Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 29 - Tidal Pools & Capistrano

In my dream I could hear the ocean. I was at First Beach with Emmett. Even in my sleep, I was aware that this wasn’t a dream, it was a memory.

‘Bellaboo come on, it’s low tide, let’s hike to the tidal pools.’

‘I don’t know Emmett, I fell in last time.’

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chapter 30 - The Southern Gentleman & Caveward

The next morning I actually pinched myself to make sure last night had been real. As we were falling asleep, Edward had explained to me that he never had the aversion to marriage that I did, reminding me how blissfully happy his parents’ marriage was.

He did admit however, that he never thought he’d find anyone he wanted to marry. He was never willing to settle for less than what Carlisle and Esme had, so he‘d been resigned to being alone.

He was as pathetic as I was.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 31 - Wild Turkey & Jedi Training

I let the hot water from the shower run down my back as I tried to clear my head. It was still relatively early when we arrived back at Jasper and Alice’s. She had been pretty strict about getting home before midnight, because we needed to get up early tomorrow to prepare for the photo shoot.

The guys would get to sleep in. Their plan was to meet us at the park once the shoot was finished. Well, except for Christopher who was in the photo shoot with us.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chapter 32 - Swing Dancing & The Dearly Departed

We followed the two guards into a building near the front of the park. They led us upstairs and then down a hall to an office. The sign on the door read ‘Director of Security’.

This is really bad if we’re being dragged to the head honcho’s office.

Edward must have seen my worried look, so he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him, getting lost in his eyes.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Chapter 33 - Unsolicited Advice & Airline Wings

I wheeled around to see who was speaking. Imagine my surprise when I came face to face with Gloria Powell’s lovely smile.

“Hello there Bella, and you must be Edward” Gloria said politely, as she shook Edward‘s hand.

As if anyone doesn’t know who Edward is. Well Bella, you never know, there are probably some members of an undiscovered tribe in South America that don’t know about him.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chapter 34 - Ringtones & The Prodigal Son

When we walked into my apartment, it felt as if I’d been gone for a year. In the short span of one week, my life had undergone a seismic shift. Little did I realize that when I left last Saturday, I was leaving my old life behind.

The life where the man I loved had tried to convince me that he didn’t want me any more. The life where our relationship had been like a rollercoaster ride, up and down, incredibly happy and exciting moments, followed by disaster.

What a huge difference a week made. Not only had Edward apologized profusely for every stupid thing he’d said and done last Friday, but we’d come to an understanding. An understanding in which we both realized that we wanted a permanent commitment.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 35 - Boxer Shorts & Serenades

Knowing that Edward planned to bring me lunch, I shot him a quick text.


Rose needs me. I’m going to the Four Seasons. Don’t know if I’ll be able to have lunch with you today, I’m sorry. Love you.


I was locking up my desk, when he texted back.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chapter 36 - Wookies & Good Friday

**Note:  This chapter will be much more understandable if you first read EPOV 'Love Rescue Me' through Chapter 5.
“Dorothy was a pleasant surprise.” I grinned at Edward.

“She is one of my favorite people.” Edward smiled back as he held my hand.

We were on our way back from the Cullens’ house after dinner. We weren’t riding with Emmett and Rose this time. Edward borrowed his Dad’s Mercedes for our trip to Forks, so Em and Rose were following in the Hummer.