Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chapter 64 - Strange Days & Sucker Punches

*NOTE: The chapter starts with Edward relaying his conversation with Meghan. If you'd like it from his perspective, it's under LRM pages, chapter 63 –Tying up Loose Ends.

Edward had seen his old girlfriend. By the looks of him, it didn't go well.

Why would it go well? This is the woman who broke him.

No wonder he looked so tired and shaken.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I kept my arms wrapped around him.

He sighed and shrugged. "It was really strange. I was waiting for your brother outside of a store. By the way, remind me to never go shopping with him again, he takes for-fucking-ever." Edward said with a smirk.

I tried to smile as I braced myself for what he was about to tell me.

He pulled me down to the sofa and held my hand as he ran the other hand through his hair. "It was a fairly quiet corner of the mall. I was sitting on a bench, waiting, thinking about you." He gave me a soft smile.

"Meghan approached me in an effort to apologize. At first, I just wanted her to go away. I wanted to forget she ever existed." He admitted. "But as she told me her story, I began to pity her."

That was unexpected

"She told me she's HIV positive." He explained. "She got it from her druggie boyfriend of course." He muttered as he shook his head.

My mouth fell open in surprise.

"Oh, Edward." I said sadly. "That's awful."

She had caused so much trouble, and hurt the man I loved deeply, but I couldn't find it in my heart to gloat over the sad turn her life had taken.

His eyes darted to mine. "You're such a good person Bella." He said as he let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.

"I wish I could be more like you. I didn't want to feel sorry for her, or forgive her. In the end, I couldn't help myself."

"You are good Edward. You're the best part of my life."

He just smiled.

We both sat quietly for a few minutes after that. I was dying for more information, but decided to wait until he was ready.

"She turned her life around and became a nurse. She works with AIDs patients." He continued.

"Really? You described her as so self-centered; it's hard to imagine her as a care-giver." I said quietly.

He nodded. "She's changed. She doesn't look or act like the same person. I barely recognized her."

"She told me that she had wanted to contact me to apologize for a long time. She also said she found someone who loves her and she's happy."

I sighed into his chest.

"She asked about you." He said as his fingers traced circles on my back. "She wished us happiness."

"It does sound like she's changed." I whispered. "I'm glad. Do you feel like this gave you some closure?"

He let out a breath. "I guess so. I had gotten so used to not thinking about her, that today really took me by surprise. I realized as soon as she started speaking that I no longer hated her. I mean, I didn't want to be her friend, but I felt nothing for her." He took a deep breath. "Now that I think about it, I'm glad this happened. It helps me finally put all of that shit behind me. Perfect timing too, just before beginning my new life with you."

We were quiet for a while before I spoke. "Edward, I have to say something. I hope it doesn't come across as insensitive but" I hesitated "I'm really glad you never had sex with her." I said with a small smile. "I'm glad you didn't for other reasons but, I'm really glad now…" I worried my lip as I thought about it.

He gently released my lip from my teeth with his thumb. "I couldn't agree more. I'm very glad that you're my one and only Bella." His lips were on mine then. This time he wasn't urgent and he wasn't battling against unpleasant memories. The kiss was sweet and full of the love he felt for me, along with the promise of our beautiful tomorrow.


"Damn, this place is nice." Emmett exclaimed as we arrived at The Ruins in downtown Seattle. "I thought this was a private club?" Emmett asked.

"The station owner is a member" Rose said with a smile. "He's reserved the entire place tonight."

"My parents are members also." Edward said matter-of-factly.

I was not surprised.

"Wow, this beats the shit out of the Forks Elks Lodge doesn't it Bells?" My brother asked with a laugh.

I smiled. "The Elks Lodge! I didn't even think of that. Edward we could have had our wedding reception there." I said with a smirk, eliciting snickers from Rose and Emmett.

Edward got a slightly pained look on his face. "I've always told you that you can have whatever you want Bella." He said as we walked through the courtyard of The Ruins.

"I'm kidding Edward." I reached up and pecked him on the lips. "Besides, I want to stay in Esme's good graces."

He gave me a knowing grin.

The place was beautiful and the furnishings so lovely, they seemed more befitting of an elegant hotel than a club in downtown Seattle. Obviously I didn't know a lot about private clubs.

In the ballroom, there was live music and dancing. Another room had a video screen showing highlights of Rose's time at WIRI playing in a constant loop. That room also held the bar. "Emmett and Edward, you guys get drinks while Bella and I visit the powder room." Rose announced after we'd been there less than fifteen minutes.

Rose isn't even three months pregnant and Baby Swan is already doing a number on her bladder.

Everyone we passed asked how I was, and I had to stop and explain that I was feeling much better. After this happened three times, Rose finally waved at me and carried on to the bathroom alone.

Once I'd answered everyone's questions, I made my way closer to the ladies' room. When I reached it, I waited in the hallway for Rose.

I hadn't realize I wasn't alone in the hall, until someone began to speak. "Hi Bella, how are you feeling?"

I turned to find Mike Newton standing behind me with a sad smile on his face. I immediately put my guard up. "Hello Mike. I'm a lot better." I answered. It was true, most of the bruises had faded away, and my mental outlook had improved a hundred percent in the last week.

"I'm glad to hear that. You gave everyone quite a scare." He cleared his throat. "I'm also glad the son of a bitch is dead." He added in a whisper.

I looked down at the floor without responding, not wanting to think about that.

He was quiet for a minute before continuing. "Listen Bella" I looked up at him "I wanted to apologize for my past behavior. I've always thought you were a special woman, and I would have liked to have gotten to know you better, but I'm afraid I came off as a tool." He grinned sheepishly.

I smiled gently in return. "Sometimes you did, but I was fighting my own demons at the time as well." I admitted.

He nodded slowly. "I understand that now. As much as I hate to admit it, Masen really loves you." He smiled then.

I beamed. "Almost as much as I love him."

"I think you've got that the wrong way round Miss Swan." I heard Edward's voice announce from the doorway. I turned to see him walking toward me, carrying our drinks.

"Newton." He said with a polite nod of the head to Mike.

Mike sighed. "I suppose while I'm at it, I should get all my apologies out of the way. Sorry for being an asshole Masen. Do you think we could start over?" He asked Edward as he held out his hand for a shake.

Edward flashed a smile and took the offered hand. "Absolutely. As long as we're clear on boundaries." He said as his eyes flashed briefly to my face. "Then we don't have a problem."

Mike grinned. "We're clear." He said before turning back to me. "Good luck Bella. I hope things go back to normal for you now." He glanced at Edward. "For you both." Mike added in a serious tone. "I wish you all the best." He said before walking away.

I raised both eyebrows and looked at Edward. "This has been a weird day." I muttered, but couldn't hold back the smile that was threatening.

"I was thinking surreal, but weird will do." Edward chuckled as he handed me my drink. We mingled for a while, eventually making our way into the ballroom.

"Come on Edward, let's dance." He looked at me with a shocked expression, and then took my drink away in order to sniff it.

"No, I'm not drunk."

Not yet anyway

"Bella, you're actually asking me to dance?" He said with a crooked smile.

"Come on" I directed as I grabbed his hand. "This offer won't last forever."

We danced sweetly during the first song, but as soon as Promiscuous began to play I started to sway my hips as Edward placed his hands on them and pressed up against me, his front to my back.

As the song continued, our movements became more and more suggestive. Edward's hands moved slowly up to my shoulders and back down to my hips where he proceeded to hold onto me gingerly.

I knew he was thinking about the remnants of the bruise that was still there, but I didn't want him to be gentle. I thrust my backside toward him slightly until I was grinding in earnest against him. I felt Edward's warm breath on my neck as he leaned down and pressed a kiss just below my ear. "Are you trying to kill me love?" He whispered.

I snickered. "Definitely not. I want you alive and well and waiting at the altar in fifty-seven days."

I glanced at his face over my shoulder to find him smiling brilliantly. "You've been counting too." He remarked before turning me around and pulling me to him so he could kiss me in full view of everyone.

We were happily dancing in our little bubble, oblivious to everything else around us, until I happen to glance across the room and see Victor James seated at a corner table surrounded by his assistant and a couple of office bimbos.

That alone wouldn't have been enough to bother me per se, it was the leering expression on his face that gave me pause, and frankly, made me a little nervous.

Edward and I decided to take a break from dancing, and went in search of Rose and Emmett. We found them seated in the other room, snacking on hors d'oeuvres. Well, Rose was snacking; Emmett was making a meal of it.

"Hey guys" Rose greeted me with a smile. "Be on the lookout, Camille is here."

Edward and I groaned at the same moment, before we both chuckled.


Dodging Camille turned out to be fairly easy, especially since one could smell her cheap perfume a full sixty seconds before she entered a room.

There was a tribute of sorts planned for Rose, so we moved back to the ballroom and sat at a small table near the wall.

Wally, the producer, got up and made a nice speech congratulating Rose on her new job. He then went on to surprise us all by laughing and joking about how everyone at WIRI was intimidated by her. When he mentioned the nickname 'ballbuster', and went on to cite instances in which Rose earned that nickname, we all fell apart with laughter.

The evening was winding down. I continued to sit at our table as I watched Emmett and Rose mingle with the other guests. "Will you be okay for a minute sweetheart?" Edward asked. "I'm going to get us a couple of soft drinks."

"Sure." I answered before Edward shot me a beautiful smile and headed toward the doorway.

I sat quietly in my seat contemplating the upcoming weekend. Our last class with Father Pat was the next day, Sunday was the party at the Cullens', and on Monday we began our rail and road trip. I suddenly got little butterflies of excitement as I thought about it all.

"It's a shame that you didn't take me up on my job offer Isabella." I heard the voice of Victor James say over my right shoulder.

I turned to look, and he was standing close. Too close.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Believe me, I won't be missing anything." I couldn't help the acid that leaked into my tone. I didn't owe this man any respect.

"Oh but you see that's just not true." He moved closer until he was standing beside me at the table. I was seated against the wall, so with his movement he effectively blocked my escape.

"I've been offered a chance to do a national show. I begin work on the pilot in three weeks." He smirked.

"Congratulations" I snarked before turning away from him, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone. My eyes scanned the room, not seeing Emmett or Rose anywhere.

"It will be part investigative reporting, but most of the episodes will consist of one on one interviews with famous criminals" He continued "those facing the death penalty or life in prison for their particularly heinous crimes. You know the type."

"The pilot will be of particular interest to you." His tone took on a menacing edge.

The butterflies in my stomach were gone, replaced with knots as I continued to stare away from him.

"I decided to pass on interviewing the usual suspects such as Charles Manson, or Terry Nichols, they've been famous for far too long and their stories have been told ad nauseam." Without turning to look, I could tell that he had moved a little closer to me.

"For my first interview, I chose someone newly famous. Someone who wouldn't have been well known had not the daughter of his victim become engaged to a movie star." His voice dropped to a whisper as my breath caught in my throat. "I believe you know the man, Jeffrey Dryden."

I felt as if I'd had the wind knocked out of me, and then my stomach lurched. I stood, not caring that he was blocking my way. I wanted to escape to the sanctuary of the powder room. I pushed against him in order to get past, but he grabbed my forearms holding me there.

"You're going to love the questions I plan to ask about you." I couldn't look at him, but could feel his breath on my face, a mixture of alcohol and cigarettes. "I heard he is quite obsessed with you. I wonder how he would have reacted if he could have seen you tonight." He continued. "Maybe I'll tell him about Masen's hands all over you."

I swallowed back the bile rising in my throat and forced myself to speak with a trembling voice. "Let go of me." I choked out. "Now."

"Hmm. I don't think so." He hummed as he leaned close to my face, his nose almost touching my cheek. I pulled my head back and struggled against the grip he had on my arms. "You know Isabella, the fact that you killed that ranger may turn some people away. I find that's not the case with me. I, in fact, find it very sexy." He breathed out the words while holding my arms in a death grip. "I bet you like it rough."

"Get your fucking hands off her" Edward had arrived. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. Victor James' grip on my arms loosened slightly and I wriggled free before moving quickly to Edward's side. He pulled me against him as he wrapped his arm protectively around me. "Are you alright sweetheart?" He asked as he kissed my temple.

I nodded.

"I warned you that day in your office James. One phone call is all it will take." Edward seethed.

I wondered what he was talking about. Edward had never been in Victor James's office as far as I knew.

"You can kiss your sorry career goodbye." He barked.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Masen?" Victor bit back at Edward. "You threaten me because I dare to talk to you girlfriend?" A slow smirk formed on his face before he spoke again. "I was just keeping Isabella company while you were distracted out in the hall."

"By the way, I've fucked every one of those women" His voice lowering to a whisper as he gestured toward the doorway. "Just between you and me, they weren't very good, but who am I to deny you my sloppy seconds" He chuckled "especially when I'm more than willing to treat myself to yours?" With that last remark, his leering gaze rested on my face.

I didn't have time to process what he'd said before Edward had shoved me behind him and launched himself at Victor. The next thing I knew, Edward was pummeling James with his fists.

A bunch of men surrounded us and pulled Edward away from James. They pinned Edward's hands behind his back in order to stop his attack. Victor James staggered toward them, and before they had a chance to stop him, I heard the sickening crack of Victor's fist making contact with my fiancé's face. "Edward!" I shouted as I threw myself at him. The men let him go and grabbed Victor in order to keep him from landing any more punches.

Emmett and Rose had arrived just in time to see Victor hit Edward. "What the fuck?" Emmett yelled as the men were pulling Victor away. My brother was having none of that. I stared in shock as I saw him ball up his fist and give Victor one good punch to his stupid face. "That's for sucker-punching my brother in law you douche." He shouted.

The guys went to grab Emmett but thought better of it when Rose yelled "I don't fucking think so." Realizing that their balls were probably in peril, they backed away and pulled Victor into another room.

I forced Edward to sit at the table so I could examine his face. "Oh Edward, I think you're going to have a black eye." I announced sadly as I kissed him where the bruise was already forming. He gave me a proud smile.

I grinned back. "It's beautiful." I whispered. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry I didn't get back sooner Bella. A group of women stopped me in the hall wanting photographs." He said with a grimace.

"So I heard." I whispered before kissing his cheek.

We didn't linger long after that. Before we left, the guys who had taken Victor away, one of them being Mike Newton, informed us that they warned him not to press charges. "We told him that every one of us would be more than willing to make a statement informing that Victor hit you first Edward." Mike assured.

"Thanks Mike." Edward said as he shook his hand.

Yeah, Victor had no friends at WIRI.

I was relieved. Edward didn't need any more incidents to deal with. Emmett and Edward put Rose and me in the hummer so we could head home. As I watched out the window, I saw both our guys with their heads together talking and grinning, before they fist-bumped and climbed in the vehicle with us.

On the way home, I told Emmett, Rose and Edward what Victor had said to me.

They were livid.

"Son of a bitch." Emmett muttered.

"Did he mention which network he's doing the pilot for Bella?" Edward asked.

I shook my head.

"Well, no matter, I'll have Alec investigate. He'll never get the chance to do it. I intend to ruin him." Edward muttered.

"Edward, what were you talking about when you said you'd warned him?"

Edward got a guilty expression on his face. "Um." He ran his hand through his hair. "I guess about a month ago, after you told me what he'd said to you, I went to visit him in his office before I picked you up one day."

He kept his eyes on my face carefully studying my expression. "I threatened to dismantle his entire career if he bothered you again."

"Okay." I said in response.

He looked at me incredulously. "That's it?"

I shrugged. "Yeah."

"I mean, you're not going to rant about me overreacting?" He asked.

"Edward, if I'd known about it then, I'd probably have accused you of overreacting. But because of what we've lived through since, and because of what he told me, anything you did a month ago and what you did tonight was not an overreaction." I smirked. "If you hadn't arrived when you did, I was just about to knee him in the balls, HARD, something that would have been completely out of character for me a month ago."

I could hear Emmett and Rose chuckling from the front seat.

Edward grinned from ear to ear as he pulled me against his body.


Our last Pre-Cana class was Saturday. We drove down early, intending to return to Seattle the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Combs were back to help teach the class, which was all about children.

I was surprised that there wasn't much of a discussion about 'natural family planning', but Mr. and Mrs. Combs seemed to concern themselves more with the rearing of children not their conception.

Rose and I had already received the literature about the family planning, and we'd both spoken with Father Pat. She was not a fan of the idea, but agreed to at least try. Obviously, she wouldn't have to worry about it until after baby Swan made his or her appearance in December.

About half way through the class, we were in a discussion about handling the stress that comes with raising children and having a career, while still finding time for each other. I noticed that Rose had a panicked look on her face. About a minute later, she burst into tears. My brother looked around fearfully. "Uh, can we have a five minute break Mrs. Combs; I need to speak with Rose."

"Of course Emmett." Mrs. Combs agreed with a concerned look on her face. As soon as she and Mr. Combs had left the room, Edward and I stood to follow them.

"Please stay." Rose said between her sobs.

I nodded and we sat down again. Rose started to speak then. "I can't do this." She whispered.

"Babe what are you talking about." Emmett asked gently. "Have you changed your mind about getting married?" He looked so sad; my heart was breaking for him.

"Oh Emmett" she said between her tears. I'm so sorry" She reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. "I most definitely still want to get married. I'm just scared to death of being a bad parent. I know nothing about it."

"Babe, weren't you listening? During the next part of the lesson, we're going to discuss what to do when we don't know what to do." He grinned.

"Most people expect you to be able to go to your own parents for guidance when raising your children. But we all know what that means for me." She was still crying. "My Dad barely speaks, and my Mother is a nightmare."

"So then you go to Esme." I suggested. "She will be my go-to person when the time comes, along with Carlisle and of course Dad."

Rose sniffed. "You guys wouldn't mind sharing them?"

Edward and I chuckled. "Of course not, Esme already considers you and Emmett part of the family." I answered as I patted Rose's hand.

She smiled and turned around to hug Emmett. "I'm sorry Monkey Man. I don't know what gets into me sometimes."

"It's okay Babe." He said as he patted her back while looking over her shoulder at us and mouthing the word 'hormones' before flashing a dimpled smile.


Edward was sound asleep with his arms wrapped around me. Part of me wanted to get out of bed and fix him a special birthday breakfast. Unfortunately that part was battling with the other part of me that didn't want to leave the bed. Ever.

To hell with it. We can get coffee and danish on the way to church.

I leaned up on one elbow in order to see Edward's face. He was beautiful, even with the bruised eye he now sported, earned while defending my honor.

For me.

I sighed. I had to admit that I adored him, and every day my feelings seemed to grow stronger. I hoped it would be like this forever. I had no doubt that it would.

He was so proud of what he'd done. I was very thankful that I hadn't gotten the chance to knee Victor in the family jewels because there was no way I would have wanted to take this moment away from Edward.

I leaned over and began to leave a trail of kisses along his jaw and down his neck before whispering in his ear. "Happy birthday, I love you."

His breathing picked up as a small smile formed on his lips and his arms tightened around me. I watched as his eyes fluttered open. "Thank you sweetheart." He said in a rough whisper.

"I'm sorry I don't have birthday cake for you." I said with a smile. "That will be at your parents' later. I do have a gift though, and I could sing happy birthday to you." I said with a sweet smile.

He blurted out a laugh. "That's not necessary. All I really want is to hold you just like this."

I hummed in contentment as I snuggled against his side. I drifted off to sleep again before the movement of Edward's hand rubbing up and down on my arm woke me.

"We have to get ready for church soon Sleeping Beauty." He whispered.

I nodded.

"Would you like your present now?" I asked groggily.

He looked confused. "Now? You're not waiting for the party?"

I cleared my throat and sat up. "Believe me Edward; I don't want there to be an audience when you open it." I moved until my lips were hovering an inch from his ear. "My gift is for your eyes only." I whispered before pulling back to see his reaction.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he blinked wide-eyed several times before speaking again. "What is it?" He asked warily.

I smirked as I leaned over my side of the bed and pulled the wrapped box from underneath, very pleased with myself for not having to leave the bed.

Edward sat up and let out a breath before tearing the paper. His brow furrowed when he opened the box to find the calendar lying on top, the cover a plain glossy black. He pulled it from the box and I watched as his eyes almost popped from their sockets at the first glimpse of my Gypsy pose.

"Fuck" He whispered, seemingly unable to take his eyes from the photo.

After an uncomfortably long silence, I started to feel a little insecure.

Does he like it, or is he trying to think of something tactful to say in order to not hurt my feelings?

"Edward, would you please say something. I mean, I can take it if you don't like it. Just tell me the truth." I said in a fearful whisper.

His eyes shot up to mine then. They were dark and wild. "Bella, are you actually harboring a doubt that I wouldn't find this photo the singularly sexiest thing I'd ever seen?" He smirked then and his eyes calmed. "Bella, I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Or maybe not, I would be embarrassed for you to know my thoughts at this particular moment Miss Swan."

He set the calendar back in the box and pulled me down on the bed so he could hover over me. He began to leave soft wet kisses on my neck and shoulders as he spoke, "Bella, my self-control is hanging on by a mere thread. Please tell me there are no more photos like that in the rest of the calendar." He asked as he pulled the collar of my shirt away from my neck in order to kiss my collarbone.

"Um. Sorry?" I answered honestly.

He groaned as his hands snaked under my shirt, feeling their way up to my breasts. "I'm never going to be able to let you out of my sight, you're too fucking beautiful."

We needed to stop. We really did. But his hands felt so good. My mind started wandering as I thought about how good those hands would feel when there was no reason to hold back, no reason to hesitate.

"Edward" I whispered. "We should stop." Although stopping was the last thing I wanted to do. I knew if it went on much longer, I would be too far gone to stop this.

"Edward, please."

He froze. "Oh God Bella, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." He sounded more upset than he needed to be.

"Edward, please don't apologize. I can't wait until we don't have to stop. The thought of it is beginning to take over most of my waking moments."

And most of my dreams as well.

He pecked my lips and sat up, before retrieving the calendar once again. His smile grew as he looked at each page. "How did you do this?" He asked without looking away from the photos.

"Alice" I grinned.

He nodded knowingly.

"Bella, you have captured every one of my favorite Hollywood divas along with some of my favorite Bella fantasies." He announced with a chuckle as he tapped one of the photos. I glanced at it.

"Your sister keeps referring to that one as 'hot for teacher'. I told her that term made me uncomfortable and that I prefer 'naughty librarian' because it doesn't make me feel like a pedophile." I tried to keep a straight face while speaking of something that was utterly ridiculous.

He laughed as he pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head before continuing to peruse the calendar. I noticed that he lingered a bit longer on the 'sexy' photos than he did the others.

When he got to my homage to Jane Russell from The Outlaw, he gasped audibly before splaying his hand across his chest. "I think I'm going to have a heart attack." He groaned.

I snickered. "Why?"

"Bella this is too fucking sexy. You're holding a gun." He choked out before shaking his head and laughing. "Ever since you told me you knew how to shoot, I've been fantasizing about you with a weapon." He admitted.

It was my turn to laugh out loud then.

When he got to the last photo which in this calendar was for the month of May, he looked up at me lovingly. "Bella this is perfect." He whispered as he looked back down at the photo which was a recreation of the night he proposed to me. He pulled me closer and kissed me. "I love you so much baby. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I smiled and let out a breath, relieved that he liked the gift.

He looked back at the box, realizing that it wasn't empty. He pulled the cd from the bottom of the box and held it up. "What's this?"

"Well, somehow I knew that you'd want copies of those photos for your laptop, so all the photos are on the CD."

He smiled brilliantly. "You thought of everything baby." He smirked before sighing loudly. "And now if you'll excuse me, I'm starting my birthday with a very cold shower."

I laughed as I watched him disappear into the bathroom.

The way he sees me always amazes me. I never feel sexier or more beautiful than when I am in Edward's arms.


Rose and Emmett drove to the party in their car, having to first visit Rose's Dad for Father's Day before driving out to the Cullens'.

When we arrived, Dad was already there, and seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. He and Carlisle were becoming fast friends. My future in-laws had even invited him to stay over on Sunday night, and he had agreed. I was glad because the next morning would be rather busy for us, as we prepared for our vacation.

We all sang happy birthday to Edward and to Dad, even though his birthday had been almost a week before. As she'd promised, Rose got Emmett a 'DILF' shirt for Father's Day, which he happily changed into then and there, earning an exasperated sigh from Charlie.

Both our Dads were thrilled with the gifts from Edward and me. Carlisle collected antique medical equipment, and Edward had purchased a stethoscope which dated to the Civil War and a doctor's black bag circa 1930.

For Charlie, we'd purchased space for him and two friends of his choosing on an overnight chartered fishing expedition out of Marina Del Rey, along with airfare to California, to be used after the bachelor party in Las Vegas. His eyes were dancing with excitement as he read the brochure.

"Did you give Edward his gift yet?" Alice whispered after she'd cornered me in the kitchen.

I gave her a smug smile. "This morning."

She smiled. "And.."

"What?" I feigned innocence.

"You know darn well what I want to know missy. Now spill."

I looked around to make sure we were alone. "Let's just say, he ran to take a cold shower after I gave it to him."

Alice burst into laughter. "I knew it!"

"Alice" I said with a laugh. "Don't you think it's a little pervy to have this conversation about your own brother?"

"What's a little pervy?" Rose asked from the doorway before walking over to us.

"Bella gave him the calendar this morning." Alice said with a grin.

"Oh God Bella, I don't know whether or not I want to hear about it. Emmett and I are both so fucking horny; I may self-combust if I have to hear about someone else's sexual tension." She said with a smirk.

Alice giggled. I cringed. "Ew Rose."

"Sorry chicka. I'm just keeping it real." She announced as she popped a stuffed mushroom into her mouth.

"Okay Bella, we worked hard on that calendar, you need to give more detail." Alice demanded.

"Well, once he saw Gypsy, I didn't think I'd ever get him to turn the page." I whispered, constantly checking the doorway to make sure Edward didn't appear.

They both laughed at that. "Just don't let Charlie see it, or Emmett for that matter." Rose advised. "I mean Charlie's pretty cool, but not that cool."

"Yeah, that's not a problem Rose. I would die if Dad saw some of those photos." I knew I was blushing at the thought.

"Good." She continued before popping another mushroom. "Total change of subject, but maybe you'll be able to wheedle out of him who he's bringing to our wedding."

I knew I looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Charlie sent back the RSVP card. He's such a funny guy. Of course since he's Emmett's best man, he needn't have bothered with the response, but on the card he noted that he would be attending plus one."

I stood there for a full minute, not speaking, just blinking as I tried to process Charlie bringing a date to the wedding. "Maybe he's bringing a guy friend." I suggested.

Rose smirked. "Now don't you think we would have already questioned him on that? Emmett's been bugging the shit out of him, and all he'll say is that he's bringing a 'lady friend', they've gone on a couple of dates, and it's none of Emmett's damned business."

I stood there with my mouth hanging open while Alice and Rose laughed at me.

"May I ask what is so amusing ladies?" I heard Esme's lovely voice inquire from the doorway before she walked over to join us with a smile.

"Evidently, my Dad's bringing a date to Rose's wedding." I announced.

Esme's expression turned serious and she clasped my hand. "Does that bother you honey?" He eyes full of concern.

Did it?

"Absolutely not." My voice fell to a whisper. "My Dad's been alone for so long. I really want him to be happy." I admitted, surprising even myself.

"He's oblivious to how attractive his is, sort of like his daughter." Rose said with a grin. "If he only knew how many of the single women of Forks have had their sights set on him for years, he'd probably go into hiding." She said with a chuckle.

"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion.

All three women giggled. "Bella, you are so obtuse. For years, Charlie has been summoned to the most ridiculous crime scenes. I still believe that Irene Fletcher took a baseball bat to her own mailbox just so she could have Chief Swan 'investigate' the crime." Rose barked out a laugh. "And Monica Gamble invented a stalker so that Charlie would come to her house. He never figured it out, not even when she answered the door in a negligée."

I laughed, having heard about that incident before.

Wow. Dad has a girlfriend? This is going to take a while to wrap my head around.

On the way back to the apartment I was unusually quiet. I could feel Edward's eyes on me before he spoke. "Bella, are you okay?"

"Hmm?" I asked, my mind whirling.

"You're very quiet. Are you feeling well?" He asked.

"Oh. I feel great. Sorry, I'm just a bit distracted."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I took a deep breath. "Evidently, Dad's been dating someone. He won't say who, but he's bringing her to Emmett and Rose's wedding."

"Yeah, Emmett mentioned that. Does it bother you?" He asked with concern, sounding very much like his mother.

"No, not in the way you mean. The only thing that troubles me is that I don't want Charlie to be hurt. He's already had his heart broken once by my mother; I don't want that to happen again." I whispered.

"Have a little faith in your Dad, Bella." He said as he patted my hand. "He's a very smart man."

"Wow, when did you become Charlie's biggest fan?" I asked with a laugh.

He smiled back at me. "He's a great guy Bella, very grounded. I appreciate that very much."

"He found out how you got the black eye didn't he?"

Edward grinned.


"Bella, if you forget anything we can always purchase it on the road." Edward was trying to calm my crazy as I dashed around the apartment with my list, making sure I hadn't forgotten to pack anything important.

"Edward, I love you, but it would be best to leave me alone right now. I'm in the zone."

He laughed before he was distracted by his ringing phone. He looked down at the screen. "I'll take this on the balcony." He said with a grin.

I watched him disappear through the glass door. "Cell phone cords!" I announced as I realized I'd forgotten to pack them.

By the time Edward returned, I'd finished double checking my list, and was wheeling my suitcase to the living room.

He smiled before going to grab his suitcase from the bedroom and wheeling it out to sit beside mine. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the sofa.

"Bella, I need to ask you something."

I raised my eyebrows in question as I sat beside him.

"As you know, I'm due to appear on Oprah this Thursday."

I nodded.

"That was Jazz on the phone. Oprah herself called him to ask if you would consider being on the show with me."


A/N poor Bella. As per usual, LRM is next. Watch Facebook and blog for sneak peeks of both stories.

Starting 22 May, please vote for me at the Avant Garde Awards found at : avantgardeawards (dot) com
But only if you want to!

I read each and every review! Although responding to them lately on fanfic has been a nightmare...I'm still trying to catch up with the responses. Please bear with me.


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