, sweetest, loveliest, and kindest person I've ever met. Add to that the fact that she's drop-dead gorgeous and that she has agreed to spend the rest of her life with me." I shook my head still in disbelief over that fact, "and you would understand why nothing you could ever have to offer would in any way appeal to me. Have a nice evening." I barked as I stood and walked away. I needed a fucking drink.
"I bet you'll take me up on that dance before the night is over." She called after me in a simpering voice.
"Don't hold your breath." I shot back, loud enough for her to hear, without looking back in her direction.
"Chris is a diabolical genius." Jasper slurred as he stood next to me.
I had to agree. Chris had found a way to actually make Mrs. Whitlock behave. Well, not necessarily behave, but he had determined a way to make her less of a bitch.
"I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago." He muttered as his mother made a fool of herself on the dance floor.
I'd already made an agreement with myself that if Bella didn't catch the bouquet; I sure as hell wasn't going to catch the garter.
As soon as the frizzy blonde, who I'd since learned was named Louise, caught it; making quite a display while falling on her ass, I knew there was no fucking way that I was even making an attempt.
Bitch smirked at me
I purposefully shoved my hands in my pockets, hoping she'd notice. Bella did, and gave me a sweet smile for my efforts.
Once again, Chris saved the day by diving in front of everyone else.
Leaving him to dance with the crazy bitch, I grabbed Bella's hand and pulled her out of the ballroom and into a deserted corner in the adjacent hallway.
Finally, a moment alone.
"Have I told you how exceptionally beautiful you are tonight?"
She smiled and nodded. "Not in words until now." She whispered. "Thank you."
"I cannot wait until you are mine Bella. I'm afraid that I'll wake up one morning and find that this has all been a dream."
She sighed. "I know what you mean. I've taken to pinching myself regularly."
As we listened to the music emanating from the ballroom, I knew that everything I'd ever want or need was there in my arms.
"Alice, are you sure you're feeling well?" I asked as I smirked at my sister.
"I know what you're thinking." She defended. "I just decided that this year I wanted a low key birthday."
It certainly was low key, I'd grant her that. We were celebrating my sister's twenty-sixth birthday with a dinner at my parents' home.
I shook my head in disbelief. "No Disney, no cotton candy or pony rides, no clowns." I said with a grin.
She narrowed her eyes at me. "Since when have I had clowns at my party Mister Smartypants?"
I notice she didn't deny the pony rides
Jasper snickered from beside her.
"Honey, I feel a little guilty." My mother announced. "If you had wanted something bigger your father and I would have…."
Mom didn't finish before my sister cut her off. "Nonsense. I'm exactly where I want to be, surrounded by those I love. It's perfect, or would be if Rose and Emmett could be here, but that can't be helped." She said with a smile.
"Although they did give me a laugh for my birthday, all the way from Paris" She said with a smile. "Did you see the video Rose posted on her Facebook page?"
Bella and I shook our heads. "It's of Emmett and some street mime." She giggled. "Rose said that Emmett sort of turned the tables on the poor guy and followed him around for two hours, tormenting him. The mime finally ran away. Rose said he was almost in tears." Alice laughed out loud.
The rest of us followed suit, kind of happy that Europe was getting a taste of what we were forced to endure every day.
"I love Paris" Alice chirped, "so I really hope it survives Emmett."
After an entire week of dealing with paps stalking our every move, I knew something had to give.
They seemed to have been whipped into a frenzy with our participation in Rose and Emmett's wedding. Bella was getting more and more stressed the closer it got to our big day, and I knew that the fact that we were being shadowed wasn't helping.
Between Lou, Sidney and me, we had come up with ways to avoid the paps. So far, our plans had worked beautifully and with our success, Bella seemed to calm as well.
The trip out to Vashon Island for our marriage license had been a stroke of genius on my part, even if I do say so myself. Once we'd taken care of getting the license, the afternoon had been the most relaxing one we'd had in a long time.
That was until we got home and were greeted with a wall of paps shouting questions.
One question in particular threw Bella and me for a loop.
Bella are you aware that your parish priest was in a traffic accident today while being followed by photographers?
I quickly ushered Bella inside, a sinking feeling in my stomach as I worried about Father Pat.
Please God, let him be okay
I phoned Bella's dad and got his voicemail. "Chief Swan this is Edward. Please call me as soon as you get this message."
Not knowing of anyone else I could call; Rose and Emmett were still in Europe, I realized that we'd just have to wait for Charlie's response.
I pulled Bella into the elevator. Her entire body was rigid with fear. I wrapped my arms around her, "Bella, sweetheart, please breathe."
I was worried to death about Father Pat, but my first priority was always Bella. At my words, she seemed to relax and buried her face in my chest as she sobbed.
I knew that if anything happened to Father Pat, I would never forgive myself, and I wouldn't blame Bella if she hated me.
As we entered the apartment, my phone rang.
Chief Swan. Thank God.
"Chief, how's Father Pat?" I asked.
"Jesus, word travels fast. He's fine Edward. It was just a fender bender. He was pretty shaken up though. I forced him to go to the hospital just to be checked out."
"Oh, I see." I smiled down at Bella, relieved that Father was okay.
"He checked out fine."
"Okay" I answered, relieved.
"I know Bells is probably losing her mind right now, I think I'd better speak with her."
"Yes, very much so. She's right here." I held the phone out to Bella. "Your Dad wants to speak with you."
"Daddy?" She asked, sounding fearful. "Was he injured?"
"The hospital?" Her voice rose in panic. "Dad, you said he was fine."
Whatever Charlie said next caused Bella to visibly relax. They chatted for a few more minutes before Bella spoke with Father Pat and after that, she was fine.
It didn't escape me that things could have turned out quite differently. It was bad enough that the paps were following us around, but when they endangered our friends and family because they were digging for wedding information, they'd gone too fucking far.
By the time another week had passed, the press had not only discovered when we were getting married, but also where.
In the end, Bella and I would have to rely on the skills of the Forks Police Department, and trust that no one would disturb our wedding. The only press allowed near the Church would be from People Magazine, and their credentials had already been provided to the Chief.
We sat down with People a week before the wedding to give the interview that would accompany our wedding photos.
Bella, what do you look forward to most during these last few days leading up to your wedding?
Bella smiled and looked at me. "Um, I guess, other than the wedding itself, I'm looking forward to going home to Forks. It's been a while."
I smiled back at her.
Edward, is there anything you dread about the week ahead?
What a strange question.
I laughed when I thought about my answer.
"Uh, well, to be honest, the only thing I fear is that Bella will suddenly come to her senses and not show up at the church." I smirked at Bella.
"Edward!" She exclaimed before laughing. "As if that would ever happen. I'll have you know that I'm perfectly sensible. There will be no running away."
I lifted our joined hands and placed a soft kiss on hers.
The reporter went on to ask about Bella's gown. Obviously, wanting to keep the dress a surprise for me, Bella wouldn't give too many details other than to plug Brandon Miles Designs.
When they asked about the honeymoon location I, wanting to keep the details a secret from Bella, was polite, but evasive.
All the details of the honeymoon had been finalized, but there was one more secret that I had chosen to keep from Bella.
The house was ours.
The final paperwork, which had been waiting for signatures from the sellers had been completed, therefore Bella and I were officially the owners as of ten days before the wedding. I decided to surprise her on our wedding night, but first I needed to make sure everything was perfect.
My mother, who was already doing so much for us, was more than willing to help.
I think I'll send her and Dad on a much-needed vacation after the wedding.
Mom helped me choose the furniture and linens for the bedroom and bath.
"Leave it to me Edward; you'll have everything you need." She had told me in that reassuring tone only she possessed.
On Saturday night we had dinner with Kyle and his wife Jeannette. Bella and Jeannette hit it off immediately.
"Oh Bella, how thrilling. I can't wait until I can read your book to my students." Jeannette smiled sweetly upon finding out about Bella's soon to be published children's story.
On Sunday, after Mass, Bella and I had a picnic at our new house; little did she realize that we already owned it. I almost let the information slip at least a half dozen times.
I will never forget the shitstorm which greeted us upon our arrival back at the apartment.
Isabella, how do you feel about VictorJames' interview with Jeffrey Dryden going viral?
What the fuck?
I seriously thought Bella would pass out after hearing those words. I quickly got her inside as I pulled out my phone.
We rushed upstairs to Rose and Emmett's apartment where Rose confirmed that the interview which was supposed to be dead and buried had indeed surfaced on a gossip website.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
I remembered all too well how Bella responded the last time she saw an interview with members of the Dryden family, and that hadn't even included the man who murdered her mother, merely his siblings.
"Tell me about the video." She asked in a calm voice.
I froze. I couldn't understand why she wanted to know.
Rose studied her face. "I'm sure the entire interview is longer, but the part that got leaked lasts less than ten minutes."
Bella glared "Tell me about the video."
Rose gestured for us to sit. We followed her direction and sat on the sofa.
"Okay." Rose began. "Dryden is crazy Bells. Anyone who sees the video will have no doubt of that. James asks him questions, sometimes he answers, other times he goes off on a tangent."
"Does he mention me?" She asked.
Rose frowned. "Yes, but someone went to the trouble of bleeping your name whenever he says it. It's obvious that he's talking about you though." She said with a grimace.
Bella sat back, deep in thought, before turning to look at me. She seemed to be studying my face before she answered. "I want to watch it." She announced quietly.
All I could think about was her meltdown in Rose's office and the nightmares she experienced the last time. There was no way in hell I wanted her to go through that again.
I opened my mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Rose. "Do you want us to watch it with you?" She asked.
Jesus, Rose approves of this?
"No. I'll go to my apartment." She answered quietly before standing and walking toward the door.
I felt as if I'd been slapped in the face.
She wants to watch it alone. She doesn't want me with her.
When she reached the door, she turned back toward me and reached out her hand, "You coming Edward?" she asked with a small smile.
Oh thank God
I jumped to my feet. I still thought this was a terrible fucking idea, but I couldn't bear the thought of her going through it alone either.
I couldn't remember when I'd last been this angry. Actually I did remember. The last time I was angry enough to kill someone, not just kill them but, tear them to pieces, set fire to those pieces, and then piss on the ashes, was when my girl was abducted.
The Ranger
It was true. I wish there was a way to bring that fucker back to life, so I could kill him with my bare hands.
Dryden was already on my list of lousy motherfucking bastards who could go straight to hell and burn for eternity for what he'd done to Bella's mother, to Bella, and to her family. He would, hopefully be spending the rest of his miserable life behind bars.
He was unreachable.
But Victor James was another matter. That limp-dicked piece of shit's days were numbered.
It ripped my fucking heart out to see her bent over the toilet, but it was even worse when she cried over missing her mother. I felt useless once again.
So damned useless.
Bella shot me down when I tried to convince her to see Dr. Miller sometime before the wedding, instead she argued with me, wanting to see the rest of the leaked interview.
I tried to stand my ground, but in the end I folded.
I can deny her nothing.
To say Bella shocked me by the way she handled the leaked video would have been a huge understatement.
First of all, she had Kyle file for a restraining order again Victor James, and then she told me she was making a televised statement.
I'd never been prouder of her than I was as I watched her deliver that statement. She let the world know, in no uncertain terms, what a womanizing low-life Victor James was. I doubted, after this, if he would be employable as a serious journalist anywhere.
I still wanted to put my foot up his ass.
My sister had mentioned that Bella and I should have a 'couples massage' before the wedding as a way to relieve stress.
I immediately thought of another way we could relieve stress, but that wasn't going to happen until after the wedding.
That is, if my dick is even willing to perform after these months of torture.
I'm pretty certain it hates me.
In the end, I decided having the massage after Bella made her statement would be the best option. What better time than after that nerve-wracking experience?
"I may have just died and gone to heaven." Bella mumbled from her massage table. "Remind me to thank your parents for having sex."
Try as I might, I would never be able to predict from one moment to the next what would pour forth from those luscious lips.
I laughed loudly. "Bella what are you talking about?"
"Simple" She slurred as she turned her head to look at me. "If your parents hadn't had sex, you wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't have just had the most fantastic massage of my life."
I continued to laugh. I would never get enough of her quirky mind. Her beautiful face. Her gorgeous body…
I stopped myself right then and there, deciding a hard-on while lying face down on a massage table wouldn't be the most comfortable way to spend the afternoon.
"Mr. Masen, feel free to relax and have a glass of wine. Someone will be along shortly to clean the room." Gwen said before she and Floyd left.
Bella had dozed off a little while before. "Bella" I called softly as I reached over and brushed the hair back from her lovely face.
"Sweetheart, the massage is over, time to get up." I said with a chuckle.
She blinked widely. "I think I fell asleep."
She always looked so young and innocent when she first woke up. For that brief moment between sleeping and waking, all the shit she'd endured was forgotten.
I chuckled again. "You must have really relaxed."
She stretched. "Do I have to get up?"
"Yes sweetheart." I answered before standing from the table. When I reached my robe, I turned to find her staring at me.
Yeah, she's definitely checking me out.
I decided to tease her, hoping I'd get a glimpse of that beautiful blush.
"Like what you see Miss Swan?"
Her mouth fell open and she gave me the strangest look before she finally spoke. "You want me to lick you?" She gasped.
My mind immediately went in a very unwelcome direction.
Fuck yes I want her to lick me…
Once again, I shut down those thoughts. Admittedly, the closer it got to our wedding, more specifically our wedding night, my thoughts seem to have been drawn more and more toward sex.
Hmm..maybe Bella is having the same issue.
I couldn't help but laugh at her statement as I pulled her to me. "Sweetheart, you have no idea how much that idea appeals to me but, unfortunately all licking will have to wait." I said as I helped her into her robe.
"Welcome to what can easily be called the most boring bachelor party known to man." Emmett announced as he sipped his beer.
An hour or so after Bella left with the girls, and Chris for her bachelorette party, I found myself sitting in a luxury suite at Safeco field with Emmett, Jasper, Charlie, Duke and my Dad, sipping a beer as we watched the Oakland Athletics trounce the Mariners.
"As opposed to you spending the night throwing up or Jasper attempting to walk the streets naked?" I snapped.
"Touché Eddie boy." Emmett admitted with a shrug.
"Back in my day, the stag parties were pretty tame compared to now." Duke chimed in from beside me as he took a sip of his beer. "Still, as soon as they brought out the dirty movies, I took that as my queue to leave."
We laughed.
"You think I'm kidding?" He grinned. "My friends always accused me of being hen-pecked. I told them that I had the most beautiful woman in the world waiting for me at home. I didn't need to see that shit."
I smiled.
I had more in common with my Grandfather than I realized.
Everyone sat in silence for a while, until Emmett added his words of wisdom.
"Yeah. I guess we're all just a bunch of pussies. But I'm okay with that." He said with a grin.
We all laughed, but his father merely shook his head.
"What?" Emmett's grin got wider as he looked at his father. "It's the truth." He cleared his throat as he seemed to study Chief Swan. "So how are things with Miss Suzie?"
"Emmett, don't call her that." Charlie warned.
"Oh, a little defensive about the lady friend I see." Emmett smirked. "I just wish Miss Suzie had been at Forks High when I was there. I would have definitely been Hot for Teacher." He said with a laugh.
Charlie glared at him. "You wanna feel how hard I can punch?"
"Damn Pops." Emmett said through his laughter. "Zombieland? Really?"
After the ball game the guys were taking me on a dinner cruise. They had reserved the entire upper enclosed deck of the boat. I thought it kind of a strange thing for a bunch of men to do, but decided to go with the flow, the sooner the evening was over, the sooner I'd be back home with my girl.
This was just the sort of thing that Bella and I loved to do together. I missed her so much. As if she could read my thoughts, my phone chimed with a text.
Miss you. Wish you were here.
Love you so much.
I answered her back immediately.
You have no idea how much I miss you. Everyone means well, but it is torture to be without you this evening.
I love you.
In three days we would be married. As I stood at the window watching the passing coastline, missing Bella, I was surprised when I felt a warm hand touch mine. The familiar electric charge was there…
I wheeled around, coming face to face with the love of my life. Before I could process what was happening, she threw her arms around my neck.
"Baby? How?"
"I think we owe this" Bella said while gesturing to the two of us "to our wonderful friends and family."
Truth was, I didn't care how, I only cared that she was there with me.
I pulled her to me and kissed her, I was probably being ridiculous, but I'd missed her so much.
Our kiss was interrupted by the sound of applause and quiet laughter coming from the room around us, which served as a reminder that we weren't alone.
"You owe me twenty bucks Francis, not even a half minute passed before they were swapping spit." Emmett boomed, bringing about another round of laughter.
He knew us well.
We chuckled lightly as we turned to greet our family and friends.
It turned out to be a wonderful evening after all.
"Are you sure we have everything?" Bella asked nervously as we grabbed our overnight bags.
"Sweetheart, my sister is bringing your gown and my suit, and everything needed for the wedding. The bags for the honeymoon are going straight to the hotel.
In truth, they're going to the house
"As long as you have everything you'll need for the next two days in your bag, we're set." I assured.
She let out a breath.
She'd been a nervous wreck all morning. Rose had assured me that once she was home in Forks, she'd be fine.
I wasn't convinced. She'd not been sleeping well, and had questioned every detail about the wedding preparations two and three times. Now, as we made our way out of Seattle, she'd gotten very quiet.
I kept shooting glances as she seemed to become more and more agitated. She closed her eyes in what appeared an attempt to calm her nerves, but instead she started to tremble and she bit her lip so hard I feared it would start to bleed.
When she began to thrash and gasp for air, I panicked.
"Bella!" I exclaimed as I pulled her toward me and placed my hands on either side of her face. "Bella what's wrong? Bella please talk to me."
She was scaring the hell out of me.
She opened her eyes.
Was it a nightmare? But she didn't seem to be asleep.
A panic attack? But why?
"Sidney, you may need to pull over, I don't know what's going on." I shouted, and immediately felt the car begin to slow.
"Edward, is she seizing?" Lou asked. I knew he'd had medical training in the military.
"I don't know" I answered.
"No!" Bella suddenly shouted. "Keep driving Sidney. We can't stop. Not here!" She gave me a pleading look.
I was so fucking confused.
I looked back and forth between her flushed face and the window. Even through the rain, I recognized where we were, and immediately understood her reaction.
If I'd been paying attention, I might have acted the same. This small stretch of road outside of Sequim had been my own personal hell on earth for a brief period of time. The time during which I thought I'd lost her forever.
"Shit." I muttered as I pulled her against me and swallowed back the lump forming in my throat. "Keep going Sidney." I ordered. "It's okay baby. It's over. He'll never hurt you again. I'll never let anyone hurt you again."
After a while, she relaxed in my arms and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry." she whispered. "So sorry."
"Bella, you have nothing to apologize for." I whispered. "We have a long ride sweetheart. Sleep."
My father had warned me that she would probably have flashbacks to her ordeal. We'd had such a wonderful summer, that I'd been foolish enough to think that the events of a few months ago were behind us.
Once I knew Bella was asleep, I phoned my Dad and told him what had happened.
"Son, I told you to expect this. I'm surprised this hasn't troubled her before now."
I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.
"I knew we should have had a quiet wedding." I muttered. "This is too much on her. I should have insisted…"
Dad cut me off. "Edward, please stop. Everything will be fine. If it makes you feel better, I can speak with Bella about prescribing something to help her relax."
I let out a deep breath. "Would you?"
"Of course son. We're actually heading out in a few minutes. We'll drive straight to Charlie's instead of stopping at the bed and breakfast first."
"Thanks Dad."
As he promised, Mom, Dad and Duke arrived in the early afternoon.
When Bella went to the kitchen to prepare drinks, I stood, planning to help. My father stood at the same moment. "Edward, may I have a word about the music for the reception?" My mother asked sweetly.
My Dad smiled before following Bella into the kitchen. I stepped into the dining room doorway with Mom. "So, it looks like Van is going to make it after all." She informed in a whisper.
"That's great." I smiled widely at her news. "You and Charlie have submitted your song choices to the band?"
She smiled. "Yes."
I knew that she and the Chief wanted those choices to be a surprise for me and Bella.
Her smile disappeared as she placed a hand on my arm. "Edward, I overheard your Dad on the phone with you. I don't want to pry, but is Bella okay?" She asked worriedly.
I shrugged. "I think so. She had a panic attack when we passed the spot where she was abducted by the Ranger."
"Oh honey." She said sadly. Her lip quivering before she pulled me into a hug. "I know this is difficult, but Bella is a strong girl."
I nodded.
We walked through to the kitchen to find Bella giving my Dad a hug.
She's come such a long way. I have no doubt that she will be okay.
"You and Esme are too good to me." I heard her whisper.
Dad shook his head. "Nonsense. You're very important to us." He answered sincerely.
The next two evenings would be difficult. Bella and I hadn't spent a night apart since Emmett's bachelor party, and we didn't even make it the entire night then. After her episode in the car, I was fearful of leaving her.
While my Mom had Bella deep in conversation, Charlie turned to me. "Hey Edward, come help me with something." He motioned toward the door leading to his back porch.
Once we were outside, he pulled two beers from the cooler, handing one to me and opening the other for himself.
"Okay, now you want to tell me what went on with Bella earlier today." He asked with a serious expression. "That wasn't normal fatigue Edward."
I sighed. "She had a panic attack when we passed the place where she was abducted."
Charlie frowned and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. He took a sip of his beer and studied me for a moment. "And now you're afraid to leave her?"
I sighed and nodded.
I was surprised when he grasped my shoulder. "Believe it or not Edward; I've had a little experience with Bella's anxiety." He said in a calm voice. "She already seems to have recovered, but I'll be sure to sleep with my door open tonight."
I gave him a doubtful look.
Yeah, I was kind of an ass
He just raised his eyebrows. "She's my little girl Edward. Nothing is more important to me than my children. Never forget that."
I sighed and nodded, feeling like a dick for doubting him.
My family kept me busy that evening. They knew how I had a tendency to dwell. Mom went over the song list for the reception with me; Jasper tried to give me a script to read.
He had to be fucking kidding me
They finally gave up and I escaped to the solitude of my room, immediately pulling out my guitar. I played around for a while, every song I could think of reminding me of Bella.
Before I went to bed, I phoned her one last time.
"Hello" She answered in a smooth sultry voice.
"Hey baby" I responded as my dick sprang immediately to life.
"Who is this, and how did you get my number?" She asked in a sharp tone.
I blurted out a laugh; I could hear her giggle before she sighed. "Miss me?" She asked in a whisper.
"You have no idea."
"Mmm." She sighed again.
Her half moans and sighs weren't helping my situation. I was going to have to picture Emmett in women's lingerie for this hard-on to ease.
We talked for a while about nothing, each one simply needing to hear the other's voice.
"Well, I'd better let you get some sleep." She said with a yawn.
"Okay sweetheart." I reluctantly agreed. "I'll see you tomorrow. "Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too."
Early the next morning, after phoning Bella to make sure she passed a pleasant night, I went for a run with Jasper. After the first couple of miles, I could feel my body responding, the stress ebbing away.
I hadn't jogged in the open air in ages, having to rely on the treadmill most days in order to stay out of the public eye.
"Ready for tomorrow?" Jasper asked as we slowed our run.
I shrugged. "I'm ready for Bella to be my wife. I have to admit that I'm a little intimidated by the event."
And that night…
"You know you can talk to me Edward." Jasper said in a serious tone.
I sighed. "Yeah, I get that. I just, I want everything to be perfect for Bella." I admitted.
I wasn't sure if he understood my meaning. I definitely wasn't talking about the ceremony.
He nodded. "Sex is a remarkable thing Edward, especially when you love the other person. It's very powerful, and nothing is the same after that first time."
I chuckled. "I'm going to pretend that this is coming from my best friend, and not the guy who has sex with my sister."
Jasper barked out a laugh. "We were talking about you." We slowed our run even more as the bed and breakfast came into view.
"All I can tell you is that judging from the way you two feel about each other, as long as you put her needs first, everything will be perfect. I doubt I have to give you a lesson on the mechanics of having sex."
"Please spare me." I laughed. "I know what to do; I just hope I have the confidence to pull it off."
Jasper nodded. "You lacking confidence? This must be a first."
I smirked. "Everything about me has changed since Bella."
"You don't have to tell me." Jasper grinned. "All I can say about the confidence bit is that as soon as you see the woman you love responding to what you're doing to her, it's a huge fucking confidence booster." He chuckled. "That's the moment where you realize that she wants you as much as you want her….there's no other feeling like it in the world."
"And once again, I'm trying to forget you're married to my sister." I grinned.
"Let's get back Romeo." He said with a laugh. "Big day ahead."
The rehearsal that evening went off without a hitch as did the dinner afterward. My Dad made an awesome speech thanking Charlie for the dinner and his beautiful daughter. There were happy tears all around.
As Bella and I walked up the beach afterward, it suddenly dawned on me that this was our last evening as an unmarried couple. She already owned my heart, but as of tomorrow it would be official.
"Have I expressed to you how I cannot wait until you are my wife Miss Swan?"
"Um" She paused, pretending to think about what I'd said. "Let me see…. Oh, I don't know, maybe about a thousand times?"
"Hmm. It's not enough."
"I can't wait until you're my husband." She gave me a playful smile. "It will feel so strange to say it. But right."
I pulled her into a passionate kiss. By this time tomorrow I hoped to be escaping our reception with her, on the way to our first night of wedded bliss.
Jesus, I really have turned into a pussy
As we kissed, I needed to feel her skin, so I lifted the material of her shirt just enough to reach my hands underneath and rest them on her warm back.
So soft
It was getting late. I forced myself to break our kiss.
"I love you so much sweetheart."
"I love you too. I don't want to leave. Can't we just stay together tonight?" she whispered.
Oh how I want to
"Alice would probably kill us. And I'm pretty sure Chief Swan keeps his gun loaded." I chuckled.
She smiled. "After tomorrow, no one keeps us apart ever again."
That's the plan
We exchanged the letters we'd written weeks ago during our pre-Cana classes.
I noticed Chief Swan waiting for Bella in order to take her home. She needed her rest for tomorrow, and I'd been a bit selfish keeping her so late.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around her one last time. "I'll miss you tonight." she whispered. "I love you."
I never tired of hearing it.
"I love you too Bella." I pulled away and clasped her hands in mine. "I'll meet you at the altar." I said with a wink before giving her one last kiss.
I couldn't sleep. I wasn't surprised that I couldn't sleep. The large bed felt empty. The pillow next to mine didn't smell right.
I turned to the nightstand and retrieved the envelope that sat there, waiting.
At that exact moment, my phone alerted me to an incoming text.
I miss you
I smiled and typed my reply.
I miss you too. Trouble sleeping?
I waited.
I think I'll read your letter now. Maybe then I'll relax enough to sleep.
Good idea
Me too. I love you. Sweet dreams.
She sent one last message:
I love you more than words can say. Goodnight.
I set down my phone and opened the letter.
My dearest Edward,
To say that I would be lost without you is nothing short of the truth. I remember all too well what my life was like before we met. Was it only five short months ago? In many ways, those months feel like a lifetime. A lifetime in which you have provided encouragement, friendship, understanding, patience, a shoulder to cry on when needed, warm embraces, passionate kisses, and most of all undying love.
I will spend the rest of my life striving to be the woman you see when you look at me. In return for your encouragement, I promise to strive for success in everything I attempt. In return for your friendship, I offer a hand to hold. In return for your patience and understanding, I promise not to dwell on past sorrows. In return for your shoulder, I offer you my heart, something you already have in your possession. In return for your embraces, I promise to never leave your side. In return for your kisses, I confess that you are and will always be the only man I could ever love. In return for your undying love, I offer the same, and a wish for us to remain together always, during this lifetime and the next.
I love you Edward,
Your Bella
I sat staring at her words.
To see everything that was in her heart written out this way by her own hand touched me so very deeply. I choked up and swallowed hard the lump that had formed in my throat.
I didn't successfully keep my emotions at bay however, as I felt a couple tears trail down my cheeks.
"Damn Edward, you're a mess." Jasper remarked as I tried to fix my coffee. It was really early, not even light outside yet. Frankly, I was surprised to see Jasper up so soon.
I glanced around the dining room to make sure Mrs. Snyder, the innkeeper, wasn't around before answering him. "Shut the fuck up." I barked at my brother in law.
Even though he was right, I didn't need him to point out the fact that I was a basket case. I was well aware.
I blame it on the dream, or rather nightmare I had last night.
Instead of taking offense, Jasper merely laughed.
"Okay, I'll shut up, but not before I point out the fact that you're about to put a tea bag in your coffee."
I looked down at my hands, and sure enough I was holding a tea bag. I'd gotten so used to fixing tea for Bella, that it was just habit. I tossed the tea bag aside and dragged my hand through my hair as I sat down.
"Fuck." I muttered. "I just had this crazy dream."
He still looked amused.
"I got to the church, and Bella never showed. I waited and waited. Finally Rose arrived and told me that Bella had changed her mind." I sighed.
Jasper didn't lose his smile, but he did shake his head. "Edward, you know as well as I do, that's not going to happen."
"I know, I know." I tried to drink my coffee, ignoring the way my hand was shaking.
Jasper chuckled again. "The day you've planned for is finally here. Go take a shower, get your shit together, and try to relax." He directed.
I nodded. "You're right." I said before retreating to my room.
One of my windows faced East, I sat on my bed and watched as the sun rose over the mountains in the distance, promising a beautiful day. I smiled as I remembered Bella fretting a couple of days before as she worried about rain on our wedding day.
I had told her not to think about it anymore.
I knew that today would be perfect.
Chapter 74 – A Love Worth Waiting For
*This parallels chapters 74 of V&V 'Vcards & Vows'. Please read that before attempting this.

Jasper, that ass, must have told Alice about my nightmare. I smiled and shook my head as Mom wrapped her arm around mine.
Bella was here
Before taking her seat, Mom kissed my cheek while patting the other with her hand. "I love you Edward."
She was already crying. I remembered she was the same at Alice's wedding.
I smiled. "I love you too Mom."
I walked to the front and took my place next to Father Pat and drew in a deep breath.
The church was packed with family and friends, everyone watching me and smiling. As soon as the Ave Maria ended, my attention was drawn to the doors in the back as I waited.
The moment the first strains of The Ash Grove began, the doors opened, and I watched as the bridesmaids processed in one at a time.
And then, there she was, her eyes met mine and she smiled the most breathtaking smile I'd ever seen.
An angel in white
A vision of a goddess come down to earth
All my ridiculous fears and worries were gone the moment I laid eyes on the woman before me.
My mouth went dry as the realization hit that she had chosen me.
From this day forward, I will make sure she never regrets that decision
The music continued to play as she got closer. I couldn't take my eyes from hers.
When she finally reached the front, it took everything in me to keep from pulling her into my arms right there and then.
"Let us pray." Father Pat began. "Heavenly Father, the bond of marriage is a holy mystery, a symbol of Christ's love for his Church. Hear our prayers today for Isabella and Edward that through their faith in You and in each other, their lives may always bear witness to the reality of that love."
He then turned to Charlie and Bella. "Who gives this woman to be married here today?"
Charlie cleared his throat. "I do" He stated before smiling sadly at Bella, and kissing her cheek.
I had a difficult time taking my eyes off of Bella during the readings. Her face was literally glowing as she listened. I kept thinking of how far we'd come since that morning in December when she spilled coffee on her shirt.
I wondered, if she had attended Jasper and Alice's wedding last summer, and I had been able to meet her then, would things have turned out differently?
Somehow though, I knew that no matter what, at some point we would have still ended up right here, promising each other forever.
Father's homily seemed to drive home the fact that Bella and I were meant to find each other.
Finally, the moment arrived that would change our lives forever.
"Isabella and Edward, today, through the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, our Lord will seal and strengthen your love in the presence of your closest friends and loved ones. You will go forth from this church able to face the future with a help mate by your side."
"Isabella and Edward, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"Yes" We answered together.
"Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and His Church?"
"We will."
Father turned to me. "Edward, will you take Isabella, here present, for your lawful wife, according to the rite of holy Mother the Church?"
I looked into Bella's beautiful brown eyes, so filled with love for me. "I will."
Father then turned to Bella. "Isabella, will you take Edward, here present, for your lawful husband, according to the rite of holy Mother the Church?"
"I will." She answered, returning my gaze.
Father continued. "Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, I ask you now to join your right hands, face one another, and declare your consent before God and his Church."
I began, "I, Edward, take you, Isabella, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
I smiled as Bella spoke. "I, Isabella, take you, Edward, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
"Insomuch as you both have come here today and declared your consent to be married, I ask for God's blessing upon you, as I join you together in Holy Matrimony, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."
Jasper stepped forward and held the rings as Father blessed them. "Bless, O Lord, these rings, which we bless in Thy Name, that they who shall wear them, keeping true faith unto each other, may abide in Thy peace and in obedience to Thy will and ever live in mutual love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."
After Father sprinkled the rings with Holy Water, I took Bella's ring and slipped it on her finger. "Isabella, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."
She then took my ring and did the same. "Edward, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."
Father led us in the sign of the cross. "You may now exchange a kiss." He instructed in a low voice.
It was done. We were married.
I pulled my wife into my arms and kissed her soundly in front of God and anyone else who cared to watch.
I could always count on Bella to blush whenever I kissed her in public.
As soon as the music began, we made our way over to the table beside the altar to light the Unity candle.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be.
We had chosen the music together.
Bella grasped the candle that Charlie had lighted, while I took the one which had been lighted by my parents.
With God as our Father, brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony.
We smiled at each other as we lit the Unity candle.
Let peace begin with me; let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
Our task complete, we walked back over to Father Pat.
To take each moment and live each moment in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.
Father gave the Nuptial blessing after which we recited the Lord's Prayer, and then it was time for one final blessing:
"God the eternal Father keep you in love with each other, so that the peace of Christ may stay with you and be always in your home."
"May your children bless you, your friends console you, and all men live in peace with you."
"May you always bear witness to the love of God in this world so that the afflicted and the needy will find in you generous friends, and welcome you into the joys of heaven."
"And may almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Father then leaned close to us and whispered. "Congratulations my children."
"Thank you Father." We whispered back at the same moment before turning to face the church full of well-wishers. Bella wrapped her arm around mine, and as Ashokan Farewell played, we made our way slowly back down the aisle.
As soon as we were through the double doors, I pulled her into my arms. "Finally" I breathed. "How do you feel Mrs. Cullen?"
"Like I'm dreaming Mr. Cullen." She grinned.
Our moment of peace didn't last long, as the crowd from inside emptied into the foyer and surrounded us.
Bella had told me days before that she wanted to stop by the cemetery before we left for Seattle in order to leave the bouquet she had carried during the ceremony on her Mother's grave.
I thought it a very touching gesture. Something Bella needed to do; a way to include her Mother in our big day.
After the visit to the cemetery, I gauged her mood. She seemed to be contemplative as we rode through Forks, studying the passing landmarks of her hometown through the window. Once outside the city limits, her happy demeanor from earlier gradually returned.
We sat and talked about the ceremony, both of us admitting that it had been even more beautiful than we'd imagined. After that, we decided to pop the cork on the champagne.
Less than an hour later, I was questioning the intelligence of that decision, when it became painfully obvious that Bella hadn't eaten much all day.
Thankfully, there was a spread of food in the limo; the problem was that Bella was resistant to my pleas to eat any of it. So it was that I found myself a short time later being tortured by my tipsy wife as she straddled my lap, her crotch rubbing up against my traitorous dick.
At her suggestion that we 'experiment' my horny inner teenager joined league with my dick by attempting to convince me to throw all my plans for our wedding night right out the fucking window.
My plans which involve candlelight and champagne in our new home….
Not me feeling her up in the back of the limo…
In a last ditch effort, I reminded her that she wouldn't want to embarrass herself at the reception. That seemed to work, and she finally began to eat.
It won't help the situation below my waist, but I've become very good at suffering in silence.
"You got Van Morrison to sing at our wedding? How in the world?" The look of surprise and delight on Bella's face was priceless.
Ah, just the first of many surprises I have in store for you my love
"Sweetheart, do you remember our first date? When we danced and I told you that I would keep that moment with me for the three weeks we would be apart?"
"Yes" She murmured; her eyes shining.
"This moment now" I began "Our first dance as husband and wife will be a moment I keep in my heart forever." I leaned down to capture her lips with mine.
This was our moment, the first of all our tomorrows.
"There's an old saying: 'A son is a son till he takes him a wife, but a daughter's a daughter the rest of her life'." Chief Swan began.
Bella and I had already been toasted by Jasper and Rose when her Dad surprised us both by unexpectedly standing to speak.
"I find that saying flawed, at least in my case." He continued with a grin. "You see, my son got married last month, and instead of losing him, I gained a wonderful new daughter in Rose." He tipped his head toward where Rose sat beaming. "And now today, my daughter" Charlie's voice broke. "My beautiful Bella is married, and I've gained a fine young man as a son." He took a deep breath and turned toward me. "Edward, I have no doubt that you love Bella very much, and will do whatever it takes in order to make my little girl happy." He pursed his lips. "I also believe that you would rather suffer yourself than to ever cause Bella pain."
I nodded at him. It was the truth.
Charlie nodded solemnly in return. "But, if I were to find out that I was mistaken in that belief, I just want you to remember that I'm a crack shot, and I have the marksman trophies to prove it. Salute!" He raised his glass as everyone around us burst into laughter.
"Dad!" Bella exclaimed with a wide smile.
Charlie gave her a cheeky grin and winked before taking his seat.
"Did Charlie choose this song?" Alice asked as we watched Bella dance with her father.
I nodded. "Yeah, I've never heard of it."
I believe a light that shines on you will shine on you forever
And though I can't guarantee there's nothing scary hiding under your bed
I'm gonna stand guard like a postcard of a Golden Retriever
And never leave 'til I leave you with a sweet dream in your head
Bella's face was shining as she smiled up at her Dad.
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you
"So sweet." Alice said softly.
I smiled.
"I loved this part of my wedding." She continued. "The dance with Dad."
"You loved every part of your wedding Alice." I accused with a laugh.
"True." She giggled. "I have to admit that I'm liking this one a whole lot too. It's good to see you so happy Edward."
"Thanks Ali."
"I wish everyone I loved could be as happy as you and Bella, and me and Jazz…" She trailed off until I could barely hear her.
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you
"Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time, we'd like to turn the dance floor over to the mother of the groom, my beautiful wife Esme, who will be sharing a dance with our son, Edward; that is if she can tear him away from his lovely bride."
My mother was smiling from ear to ear when she met me on the dance floor.
Although you see the world different than me
Sometimes I can touch upon the wonders that you see
All the new colors and pictures you've designed
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
I recognized the song. It was one that Mom played from time to time as we were growing up. "Nice song Mom." I smiled.
"Thank you darling." She returned the smile.
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
"Thank you for everything Mom; you put an amazing party together."
"My pleasure honey."
You don't need direction, you know which way to go
And I don't want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow
You're the one who taught me you don't have to look behind
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
"Are you still planning on the trip to England?"
I nodded. "Yes, I'm tacking on a few days in England to the end of the honeymoon as a surprise for Bella. If you don't mind, I'll show her rather than tell her what you've done to the Tolkien house."
"That sounds perfect Edward. You must call and let me know how you both like it. Please feel free to change anything; you won't hurt my feelings..."
I cut her off. "Mom, I'm sure we will both love it."
She smiled.
Nobody's gonna kill your dreams
Or tell you how to live your life
There'll always be people to make it hard for a while
But you'll change their heads when they see you smile
She hugged me closer as she sighed.
She looked at me with watery eyes. "I'm just happy darling, so happy, and not just for you and Bella, I'm happy for our entire family. We all love Bella so much. It seems like she's been with us forever. I don't know what we'd do without either of you."
"Let's hope you don't have to find out."
You don't need direction, you know which way to go
And I don't want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow
You're the one who taught me you don't have to look behind
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine,
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
"Edward, is that crazy old lady with the pink hair a relative of yours?" Alec asked as I stood there talking to Johnny while Bella was in the powder room.
I looked to where he pointed only to see Bella's Aunt Gladys holding court with Aunt Lola and her boyfriend Drew at a table in the center of the room. Each time we'd spoken to her, Bella had positioned her body between us, explaining to me that Aunt Gladys was a little 'forward', and a lot crazy.
"That's Bella and Emmett's great Aunt, why?"
"She grabbed my ass dude" Alec said indignantly "And she's like really old."
Johnny and I burst into laughter at his words.
Alec glared at us. "It is so not cool that you're laughing at me right now" which, in turn, caused us to laugh louder.
"Douche." He muttered before walking away.
Johnny and I laughed again.
"Clint said you start filming in a month." Johnny said.
"Yes" I nodded. "As soon as we get home actually, but at least the first few weeks of filming will be done here in Seattle."
We went on to discuss our mutual schedules; both of us had a busy year ahead.
I made the rounds with Bella, when all I really wanted to do by this point was have her all to myself. Now that my initial trepidation had subsided, coupled with the fact that she actually showed up at the church, I couldn't wait to begin our wedding night.
We cut the cake.
We mingled with more of the guests.
We did the bouquet toss and garter throw.
We said our goodbyes, my mother cried, and we boarded the boat where my father was waiting.
"Goodbye Dad, we'll see you in about a month." I said as he gave us each a hug goodbye.
"Take care you two." He said with a smile, he then kissed Bella's cheek. "We love you both."
"Thanks Dad. We love you too." I answered. Bella looked like she was going to cry again.
Dad leaned toward me conspiratorially. "I'd better get back, your Mother had been drinking a little too much before I left, and I need to intervene before she tries to get the band to play 'Squeeze Box'."
"Dad" I groaned as Bella giggled beside me.
Dad shrugged and grinned. "What?"
I left Bella waiting on the back patio as I went upstairs to make sure everything was perfect. I lit the candles and in no time was back downstairs carrying her over the threshold.
I watched her face as she took in the room, hoping she approved. I'd chosen the furnishings myself, and realized at that moment how selfish that had been.
Damnit. Bella probably wanted us to choose our bedroom furniture together.
"If you don't like the furniture, we can get something else." I offered.
She shook her head. "It's beautiful Edward."
I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Did you do all of this?" She asked as she gestured toward the lit candles and the bottle of champagne.
I nodded, still watching for her reaction.
Was it too much?
She smiled nervously. "Um, I think I'd like to freshen up."
"Of course. The master bath is fully stocked with towels and bath products. Mother made certain." I assured.
I held onto her hand a moment longer, keeping her from pulling away. "Don't be too long." I whispered before letting go.
As soon as I heard the water running in the tub, I took off my jacket. After grabbing my sleep pants from the overnight bag, I headed for the bathroom down the hall.
I don't remember it being this small.
Damn, we're going to need to have this remodeled.
I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, wanting to be back in the bedroom by the time Bella emerged. As I sat in the empty room, waiting, I couldn't help but worry and hope that I could make this a good experience for Bella. Everything I'd heard was that the first time for a woman was painful.
I cringed at the thought of causing her pain, even if only for a moment, and I definitely didn't want her to look back on our wedding night as anything other than pleasant.
More than pleasant I hope
As the minutes ticked by, I became more and more agitated. I realized that, as I worried, I fidgeted with my wedding band. I stopped to look at it, remembering earlier that day when Bella slid it on my finger.
I closed my eyes and smiled to myself before blowing out a breath.
We were really married.
When I opened my eyes again, I was staring at the closed door of the bathroom, and my worrying began anew.
Does she normally take this long?
My impatience turned into concern that she may be sick. It had been a long and stressful day after all…
Before I could stop myself, I approached the door. "Bella, are you alright?" I called.
"Yes. I'll be right out." I heard her answer in a shaky voice.
Shit. She sounds frightened.
Of me?
I had no sooner taken my place back on the bed when she pulled the door open. My breath caught in my throat, and my mouth went dry as I took her in.
She was a vision.
Her hair was now hanging loosely in waves around her shoulders, begging for me to run my fingers through it. Her lovely body was hidden under a short silk robe in that color blue which always complimented her beautiful blush.
I rose from the bed and took a step toward her, as her eyes scanned my body. I hoped she was ready, but needed her to know that it was okay if she wasn't. After all we'd waited this long…
I crossed the room and pulled her to me. "Let's have some champagne." I said before giving her a swift kiss. "It will help us to relax."
We drank the champagne and I could feel her body relax against mine.
Needing to address the elephant in the room, I began, "Bella, what specifically is making you nervous?"
I watched as she warred with herself.
Everything has happened too fast.
She's not ready.
I'll wait as long as is necessary. I want this to be right.
I dragged a hand through my hair and looked away. "I mean, if you're afraid that it will be painful, we don't have to do anything tonight…."
Suddenly her hand was on my cheek, turning my face to look at her. "No Edward, that's not it at all. I'm not afraid of a little pain." She smiled then.
"What is it then?" I pleaded with my eyes for her to tell me the truth.
She took a breath. "As usual, I'm feeling insecure. I'm afraid that I'll be terrible at this, and that I'll disappoint you. I really don't know what I'm doing."
I searched her eyes for any indication that she was holding back. "That's it?"
She nodded. "That's enough."
I shouldn't have been surprised. Even though Bella had come a long way, she still didn't have the self-confidence that most beautiful women possessed. I smiled and pulled her closer. "First of all, how many times do I have to tell you that you could never disappoint me, before you will believe it? I know it will be perfect Bella, because it will be with you." I chuckled a bit with relief. "I always thought it was the male who was supposed to suffer from 'performance anxiety'."
She chuckled with me, and I felt the tension completely leave my body. "Finish your champagne beautiful." I whispered.
I set our glasses on the window seat and turned back to face my beautiful wife.
I would never tire of calling her that.
I clasped her hands in mine and leaned into her. "My love." I whispered before I brushed my lips against hers. "My beautiful wife." My lips made another pass. "My Bella." I then kissed her deeply.
I felt her warm tongue begging entrance, and slightly parted my lips to allow her inside. The taste of Bella and champagne was enough to cause my burgeoning erection to instantly become rock hard.
And I didn't even have my hands on her body yet.
I remedied that by placing one hand on the back of her neck, the other one on her shoulder in order to pull her deeper into the kiss. I almost moaned out loud at the feel of her tiny warm hands running over the skin of my back.
I was certain that Bella could feel my hard on through our thin layers of clothing. I silently hoped it didn't add to her nervousness.
My lips traveled then to her neck as I moved a hand slowly down the front of her robe in order to untie the sash. I brushed against her nipple as I passed, noting that it had hardened in anticipation.
I need to see her, to feel her
"May I?" I whispered when I reached the sash.
Before I could untie it, Bella's hand was there. I dropped my gaze and watched as the two sides of the robe fell open revealing that Bella was indeed naked underneath.
I glimpsed the bare skin of her chest, and down to her abdomen, and still lower, where I longed to see her better.
A glimpse was certainly not enough. I need to see all of her.
I grasped the material lightly in my hands and looked into her eyes, seeking permission. I didn't dare speak, not trusting myself to form coherent words at that moment.
Bella leaned into me, pressing her lips to my neck. I felt her head nod against me. Grasping the material tightly in my hands, I slowly opened the robe and pulled it back over her shoulders. Once clear of them I let it fall, and watched as it slid down her arms and to the floor.
I took a small step back and looked at my beautiful girl.
And beautiful she was. I was in awe as I took her in. I could honestly say that I'd never seen another woman as exquisite as my Bella. As the candlelight danced across her naked form, I was hit with the realization that after tonight, she would truly be mine.
Mine in every way.
"You're perfect my love." I breathed. It was an understatement.
I pulled her against me again. "Bella, I want you so badly. Please tell me you want this too." I begged as my fingertips drew circles on her skin.
I can't stop touching her.
My heart almost stopped in my chest at her answer. "I do Edward, so much."
Ever so slowly, I turned her and led her to the bed. Once there, I pulled back the comforter and lowered her onto her back.
I couldn't help but take a moment to look at her again, part of me afraid that I was dreaming.
So lovely. I am a lucky man.
My impatient dick was clambering to be free of the sleep pants, but he'd have to be patient a little longer.
"You are so beautiful."
Bella surprised me by sitting up and reaching for me. As soon as I felt her fingers toying with the waistband of my pants, I knew what she wanted. I leaned down, capturing her lips in a needy kiss, as I divested myself of the only piece of clothing standing in the way of my making love to my wife.
I could feel her hands on my upper thighs, but that wasn't where I wanted to feel her touch. I grasped one of them and led it very slowly until it rested on my erection. It was so good to finally feel her touch, skin against skin, no clothing between us.
When Bella dropped her gaze to really look at me, I almost lost the little bit of self-control I was holding onto. When her fingers began to move until she was no longer palming my erection, but stroking my length, I feared I might lose my mind.
Jesus, I don't want to embarrass myself
I groaned and pulled her to me, kissing her again. "Baby, as much as I love what you're doing, you have to stop or this will be over much too soon. We need to go slowly."
She removed her hand, and I once again laid her back on the bed, as I hovered above her. Her soft moans while I kissed her flawless skin spurred me on as Bella's body seemed to come alive under my touch. I watched in fascination as her nipples hardened in response to the open mouth kisses I placed on her chest.
I captured one nipple with my fingers while circling the other with my tongue before taking it fully into my mouth. In response, Bella opened her legs to me, inviting me in.
Unexpectedly, she then lifted her hips, causing her sex to rub against my erection.
Fuck me….
I groaned out her name, believing her to be more vixen than angel at that moment.
Where was my innocent insecure girl from earlier?
I had only to look into her wide eyes to realize that she was still there, but her need was stronger than her shyness. Her body's reaction to my movements, and her breathy moans left no doubt that she wanted this as much as I did.
It was a huge fucking turn on.
The need to be buried inside her was overwhelming, but first I had to be sure she was ready. I knew that if I were to mess up now and think only of myself, the night could still end in disaster.
I trailed my hand down from Bella's breast, over the smooth skin of her stomach. I hissed when she thrust against me for a second time. I looked into her beautiful eyes, she gazed back at me unflinching, lips swollen, cheeks flushed; and thrust her hips upward once more.
I captured her lips again with mine as I let my fingers travel down until they found the wetness between her folds. I stroked her there, causing her to tense for a moment, before she began to buck lightly against my hand.
I worked my fingers back and forth, slowly teasing her entrance before finally pressing the tips of two fingers inside. I nearly came at the feel of her around my fingers as I pressed them in deeper; I could only imagine what she would feel like around my cock.
So tight
"You're so soft." I kissed her tenderly. "Baby, you're so wet." I said before kissing her again.
I need to be inside her
"Sweetheart, I think you're ready, please tell me you still want this."
"Edward" My name came out as a moan. "I love you, please make me yours."
I kissed her again and closed my eyes in relief.
She owns me
After leaning up on one elbow, I pressed just the tip of my aching cock into Bella's heat, before easing myself further inside.
Warm, so warm.
I drew in a breath and slid in further.
So tight. Oh God
"Relax baby." I breathed as I felt her tense around me. I leaned my forehead against hers and slowed my breathing in an effort to keep from thrusting all the way inside.
It was sweet, sweet torture.
Bella relaxed, making it possible to ease in a little further. "Oh God Bella." I moaned as I pushed. "So good." With that push, I could feel myself right there, at her barrier.
"I'm so sorry my love." I pressed soft kisses to her lips, hoping to distract her, before pushing through with one quick thrust. I felt the barrier give way, and I froze.
I searched her eyes to gauge her reaction to what I'd just done. "I'm so, so sorry." I whispered as I stroked her cheek.
How badly had I hurt her?
The urge to move again was overwhelming, but I struggled hard against it; Bella's comfort being foremost in my mind. "Bella, sweetheart, are you alright?"
She drew in a deep breath and nodded, and then she spoke. "It's okay Edward. I think it would feel better if you moved."
I let out a breath and started to do just that, hoping and praying that she had told the truth. After a few thrusts, Bella seemed to relax again, and soon after that she seemed to give herself over to the sensations, finally putting my worries to rest.
Her soft moans made me mad with desire. I wanted to hear them every day.
Every. Single. Fucking. Day.
After years of waiting for her….and months of waiting to be with her like this….. everything, every sound, every breath, every stroke of her fingertips; the way her hands would grip my upper arms, her body writhing beneath me, everything, all of itwas so much more intense than I had ever dreamed possible.
The pleasure, indescribable.
Being with her like this was perfect. She was perfect.
"Bella, oh God….." I moaned as I began to move faster. I was working from pure instinct by this point; moving our bodies into whatever position would bring the most intense pleasure.
As soon as Bella wrapped her legs around me and started meeting my thrusts, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.
The room was silent except for the sounds of our gasps and moans as I surrendered completely to the physical sensations and began to thrust harder and faster.
This is heaven
There was a little voice trying to remind me that I should be gentle. I couldn't stop to listen to it.
Bella's eyes rolled up and she arched her back. Suddenly her luscious breasts were mere inches from my face. I watched them rise and fall in sync with Bella's stuttered breathing.
Without a second thought, I took one of her nipples into my mouth again. I felt Bella clamp down around my cock as I did, causing me to suck a little harder than I had intended. Bella's breaths were coming out in pants.
"Edward" she gasped as her body began to tremble and her muscles started to spasm around my cock. I leaned up in order to look down at where we were connected. The sight of my cock as I slammed into her and the feel of Bella as she started to orgasm was more than I could take. "Bella" I moaned her name as she clenched around me, a look of pure ecstasy on her beautiful face. And then I was gone, letting her take me with her…
"Bella" I moaned once more before exploding inside of her slick heat, gasping for air as I did.
It took a moment for the fog in my mind to clear somewhat as I tried to catch my breath. When it did, I became aware that I was lying on top of Bella, my full weight bearing down on her.
I still couldn't move; my mind and body trying to come down from my high. The high Bella and I had experienced together.
It had been more than I'd imagined it could be. I'd never felt this complete or satisfied or happy in my life. I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
Inside my beautiful girl
And I gave her an orgasm…during our first time…
Fucking A
As sanity prevailed, I realized there was no way that Bella could be comfortable under my weight. I pressed my lips to hers as I gently eased off and out of her.
We both groaned at the loss.
I lay down beside her, keeping our bodies pressed together, and stared into her eyes, completely spent, overwhelmed with happiness and relief.
Bella stared back at me, and then shivered. Realizing that the night air was cool against our damp skin, but not willing to leave the bed, even to close the doors, I pulled the sheet over our bodies.
"How are you?" I asked.
A breathtakingly beautiful smile lit up her face as she reached up to stroke my cheek. "There are no words to describe how I feel Edward. I'm pretty sure that if I'd known how amazing you and I would be together, I couldn't have lasted until the wedding night."
I smiled wider before kissing her lips. "I know I wouldn't have made it my love." I whispered.
It was the truth. If I had known what we'd been denying ourselves all those months, I was pretty sure that my inner horny teenager would have kicked the shit out of my inner rational adult and fucked Bella into oblivion.
Jesus, I'm a caveman
I couldn't stop smiling at her. "So no more fears of inadequacy?" I chuckled.
She giggled and shook her head before snuggling closer to me.
My soulmate. My lover. My best friend. Truly, my better half.
I studied her face and saw her smile to herself again. "What are you thinking?" I asked.
She sighed softly; I felt her breath against my skin. "That I understand now what all the fuss is about."
"Sex" She whispered.
"I mean the world is obsessed with sex. Although to a lot of people I think the act itself is more important than the person they choose to have sex with." She continued.
I smiled. "I know what you mean. It was…" I closed my eyes as I drew in a deep breath. "I think it meant so much more to us because of the way we feel about each other." I opened my eyes again and stroked her cheek with my finger.
It was everything
She smiled. "I feel a little sorry for those who don't have what we do."
Did I mention that I gave my wife an orgasm?
I couldn't help the feeling of pride that surged through me as I pulled her close and kissed her forehead. "This has been the best night of my life." I told her honestly.
"Mine too. Thank you Edward for making everything perfect." She whispered before yawning sleepily.
"It was perfect wasn't it? And it was the perfect expression of how I feel about you sweetheart. You are everything to me." I whispered.
She smiled and closed her eyes. "I love you."
She's tired.
I think I wore her out
"I love you." I answered. "And I can't wait to make love to you again." I continued, kissing first one eyelid. "And again." Then kissing the other eyelid, before releasing a breath. "Sleep baby."
As soon as I knew she was asleep, I slipped from the bed in order to clean up and use the rest room. I blew out the candles before crawling back under the covers and falling into a deep dreamless sleep.
I woke in the dark, well before dawn, and lay there, eyes still closed, thinking of the day before.
Bella, as she stood on the threshold of the church, so lovely that she took my breath away.
Our vows. I didn't need a piece of paper telling me that I was hers. She'd owned me, body and soul since the day we met. But, it was a poignant moment, one that I would never forget, in which I was able to declare before the world what she meant to me.
My mother's tears, Bella's mother's grave.
Bella's smile during our first dance together as husband and wife.
Saying goodbye to our families.
Seeing Bella's perfect body in the candlelight.
Making love for the first time… Bella trembling beneath me as we climaxed together….
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a sound which threatened to shatter my heart. A muffled sob.
I pulled her closer.
"Bella, what's wrong?" I whispered a plea.
She shook her head and turned to face me. "Nothing is wrong. These are happy tears Edward. I never thought I deserved to be this happy."
I watched in bewilderment as tears trailed down her cheeks.
I kissed the tears away as best I could.
"I used to think that I must have done something horribly bad in my life, and I was being punished." Bella admitted in a small voice. "It's hard to explain. It's as if everything up until the day I met you was out of place or upside down or just plain wrong somehow, and now everything is exactly where it is supposed to be."
She buried her face in my chest and breathed deeply.
I sighed. "You scared me. I never want to see you cry Bella. It's painful."
"I'm sorry." She said, looking up at me with clear eyes.
"It's okay. I understand. Yesterday was emotional for me as well." I told her. "Bella, since we met, I've lived every moment either with you or missing you. Last night was the culmination of everything I've longed for. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that you've become my entire life."
She kissed me, and before long our hands began to wander. It didn't help that we were both naked.
My self-control was officially on hiatus until further notice.
I was gratified that Bella didn't seem to mind.
This love-making was different than the night before, with Bella definitely more the vixen than the angel. Our hands explored each other's bodies a bit more aggressively, and in no time at all, I was poised above her, ready to be inside her again.
So ready
For a moment, I considered the fact that she may have been sore, and maybe we should wait. Before I could utter a single word however, she grasped my cock in her hand and guided me into her wet heat.
Holy fuck.
I almost came apart at the sight and feel of it.
As we made love, I began to learn the signals her body would send, such as the breathless way she would say my name as her hips thrust upward to meet mine, telling me she was getting close.
I tried to hold off my orgasm as long as possible, not wanting the feeling of being inside Bella to end. When her little body began to tremble and shake as her heat clenched my dick tighter than ever before, I swore I saw heaven, and it bore a strong resemblance to Bella's expression of ecstasy.
At best, I was able to stave off my climax for another minute, and then I followed her over the edge once again.
I was never going to get enough of her, of this.
The phone call from Rose was…. unexpected. That woman missed her calling. She should be spending her days torturing information out of enemies of the state.
I wasn't angry though, especially when Bella scooted across the room to find her phone, fully nude, and I got to watch.
I may never let her wear clothes again when we're alone.
I didn't laugh out loud at Jessica's quest to find my nonexistent past sexual partners, but I wanted to.
I was a bit distracted.
The only woman I'd ever actually had sex with was seated beside me in nothing but a thin silk robe. The same robe I'd taken off of her the night before.
I closed the laptop and pulled her into my arms, pressing my forehead to hers. "Hmm. I believe she's searching for you Mrs. Cullen." I said in my most seductive tone.
"Me?" She squeaked.
"Yes. You see, you are the only woman that I've ever had sex with."
I reached to untie the robe. I liked it, I really did, but it was in my fucking way.
"Edward" Bella whispered. "I need to shower or I'll be late for Mass" She managed to get out between kisses. "And we have a flight to catch this afternoon."
I stopped and pretended to think about this, already knowing what I wanted.
"All valid points Mrs. Cullen. I guess the only solution is that we shower together." I said with a salacious grin.
I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "It will save time."
"I have a feeling I'll be getting more than a shower if I agree to this."
Oh fuck yes
"One can only hope Mrs. Cullen." I answered as I pulled the robed from her body and picked her up.
Bella wrapped her legs around my waist as we headed toward the bathroom.
"You will have no one but yourself to blame if I'm walking funny when we board our flight Mr. Cullen."
I grinned. "I'll rent you a wheelchair."
She blurted out a laugh just before I captured her lips with mine.
Once in the bathroom, I set her down next to the shower and reached inside to start the water. I noticed Bella eyeing the bathtub. "Would you rather have a bath?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No. We should probably stick with the shower. We don't have a lot of time." She smirked.
I returned her smirk and, after checking the water temperature, pulled her inside with me.
We stood partially under the spray of water as I wrapped her in my arms, capturing her lips again. I placed open mouth kisses along her shoulders before she stepped fully under the spray. We slowly shampooed each other's hair and washed our bodies, all the time teasing to the point where neither of us could take any more.
"How are you" I whispered into her ear as the warm water cascaded down my back.
"I'm good. Better than ever." She smiled up at me.
"Really sweetheart? You know you can tell me no." I gave her a serious look. "It won't hurt my feelings. I don't want you to be sore."
She smiled and kissed me again. "I know. Now would you please stop talking so you can ravish me?"
I laughed out loud.
"Ah sweetheart, please don't ever change." I murmured before attacking her mouth with a forceful kiss. I'd just had her a few hours before, and already I needed her again. She returned the kiss, letting me know that she was just as needy and wanting.
I ran my fingers through her wet hair before trailing them down her back until I reach the smooth skin of her bottom. Keeping one hand there, I brought the other one up until it was kneading her breast. I leaned down to swirl my tongue around her nipples, first one and then the other, feeling them harden under my ministrations. I then moved my hands, placing one on each of Bella's hips.
After kissing her breasts, I started to slowly make my way down the front of her body, leaving a trail of kisses in my wake; one between her breasts, then one just below them. I dropped to my knees in order to leave the next one just above her naval, another one just below that.
Slowly, so slowly.
As my lips continued to trail ever lower, I felt Bella's body tense.
"Relax baby." I whispered as my lips brushed against the skin immediately above her sex.
"Oh God. Edward, what are you doing?" She squeaked out as her fingers dug into my shoulders.
"Just kissing you Bella." I placed the next kiss on her right hip as my fingers traced from there across and down before slipping between her warm folds in order to stroke her there.
I noted by this point that Bella's breathing had become erratic.
I dragged my lips across her abdomen, slowly and sensuously until I reached the other hip, and placed a gentle kiss there.
I heard her sharp intake of breath as I trailed my lips lower to my destination. I then placed a warm wet kiss right there where my fingers were slowly driving her to distraction. I took a moment to breathe in the sweet scent of her arousal, before kissing my way back up her body.
Bella let out a ragged breath before I once again reached her lips, and I silently wondered if she wanted more.
All in good time baby
I reached both arms around her until I cupped her bottom with my hands, and moved us until her back was against the wall of the shower. As soon as I lifted her, Bella instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as I kissed her deeply.
Our tongues entwined as I grasped the flesh of her bottom and entered her slowly.
Fuck me. She feels amazing
Bella moaned in my ear as I started to move inside her. I attempted to keep my movements slow and even, but after a few minutes it was impossible not to speed up until, before I realized what was happening, I was slamming into her forcefully again and again.
As the tempo increased, so did our grunts and moans until, much too soon, we were there; gasping into each other's mouths as Bella clenched around me and we exploded in simultaneous orgasms.
"Oh my God" Bella moaned once we'd finally caught our breath, and her body had ceased its trembling.
"I know" I mumbled as I kissed her neck. "I love you so much." I whispered.
"As I love you."
I was pretty sure we were going to be late for Mass.
A/N Yes, before you ask, Edward is just that talented….*sigh*. How about we give it up for the man possessing both skills AND stamina.
Chapters 75, 76, & 77 - A Trip to Paradise for the Newly Wed
**This parallels chapters 75-77 of V&V. Please read those before attempting this.
I was beginning to feel ashamed of myself.
Well, no I wasn't, not really. But I knew that I should feel ashamed of myself.
Oh fuck it.
The simple fact was that in the matter of one day, I'd turned into a pathetic horn dog, whose one and only thought was when and where I could next get busy with my beautiful wife.
I was certain before our wedding night that this would be the case, and I'd been right.
I simply couldn't get enough of her.
During the flight to Dallas, I congratulated myself on my brilliance, due to the fact that I'd planned a stopover there rather than taking an all-night flight to Barbados.
Fucking genius move
The sexual tension that existed between us during that flight was palpable. I only hoped that Bella hadn't notice how distracted I was.
As soon as the door closed on our hotel suite, we were pulling at each other's clothing.
She's just as desperate as I am…
When our lips met, memories from the night before took over: her soft skin in the candlelight; her breathy sighs and moans of pleasure as we made love. Just the thought had made me impossibly hard, and now, in the privacy of our room, I didn't waste a moment before I had her naked and panting. I attempted to move slowly, I really did, but it was difficult when my dick was calling all the shots.
I let my inhibitions go, and made passionate love to her. If she felt I was too forceful or my pace too fast, she never let on. Instead, Bella encouraged me at every turn, her fervent kisses; her hips rising to meet my every thrust; her back arching in ecstasy….
God I love her so….
Bella dozed off during the flight to Barbados, her fingers poised over her laptop keys. It took me a couple of minutes once she'd stopped typing to realize that she'd fallen asleep. I chuckled as I pulled the laptop away from her.
Before saving the document, I couldn't help but take a peek at what she'd written. Her new story was full of fairies, evil trolls and magic flowers. It was quite different from Francisco and the Swallow, but just as enchanting.
I saved her story and stowed the laptop in her bag before gazing at my sleeping beauty. She was lovely, smart, funny and talented. I shook my head, wondering how I'd gotten so lucky.
Our stay in Barbados was everything I'd hoped for and more. Our days were filled with sun, sand and sex. Our nights spent wrapped around each other.
I was never bored; not for one moment.
The feeling that we were isolated from the outside world, although I knew it to be only an illusion, had a calming effect on me. I'd never been so relaxed in my life.
And the sex…God the sex was amazing. Even getting sand in my ass crack when we did it on the beach was a memory worth reliving over and over…
Bella had shocked me by becoming quite the little vixen. I went to bed happy every night and woke up horny and ready for more every morning. As usual, Bella and I were on the same page; her appetite seemingly as voracious as my own.
It wasn't long before I realized that my 'dirty talk' during sex, as she called it, really had an effect on her. I could feel her actually get wetter the more I whispered in her ear.
Life was fucking perfect.
"Hey there married man." Jasper's voice sounded over the phone.
"Hey Jasper, how's everything?" I asked as I walked along the beach.
"Good. How's the honeymoon?"
I sighed. "Perfect" I said in a quiet voice as I looked over at Bella, where she was relaxing on the beach, reading.
Jasper chuckled. "Well if the photos I saw are any indication, your worries before the wedding were unfounded."
"Photos?" I questioned.
"Some photos have appeared online of the two of you playing tourist." He chuckled again. "By the smiles on your faces, I got the ah.." he stopped to clear his throat "impression, that you were enjoying yourselves."
"Oh Jesus. Is it that obvious?" I asked quietly.
Jasper laughed. "It's obvious that you two are in love. I just know your face, Edward. All signs of stress and worry seem to have vanished." He took a deep breath. "I'm happy for you man."
I smiled. "Thanks Jazz."
"Okay, so I don't want to be a pain in the ass or anything, but I'll probably need to touch base with you about your upcoming schedule fairly often. In order not to run the risk of, um, interrupting something important," he chuckled again.
I grinned as he continued to speak, "How about you phone me every couple of days?"
"Okay Jazz. I can do that."
"I'll let you go now," he said with a low chuckle. "Bye Edward."
"Later, Jazz," I said still grinning, my eyes on Bella as I ended the call.
This may have been a huge mistake.
Wind-surfing lesson aside, I'd been happy that most of the activities I'd scheduled for Bella and me in Barbados had been a glowing success. But what was planned for tonight? Eh, I wasn't so sure.
My mother had suggested that I arrange for a 'dance lesson'. Evidently it was something a lot of people did for fun while on vacation, on board cruise ships and such. So, at her insistence, I'd signed us up for a private lesson at a local resort.
Unfortunately, I didn't tell my wife about it ahead of time. She'd had a little too much sun and a little too much alcohol that afternoon. I was able to force her to eat dinner before we left the villa, hoping that by the time we arrived at the resort she'd be more herself, but that was turning out to have been an exercise in futility.
I was wishing that I'd had more to drink myself once I realized that the dance instructor Javier, who, according to Bella, bore a striking resemblance to Antonio Banderas, seemed intent on spending the balance of our time there, eye-fucking my wife.
He informed that in order to properly instruct us in the Tango, he'd have to partner with Bella, while his assistant, a woman who looked so severe that she could have given Nurse Ratched a run for her money, would teach me.
As soon as I realized that this would give Javier free reign to put his hands on my wife, I balked.
Oh hell no…
"Ah yeah, sorry but I'll have to stop you right there Javier," I said through gritted teeth as I positioned myself between Bella and the douchebag. "You see, although my wife would attempt to be polite about this, the fact is that she wouldn't be comfortable dancing with someone she doesn't know."
Javier frowned deeply. I heard a squeak behind me, and turned to find Bella grinning widely. I smiled and pulled her into my arms.
Javier and Carla showed us the moves we were supposed to imitate. I didn't let on to Bella, but I already knew how to tango. It was one of the dances I'd been forced to master when mother made Alice and I take lessons.
"Have you done this before my love?" I asked, surprised at how quickly Bella was learning the steps.
She shook her head. "Nope. Dancing like this would usually cause me to be afraid of stepping on someone's toes. I think the alcohol has made me a bit uninhibited tonight."
The way she uttered the word cause my traitorous dick to spring to attention.
Fuck me. He's always ready for action when Bella is near.
She giggled, obviously aware of my 'situation' as it pressed against her. She leaned up to whisper in my ear. "Maybe we should leave so that we can, take care of that."
Oh fuck. Now I'm even harder.
"No, no, no." That bastard Javier interrupted, effectively ruining the moment. "You're doing it all wrong. Let me show you." He said as he started to pull my wife's hand from mine.
"Hold on," I began to object.
"It's okay Edward," Bella said in a whisper.
I watched with narrowed eyes as he held Bella's hand in one of his and snaked his other hand around until it rested on her back. As he demonstrated the proper technique for the tango, I watched as that hand slipped lower, "as you move Senora, our legs should intertwine like so," he proceeded to angle Bella's body until her thigh was between his legs. Not touching, but still between them.
I wanted to punch him.
That was the moment his hand dipped just a little too low. I watched as Bella reached around and pulled it up while giving him a sharp glare.
Motherfucker had the nerve to smirk.
He behaved for the next few minutes as he went over a couple of the more intricate steps with her, reminding her again to intertwine her legs with his.
Fuck. I wish she wasn't being so nice about this…
I continued to watch them like a hawk, not trusting him for a second. Suddenly, his hand slipped down Bella's back again until it cupped her ass cheek.
I saw red, but before I had a chance to act, or even blink, my wife's knee came up, making direct contact with Javier's balls.
The next thing I knew, he was doubled over, grunting in pain.
Bella covered the sides of her face with her hands. "Oh, I'm so sorry Javier," she exclaimed. When she pulled her hands away, she winked at me. "You kept demanding that I put my leg between yours, my knee must have slipped." She cried in fake remorse.
I didn't even try to hide my smile as I threw a wad of cash at Javier and grabbed Bella's hand. "Have a nice life asshat." I barked as I led my wife out of there.
I thought I heard his assistant chuckling, but I couldn't swear to it.
In the relative privacy of the car, I turned to Bella. "What the hell was that Bella? Were you pretending to be tipsy?"
She fucking giggled. "Oh I've been stone cold sober since we arrived for our lesson. Gah it's fun when you're jealous."
I narrowed my eyes at her. "You are a terrible, terrible person." I whispered as I pulled her against me. "But I'm glad you kneed him."
She giggled again. "I am Chief Swan's daughter. If I have a clear shot, I do know how to defend myself."
I laughed lightly and pulled her closer to me.
"Edward, do me a favor?" she whispered.
"Yes, love."
"No more dance lessons." She said pointedly.
I shrugged apologetically.
She glanced at Lou who was driving the car before pulling me down so that her lips were right by my ear. "Although I wouldn't be opposed to a little horizontal Tango once we're back at the villa."
Fuck me.
I looked at the itinerary of things I'd planned over the next few days.
Horseback riding.
I knew that Bella had started her period, and hadn't felt quite up to par, at least on the first day. I didn't want to push her into anything too strenuous. I also wasn't quite sure how safe it would be to ride a horse in her condition.
Maybe I should ask Dad…
Before I realized what I was doing, I was dialing his number.
"Hello Son, to what do I owe the honor?" he teased. "If it wasn't for the internet photos, I'd have been convinced that you'd dropped off the face of the earth."
"Oh come on Dad, I've phoned."
Dad chuckled. "Yes, I know you did, once, but I was at the hospital. Speaking of which, it's not like you to call my cell while I'm working. Is everything all right?" his voice immediately morphed from teasing to concern.
"Oh yeah, sorry about calling you at work. Everything's fine." I hesitated, realizing I was kind of a douche for talking to Dad about Bella's delicate situation.
"Edward, speak son. You're beginning to worry me."
"Ahh" I let out a frustrated sigh. "I called to ask you something and now I don't think I should."
"Son, you know you can ask me anything. Can you at least tell me what it pertains to?"
I scowled and blurted the question in a rush. "Is it safe for a woman to horseback ride while menstruating?"
There was silence for a moment. "I would assume that you want to take Bella riding?"
"I can see no problem Edward. I mean, I think it's safe to say that you won't be having her perform in a rodeo?" he laughed at his own joke.
"Funny, Dad." I retorted. "It would be a calm ride along the beach. I just don't want to do anything that could harm her."
Dad sighed. "My boy, this isn't the dark ages. Women are able to do just about anything during menstruation that they do the rest of the month." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Edward, you're a good man, a tad overprotective, but a very good man. You really should be having this conversation with your wife. It may surprise you to find out what activities she's up for."
Why does he sound like he's about to laugh?
"Okay Dad."
"Bye Son, see you in England."
"Oh Edward, if you ever wanted to convince me to move here, this would probably do the trick." Bella said with a smile.
We were horseback riding along the beach in the early morning, and I had to admit that the view was spectacular. I'd told Peter, our guide, that I wanted a slow, easy trek. Despite my father's assurances, I didn't want to jostle Bella while she was already uncomfortable.
Although, I had to admit that today, she was acting exactly as she always did. I would never guess that she was in pain.
Maybe she isn't….
My dick twitched at the thought. I knew he thought that Bella feeling okay, meant he would be getting 'some'.
Down boy
He'd been pretty fucking mad at me for the last couple of days. I couldn't blame him. Sex had become my new favorite pastime as well, and abstinence, now that I knew what I was missing, was a bitch.
I knew that a much longer period of abstinence was looming. Bella and I had agreed to the natural family planning thing, but it was going to be hell. Regardless, I knew I wanted to do this without complaint, for her.
"This was so worth getting up early, Edward."
I nodded and smiled. Suddenly, my horse came to a dead halt. I tried to nudge him forward, but he didn't respond. Bella and Peter stopped in their tracks just a little ahead of me and turned in my direction, confused looks on their faces.
At that precise moment, my horse began to empty his bladder.
Oh so that's his issue…
I waited, knowing that as soon as he'd taken his piss, we'd be able to carry on with the ride. I obviously hadn't been around horses enough, or this one happened to be in possession of an abnormally large bladder, because this piss was as loud as a waterfall, and just wouldn't end.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I exclaimed after it had gone on for what seemed like forever. Bella's entire body was shaking with laughter at the never ending stream. Peter was laughing as well from his perch atop a horse with, no doubt, a normal sized bladder.
"This is like that scene in the first Austin Powers movie, where he pees for freaking ever." Bella blurted between her giggles.
Yeah, I remembered the scene.
As soon as 'Austin' had finished his business, we continued our ride, leaving behind a puddle of horse piss the size of Lake Erie.
I was losing my will to live. If I had to see Bella prance by me in short shorts, or a sinfully small bikini once more and wasn't able to act upon my sexual urges, I knew I wasn't going to survive.
Okay that was a little melodramatic.
I just wanted sex. With Bella. Immediately.
When I woke to find her under the covers, eye-level with my cock, it took everything in me not to pin her down and plow into her like a caveman.
She looked embarrassed as she escaped to the bathroom. I lay back in the bed, so ready that I was leaking. Without another thought, I got out of the bed and started moving toward the bathroom, stripping off my boxer briefs as I went.
I was operating purely on impulse, and knew that I was going to hate myself for it, but couldn't seem to stop. As soon as I pulled her small warm body against my own, I was finished.
I had to know if she wanted this, because once I started, there would be no turning back.
"I'm sorry baby," I breathed against her lips. "Forgive me, but I couldn't stay away from you any longer. The last couple of days have been torture," I confessed in a quiet voice as I ran my fingers over her soft skin.
"But…" she exclaimed in surprise, "I thought you didn't want me."
"Sweetheart, why would you think such a thing?"
"You've barely touched me for two days."
"Bella, you were uncomfortable. I knew you didn't feel like having sex."
She probably still doesn't…
I sighed. "I should still be leaving you alone, but I can't help myself." I said before leaning down to kiss her neck.
"But" she spoke again, "I'm still bleeding. Doesn't the thought of sex with me disgust you?"
"Bella" I exclaimed. "Does this feel like I'm disgusted?" I asked as I pressed my hard-on against her.
Quite the opposite actually…
"You could never disgust me. Even the thought is alien to me." I smiled at her. "I'm sorry I've been a little 'distant'. The only excuse I can offer is that if I'd started touching you, running my hands over your soft, smooth skin," I said as I touched her, "Kissing your sweet lips," I said before kissing her. "And your breasts," I whispered before kissing each one. "I wouldn't have been able to stop until I was inside you."
Oh God how I want to be inside you…
I gave her a confused look.
"Don't stop…" She murmured.
What does she mean?
"Edward, what more do I have to say?"
She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Make love to me." she whispered.
She is the perfect woman
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Edward, just …please…"
Oh hell yes…
Before Bella could utter another word, I was lifting her. She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist, as if we'd been doing this for years. I lowered her slowly onto my length.
"Oh God," She moaned. "I've missed this so much," she whispered against my neck.
We were both so wrought up that we didn't last long. It was probably a good thing, having sex while standing was not the easiest of endeavors.
I probably need to start hitting the exercise room a little harder…
After the shower sex, we lay in bed and talked. I found out that Bella was just as eager for sex, period or not, as I was.
Good to know
We also discussed the fact that, in a few days, the period of 'abstinence' would arrive. During a moment where my dick was obviously thinking for me, I mentioned that we should have as much sex as possible leading up to that time.
Imagine my surprise when Bella agreed. She even embellished my plan a bit with the suggestion that we have sex in every room of the house.
There were a lot of rooms.
The problem neither of us had foreseen however was that once the abstinence started every room we'd christened held a memory of a hot love-making session. As a result, I sported an almost constant, painful, hard-on.
Not that our time of abstinence was all bad. I was with Bella, and that was worth everything to me. I got to hold her close as we watched movies from the vast collection in the home theater. We did a lot of talking and laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
As good as our time together was though, I longed for the day I could make love to her again.
The exercise room was one of the few places we hadn't had sex, therefore my morning wood and I had been spending a lot of time there.
I also spent a little time each day making phone calls. Alec had earned his pay as my P.A. during my time away especially. He'd been my go-to person for all the honeymoon arrangements and for Bella's upcoming birthday.
I think I'll reward him with an all-expenses paid vacation after filming for 'Enemy Combatant' is finished…
One morning, after I'd woken from a night of erotic dreams starring my girl, I bolted from bed and slipped on my workout clothes, hoping like hell that the abstinence would soon be over.
I was in the middle of a particularly strenuous workout when the music on my iHome changed.
As soon as I heard Dave Matthews start to croon through the speakers I sat straight up, confused, until I glimpsed my beautiful Bella across the room.
What the fuck is she wearing?
As soon as I got closer and was able to see that she wore an apron and nothing else, well, let's just say I'd never been so close to jizzing in my shorts.
Our love-making session was primal, but at the same time beautiful. The room had several mirrors, and when I realized that I could see everything we were doing in the one hanging opposite where we were, I thought about our barely furnished new home and its shameful lack of mirrors.
I'll be rectifying that upon our return….
Afterward, I carried her to the shower. We tossed out the breakfast Candace had prepared. It had gotten cold and inedible while we'd been otherwise, um, distracted.
Since we were both starving by this time, we decided to make breakfast together. "Bella let me cook for you."
She shook her head with a smile. "No Edward. Look, we're both famished. Two sets of hands will have the task completed a lot sooner."
I couldn't argue with her logic. "Okay, you can help if you wear the apron, and nothing else." I grinned salaciously, wondering if she'd go for my idea.
She smirked. "Only if you cook naked," she dared.
My eyes never left hers as I stripped right there and then in front of her.
She let out a little squeal as she turned to dart down the hall toward the exercise room, no doubt to retrieve the apron. I made sure to swat her shorts clad ass as she passed.
As soon as she reappeared in nothing but the apron, I knew breakfast would be delayed, again.
Now that sex was back on the menu, so to speak, I looked anxiously forward to England.
Sidney had decided to keep L.A. as his official residence, although because of my travel schedule, he wouldn't be there often. I sent him back home in order to have a break before filming began.
Our first two days in England we played tourist and visited a couple of places we hadn't back in the Spring. Fucking paps were making themselves known. I definitely hadn't missed that shit.
The experience I found to be the most surreal had been shopping at Harrod's for Baby Swan. Bella positively glowed as she held up item after item for me to see. There was a part of me that couldn't wait until it was our child that she was shopping for. However, a larger part, the one that was willing to go through the natural family planning, wasn't ready to share her. Not yet. That part was perfectly happy for our family to include just the two of us, at least for a while.
I would never grow tired of spending time at the Eagle and Child. The welcoming atmosphere always put me at ease. It also happened to be one place where I wasn't swamped with fans desiring autographs or photos.
Obviously Bella enjoyed it as well, and it was only about a mile from our house. .
I couldn't wait until filming for A Tale of Two Cities began. We'd be able to spend quite a bit of time in England then.
One film at a time Edward…
I sighed. Our honeymoon was almost over, and the latest schedule Alec had e-mailed for Enemy Combatant was going to be busy, very busy. Aside from filming in Seattle, we'd be travelling to New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and New York. Couple that with the press tour and premiere for The Harvest of Avarice, and I wouldn't be coming up for air until New Years.
As I sat happily with Bella during our dinner, I silently wondered if she'd get weary of the almost constant travel, and eventually change her mind about wanting to accompany me.
I hoped not. I couldn't bear the thought of being alone, or more precisely, I couldn't bear the thought of being without her.
We'd decided to spend the evening at a dance club. When Bella emerged from our bathroom in a 'barely there' dress, I wanted to take it off of her and spend the evening together, locked in the bedroom.
Why the hell were we going out again?
From the moment we set foot in that club, my goal was to get Bella home as soon as possible.
Jesus, just seeing her in that dress…
I doubted she was doing it deliberately, but her every movement came across as seductive. And that cute little ass…. every time she wiggled it, with as hard as she was making me, she may as well have been rubbing it against my cock.
I needed relief.
When she informed that she wanted to try something she'd never tried before, my mind immediately descended into the gutter, not to emerge for the rest of that night.
I knew damned well that she was talking about drinks, but instead, I was imagining all the sexual positions we hadn't tried yet.
Gotta get that Tantric chair….
And maybe a copy of the Kama Sutra…
My mind occupied with thoughts of sex, I barely heard Bella order her drink. Something called a 'Havana Passion'.
Okay, maybe there's a way to get her as 'hot and bothered' as I am..
I leaned in close to her ear, "Bella, if I had known you were looking to try a new drink, I could have made some suggestions." I started moving my fingertips up her thigh with the lightest of touches until they were under the hem of that very sexy dress, caressing her soft skin. "Such as a Comfortable Screw, or possibly a Slippery Nipple."
As I'd expected, she blushed furiously.
I grinned like an asshole.
"I adore your blush." I whispered before kissing the side of her head.
As she drank, I continued to bombard her with whispered inappropriate drink names, enjoying her discomfort immensely.
By the looks of my wife, we'll be getting out of here sooner than I thought….
I was extremely proud of myself as I sat there sipping my scotch. I surreptitiously sent a text to Lou, telling him to be waiting outside in approximately ten minutes.
When Bella leaned over to whisper in my ear, I knew without a doubt that she was going to inform me that she wanted to go home. I gave myself a mental high five.
I wonder if I should make her beg?
"Edward," she began as I tried to keep the smug look off of my face. "I distinctly remember saying that I wanted to try something I never had before. Your suggestions simply don't meet that criteria darling."
Suddenly her finger was touching the exposed skin of my chest. "For example, I've most definitely had a Slippery Nipple. Well, actually with the help of your tongue, I've had two on many occasions."
My brain turned to jello immediately, while my cock became harder than steel.
How is that possible?
"As for a Comfortable Screw, I've had many, you should remember. You were there for Every. Single. One."
Oh I remember…as does my cock.
"I even seem to distinctly remember having a Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall." she cleared her throat. "Well, actually it was a shower wall, but a wall nonetheless."
She's trying to kill me.
The waitress replenished our drinks. I took a big swallow of mine and gripped the glass as if it were a lifeline.
"Let's see, oh yes, I've had lots of Silk Panties, but you already knew that. I'm actually wearing a pair now, although technically it's a thong, but I guess that qualifies."
Fuckity fuck fuck….
"Pop the Cherry, I have to confess to having had only one of those, but it was a once in a lifetime experience." Her lips came closer to my ear. "The same can be said for Sex on the Beach, but I'd be open to a repeat performance of that sometime if the circumstance presented itself."
I had to concentrate on my breathing when she traced the shell of my ear with her tongue.
Holy fuck…
I downed more of my scotch.
"Screaming Orgasms, and Between the Sheets, hmm, I know you can't have forgotten about those…."
I felt her fingers move until they were on the waistband of my jeans. I was officially done. If my lips had been able to form the words, I'd have informed her that she'd won.
I surrender the game.
She was officially an expert in the art of seduction, and I was, comparatively, a mere novice.
Where the hell is my innocent little Bella?
"I think that just about covers all the ones you mentioned, although there is one more which I've heard of, but never actually experienced." She smiled sweetly at me. "Who knows? Maybe tonight's the night I should try a Blow Job." As the words left her mouth, she reached down to cup my junk. I groaned.
Set and match goes to Isabella Cullen, nee Swan.
I am so fucked.
I pulled her into a kiss, knowing that I would be the one begging to leave.
"Baby, I surrender. You win." I breathed, surprised that I was actually able to utter a complete sentence. "Are you ready to get out of here?"
She gave me a confused look. "But, we haven't danced yet."
What the…?
"You really want to dance?"
"Absolutely," she answered emphatically.
"Just….give me a minute," I said before removing her hand from my crotch and downing the rest of my drink.
I tried to envision anything to will the hard-on away. Dead puppies and kittens…nothing. Imagining Emmett and Jasper in women's lingerie seemed to do the trick.
Damn they would make some fuck ugly women
I chuckled inwardly at the thought and grabbed Bella's hand in order to pull her onto the dance floor before I changed my mind. As the music pulsated around us, I was unable to take my eyes from my wife as she swayed with the beat, letting it push and pull her. The hard-on was back as soon as she grazed her ass against me the first time and of course, Bella being Bella, she made sure to do it several times.
She is a cruel, cruel woman
I needed to get the fuck out of there. Correction: We needed to get the fuck out of there.
I grabbed her hips to stop her assault on my dick. "Bella, if you do that once more, I won't be responsible for my actions."
I needed to warn her. I was in serious danger of embarrassing myself in public.
She. Fucking. Giggled.
And, for good measure, she made sure to graze my cock once again with her perfect ass.
Time's up
I swung Bella around and pulled her against me as we headed toward the door.
"But…" she argued.
"We're leaving." I directed as I pressed some cash into the hand of our waitress as we passed.
I leaned down to her ear. "Isabella, I am very close to throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you out of here. The only thing stopping me is the fact that you've admitted you're wearing a thong, and there is no way in hell that I'm allowing any of these horny motherfuckers a glimpse of your luscious ass. That's for my eyes only."
For once, she had no pithy comeback.
Within minutes, we were at our house. The caveman I'd been holding back, made his presence known then as I tossed Bella over my shoulder and carried her up to our room. I slammed the door and pressed her against it.
"Bella, Bella, Bella."
"Edward, Edward, Edward." She repeated back.
She was smirking at me, the little minx.
"You are quite the tease aren't you?"
She pulled me down and whispered in my ear, "You won't be calling me a tease when we're fucking in a few minutes."
…and I, once again, temporarily lost the ability to form full sentences.
She just..
She said..
…and I …
Fuck me
I took a deep breath, hoping oxygen would help my addled brain to function.
This woman is full of surprises.
I smiled at her. "It seems that the alcohol has loosened your tongue my dear wife."
She pressed her body to mine, forcing me to step back. As soon as I did, Bella dropped to her knees and began undoing my jeans before pulling them down.
I was on autopilot as I stepped out of them. The boxer briefs followed immediately after. When Bella took me in her hand, I literally saw stars.
Fuck, if I last two minutes I'll be lucky…
As I thought about this, I watched as Bella leaned forward and kissed the head of my dick before swiping her tongue across it.
It felt incredible, and I could only imagine how amazing it would feel if she took me fully in her mouth.
The part of my brain which was still capable of rational thought, reminded me that I couldn't let Bella think I expected that from her. After what she'd lived through, I feared it would bring back bad memories.
She's been doing so well. A panic attack on our honeymoon would devastate us both…
I forced my hands to reached down and pull her up.
"Baby, you don't have to do that," I breathed as our lips touched.
Even though I want you to…
"I want to make you happy Edward," she answered before attacking my bottom lip with both of hers.
"You already make me so… so... happy," I panted as my hands found her thong.
I fucking ripped it from her body.
"I need to be inside you my love."
"Please," she whispered.
I pushed her back against the wall, the bed being entirely too far away…
She was already wet.
Bella hitched a leg around my hip. I held onto it as I eased inside her.
I was horny as fuck, but I didn't want to rush this.
"So, I guess a Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall is the winner." She said with a moan.
"I would say that I'm the winner my love," I forced out before placing open mouthed kisses on her neck.
"No…" she panted, "I'm definitely the winner."
I groaned deep in my throat, "Less talking, more cumming…"
As amazing as having sex against the wall felt, I knew I needed to move Bella to the comfort of our bed. Without losing our connection, I lifted her and carried her across the room. Once there, I made fast work of removing her dress and my shirt.
Finally, we were both naked. She was lying on the bed and I was kneeling between her legs, back inside of her.
Fuck me if she still wasn't wearing the shoes.
I kept a slow and steady rhythm as I watched my girl's beautiful face. Her cheeks were tinged pink and her full lips were drawn into a sweet little pout. It amazed me how, even in the throes of love-making, she could somehow look so innocent.
She's lovely in every way..
I grasped one of her ankles and brought it up to my chest so that her foot, still in the stiletto rested on my shoulder. That simple visual made the experience even more erotic and I watched as Bella moaned in pleasure.
It seemed to be affecting her as much as it was affecting me.
We were both getting close, I'd become very good at predicting when Bella was about to come. I ghosted my thumb across her clit several times and before I knew it, she was tightening around my cock and moaning my name.
"Bella" I breathed as I came hard and emptied deep inside her, before dropping her leg and collapsing on top of her small frame.
Once we'd caught our breath, I spoke. "Oh Bella, I love you so…"
I felt her arms tighten around me. "I love you too. Always."
I breathed a huge sigh of relief when Bella approved of the cottage I'd rented in Barmouth. To be completely accurate, she more than approved. She loved it.
After that, the only thing still worrying me was how she would react when I presented her with the details of the Renee Swan Foundation.
I hoped it would make her happy, but there was no way to know for sure.
It broke my heart when she told me about her childhood birthdays. I only hoped in some small way that the day I'd planned would be a happy one for her.
Time to make some new memories…
I awoke the next morning with a broad smile on my face. It had been the same every morning since our wedding. I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to the idea that Bella was truly mine.
I chuckled as I remembered her silly fears during the night about ghosts seeing her naked. She was so unpredictable, and thoroughly enchanting. I was completely under her spell, and couldn't imagine how I'd lived as long as I did without her.
Charlie and my parents had arrived in London the day before, and I was anxious to begin the day. Bella on the other hand, was much more interested in sleeping.
It took a round of love-making and thirty extra minutes of sleep before I was finally able to coax her from the bed.
After we were dressed, I handed her the box I'd stowed in my suitcase. "Happy birthday my love." I said with a kiss.
"Edward, you've given me so much already. I don't need anything more."
I looked at her curiously. "I haven't given you a gift yet Bella."
"Yes you have," she whispered. "You gave me you." She said before pulling me down into another kiss.
"Can't argue with that," I smiled against her lips. "Open the box."
She grinned and shook her head as she tore at the wrapping and lifted the lid. I enjoyed watching her happy expression before she squealed in delight after opening the front cover. "You've got to be kidding! A first edition and it's inscribed." She said before hugging it to her chest. "Oh Edward," she said through her tears, "This will be a perfect start to our library."
I smiled and pulled her to me. "What better home for it than in the Professor's study?"
"All I can say is that the British are a hardy breed." Bella announced with a grin through her chattering teeth. We were visiting Harlech Castle, and she wasn't adjusting as well to the temperature change since we'd left Barbados as I was.
"If it's this cold in September, I can only imagine what it's like in winter," she murmured. I pulled her close and rubbed her upper arms briskly in an effort to warm them. I didn't bother to point out that the temperature wasn't much different from what we were going to find upon our arrival back in Seattle.
As we stood there, she leaned up and left a soft kiss on my lips. "Despite the cold, are you enjoying your birthday so far?" I asked as I held her against me.
"Oh yes," she answered with a sigh.
During the ride back to Oxford, I had a chance to relax and ponder the last few weeks. I'd never felt as content as I did when Bella was beside me. Our honeymoon had truly been something from a fairytale, and when we returned to Seattle, I wouldn't have to leave her because of my job. She had decided we would stay together, no matter what.
I would never have asked it of her, but was so grateful that she'd made that decision.
I had a career that I loved, Bella was doing what she loved as well, we were young, we had plenty of money, and we had a large, loving family. So why was it that I had a nagging fear that it couldn't last?
In truth it was a very small uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, existing no doubt because I'd spent so many years alone, feeling undeserving of someone like Bella, that now a part of me thought all of this too good to be true.
I glanced over at my beautiful girl to see her smiling and relaxed as she watched the passing scenery, and I pushed away the dark thoughts.
If anyone or anything ever tried to take this, to take her, away from me….
I would end them, plain and simple.
I hung back by the doorway of the front parlor and watched Bella throw herself into her father's arms.
After she'd hugged him and my parents she turned to me, happy tears trailing down her pink cheeks, and wound her arms around my waist. "Oh Edward, somehow you knew exactly what I'd need today. Thank you. I love you so much." She breathed into my neck.
I knew at that moment that I would do anything to keep that happy smile on her face.
"Did you enjoy your birthday my love?" I asked as I pulled Bella into my arms. We were back at the Tolkien house, in our room, preparing for bed.
"It was like a dream, the whole day was perfect." She smiled up at me exuberantly. "Thank you."
I smiled back at her before reaching around to unzip her dress. Bella gave me a confused look. "Um, your parents are across the hall."
"And my Dad is two doors down," she whispered.
"Bella, we are married. Why are you freaking out?" I asked in an amused tone.
She frowned. "Didn't you see the way my Dad looked at us when I told him good night and grabbed your hand?"
I chuckled when I remembered the Chief looking as if he was in pain.
"I half expected him to tell you to sleep on the sofa Edward," she hissed.
I laughed out loud then.
She continued to frown. "I don't think we should, you know…" her voice dropped to a whisper, "…have sex. They might hear us."
"Well, you are rather loud," I teased.
She scowled at me then, "Har, har, Mister Smartass."
"Come on," I tugged at her hand, still chuckling at her antics, as I led her to the ensuite.
"Where are we…, what are you…, no way Edward!" She whisper-yelled. "My Dad!"
"Mrs. Cullen, you are taking a bath with me, and we are going to be very quiet." I nuzzled her neck as I spoke. I could feel her begin to relax in my arms.
"Come on baby, we won't make a sound," I whispered in her ear. "Besides, I'm not afraid of your Father. There's no way that Airport security allowed him to bring his gun into the country." I smirked.
She giggled then, and I knew I'd won. She continued her giggles as she let me lead her to the bath.
"Baby, I don't want to leave," I actually whined like the pussy that I was.
I should be ashamed of myself
It was my first day back to work. My first day on the set of Enemy Combatant, and I was whining about leaving my wife.
"Edward, you know you love your work. The day will fly by and before you know it, you'll be back here with me," she glanced at the packing boxes stacked in the corner of her living room. "Well with me and hopefully a bunch of filled moving cartons."
"Bella, we should hire someone to do that for us."
"Nonsense Edward. I want to pack my own things."
Judging by her tone, I knew there was no arguing with her.
"Now, kiss me goodbye, and I'll see you tonight," she ordered.
I smiled at her wistfully as I prepared to be separated from her for the first time in over a month. "I love you Mrs. Cullen," I said as I pulled her against me.
"I love you Mr. Movie Star," she grinned widely.
I kissed her once, twice, three times before she literally pushed me through the door.
"Edward!" Clint greeted with a smile. "Good to see you. I trust that you're rested and ready to work."
I smiled and nodded. "I don't know about rested, but I am ready to work."
Clint laughed. "What am I saying? You're a newlywed, hell you're not getting any rest. Maybe we can schedule a naptime in your trailer each afternoon," he said with a grin.
"Very funny," I laughed and shook my head.
"Okay my friend, I'm sure they're expecting you in wardrobe and makeup, and then we'll meet with the rest of the cast. Oh and after that, you'll be meeting with Dan your personal trainer for the shoot."
I nodded and headed off toward the makeup trailer.
After spending the morning suffering through makeup and wardrobe tests, I found I had a break before I'd be meeting with Clint and the rest of the cast for lunch and then rehearsals.
Bella had been on my mind all morning. I missed her so fucking much.
I pulled out my phone and sent her a text.
Miss you, beautiful
I smiled as I imagined her surrounded by boxes. I hoped she didn't over exert herself.
I miss you too, can't wait until tonight
It was a priority that I got home on time tonight. Once filming started, I knew that I wouldn't always be able to keep to a schedule. Good films weren't made by people concerned with 'punching the clock'.
But tonight I'd be home by seven, and have my girl in my arms about a minute later. I thought back to the night before, when Bella wore her Little Mermaid underwear to surprise me…
I sent another text.
What are you wearing?
I had to ask.
She didn't answer right away, so I picked up the pace to my trailer. Some fans had gathered on the periphery, and I sent Alec over to let them know that I'd be happy to sign autographs when I came back outside.
Sidney and I continued quietly to my trailer. When I was about twenty feet from the door, my phone chimed. I looked at it and realized that Bella had sent a photo. When I opened it, I almost swallowed my tongue at what greeted my eyes.
My wife, my gorgeous, sexy wife, was smiling back from the screen of my phone, wearing nothing but a sinfully sheer camisole and matching panties.
How the hell does someone this sexy share the same gene pool as Emmett Swan?
Not wanting a repeat of the time I dropped my phone, giving Jasper an eyeful of a lingerie-clad Bella, I held onto it for dear life.
Sidney definitely doesn't need to see this…
I made a beeline for the trailer door and locked myself inside. After removing my jacket, I grabbed a bottle of water and took a swig before settling comfortably on the daybed.
I looked at the photo again as I dialed her number. I didn't give her a chance to speak. "Jesus baby, I can't believe you did that. Luckily I was walking to my trailer when I opened that photo. Needless to say, I'll be hiding in here until I, er, calm down."
She laughed loudly in my ear. "Edward, you are such a boost for my ego."
I chuckled, "As are you for my libido."
She giggled again. "Are you still arriving home around seven tonight?"
"Yes, hopefully sooner."
At least that's the plan…
"I'll be counting the minutes," she breathed into the phone.
I was never going to lose this hard-on
"Me too baby," I paused, noticing the time. "I'd better go," I said while taking one last look at the photo. "Oh and Bella?"
"Be wearing that when I arrive..."
"Hello brother dear," my sister chirped happily. "Are you still on set?"
"Yes, but I should be finished by six or so." I answered. "When did your flight arrive?"
"A couple of hours ago, we're at Mom and Dad's now. I was just making sure that you and Bella will be at Emmett and Rose's tonight."
I sighed. It had been a long day that had started at six this morning when I had to leave for the set. "Yes, we plan to be there."
"I'm glad. I know you're tired but Jasper, Chris and I haven't seen you both since the wedding. We miss you."
I detected a hint of sadness in my sister's voice. "Alice is everything okay?" I asked with concern.
"Yeah, I've just got a lot on my mind," she answered in a quiet voice. "I'll see you tonight."
Alice was right. I was tired. The next day off I had would be on Sunday. This was going to be a long, busy shoot. Next week, the real fun would begin. I rubbed the back of my neck and thought of my beautiful wife.
Somehow, that always made things better.
When Alice greeted us in Emmett and Rose's driveway, I could detect no sadness in her demeanor. I decided to give her a little space. Alice was never shy. If she needed to talk to me, she'd do it. I would just wait for her to come to me.
Between Alice and Bella, it was hard to say which one was more excited about learning the sex of the baby. I was glad when the moment finally arrived, and Emmett made the announcement.
A boy
"A boy! You're having a boy!" Alice exclaimed as she jumped from her seat to hug Rose. I caught a glimpse of my mother across the table wiping her eyes.
I knew that she and Dad considered Rose and Emmett to be members of the family.
I smiled widely, as I contemplated the fact that this child would be cousin to any children Bella and I would have. I wondered if the little boy would look like Emmett. More importantly, would he act like Emmett?
Oh Jesus. Poor Rose…
Bella had been able to keep her emotions at bay until Emmett announced the baby's name: Charles Whitlock Swan. Those three words were enough to bring all of the women, along with a couple of the men, to tears.
As I sat back and watched the scene unfold before me, I couldn't help but think of how much love existed in that room for this tiny baby, before he'd even taken his first breath.
It was a good feeling.
A/N Join us on Facebook….the Virgins & Villains Page and/or the group Emmamama's Stories. We would love to have you!
Bella's lingerie ensemble is posted in the V&V facebook page photos and on the V&V photo blog
When V&V (and LRM) are complete, not only will I be continuing with a sequel, but I will also be starting a new story called 'Popsicle Sticks'. It will most likely have its own blog...i will link it to this one.