“Hey, Bellaboo, care to tell me why my girlfriend is drunk-ironing?” Emmett was standing in my apartment with two open bottles of beer in his hands.
After handing one to me, he continued. “You know that she only drunk-irons when she’s really pissed off, and I get the feeling that you know why.”
When Rose would get really angry she drank tequila. While drinking, she would brood. Then she would drink more tequila and go into Emmett’s closet, remove his shirts and pants, and start ironing.
When we had gotten home, I fixed dinner for Rose and I, but promptly left for my own apartment when she pulled out the tequila.
“Oh Em, we met with Edward Masen and his entourage today. Rose will be interviewing him next week”.
“Oookay…not seeing a reason so far for Rosezilla to make an appearance” he grinned.
My brother just sat there seemingly listening to me, but staring out of the window. When he turned his head to look at me, all signs of humor were gone. He looked distraught.
“Can you handle it Belly? Really handle it?” He choked out. Em was trying not to show emotion, but I could see his struggle. “He’s got a reputation with the women, and I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.”
“Oh Em” I set my beer down and crawled into his lap, throwing my arms around his big brawny neck. “Edward Masen is just a man. I know how to handle myself, believe it or not.”
Emmett still looked at me with a wary expression. I placed my hands on either side of his face, and made him look into my eyes. “Em, I’m not fifteen any more. Believe me, if I feel uncomfortable, I’ll leave. If Masen isn’t a complete gentleman, I’ll phone you or Rose. But really, Edward’s not some rapist or serial killer. I’ll be fine.”
Would I be fine?
“Besides, Rose told him that if he tried anything she’d hand him his balls, before you had the chance to” Emmett grinned from ear to ear.
“That’s my Rosie, and precisely why in 10 days she will be my fiancée”
“If she says yes” I tease.
“No is not an option Bellaboo” he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
Emmett stood up and sighed loudly. “I gotta go calm her down. I really hope my clothes survived.”
“I made dinner, and left you a platter in your fridge.”
“Thanks sis.” And he walked across the hall, back to his apartment.
Before I went to bed, I decided to go over there and check on Rose.
“I don’t care what you say Bella, I’m really nervous about this” Rose was still upset about the whole Edward issue. She’d finally started to sober up. Emmet forbade her from drinking any more alcohol, she acquiesced and drank a cup of coffee before switching to water.
“Rose, you have nothing to worry about. This situation won’t bring back any ghosts. I’ll be fine.”
Rose’s shoulders slumped in defeat, her voice barely a whisper, “You know how much we love you Bella. I just can’t bear the thought of anything happening that we could have prevented.”
“I’m going into this with my eyes open. And besides, like I told Emmett, I’m not a kid any more. I’ve got to face my demons sometime.”
Rose smiled and hugged me. “Okay, get to bed. We have work tomorrow, and then you need to help me with dinner.“
“How’d I get elected to do that?” I couldn’t resist giving her a hard time.
“Bells, you know my cooking leaves a lot to be desired. In a word, it sucks” she giggled.
“Goodnight Rose” I gave her a hug.
“Night Bells”. I headed back across the hall. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
That night I tossed and turned with my usual nightmares. But after the nightmares ended, I was swept away in a peaceful slumber and dreamt of a beautiful angel with vivid green eyes.
Rose looked at me with a smirk, and waved her coffee cup at me. She needed a refill.
We’d been working for over four hours without a break, hoping to get out of the office early today, in order to start our Christmas vacation.
I grabbed the cup and headed for the break room.
Shit, Mike Newton is in full stalker mode. Doesn’t his sorry ass ever do any work?
He followed me as I fixed Rosalie’s coffee. I knew that if I wanted to escape unscathed, I would not have time to fix my own cup.
“Hey, beautiful, how’s the day treating you?” he said while trying to reach out and stroke my arm.
I dodged Mike’s petting attempt and grabbed creamers and sugar, heading for the door. “Hi Mike, really a busy day, prepping for the Masen interview”
“Oh yeah, cool that Whitlock scored that interview. She’s one of the few women around that wouldn’t fall for his charms” Mike was studying my face now.
“Yeah, no worries about Rosalie “ball-buster” Whitlock” I chuckled, and made my escape.
Mike followed. “Bella, I heard you’re going to ‘personally assist’ Masen. I have to say, I’m against it.”
This halted me in my tracks. I turned to face him, bristling with my anger. “Mike, how is that your concern?”
“Well, I don’t think he’s good for you. I’ve read all about how he dates and discards women.”
“Oh for heaven’s sake Mike, if my brother is okay with this, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be.” I was trying to be nice, but Mike was pushing my buttons.
“I know what would keep Masen in line.”
“And what would that be Mike?”
“If you were my girl, Masen would know to stay away from you.”
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
I gathered my wits enough to answer him.
“Mike, that’s not going to happen. You. Are. A. Co-worker. Period.
None of this is your business” trying not to raise my voice.
“But Bella baby we could be so good together.” Mike said suggestively.
I stood there for a moment with my mouth hanging open, not believing what I was hearing.
And then I did it, I took my verbal filter and flushed it down the proverbial toilet. Raising my voice I said, “Michael, that’s never going to happen. I can’t even pretend that I appreciate your concern. That comment was completely inappropriate. And let me just add this, if I were to decide to have wild unprotected sex with Edward Masen and give birth to his love-child, it still would be none of your business!”
And for the second time this week, karma reached up and bit a chunk out of the ass cheek of my life.
I heard it. The throat clearing. It was coming from behind me.
I wheeled around to see Edward Masen himself, about four feet away, leaning against the wall, sporting a smirk sexier than ever before.
If it was physically possible to kick my own ass at this moment, I would do it.
“Hello Miss Swan, happy to see you so…animated today”
No. No talking with the sexy voice again. That voice could cure PMS.
Summoning my courage, I decided to speak to him. “Hello Mr. Masen, I’ll be with you in a moment” I turned from Edward, and faced Mike again.
“Mike, we’re done here. I’ll be glad to speak with you about work-related issues at any time, but this subject is closed.” Mike finally took the hint I beat him over the head with, and retreated to his office.
Turning back to Edward, “Okay, Mr. Masen, I know you heard what I said to Mike before.”
“Yes, that was quite an eye-opening statement, Miss Swan”. He grinned.
“Well, here’s the thing. Mike can’t seem to take a hint, so I had to resort to being an appalling bitch to finally get through to him. I apologize for using your name the way I did, there was no excuse for that.”
Edward studied my face for a moment, and then smiled.
We began to walk in the direction of Rose’s office.
“Miss Swan, think nothing of it, and please call me Edward, after all we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other in the next week.” Aaaanndd…the smirk is back. Oh to have that amount of self confidence.
“Then please call me Bella” I tried to smile sweetly, not letting his sexiness affect me. Yeah, lost cause that.
“So, what brings you here Edward? Did you need me to get Rose?”
“No, actually I came to see you.“
“Well, I thought that we should probably get to know one another, since we’re being thrown together next week. So….have dinner with me tonight?”
It was more of a statement than a question, and as he spoke he stalked closer until he was only inches from my face, dazzling me.
I took in a deep breath, and momentarily recovered myself.
“No can do Edward. I’m having dinner with Emmett, Rose, Jasper and Alice tonight. And since I’m doing the majority of the cooking, I have to be there.”
“Oh” He looked genuinely disappointed. “Well, how about lunch? Are you free now?”
No lunch dates with the sexiest man alive, no no no….On second thought, I do have to eat.“We can discuss my schedule and what I’ll need from you”. His breath was warm against my left cheek. I couldn’t move.
If I don’t eat, I could become seriously ill. Don’t want to be sick for Christmas.
“What do you say Bella? Just say yes.” He leaned closer and pushed a stray piece of my hair behind my ear “Please” he breathed into my ear.
And my mind continued to make up all kinds of shit it wanted to hear.
Lunch with Masen would just be protecting my health for the holidays. Even Rose couldn’t be mad about that. Could she?I couldn’t form a coherent sentence, so I said the only thing I could, “yes”.
He smiled widely, “I’ll be downstairs when you’re ready.” He reached up and stroked his fingertips across my cheek. “See you in a bit”. His fingers left a warm trail where they had touched.
“Bye” I squeaked out.
Rose is going to kill me
That was the precise moment I decided not to tell her.
“Rose, do you need me any more today?” I asked as I handed her the coffee.
“Nah Bells. I’ve got a couple hours of work left. You can take off.“
“Okay, I’ll go ahead to the grocery store and get everything for tonight. We can start cooking when you get home.“
I headed downstairs, and met Edward in the lobby. He greeted me with an intense look, but then his face was lit up with a dazzling smile.
I agreed to go out to lunch with a guy who was, quite possibly, the most famous young actor out there. A guy who already had a girlfriend.
What was wrong with me? Bella please don’t set yourself up for a broken heart. You’ve protected it for so many years, don’t screw up now.
Although the tabloids made much of the fact that Edward’s steady was Tanya Madison, that fact never seemed to stop Edward from being seen with a bevy of beautiful blondes on his arm at any given moment in time.
I decided at that moment that I would need to keep Fast Eddie at arms length. No way was I going to end up as one of his “date whores”.
I smiled in greeting.
“Did you drive?” Edward asked.
“No, Rose and I live so close that we walk to work, it’s just a couple of blocks. We only drive if the weather is really nasty.”
Why exactly am I telling him my life story?
“I have a car and driver that I use when I‘m in Seattle.” He said, just as a black Mercedes pulled up to the curb.
I pulled my hat down over my ears as we exited the building.
“Do you like Chinese food?” Edward asked as his eyes danced over my face.
“Yes, I love it.” I answered quietly.
Edward’s driver greeted us both with a smile while opening the back door.
“Sidney, we need to return to the hotel please” he said to the driver.
I froze.
Why was I going to Edward‘s hotel? O dear. I don’t think I can handle this. Deep breaths.
“Bella, I took the liberty of having the concierge order our lunch. It should be delivered to my suite soon after we arrive.”
What’s he talking about? Food…o yes, lunch…that’s right, we’re having lunch.
My dazed and confused mind struggled to catch up with Edward’s talking.
He must have noticed my muddled state.
“Is that a problem Miss Swan? I thought we could discuss things a little more comfortably at my hotel rather than in a restaurant.”
Oh jeebus, where is my inner bitch when I need her?
“That sounds okay. I really don’t have a lot of time, but that’s fine.”
Oh for cripes sake. Way to control the situation Bella.
The rest of the drive to the hotel was spent in silence. Edward was on his phone texting, so I didn’t interrupt him with idle conversation.

“Wow, your driver is really helpful” I said.
Edward gave me a puzzled look.
“I mean he kept those photographers from getting too close.“
“Oh yes. Well, Sidney is ex-military, and I also count on him as a bodyguard when I’m in town. I don’t seem to need one as badly as I do in L. A. , but you can never be too careful.“
The suite was beautiful, of course. I put my things on the desk against the wall, and sat down on the sofa.
Edward went to the mini bar. “What would you like to drink Bella?”
“Just a coke would be fine.” I smiled.
He returned with a cup full of ice and a can of coke. Just then there was a knock on the door.
The food.
The delivery girl was sufficiently star-struck when Edward opened the door. I wouldn’t have believed her smile could get any bigger, but it did when Edward handed her a hundred and told her to keep the change.
We moved to the dining table, and began to sort the food.
“My gosh Edward, what army were you intending to feed?” I asked.
“Now Bella be reasonable. I didn’t know what you liked, so I ordered four different dishes, egg rolls and soup. It’s really not that much.”
It grew quiet as we started eating. Edward studied my face, and then spoke.
“I don’t know what it is about you Miss Swan, but I seem to be drawn to you for some reason. I thought that spending time together would help me solve the mystery.”
“Oh so I’m some kind of experiment to you?”
“No, no, you misunderstand me.”
“Enlighten me then Edward.” I really didn’t mean to sound as sarcastic as I did but, again, I couldn’t help myself.
He leaned across the table until his face was within a foot of mine. “Ever since I saw you yesterday, you’ve been on my mind constantly. That’s never happened to me before.”
Oh my gosh, he’s as affected by this, whatever it is, as I am.“I’m at a loss. I just want to get to know you. Please?”
Even though I knew this probably wasn’t a good idea. Even though I knew that if Rose found out she’d kill me or Edward or both. Even though I knew that I may be left alone and heartbroken. I couldn’t say no.
“Okay. But can I ask one thing?”
“Of course.”
“All I ask Edward is that you be truthful with me.”
“I promise Bella.” he smiled.
After that we fell into easy conversation. Edward told me about his and Alice’s childhood in Chicago.
He told me that his father took a position as doctor of surgery at Seattle General and moved the whole family here the summer Edward turned ten years old, in July 1995.
“That’s funny.” I said
“Funny?” He tilted his head while looking at me with a puzzled expression.
“I meant strange. You moved to Washington in July 1995, and I moved away from Washington at the same time.”
I thought about this for a minute before changing the subject.
“So your Dad’s a doctor?” I asked. “Did you ever consider following in his footsteps, or was acting always your dream?”
“I always assumed I would be a doctor.” He hesitated, deep in thought, then continued. “I kind of fell into the acting thing. I did high school theater. Then, when I was seventeen, a friend signed me up for an open casting call for a movie they were filming in Vancouver. I went, and the director wanted me to come back for an audition.”
“A couple months later, I got a call from the movie studio. They didn’t need me for the movie I auditioned for, but for another one. I went to Hollywood for a screen test just after my eighteenth birthday, and never left. Although I do come home to visit of course.”
“That’s kind of sad Edward. Wasn’t it difficult to move so far from your family?”
“Yes, but I found ways to keep busy, and Alice went to college in California, so I got to see her quite often.”
“From that point on, if I wasn’t filming, I could go home, but it was never for more than a week or two at a time. The studio kept me very busy.“
“In California, my mother and Alice came to stay with me during that first summer, and I stayed with some friends of the family during the rest of that first year. Mother hired a tutor to teach me while on set, and that‘s how I finished high school.”
“I moved into my own apartment, spending my spare time taking acting classes and college level courses. That was how I earned my Business degree from UCLA.”
“Wow, Edward, how did you find the time to do that and still have your amazing career?”
“You’d be surprised how many hours are left in the day to study when you don’t have much of a ‘social life’.” He answered with complete sincerity.
That didn’t make any sense. He was always attending this premiere or that award show. Always with a different female, or with Tanya. He was either one hell of a liar, or something fishy is going on in Hollywood.“Enough about me now, tell me about your past Bella.”
My past. Something about the phrasing of that sentence bothered me. I definitely wouldn’t be sharing all the details of my past with Edward.
“I was born in Forks, but my parents split up the summer before my eighth birthday. Like I said, it’s funny Edward, the summer you moved to Washington was the summer I left.”
“Anyway, I moved with my Mom to Phoenix, initially, and my brother Emmett, who was thirteen at the time, stayed with Dad.”
“Initially?” He questioned.
“My Mom was a free spirit, we started in Phoenix, but moved around a lot.”
“That’s kind of sad Bella.” He said with a slight smile, mimicking my words from before.
“Yeah, but Dad always made sure that Emmett and I spent every summer, and holiday together, we still do, we’re very close.“
“What prompted you to move back to Washington?”
Ugh, we were now treading close to dangerous territory.
“My mom died when I was fifteen, so I moved back with Dad. Emmett was at the University of Washington at the time” my voice had fallen to a hoarse whisper as I forced the words out.
I seemed to have lost my appetite.“Oh, I’m…..so sorry Bella.” He spoke quietly and reached over placing his hand on top of mine. There was an inexplicable electric current in his touch, but that touch was also gentle and soothing. I didn’t pull my hand away.
I was so confused. For the past almost seven years, I had cringed away from the touch of any man, with few exceptions. These exceptions have been Charlie, Emmett, and Father Pat, our Parish priest. For some reason I couldn’t pull away from Edward. I felt safe with him, more than safe, his presence both calmed and excited me at the same time.
Edward watched me for another moment. I’m sure he could see the worry and confusion, and decided to let drop the subject of my childhood.
He didn’t ask any more questions, but I decided to “fill in the blanks” with information about my life in Washington.
I explained that by the time I moved back to Forks, Rose had been dating Emmett for about four years. From that moment on, Rose, Emmett and Charlie became the most important people in my life.
I also explained that I decided to go to UW so I could be close to Emmett and Rose.
I didn’t tell him that there was no way I would be able to live completely alone.
“Emmett got me an apartment across the hall from them, so I didn’t have to stay in a dorm.“
“He and Rose are very protective huh?”
“Yes. They love me.” I stated simply. “Emmett and I had a very difficult time when our parents divorced and we were forced to be separated.”
“You sound like Alice and me. We were separated because of my career, but somehow remained very close.”
“Yeah, Emmett is sometimes hard to take though. He is ‘wide open’ most of the time, you know running in fifth gear? During Christmas it’s the worst, he completely regresses into a little kid again.”
We both laughed.
Eventually, he began to discuss my duties for next week. It sounded a lot like what I already did for Rose.
After about an hour, I had to go. I knew Rosalie would be leaving work soon, and I wanted to beat her home. I refused to let him walk me down because photographers were sure to be camped out. We exchanged cell numbers before I left.
“I guess I’ll see you Monday then Edward.” I said at his door.
“Maybe sooner than that Miss Swan.” He said. And then he winked at me before I walked to the elevators.
Being in his presence was so intense that I was suddenly very glad to be going home for Christmas, even if it was just for two days.
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