Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chapter 78 - Good Friends & Fireside Picnics

"Rose" I whispered as I followed her into the kitchen with a stack of dirty dishes. "What is up with your Mom? I feel the distinct absence of the Dragon Lady."

Rose grimaced before shaking her head with a sigh. "The simple answer is that she's in therapy. She started while Em and I were on our honeymoon."


"She informed me of it about two weeks ago. She said she needed to sort through her shit because she didn't want to lose her kids." Rose grinned. "Needless to say, she didn't use the word shit."

I giggled while Rose smirked.

"Well that's…." I hesitated, thinking of the right word "something."

Rose shrugged, nonplussed. "We'll see if she can keep this up. Obviously, I'd love to have a good relationship with my Mother, but I'm not holding my breath. We had a very honest discussion, and I admitted that my biggest problem with her was that she placed too much value in the opinion of others with regard to her children."

I nodded as I listened. "I mean, honestly Bells, could I be married to your brother if I gave a shit what other people thought?"

We both laughed.

I looked down at her ever growing baby bump and smiled. "So baby Charlie huh?"

She grinned. "Well, Emmett and I have discussed that in order to avoid confusion; we may call the baby by his middle name, but shorten it to 'Whit'." She frowned, "that seems like such an adult name for a little baby though. I guess we'll have to see what feels right when he arrives."

"Three more months Rose," I grinned. "Can you believe it?"

She gave me a nervous smile and shook her head. "No. Sometimes the thought of being a mother is overwhelming…"

Just then we were interrupted by Alice and Chris, carrying dishes and laughing as they entered the kitchen. "Rose," Alice exclaimed. "Your husband is misbehaving again."

"When is he not?" Rose asked.

Valid question

We stopped what we were doing and walked into the living room to find Emmett showing ultrasound photos to the other guests. Esme's face was red from laughing, as was Suzanne's, even Mrs. Whitlock was in hysterics. The men were laughing as well, except for Charlie, who had his arms folded across his chest as he scowled at my brother.

Oh my

Emmett grinned when he saw us. "Hey Bells! I was just telling everyone that the ultrasound tech didn't have to tell me we were having a boy. Take a look at this," he exclaimed before shoving a photo in front of my face.

It was an ultrasound photo obviously, but it took a moment to focus on what I was actually seeing. I felt my eyes open wide and my chin drop, "Emmett!" I exclaimed. "What is this?"

"Well, you see, that right there is the scrotum, and…" he began as he pointed at the photo.

I wanted to scream as the room filled with laughter once again. "Emmett! I know what it is; I want to know why exactly am I holding a photo of my nephew's genitalia?"

"Because sister dear," he began to explain, "I wanted to share this with everyone. I got a lot of photos from the ultrasound. I'm saving this shit for posterity so that someday I can show my son that even before his birth he was packing."

He then turned toward everyone else as he held up the photo in question.

"He's going to have the biggest dick in the maternity ward!"

I opened my mouth to inform Emmett that the baby already had a big dick for a father, but I just couldn't. I shook my head as I looked at him. "It's just too easy." I muttered.

Emmett narrowed his eyes at me as laughter filled the room once again.


Later that evening, Edward and I found ourselves on Emmett and Rose's terrace, admiring the view of the Sound. I couldn't wait until we moved into our new house for good.

I was seated on one of the loungers, leaning back against Edward's chest when we heard someone exiting the house through the glass doors.

"Alice, you and Jasper have been wonderful, but I feel like I'm crowding you." I heard Chris say as he and Alice walked onto the terrace, obviously unaware of our presence.

"Christopher, you're my best friend. Best friends help each other. You have a place with us for as long as you need, you know that." Alice immediately stopped speaking when she saw Edward and me.

For the first time that evening, I took a good look at Christopher's face. I'd sensed that something was off, but was so wrapped up in the news about Baby Swan that I didn't pay close attention.

I felt like a lousy friend.

On the surface, Chris seemed like his usual playful happy self. He smiled and laughed, but only now did I realize that the smiles never quite reached his eyes.

Edward, who was much more in tune with both Chris and Alice, spoke up then. "What is going on? And don't tell me it's nothing," he said in a demanding tone. "Chris, why are you staying with Alice and Jazz?"

Chris let out a huff and sat on the lounger next to ours, pulling Alice down to sit beside him. "I made a conscious decision to keep this from you and Bella before your wedding but," he raked his fingertips across his forehead, "Gerry and I have split up," he said in a sad tone.

"Oh Chris, I'm so sorry," I told him as I reached for his hand, covering it with one of mine.

He shrugged and let out a breath. "It's been coming for a while. I knew for sure when he backed out of attending the weddings with me." He frowned deeply. "He said our age difference was just too great, and that we didn't want the same things."

"He is kind of set in his ways," Alice said with a small smile as she rubbed Christopher's back soothingly.

"I know," Chris answered as he glanced at us before giving Alice a grateful smile. "So, I moved out of his house, put my things in storage, and moved in with Jasper and Alice."

"I wish I'd have known," Edward said sadly.

"No, Edward. I didn't want anything to take away from your wedding day. I'll be okay, as soon as I get over the fact that I've wasted the last three years of my life," bitterness evident in his tone.

"Oh Christopher," Alice said sadly.

Chris patted her arm before getting a determined look on his face. "I love you all, and appreciate your concern, but I'd kind of like to keep this between us right now," he informed. "I don't need to be the main topic of conversation tonight."

We nodded in silent agreement. Jasper exited the house a few minutes later, carrying two large drinks. He gave us a knowing look and handed the drinks to Alice and Chris. "I may have spiked them," he announced with a cheeky grin.

They both smiled at him before Chris's gaze dropped to Jasper's feet. "Loving those boots cowboy," he teased as we watched Jasper's face turned a deep shade of red.

Everyone laughed then, and even though he was hurting, I was certain that Chris was going to be okay.


"Are you sure you don't mind?" I asked.

"Baby, go out, have a good time." Edward assured me. "I'll probably just fall into bed when I get home."

It was Saturday afternoon; Edward left at noon for the set, and would be working through dinner.

Emmett had flown to Denver early that morning with the team. Originally Rose and I were going to visit with Alice, Jasper and Chris, but then she had the bright idea that we should take Chris out to cheer him up.

To be honest, I was going a little stir crazy hanging around the apartment every day, even though I'd been busy packing boxes and working on my next book.

So, that was why I found myself dressed to the nines, courtesy of Alice and Rose, and sitting in a club in downtown Seattle while I listened to my friend pour his heart out.

"I always admired him, you know, the older man, a college professor," Chris slurred. "These past few weeks have given me time to think. Gerry is hands down the smartest man I've ever met, but I'm not sure if I was in love with him, or in love with the idea of him. Does that make sense?"

We nodded.

He bit his lip before continuing. "I should have known he was too good for me."

"Bullshit!" Jasper suddenly blurted. "Gerry always thought he was better than anyone with less than a PhD. He's what I refer to as an educated moron. Alice and I tolerated him for your sake Chris. You are well rid of that stuck up sumbitch."

My mouth fell open in surprise. Not only at Jasper's colorful choice of words, but at the fact that he would so vehemently defend Chris. The way Chris constantly teased him, I was never sure if Jasper actually liked him.

"You have to admit that he was a very stifling presence in your life Chris. He never appreciated the real you." Alice added.

Chris was thoughtful for a moment before nodding his head. "That's true. Remember when I wanted to be Lady Gaga last Halloween, and he forbade it. I thought he was going to have a stroke," he said with a small smile. "I always felt like he was a little embarrassed by me."

"Exactly," Alice agreed. "Honey, you are a beautiful person inside and out, and even though I know you don't want to hear this now, there's someone out there who is meant for you, and when you find them you won't have to change who you are in here to be happy," Alice said as she gently tapped the spot on Chris's chest which was just over his heart.

I watched as Chris's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you Alice. You always know exactly the right thing to say," he choked out before he hugged her.


It was late when I arrived back at the apartment. I slipped into the bedroom to find Edward sound asleep in our bed. I leaned down and kissed his cheek, before leaving to take my shower.

When I climbed into bed, he didn't say a word as he pulled me close and put his arms around me. The sound of his even breaths made me believe that he was still asleep.

That was until he spoke. "How's Chris?"

"At the moment, he's very drunk." I answered with a giggle.

"Sounds like he isn't the only one. I'm very glad that Lou drove you."

Since we'd been back from our honeymoon, I'd convinced Edward that it was perfectly safe for me to venture out without Lou from time to time. The paps didn't seem interested in following me when I was merely running errands.

Tonight, knowing that I'd be drinking, and for Edward's peace of mind, I'd made arrangements with Lou to transport me to and from the club.

"Chris got emotional when he talked about the breakup. I think the only thing that will help him now is time."

"I'm sure you're right." Edward sighed. "To be honest, I'm glad they're not together any more, Gerry was an asshole, but I hate to see Chris hurting. He doesn't deserve that." he whispered.

I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly Edward shifted position; he leaned up on his elbow until his head was close to my shoulder. I turned in order to see him better. "Bella, I was thinking…" he paused. "This is so weird and so great at the same time because I actually have to check with someone else before making a decision," he grinned widely.

"What?" now I was curious.

"Well, would it be okay with you if I offered our L.A. house to Chris. It's just that I hate to think about it standing empty for most of the year, and I know we said we'd lease it out. But how great would it be to have someone we know and trust living there instead?" His words came out in a rush. "And when we need to be in L.A., we could still stay there…"

I turned to face him fully and placed my finger on his lips to silence him. "Edward, you don't need to convince me, I think it's a wonderful idea."

He hesitated before smiling widely and pulling me close. "Let's ask him tomorrow."

The next day was Sunday. Esme and Carlisle had invited us to their home in order to watch Emmett's game.

"Chris seems better today," I mentioned as I brought Rose a cup of tea where she sat in the sunroom. We'd forced her to sit down and put her feet up before the game started.

Rose shrugged. "Don't be fooled. He's been pretending to be okay for a long time Bells. Call me jaded, but I'm suspicious that there was something more to this," her voice dropped to a low whisper. "I bet that fucker Gerry was cheating on Chris."

I frowned.

"Well, it's something we'll probably never know for sure," I said with a shrug.

Part of me hoped that, if it was true, Chris would never find out. I could only imagine what it would do to his self-esteem.

Are you kidding? His self-esteem is already in the toilet…

Rose gave me a sad look, and I was surprised to see her eyes fill with tears. "Chris is a wonderful guy. He deserves better." She said as she wiped her eyes. "Here I'd been so happy with Charlie finally finding someone, and you getting married…"

I pulled her into a hug. "Oh Rose." I didn't really know what to say. My circle of loved ones had grown in the last year and with it the number of people I worried about on a daily basis.

"Damn hormones," she said with a grin as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Come on, let's go watch the game," I urged.

I sat next to Suzanne and giggled at her wide-eyed expression as she watched my Dad rant and rave every time the Broncos scored. During the fourth quarter, when we were certain the Seahawks were going to lose, Dad couldn't take any more. "I need some air," he muttered before leaving the room.

I giggled harder, which caused Suzanne to join in. "Is he always like this?" She asked. "He didn't seem to be this animated during the pre-season games."

I shrugged, "Some games he handles better than others." We were still laughing when Dad reappeared, looking sheepish.

A moment later, I felt Suzanne touch my arm. "You know Bella, we've never really had a chance to talk since I started dating your Dad," she bit her lip. "Do you think we could get together some time?"

I nodded. This very subject had been on my mind as well. "I'd love to Suzanne. I'm pretty sure we'll be making a trip to Forks soon. I'll let you know, maybe we can have lunch?"

Suzanne smiled gratefully, "That sounds perfect."

Our attention was suddenly drawn to the screen where they were conducting post-game interviews. As usual, the reporters sought out my brother first.

Hello Emmett, that had to be a disappointing game after your win last week.

'Yeah, all losses are disappointing. What can I say? The Broncos introduced a new player today, and we were blindsided. No one knew what this guy could do.'

Hopefully you'll have better luck next week against San Diego.

Emmett nodded.

On a personal note, I hear there will be some changes around the Swan household before the season is over.

Emmett flashed a large dimpled grin. 'Yep. My wife and I are expecting a baby boy at the end of December. Just hoping he doesn't arrive on game day.'

The reporter laughed.

I know your wife is watching back in Seattle, would you like to say anything to her?

'I sure would. Hey Babe, I love you and I want you to take it easy until I get back. Oh and remind the Chief that the house rules still apply whether I'm there or not.' He said before wiggling his eyebrows.


"Jackass," I heard Charlie mutter under his breath as Rose laughed and Suzanne blushed.

Rose looked at our questioning faces, and evidently felt the need to explain. "Well, you know how when we'd visit Charlie before we were married, and he always forbade me and Emmett from sleeping in the same room?"

If the others in the room weren't aware of that fact before, they were now.

"Anyway, Suzanne and Charlie have been staying with us since Friday…."

I smiled when I realized where this was going.

"Emmett enjoyed himself immensely when he showed Suzanne to the guest room and told Charlie he had the option of the twin bed in the baby's room, or the sofa."

"My son doesn't seem to realize that I have more respect for Suzanne than to assume we'd share a room." Charlie defended.

Huh. I wonder if Dad is following his own rule of 'no sex before marriage'.

Everyone chuckled lightly except for me as I thought about the fact that my Dad may be having sex with my former teacher. The thought made me uncomfortable.

Then I remembered having sex with Edward while my Dad slept two doors away in the Tolkien house and I realized I was being silly.

Get over it Bella. Parents have sex.

Yeah, I can accept that, but it still squicks me out to think of it.


Somehow, after the game, Edward and I found ourselves in his old bedroom. I looked around at the photos adorning his dresser and shelves and realized that Esme had added a few from when Edward and I were dating.

There was a very sweet one she'd taken when we'd gone out on the boat; we were windblown, but extremely happy.

Edward sat at the foot of the bed and pulled me over until I stood in front of him. He looked as if he had a lot on his mind. "So filming starts in earnest tomorrow huh?"

He nodded.

"Where exactly will you be?" I asked.

"The first half of the week, we'll be filming around the Space Needle, the last half at the Edgewater." He said as he lay back on the bed, pulling me on top of him. "After that, we have a few scenes to shoot downtown before moving to the set constructed near Olympia." He answered as his fingers brushed lightly along my sides.

It was very distracting.

"Hey Edward," I spoke in a low voice, trying to sound sultry. "We're in your childhood bedroom. You wanna fulfill every teenage boy's fantasy?" I made sure to thrust my hips in order to leave no doubt as to the meaning of my question.

His eyes widened before he pulled me down for a kiss. "Do you even need to ask?"


Especially considering I can feel his erection through my dress

"I think I'd better lock the door, because you know my sister barged right in here the last time we were in this r…."

He didn't finish his sentence before the door flew open. "Oh for the love of…. would you two stop getting your freak on and come join the rest of us?" Rose barked, completely unapologetic over the fact that she didn't knock.

Then I heard Alice's lilting laughter, "Good gravy, I know you're newlyweds, but this is ridiculous."

I buried my face in Edward's chest as I laughed.

"Go away ladies," Edward told them, but his voice held no anger. Their answering cackles made him laugh out loud.

"Rain check on violating my old room?" he whispered in my ear.

"Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?" I said with a smirk before standing and pulling him with me.


"As some of you know, Carlisle's birthday is in four days." Esme began. We were seated in the large dining room awaiting coffee and dessert. "He hates me to make a fuss, but I couldn't let this opportunity pass, now that I have you all here." She said with a smile as Edward entered from the kitchen carrying a large birthday cake, his smile just a bit brighter than the glow of the lighted candles.

Before we left, Chris pulled me into a tight hug. I knew that he, Alice and Jasper were returning to L.A. the next day, "See you soon Bella Mia, and thank you." He added in a whisper. "I have been dreading going house-hunting. I'm just not in the right frame of mind for that right now. To be honest, I don't know when I will be. Your house is perfect. I'm not too far from Alice, but I can still have my personal space, and not feel like I'm crowding anyone."

"Stay as long as you like Chris. We'll be back in L.A. from time to time when Edward's schedule requires it, therefore we've left it fully furnished, but Seattle is our home now." I grinned. "Just promise me you won't hide away from the world the way Edward used to."

Chris smiled and shook his head. "Alice wouldn't let me."

I thought about how Alice and Jasper were the ones to keep Edward from wallowing in depression, and had faith that they'd do the same for Chris.

That next week was spent packing more boxes and enlisting Lou's help in moving them to the new house. A moving truck would be coming to take my furniture in another week or so. With Esme's help, Edward and I were able to choose several furnishings for the new house.

I glanced around at my emptying apartment with a twinge of sadness. It was the same twinge I felt every time I walked into the hallway and faced Emmett and Rose's old apartment door.

There had been a few instances when I'd almost gone over there to relay some news or a funny story, before I remembered that they no longer lived there. It tugged at my heart that they were gone, but that fact made it a little easier for me to leave as well.

The apartment was part of my past, and I was looking toward my future. With Edward.

I met with my publishers on Tuesday. They were adamant about wanting to schedule a book tour. I explained that the earliest I'd be available for such a venture would be in January. They weren't pleased. The release of the book had been pushed back to November, hoping to cash in on the Christmas shopping season, and I knew they were dying to reveal my identity to the general public. In the end, Mr. Corday defended by decision to remain anonymous a while longer, and the others reluctantly agreed to a January book tour.

Edward was working long days. A lot of the time he'd be gone for twelve hours at a stretch. He explained that it wasn't physically demanding, at least not yet. A lot of his day was spent standing around waiting for the next shot, or hanging out in his trailer until they were ready for him. The time of day he seemed to enjoy the most was spent working out with his physical trainer first thing in the morning.

Even after he arrived home, he spent a great deal of time reading over his script. I got the impression that, because we'd had such a long honeymoon, he'd missed a few rehearsals, but he'd never admit it.

When Tanya gave birth to a little girl that week, it was the top story in the entertainment news. By the weekend, every tabloid had a photo of a smiling Tanya cradling her little Katya from the hospital bed. Unfortunately, a couple of the tabloids decided to also run a photo alongside showing me out 'partying'. It was a photo from the night we'd taken Chris out, and was framed in such a way to make the public believe that I'd already grown bored of married life, and implied that Edward's 'fake' girlfriend was more virtuous than his new wife.

Edward was livid, whereas I tried not to let it get to me. I was beginning to understand that these things came in waves. One week they would hate me, the next I could do no wrong. I refused to allow my happiness to hinge on what the latest issue of the Star had to say about me.

Edward's mood swings were a little disheartening. I knew that he missed not being with me all day. I also knew that he felt guilty that he wasn't home to help me with the move. I did my best to cheer him, and made sure to remind him about how difficult it had been the last time he'd been filming, especially when he was in London and I was home in Seattle.

On Saturday, I put into action a plan I'd been cooking up for a couple of days.

"Hey Bella," Alec grinned as he met me at my car.

"Hi Alec. Has Edward had a good morning?"

"It's been busy. Here's the key to his trailer, I took the liberty of having one made for you."

"Thanks." I smiled gratefully.

Alec led me to the trailer and informed that it would probably be an hour before Edward would arrive. I glanced around before placing the takeout I'd brought on the counter, and settled in to wait.

Almost an hour later, Alec sent a text informing that Edward was on his way.

I quickly pulled off my coat and draped it over a chair.

The look on his face when he opened the door and found me waiting took my breath away. "Bella! What a wonderful surprise." He exclaimed before pulling me to him.

He was in wardrobe, and looked gorgeous in his dark suit, white shirt and black tie. I wasn't sure I liked the heavily gelled hair though.

His character was a federal agent, but he could have passed for a CEO or a politician.

He looked hot.

"I brought lunch," I said as I gestured toward the counter full of food. "Unfortunately, I've been here almost an hour. I'm afraid it will require a little re-heating."

"That's fine, I'm famished." He said with a smile before removing his jacket and tie.

I must have been gawking because he gave me a knowing smile before pulling me against him again. "Maybe the food can wait."

I shook my head, effectively clearing the fog from my brain. "No. Eat." I said as I patted a hand on his chest. "You may need your strength later." I followed up my statement with a teasing wink.

"Oh is that so?" he asked, and just for good measure, he flashed me the 'panty-dropper'.


I was about five seconds away from pulling him down on the daybed and having my wicked way with him, when my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day.

Edward laughed. "Let's eat baby."

We silently prepared our plates and warmed them in the microwave before Edward pulled two bottles of water from the mini-fridge.

After the first bite, I abruptly realized I was starving, and dug in. When I came up for air a few minutes later, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Did you skip breakfast again Bella?"

I bit my lip and gave him a quick nod. "I had a cup of tea?" I offered weakly.

"Bella, how do you expect me to leave when I can't trust you to take care of yourself? You've lost weight in the past week."

That was true, but what Edward didn't seem to realize was that I only lost the couple of pounds that I'd gained while we were away.

"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself, no more skipping breakfast." He asked in a quiet sincere tone.

I looked into his eyes, full of love and concern.

"I promise." I whispered.

That seemed to satisfy him, and he gave me a soft smile. "So how has your day been, other than the fact that you didn't eat?" he asked as he took a bite of his Pad Thai.

"Kind of boring," I answered with a shrug. "I got some writing done, and even wrote the outline for another book."

"That's great Bella," he smiled. "May I ask what this one's about?"

I bit my lip. "Well, some of the ideas came to me while we were on our honeymoon."

It was true. A tropical island and a pony would figure prominently in this one.

Edward stopped chewing and quirked an eyebrow at me.


I looked at him warily. "Why are you giving me that look?"

He swallowed and moved closer to me. "Baby, is this book for children, because if you got the inspiration during our honeymoon, I can only imagine it would have to be x-rated," he grinned and pecked me on the lips.

I giggled, having suddenly lost the desire to eat. "Edward, you are bad."

"I'm just being honest."


I can quirk my eyebrow too….

"Have you finished?" I asked as I pointed to his almost empty plate.

He nodded, still smiling. "And I don't have to be back for…" he glanced at his wristwatch "another hour." He put his arms around me. "Whatever shall we do to pass the time?"

"Uh, checkers?" I asked teasingly.

My answer drew forth a laugh from my husband. "Oh I think we can do better than that," he whispered, his tone full of promise.

"Um, can you give me a minute?" I asked as I held up one finger and stood from the daybed, headed to the tiny bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, I came back out to find that the food and paper plates had disappeared. He smiled and pulled me to him again before kissing my lips. "Why Mrs. Cullen, you're minty fresh."

I grinned. "Yep, I used your toothbrush."

He laughed before excusing himself, no doubt in order to brush his teeth as well.

I quickly removed my dress, tossing it with the coat. That left me in the lingerie set that I'd worn when I sent the text to Edward a week before. He'd said that it was his favorite so…

There was a full length mirror on the wall behind the door. I took a quick peek at my reflection, not dwelling on the fact that I looked a little pale. The beautiful tan I'd acquired in Barbados was fading away.

I sat back on the daybed and waited, striking the most seductive pose I could muster.

I probably look like a doofus…

Judging from the expression on Edward's face upon exiting the bathroom and finding me sitting there, I didn't look foolish. Not at all. As he made his way to where I sat, his eyes were bright and happy, his crooked smile as sexy as hell.

He pulled me up from the daybed and into his arms. "How did I ever get so lucky?" he asked. "You are a vision Mrs. Cullen." He whispered.

I smiled up at him shyly, his eyes were smoldering, his burning gaze caused my heart to skip a beat, but there was so much more behind his expression. There was desire, surely, but I could also discern the pure joy and wonder that Edward felt, and I knew that it was there because of me.

When he looked at me that way, as if I were the answer to every prayer he'd ever uttered, it was a staggering, dizzying feeling, and I knew that I would go anywhere, endure anything to be with him, because when I looked into those eyes, I found everything I would ever need.

We took our time, beginning with slow sweet kisses, and soft caresses. I had no idea how much of the 'hour' had passed by the time we were pressed against one another, naked, our clothing strewn about the trailer.

Our lovemaking was slow, sensuous and beautiful.

Afterward, as I lay across his chest, spent and still naked, I could feel Edward's fingertips tracing smooth circles across my back. I felt relaxed to the point that a few more minutes, and I'd be asleep.

"Baby," Edward's voice pulled me back to consciousness. "I need to get back to the set."

"Oh," I tried to jump up from where I was lying on Edward, but his hands held me against him.

"Take it easy Bella. I have a few minutes yet." He sat up, pulling me with him and kissed me awake.

I took a deep breath and smiled at him.


I nodded.

"Good," he said as sat me on the daybed and got up to gather his clothing.

I kept my eyes on him as he moved, never wanting to miss an opportunity to watch a naked Edward. I saw him glance at his watch after he'd pulled on his boxer briefs. "Bella, get dressed. I'd like to introduce you to a few people."

Oh crap. I wasn't prepared for this…

Edward noticed my worried expression immediately and smiled. "Sweetheart, it will be fine. It's not every day that I get to show off my gorgeous wife."

There he goes again…making me feel wanted, loved, beautiful…

We exited the trailer almost fully dressed; Edward was carrying his jacket and tie. "I can't believe our little romp didn't even muss your hair." I remarked with a giggle.

He grimaced. "I swear they use cement to hold it in place."

I laughed, appreciating the fact that he obviously washed his hair before returning home each night.

Around the corner, we found Alec and Sidney waiting patiently.

I flushed as I realized that they knew exactly what Edward and I had been up to in the trailer.

Edward simply draped his arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. As we neared the Edgewater Hotel, I noticed a couple of people were holding a conversation with a man seated in a chair. It wasn't until we were right next to them that I recognized the seated gentleman as Clint, in a baseball cap and dark glasses.

He immediately stood and shook my hand, "Well hello there Bella, good to see you again."

I smiled in response.

"Bella, I'd like you to meet Caroline and Andre, who are co-starring in the film," Edward gestured toward the two people standing with Clint; both very attractive; so much so that I immediately felt like a troll standing beside them.

Then I noticed the adoring pride evident on Edward's face as he introduced me, coupled with the fact that I'd just been naked with him in his trailer ten minutes before, and somehow I didn't feel like a troll any more.

I shook hands with his co-stars and followed Edward over to a man standing off to the side leafing through what looked like a script. He was tall and attractive with sandy blonde hair. Truth be told, he reminded me of Jasper. He was even wearing cowboy boots.

"Shane, I'd like you to meet my wife." Edward said as he approached the man. "Bella, Shane is the author of the novel Enemy Combatant. He's working as a consultant on the film."

I nodded in understanding as Shane gave me a big smile and shook my hand. "Edward tells me that you also write Bella." He had a pleasant voice with what to my ears sounded like a slight southern accent.

"Yes, my first children's book is about to be published."

Shane's smile grew wider as he let go of my hand. "That's great. I can't wait to read it."

"Baby, do you think you can stick around?" Edward asked with a hopeful smile. "I'm hoping to only be a couple of hours longer."

"Of course," I returned his smile.

How could I ever refuse him?

Edward gave me a quick kiss and waved at Shane before walking back to Clint; Alec and Sidney following in his wake.

"I don't know about you, but I need a cup of coffee. Would you like one?" Shane's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Sounds good."

I followed him to a refreshment table where we chatted as we fixed our coffee.

"So Bella, how long have you been writing?" Shane asked.

"Ever since I was a child, I've written stories for my own entertainment I suppose. I didn't get serious about it until probably my senior year of high school, about five years ago."

Why am I telling him my life story?

He nodded. "I've been writing since I was a child as well. I've always been one of those people to live inside my own head," he chuckled. "Needless to say, it didn't make me very popular in school."

"I know what you mean." I whispered, thinking back to my horrid high school years.

Shane gave me a long look. "Forgive me Bella, I know that there have been a ton of stories about you and Edward in the news, but I have neglected to read much about you."

I smiled. "That's probably a good thing. They rarely get it right."

He grinned. "To be honest, when Edward was cast in the film, I paid closer attention to some of it."

I grimaced.

He noticed my reaction. "Nothing bad, I promise you."

We chatted for a long while as we as we watched the crew putting the finishing touches on the set up for the next scene. Edward was nowhere to be found.

Shane was surprisingly easy to talk to. We discussed our favorite books, our favorite authors. "Gosh Shane, you like a lot of dark, depressing stuff." I teased.

He shrugged. "I guess so. I've always liked political intrigue, and stories about the darker side of human nature. You know, the people with no moral compass, terrorists, murderers, and especially serial killers."

I looked down at the dark liquid in my cup, pondering his words.

I heard Shane gasp. "Oh Bella, I am so sorry."

My eyes shot up to his.

"What the hell was I thinking? Please forgive me. I mean, when I said I didn't know a lot about your life it was true, but I know enough to realize my words were insensitive. I'm just so comfortable speaking with you; I wasn't thinking before I opened my mouth…"

"Shane," I said as I lay my hand on his forearm. "Relax; you didn't say anything to upset me."

"Are you certain?" he asked worriedly.

I chuckled. "It's fine. I was just thinking about what you said. My past is precisely the reason that I always tended to read stories with a guaranteed happy ending. I've lived through enough dark stuff that, when I read, it was always an escape from reality."

He frowned. "I can understand that."

"Granted, I was required in school to read some of the stuff I normally avoid. Now that my life is perfect, I should probably give those books another chance." I said with a laugh.

He smiled then. "Maybe we should form a book club consisting of the two of us?"

I nodded and smiled. It was so nice to have someone to talk to.

We spent the next couple of hours chatting as we watched Edward filming in the distance. I found out that Shane was from Oklahoma and grew up with his parents and two brothers. He was twenty-nine years old, and had a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri, and now lived in St. Louis.

He hadn't been home to Oklahoma in years, and I sensed some sort of familial discord there.

He'd taken a job writing for a news network, while writing books on the side. Enemy Combatant was his first published work. He described it as 'something along the lines of a Tom Clancy novel'. In other words, something my Dad would love.

Heck, he's probably read it…

When it looked as if the scene was wrapping up, Shane turned to me. "Well Bella, I have a meeting with Clint as soon as they're finished filming, so I must bid you a reluctant farewell. It has been a real pleasure speaking with you. I hope to see you again." He said as he grinned widely. "I was serious about the book club thing. Just remember, I'll be on set most days, waiting around until they need my opinion. It gets tedious, but I'm making an obscene amount of money, so I can't complain."

I smiled back at him. "I enjoyed this Shane. I'll try to come back sometime next week."

He waved as he walked away.

The next day, Emmett had a home game, so Charlie and Suzanne drove up from Forks for the afternoon.

"How are you feeling Rose?" I asked as we sat in the sky box.

I would be so happy when we moved into the new house. We would only be a few miles from Rose and Emmett then.

"Really good." She smiled. "I'm enjoying the new job so much Bella. I've pretty much been given carte blanche and it is a wonderful feeling." She leaned in to whisper, "I just found out last night that I'm flying to L.A. to interview Daniel Day-Lewis late next week." She grinned excitedly. "I've been trying to set up a few others while I'm there."

She suddenly turned serious. "Listen, Clint called Emmett and asked that he be on set Wednesday afternoon for his 'ass filming' scene." She rolled her eyes.

I giggled, and made a mental note to stay far away from set that day.

Rose shook her head in semi-disgust. "I don't think it will be too terrible." She began. "Supposedly we only see his ass for a second."

I snorted out a laugh then, she did the same. "Anyway, it means he will miss our pre-natal yoga class this week, and I need a partner, so will you please take his place?"

"Who are you, and what have you done with Rosalie?" I asked with narrowed eyes.


I smirked. "The Rose I know would never ask, she would simply inform, as if I had no choice in the matter."

She smiled, seeming a little embarrassed. "I think I've mellowed a little. I'm just so damned happy; it's hard to be a bitch 24/7."

I laughed again. "Oh Rose," I said with a sigh.

Approximately two days after I'd visited Edward in his trailer, fan photos taken that day hit the internet. Edward's fan sites were abuzz with everyone comparing and commenting on the photos of Edward fully dressed upon entering the trailer to those of us leaving, him looking rumpled and missing both his jacket and his tie.

The tabloids picked up on the story immediately after I was seen attending the pre-natal yoga class with Rose, explaining that for the sake of our child, I'd decided to give marriage to Edward another chance.

Fucking idiots

Rose had been so grateful that I attended the class with her that she didn't tease me about the trailer sex. Much.

Despite the constant presence of fans and paps, I still visited Edward three afternoons that week, but since it was during my fertile cycle, we'd forced ourselves to behave.

It was beyond difficult, but somehow we managed.

Shane and I chatted again each time I visited, recommending books to each other and then discussing what we'd read the next time we met. By the end of week, I'd added quite a few new selections to my Kindle.

On Saturday morning, I was writing on my laptop, when I received a phone call from Rose. Even though we'd spent time together just three days before, it seemed like so long ago. This was someone I'd seen daily for the past four years, it was so strange to have that taken away.

"When are you moving to the house? I miss being closer." Rose questioned.

"Well, I'm going to surprise Edward this Wednesday. Everything important has already been moved, but I want our first night in the house to be special. I've just been waiting for this damned fertile cycle to end and…." I shut up, realizing what I was confiding to Rose.

I heard her low chuckle on the other end of the line. "Please continue Mrs. Cullen, I would love to hear all the sordid details."


As much as she'd tried to wheedle information from me about sex with Edward, I'd successfully remained closed-mouthed about it, aside from telling her that it was more wonderful than I'd ever imagined.

"I… I… oh fuck." I muttered.

"Yes, that is the operative word," she remarked with another chuckle.

"I don't want to tell you because then you'll discuss it with Alice and you two will laugh about something that is amazing and beautiful and perfect."

"Bella, we would never laugh at you," she said seriously. "Alice and I are so happy for you and Edward. I mean, we had conversations while you two were on your honeymoon in which both of us were literally crying tears of joy for you."


"Really." She paused. "Now tell me about the sex," she demanded before chuckling again.

I sighed.

"Bella, tell you what. If you share the details you're comfortable with, I won't share any details of me and your brother going at it."


"Rose you are evil."

"Sometimes," she said in agreement.

I sighed again. "Well, Edward's been getting home at about seven each evening. I've already informed Sidney to bring him to the new house on Wednesday night. I plan to have dinner waiting. We won't have a table and chairs yet, but I was thinking a picnic in front of the fire…."

"Oh Bella, that's so romantic."

"Yeah. I'm going to light a lot of candles, just like he did on our wedding night…"

Rose squeaked.

I chuckled and continued. "It was beautiful. He'd fully furnished the bedroom, which was perfect considering that was the only room we needed. Well that and the bathroom of course." I trailed off.

There was dead silence for a moment. "Oh my God Bella, did you have sex in the bathroom?"

Rose, ever astute, had gleaned more information from my statement than I'd ever intended to relay.

"Uh…" I was glad she couldn't see the blush I felt overtaking my face.

"You did," She gasped, before cackling loudly. "Please tell me you did not have sex for the first time in the bathroom."

"Of course not Rose," I barked. "We did it twice in our bed before having the shower sex." I exclaimed before slapping my hand over my mouth.

Fuck me.

The roar of laughter from the other end of the line could quite possibly have damaged my hearing if I hadn't jerked the phone away at the last second. "Damn Bella. Three times in less than twenty-four hours and one of those was in the shower!" She was gasping for air as she tried to speak through her laughter. "And now you're doing it in Edward's trailer. You two are a couple of horn dogs."

When she finally calmed, I spoke again. "You will keep that to yourself if you ever want me to babysit." I threatened.

Rose was still snickering. "Oh Bella. That was priceless. I won't ask any more details but," Rose's tone suddenly turned serious, "tell me that Edward made it good for you sweetie. The first time."

And there she was; my friend and surrogate mother; always worried, always protective, always concerned with my happiness.

"Yes," I told her in a whisper. "I knew in my heart that it would be good. It was unbelievable. And since then, it only seems to get better…" I sighed. "Edward makes me feel so loved and so cherished that, it's so intense between us… sometimes I'm afraid I'll be swept away…it's hard to explain."

"Bella, believe me, I understand," she answered quietly. "When you're as deeply in love as the two of you, there's a connection that goes far beyond just having sex."

She sighed. "I'm so happy for you honey, and even though I tease, I hope you know that I love you very much."

"I love you too Rose."

"And I won't tell your brother about the shower sex," her giggle returning. "He still hasn't quite recovered from learning about the trailer sex." She blurted before laughing loudly in my ear once again.

Fuck my life


On Tuesday, I decided to visit Edward again. After Lou and I dropped some boxes off at the new house, I had him take me to the set, hoping Edward would be finished soon after.

I slipped past the handful of fans hovering near the barricades, and walked toward the crew. Shane spotted me as I entered and walked over. "Hey Bella," he greeted cheerfully.

As we chatted, I noticed Edward walking toward us, smiling happily. Somebody must have informed him of my arrival.

"Hey baby," he greeted me with a smile and a kiss before turning to Shane, "I thought you'd left Shane," it was an innocent enough question, but I was able to detect a slight edge to Edward's tone.

"I, uh, yes, I was just about to leave when I saw Bella. I thought I'd say hi."

Edward nodded before turning back to me. "I didn't know you were coming today."

"I wasn't sure myself until a little while ago. I had Lou drop me off; I thought maybe we could ride home together?"

Edward looked conflicted. "I won't be done for hours yet Bella."

"Oh, well, that's okay. I'm always happy watching."

He frowned. "The thing is, as you can see, we're literally filming in the street today. I'm afraid you'd have to stand so far away that you wouldn't be able to see much." He rubbed the back of his neck while he spoke.

"I don't mean to intrude but, Bella why don't you wait in the coffee shop on the corner. They have a large collection of books there."

At the word 'books' I smiled brightly. "That sounds perfect."

"Thanks Shane," Edward smiled gratefully. "Bella, I don't want you waiting alone, how about if I have Sidney stay with you?"

Shane spoke up again. "I can go with her Edward. I have nothing waiting for me but an empty hotel room. This way we can continue our discussion on what constitutes literary genius."

We both chuckled lightly. We'd had some lively discussions during the time we'd spent together.

Edward frowned at me. "Is that what you want?" he asked almost in a whisper.

Once again Edward was worrying about me. He knew I didn't feel comfortable in the company of strangers. I'd need to explain to him later that I didn't consider Shane to be a stranger.

Not anymore.

I touched Edward's forearm. "Come find me when you finish?" I said with a small smile.

He nodded and smiled gently back before swiftly kissing me goodbye.

The next couple of hours found Shane and I comfortably ensconced in a large overstuffed sofa with a stack of well-worn classics sitting on the table in front of us.

"It's so nice to have actual printed text in my hand. The kindle's great, but I miss holding something a little more substantial."

I smiled and nodded in agreement.

We'd discussed every topic from the rise and fall of the Roman Empire to the public's fascination with vampires, when I decided to ask something a little more personal.

"Shane, if this is too forward you can tell me to mind my own business."

He quirked an eyebrow and smiled. "You've piqued my curiosity Bella."

"I just wondered if you had a significant other. I know you said you'd never been married, but you're such a great guy I can't imagine you don't have someone special back in St Louis."

He looked a little flustered. "No, no one special," he drew in a deep breath. "I've had a couple of relationships, but I guess I'm still holding out for the one as they say."

I giggled. "So you are a romantic at heart."

He laughed. "Maybe," he paused, suddenly turning serious, his eyes on mine. "Bella, I …."

"Hey baby," the unexpected sound of Edward's voice made me jump a little. I turned to find him smiling down at me. "Sorry," he murmured as he pulled me up and into his arms.

My heart fluttered in my chest the way it always did when he held me.

We said our goodbyes to Shane and headed back to the apartment.

Edward was unusually quiet that evening. I assumed he was tired.

It wasn't until we were lying in bed that he told me what was on his mind. "You've been spending a lot of time with Shane."

"Yes, he's really great Edward. I haven't known him for very long, but I feel comfortable with him. I think he could be a real friend."

Edward sighed.

"Does that bother you?" I asked, suddenly concerned by his reaction.

He hesitated. "I don't know. Maybe a little."

"Edward…." I whispered in surprise.

He chuckled darkly. "Look, I'm a guy. I can't help getting uptight when some dude is paying a little too much attention to my wife."

I thought about what he'd said, and how much it would bother me if I saw Edward chatting and laughing with an attractive woman.

I'm an idiot

"I'm so sorry Edward. I didn't even stop to think how that would make you feel. If you prefer, I don't have to come to the set when I know Shane will be there." It was a sincere offer. As much as I liked Shane, under no circumstances did I want Edward to be upset.

He pulled me close. "No sweetheart. Now I feel like an asshole. Here you are working every day to move us to the house, without a bit of help from me, and I begrudge you enjoying an afternoon with a new friend."

I was quiet for a while before feeling the need to explain myself further. I really didn't want him to stress about this. "Edward, I hope you understand. I mean, sometimes I just miss interacting with people. It's a very new feeling for me," I chuckled thinking back to just a year before, and how much I'd changed. "Rose and Emmett are working every day, my friends Tara and Joanna started their new jobs, Alice and Chris are in L.A., your Mom works…" I paused as his arms tightened around me. "Don't get me wrong, I like having time to work on my books and I will enjoy decorating the house; it's just that I've also enjoyed my discussions with Shane. He's a really interesting guy. I can't believe he doesn't have a girlfriend…"

"Huh," Edward grunted in response.

After a few minutes, I realized I wouldn't get anything more from him. I decided to let it go and soon after, I drifted off to sleep.


As soon as Edward left the next morning, I bounded from bed and packed all of our remaining clothing in suitcases. After scanning the apartment for anything left behind, I headed downstairs and loaded the bags in my Mustang.

On my way to Bainbridge Island, I stopped at the store and purchased everything I'd need for our candlelit supper, along with several bags of groceries to stock our new pantry.

For the rest of the morning, I busied myself in the kitchen with cooking and unpacking boxes from the apartment. In the late afternoon, I dusted and swept through the downstairs before tackling our bedroom.

It was a strange feeling to walk in there; everything was just as we'd left it the day after our wedding. I dusted and swept the room before putting fresh sheets on the bed and cleaning the bathroom.

I kept a watchful eye on the time as I put clothes away in the dressers and closet. I decided I'd have to continue that task the next day.

Edward has a lot of clothes…

At about six o'clock, I spread the picnic blanket downstairs in front of the fire and set a bottle of wine and two glasses on the window seat nearby. I showered and changed into a long champagne colored satin nightgown, before lighting the candles I'd placed near the wine bottle, and waited.

I was excited and jittery as I anticipated Edward's reaction. I imagined how his eyes would light up with understanding that it was safe to make love again.

My entire body flushed as I imagined him moving on top of me in front of the fire.

I drew in a deep calming breath, and poured myself a glass of wine.

At nine o'clock, I still hadn't heard from Edward. I'd broken my own rule and sent him a text asking how much longer he'd be. When he didn't respond, I could only assume he was still filming.

As it got later, I sent a text to Sidney reminding him to bring Edward to the house and asking if he had any idea how much longer it would be before they arrived. His response was immediate and terse: Edward was still filming; yes Sidney remembered where to deposit him; no, there was no estimate on when they would arrive.

My heart sank. I checked on our dinner which I'd placed in the warmer hours before. The beef had dried out to the point that it was inedible. I couldn't stop the warm tears from streaming down my face.

The dinner was ruined. My plans were ruined. The entire night was ruined.

It was no one's fault. It was just dumb luck.

I spent the rest of the evening feeling sorry for myself as I snacked on cheese and crackers, polished off the entire bottle of merlot, and sobbed into the linen napkins I'd set out for our picnic.


I groaned as I felt myself being lifted.

Crap. Was I lying on the floor?

My head was pounding and my mouth felt desiccated as I tried to open my eyes.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Edward breathed into my hair as he carried me.

"Head hurts," I croaked out as Edward tucked me into our bed.

"I'll be right back sweetheart."

A few minutes later, he appeared with headache tablets and a bottle of water. I sat up to take them. "What time is it?" I asked as I looked at him through bleary eyes.

Edward frowned. "It's after three. Jesus Bella, did you drink an entire bottle of wine?"

"Guess so.."

He released a breath. "I am so sorry sweetheart. The shoot ran long, obviously. The good news is that I have tomorrow off, or I guess it's actually today." He said as he ran his hand roughly through his hair. "I had no idea you were planning this, but I don't think there's any way I would have been able to avoid working late, even if I'd known."

"S'okay," I whispered.

"No, it's not," he said before giving me a gentle kiss. "I love you."

"Love you too…" I answered groggily.

He chuckled. "Sleep my love."


It was very late morning before I was able to drag myself from our bed. After a couple of hours of listening to Edward apologize for being the cause of my hangover, I was wishing he'd gone to the set.

Well, not really, but my head hurt, and my body ached. I wasn't in a good enough mood to worry about relieving his feelings of guilt. Also, I was angry with myself for drinking the wine, and felt the throbbing in my head was just punishment for my stupidity.

Strong coffee and breakfast went a long way toward helping to improve my mood, and by afternoon, I was almost back to normal.

Several pieces of furnishings we'd ordered were due to arrive, and I was gratified that I didn't have to face the daunting task of meeting the truck on my own.

With Edward there, everything flowed smoothly, and by that evening we no longer had a house filled with empty rooms.

Edward refused to let me cook dinner. Instead he ordered in, and drew a bubble bath, forcing me to relax in it while he waited for the food.

The warm water and fragrant bubbles were heavenly, and managed to remove any lingering stress. As soon as I felt myself trying to fall asleep, I stood and toweled off. Certain that the food had to have arrived by that time; I slipped on a nightie and robe, and trudged down the stairs. The sight that greeted me made my heart stutter in my chest.

Edward was standing beside the fire with a nervous smile on his face, dressed in black jeans and a long sleeved grey Henley, and holding a small bouquet of wildflowers in his hand. As soon as I was close enough, he handed me the flowers and kissed me gently. "I was just coming to find you," he said.

He pulled me down to sit on the picnic blanket which was spread in front of the fire once again, the containers filled with our dinner resting in the center.

"I still feel exceptionally guilty for last night," he began, causing me to roll my eyes. He chuckled and shook his head. "You'd gone to so much trouble sweetheart, that I didn't want your plans to go to waste."

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. "Thank you Edward," I breathed. "Sometimes you are too good to be true."

A/N Next chapter will contain some drama…just giving you fair warning. But also tons of fluff and silliness. I estimate 2-3 chapters left. And then be watching for the sequel. I'll tell you the Title in the Author's Notes of the last chapter of V&V and LRM.

Next up will be another V&V. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their beta/pre-reading skills for V&V, LRM and Popsicle Sticks. If you haven't heard from me yet, have no fear, you will.

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