I had dreamt of soft music, and a handsome man waiting to take me away to a brand new life. For years, I'd convinced myself that the old dream of my childhood was unattainable.
It turned out that the reality was so much better than the dream.
I leaned on my father more than I actually needed to as we exited the small waiting room and stood in the vestibule. Edward's mother had already been seated; we had only to wait for the music to change; that would be our queue to begin the procession down the short aisle to the altar.
I listened closely to the lovely voice of the soloist as she sang the final verse of the Ave Maria.
Sancta Maria, Sancta Maria, Maria
Ora pro nobis
Nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora, in hora mortis nostrae
Amen. Amen.
The church was quiet for a moment before the first strains of The Ash Grove began to play. My bridesmaids turned to smile at me, each one kissing my cheek lightly before processing ahead of me, one by one. I hadn't noticed that I was clutching my Dad's arm in a death grip, until I heard his low chuckle and felt his hand reach over and pat mine gently. I loosened my grip and gave him an apologetic smile.
He smiled back and squeezed my hand as we both took a deep breath and walked through the doors.
I was vaguely aware that the church was packed with friends and family. Somewhere in the back of my mind it registered that their smiling faces were turned toward us as they watched Charlie and I pass.
Unfortunately, I couldn't force myself to spare them a single glance. From the moment I crossed the threshold, my attention had been drawn to the gorgeous man standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for me.
As soon as he saw me, Edward's face lit up with a brilliant smile. His beautiful green eyes expressed every emotion he was feeling: love, joy, relief, expectation, and awe. The intensity of his stare forced the breath from my body in a whoosh. If it hadn't been for Charlie's gentle nudge, I'd have forgotten to continue walking.
We finally reached the altar rail, and I stood there staring into Edward's eyes. His entire face shone with the depth of his love for me, as we waited for the music to finish.
"Let us pray." Father Pat began. "Heavenly Father, the bond of marriage is a holy mystery, a symbol of Christ's love for his Church. Hear our prayers today for Isabella and Edward that through their faith in You and in each other, their lives may always bear witness to the reality of that love."
He then turned to Charlie and me. "Who gives this woman to be married here today?"
Charlie cleared his throat. "I do" He stated. He gave me a sad smile before bending down to kiss my cheek. I felt my throat tighten at the symbolism of my father telling me goodbye.
Father Pat waited for Charlie to take his seat before continuing with the readings.
Afterward, Father asked that the parents of the bride and groom come up and light the candles on either side of the Unity candle. I watched as my Dad, followed closely by Esme and Carlisle approached the small table off to the side of the altar.
It wasn't the first time that day that I missed my mother. A single tear escaped and trailed down my cheek at the thought of how happy she would have been to see her children married. I was certain she would have shed many happy tears. I glanced at Emmett only to find him giving me a forlorn look. As Edward and I watched our parents turn to walk back to their seats, Esme's warm gaze found us, and she blew a little kiss.
After the Gospel, Father began the homily.
"Welcome friends, and thank you for joining Edward and Isabella on their special day." Father paused to smile at us before turning toward the wedding guests. "I've found that during the course of one's lifetime, there are days that we remember more than others. Unfortunately because of the times we live in, those days, more often than not, are burned into our memory because they are linked to some tragic event. But, every now and then, the memory of a perfect day will stay with us. A day in which we are fortunate enough to share a moment of promise and hope for the future."
He smiled at us again. "Today is such a day for me. I've known Isabella for many years, and have just recently gotten to know Edward as well. If I ever doubted the presence of God in our lives, I have only to think about these two young people to know that He is ever present, watching over us, giving us the strength we need to survive our darkest days, comforting us when we are hurting, and showing us the way when we are lost."
"Isabella and Edward have endured more than their fair share of dark days, both before and since they found one another. I like to think that these two souls were destined to be together, and am certain that nothing short of Divine Intervention willed it to be so."
I felt my throat tighten once again. Father had just articulated exactly the way I felt about mine and Edward's relationship. We had always been destined to be together, and after today nothing would tear us apart.
"Isabella and Edward, today, through the Holy Sacrament of Marriage, our Lord will seal and strengthen your love in the presence of your closest friends and loved ones. You will go forth from this church able to face the future with a help mate by your side."
"Isabella and Edward, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"
"Yes" We answered together.
"Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and His Church?"
"We will."
Father turned to Edward. "Edward, will you take Isabella, here present, for your lawful wife, according to the rite of holy Mother the Church?"
Edward's brilliant green eyes stared into mine. "I will." He said without hesitation.
Father then turned to me. "Isabella, will you take Edward, here present, for your lawful husband, according to the rite of holy Mother the Church?"
"I will." I spoke the words as I looked into the eyes of my future.
Father continued. "Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, I ask you now to join your right hands, face one another, and declare your consent before God and his Church."
Edward began, "I, Edward, take you, Isabella, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Edward smiled down at me as I recited the words I'd committed to memory. "I, Isabella, take you, Edward, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
"Insomuch as you both have come here today and declared your consent to be married, I ask for God's blessing upon you, as I join you together in Holy Matrimony, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."
Just as we'd practiced, Jasper stepped forward and held the rings as Father blessed them. "Bless, O Lord, these rings, which we bless in Thy Name, that they who shall wear them, keeping true faith unto each other, may abide in Thy peace and in obedience to Thy will and ever live in mutual love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."
After Father sprinkled the rings with Holy Water, Edward took my ring and slipped it on my finger. "Isabella, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."
I took his ring and did the same. "Edward, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."
Father then led us in the sign of the cross. "You may now exchange a kiss." He instructed in a low voice.
My husband smiled brilliantly as he pulled me into his arms and pressed a kiss to my lips. It wasn't a brief kiss but, mercifully, it was chaste. Nevertheless, I felt my face heat up, and when Edward pulled away, he took note of my blush and smirked.
As soon as the music began, we made our way over to the table beside the altar.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be.
I grasped the candle that Charlie had lighted, while Edward took the one which had been lighted by his parents.
With God as our Father, brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony.
We smiled at each other as, together, we lit the Unity candle.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
Our task complete, we walked back over to Father Pat.
To take each moment and live each moment in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.
Father gave the Nuptial blessing after which we recited the Lord's Prayer, and then it was time for one final blessing:
"God the eternal Father keep you in love with each other, so that the peace of Christ may stay with you and be always in your home."
"May your children bless you, your friends console you, and all men live in peace with you."
"May you always bear witness to the love of God in this world so that the afflicted and the needy will find in you generous friends, and welcome you into the joys of heaven."
"And may almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Father then leaned close to us and whispered. "Congratulations my children."
"Thank you Father." We whispered back at the same moment before turning to face the church full of well-wishers. I looped my arm through Edward's, and as Ashokan Farewell played, we made our way slowly back down the aisle. This time I made sure to smile at our relatives and friends as we passed.
In the relative privacy of the foyer, as we waited for everyone else to exit the Church, Edward pulled me into his arms. "Finally" He breathed. "How do you feel Mrs. Cullen?"
"Like I'm dreaming Mr. Cullen." I answered with a grin just before we were swarmed by, first our wedding party, followed almost immediately by our parents and wedding guests.
Edward had his arms wrapped around me as we stared down at the stone. "I hope she knows just how much I adore you." He said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"I think she does." I answered in a whisper.
"I'll give you a few moments alone." He said as he pecked my lips and removed his arms from around my waist. It was the first time since we'd been married that we weren't physically connected in some way. I felt the absence of his warm touch immediately as he walked away to wait by a grouping of trees.
I bent down and traced my fingers over the writing on the headstone, just as I always did whenever I visited her. "As you can tell by my dress, I got married today." I whispered. "You would like Edward, even Charlie does." I remarked with a giggle.
I turned to look again at Edward, pacing a few yards away. "I love him so much Mom. I never knew it could feel like this." I sighed. "The ceremony was perfect; the only thing missing was you, although Edward's mother cried enough for two people." I said with another giggle.
I took a deep breath. "I just miss you Mom. And even though Emmett and I are both happily married now, I want you to promise that you'll still stay close. It's a great comfort to know that you're still around, even if it's only in my dreams."
"Anyway, I'd better go." I said as I stood. "Everyone will be waiting for us to arrive at the reception." I paused before placing my bouquet on my mother's grave. "I love you Mom." I whispered before kissing my fingers and touching them to her name.
"Maybe we can skip the reception." I said with a hopeful look at my husband as I straddled his lap in the back of the limo.
He laughed. "Bella, it would be bad enough when Rose and Alice came after us, but you really don't want to piss off my Mom." He grinned as he popped a grape in his mouth.
I'll admit that the champagne we'd been drinking during the ride back to Seattle had emboldened me, but I also knew that I didn't have to be the demure virgin any longer.
I felt empowered.
I grabbed the lapels of his white dinner jacket. "Edward, I am a married woman now." I pulled against him until we were nose to nose. "I have needs!"
He forced his lips together in a hard line and bit the inside of his cheek in order to keep from laughing and possibly spitting the grape in my face.
I took another sip of champagne. "Maybe you've had enough to drink." He remarked with a smirk.
"Oh, I see how it is." I answered with a devious grin. "Now that we're married you think you can boss me around."
Although he was pretty bossy before.
In matters pertaining to my safety anyway.
"Nowhere in those vows did I hear myself say the word obey Mister." I said as I playfully poked his chest.
His mouth fell open in feigned shock. "Mrs. Cullen, I would never boss you."
"Too late." I said with a laugh before downing the rest of my drink.
Was it my imagination, or did his eyes gleam with pride when he called me Mrs. Cullen?
"Slow down my love." He admonished with a smile.
"Edward, I've been a nervous wreck for weeks. Please, I need to relax."
"At least eat something before drinking any more champagne. I don't want my bride falling down drunk at the reception."
He had a point.
"Okay, I'll eat, but do I have to move off of your lap?"
Something akin to a growl sounded from Edward's throat. "Stay where you are." He ordered.
I leaned forward and traced his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue. He groaned. "Are you sure you don't want to experiment in the back of this limo?" I asked in a seductive tone. At least I thought I was being seductive. I may have only succeeded in coming across as borderline drunk.
When he didn't answer, I decided to follow my question up with a little pelvic thrust. My dress was bunched up around the tops of my legs, and my girly bits were brushing up against something very hard in the front of Edward's trousers.
Yeah, I definitely feel empowered.
"Bella you are making this rather hard." He said with another groan.
"I don't know Edward. It feels very hard if you ask me."
"Bella!" He exclaimed before blurting out a laugh.
In the end, I was appreciative to my husband for helping me sober up before reaching his parents' home.
The Cullens' lawn and boat dock looked like a fairy land. White twinkle lights were hung tastefully from almost every structure. Once the sun went down, I was certain that anyone within a twenty mile radius would be able to see the glow.
I could hear Carlisle's voice as we stood outside the large tent waiting to make our grand entrance. "First of all, let me welcome you to our home. Esme and I are delighted that so many of you were able to come and share this day with Edward and Bella."
He is just as smooth as his son.
"At this time, it is my extreme honor to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen."
The applause was deafening as Edward and I entered the tent, hand in hand. Edward led me straight to the dance floor, and pulled me into his arms.
"Hello everyone. I'm told that this first song holds a great deal of meaning for the bride and groom." I looked toward the stage in order to see the person who went with the voice. "My name's Van by the way." He said as he adjusted the microphone stand.
My eyes opened wide in surprise before looking back at Edward. "You got Van Morrison to sing at our wedding?" I exclaimed. "How in the world?" I was stunned.
Edward grinned widely. "I actually didn't, but Father Pat is a friend of a friend."
Father Pat? Who would have thought he was a Van Morrison fan?
I quickly pulled myself together as the song began and Edward held me close.
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
I smiled up at Edward as I was immediately transported back to the night he proposed. Back when it felt as if this day would never arrive.
Oh the morning sun in all its glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort too
And you fill my life with laughter
You can make it better
Ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray to the One
I let the beautiful words and music wash over me. Edward bent his head down so that his lips were close to my ear. "I love you Mrs. Cullen."
The tears I'd been fighting back all day finally burst free and trailed down my cheeks. "I love you too, so much."
I melted into him as he bent down and softly kissed my lips while we danced.
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one above you
Fill my heart with gladness
Take away my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
As the song came to an end, so did the kiss.
"Originally, I had only planned to perform the one song, but the brother of the bride has informed me that I cannot leave without doing this one." Van said with a smirk. "This goes out to all brown-eyed girls everywhere, especially the lovely Isabella."
I looked across the room until I found my brother with a shit-eating grin on his face. I smiled easily back at him.
Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came?
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
Edward and I danced playfully to the song. After a minute, Emmett cut in and twirled me around before handing me off to Chris. I glanced over to see that Edward was dancing happily with his little cousin Fiona.
Standin' in the sunlight laughin'
Hidin' behind a rainbow's wall
Slippin' and a-slidin'
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl
Before the song was over, I'd also danced with Jasper, Carlisle, and even Charlie had taken me for a spin around the dance floor.
Do you remember when
We used to sing?
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
(Lyin' in the green grass!)
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
(Bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit)
Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
"My name is Jasper Whitlock, best friend and brother-in-law of the groom." Jasper said with a wide smile. "I have to say that before last December I never thought I would see this day. The Edward I'd known for years is not the Edward you see before you now." He lost the smile. "Some traits remain. He's still a good friend, a brilliant actor, a loving son and brother, only now, since Isabella, he is more. Finding the love of his life has transformed the man I knew." His smile returned. "The new and improved Edward is optimistic and enthusiastic. For the first time since I've known him, he's taken a real interest in the world around him. He has become a better friend, a better actor, a better son and brother, a better man. I know that he will be a devoted husband and, when the time comes, a wonderful father. There is no limit to what he can accomplish with Bella at his side. I am so happy for you my friend." He then picked up his champagne. "Join me as I raise my glass. To Edward and his beautiful Bella, may all your hopes and dreams come true, and may you always be as happy as you are today. Congratulations!"
The sound of 'Congratulations' reverberated throughout the tent.
Rose stood next. "I'm Rose Whitlock Swan, sister-in-law, and best friend of the bride." She began with a beautiful smile. "My brother Jasper stole a little of my thunder, because I'd also intended to speak about the changes in Bella since she met Edward. She has literally come to life." Rose paused to take a deep breath. "It's as if these two had spent their entire lives waiting to find one another. Once they did, nothing was ever going to be the same." Rose's smile widened. "If anyone in this world deserves happiness it's you Bells." She said sweetly. "I know the years ahead will be filled with beautiful sunny days, but even if now and then a cloud appears to darken the horizon, I have no doubt that you and Edward will overcome it as you have everything else, together. Emmett and I can't wait to be there every step of the way, to offer our love and support through the good times and the bad. We also can't wait to watch our children grow up together." She lifted her glass. "Edward and Bella, may you fall in love a little more every day, for there is only one true happiness in life: to love and to be loved. Congratulations!"
Carlisle appeared onstage once again. "At this time I would like to invite the father of the bride, Chief Charles Swan to share a dance with his daughter."
I met my father on the dance floor and he pulled me to him. I smiled when the song began; those first notes triggering a fond memory.
If you leap awake in the mirror of a bad dream
And for a fraction of a second you can't remember where you are
Just open your window and follow your memory upstream
To the meadow in the mountain where we counted every falling star
"Great song choice Dad." I told him with a smile.
"Do you remember when you first heard it?" He asked with narrowed eyes.
I nodded. "The Wild Thornberry's Movie."
"You didn't want to go see it."
"That's because I was fifteen Dad, and you were taking me to a kiddie movie." I answered with a giggle.
His moustache twitched with amusement.
"I'm glad I went though." I whispered. He smiled.
I believe a light that shines on you will shine on you forever
And though I can't guarantee there's nothing scary hiding under your bed
I'm gonna stand guard like a postcard of a Golden Retriever
And never leave 'til I leave you with a sweet dream in your head
I leaned my head against my Dad's shoulder.
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you
"Here's the best part." Dad whispered.
Trust your intuition
It's just like goin' fishin'
You cast your line and hope you get a bite
"I'm not surprised that's your favorite." I smiled, loving the feel of being in my father's arms.
But you don't need to waste your time
Worryin' about the market place
Try to help the human race
Struggling to survive its harshest night
I'm gonna watch you shine
Gonna watch you grow
Gonna paint a sign
So you'll always know
As long as one and one is two
There could never be a father
Who loved his daughter more than I love you
By the end of the song, the tears were back. I noticed too that my Dad felt the need to wipe his eyes before he hugged me. "Love you Bells."
"Love you Dad."
While Edward danced with his mother, I felt an arm drape across my shoulders. "Those photographers from People haven't been as big a pain as I'd feared." Emmett announced above the music.
The song was one I'd never heard, but the lyrics were very sweet.
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
You don't need direction, you know which way to go
And I don't want to hold you back, I just want to watch you grow
You're the one who taught me you don't have to look behind
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
"Yes, they've been amazingly unobtrusive." I agreed as I watched, mesmerized by Esme and Edward.
"Rose said you stopped by the cemetery."
I nodded. "I wanted to leave my bouquet on Mom's grave." His grip on my shoulder tightened.
I reached up and patted his hand comfortingly.
"She would have loved this." He said as he gestured to our surroundings.
"I know." I breathed.
Child of mine, child of mine,
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
Child of mine, child of mine
Oh yes, sweet darling
So glad you are a child of mine
"Oh my God, did you see me dancing with Johnny. I almost peed myself in my excitement." Rose squealed like a teenager.
She and Alice had dragged me to the ladies room for a little girl talk.
Alice and I laughed. "You think I'm kidding." Rose continued. "Baby Swan is definitely doing a number on my bladder tonight." She grinned. "Johnny is so great. I hope I made Emmett jealous." I'd never seen Rose act so young and carefree before. "He's agreed to an interview before he leaves town." She beamed.
Alice turned to me then. "Are you excited about tonight?" She asked suggestively.
I groaned. "Alice" I admonished.
"What? It was a simple question." She said, still grinning.
I looked at my sisters' smiling faces. "I am, but I'm nervous too. I'm actually trying not to think about it at the moment."
Alice pulled me into a hug. "Everything will be perfect. You'll see." She whispered.
"Edward, I have to tell you honestly that I adore your mother." Gordon remarked as we chatted.
Edward and I were making the rounds once again, trying to speak with each guest.
"She is amazing. I had to give her high marks for every aspect of this reception, especially the food. Excellent." He beamed. "She certainly knows how to throw one great fucking party."
We laughed at his colorful language. "She does indeed." Edward agreed.
We found Gloria Powell laughing and chatting with Clint, just like the old friends they were. "Oh Edward and Bella, the wedding was beautiful." Gloria exclaimed. "Everything, your dress Bella, the music. I haven't cried at a wedding in a long time, but I'll admit that yours brought a tear to my eye."
We hugged and thanked her.
"Congratulations you two." Clint began. "And Edward, don't forget to come home." He said with a wink. "We start work in a month."
Edward laughed. "I won't forget. I promise to return, although I admit it will be with reluctance."
We laughed.
At the next table, Emmett was deep in conversation with Phil. They both stood when we approached. Phil hugged me. "Bella, I can't tell you how great it is to see you happy."
"Thanks Phil." I whispered. "I'm glad you could come today."
"Wouldn't have missed it for the world."
When it was time to cut the cake, Edward and I didn't make a display of trying to smash cake into one another's faces. It simply wasn't our style. Instead we each politely took a small bite of the cake offered by the other.
"Lianne, when do you move?" I asked.
"In two weeks." She answered happily.
"You know Edward and I own a home over there. Would you mind if I phoned you the next time we're in England? Maybe we could have dinner?"
"Oh Bella, that would be wonderful." She answered with a happy smile as she hugged me. "I've missed you." She whispered.
We continued to make the rounds, stopping to chat with some of Edwards's previous co-stars. Tanya and Felix were there. Tanya, heavily pregnant and glowing, made it difficult to remember the time when I was actually jealous of her, back when I believed that she and Edward had a relationship.
"Oh Bella, you're so beautiful." Aunt Lola said through her tears. She, Suzanne, and Sue Clearwater pulled me into a group hug and proceeded to fawn over me.
We hugged so many people; Father Pat, Dorothy, Johnny, Oprah, Wendy, Kyle, Edward's Aunts, Uncles and cousins and so many more that, when it finally came time to toss the bouquet, I was beginning to feel dizzy and overwhelmed.
I pulled it together and smiled at everyone before turning my back to the group of single ladies, silently rooting for Suzanne to catch it. I knew it was a silly superstition, but I couldn't help but want my father to be as happy as I was.
Surprisingly, Sarah Burton, the Seattle police officer who used to work for Charlie caught it.
Next was the garter toss. As I sat in the chair provided, Edward smirked while reaching under the dress and very slowly tracing up my leg with his fingers until reaching his goal. He pulled the garter down below my knee before poking his head under the dress to retrieve it. I was still blushing when he tossed it into the crowd.
We laughed hysterically when Edward's assistant Alec caught it, knowing that he would be sharing the next dance with Officer Burton.
As we watched them dance, Edward remarked "Maybe we've finally discovered a woman who can keep him in line."
"I'll miss you." Esme sobbed as she hugged us fiercely before kissing us goodbye. "Have a wonderful time." We said our emotional goodbyes to the rest of our family and slipped out of the tent.
"What are we doing?" I asked as Carlisle maneuvered the boat away from the dock. "We are escaping my love. The paps will be expecting us to leave by car." He grinned.
"Edward how are we getting to the hotel?"
Edward gave me a guilty look. "I'm sorry Bella. I wasn't completely honest with you."
It was difficult to be overly concerned by his words because he said them with a beautiful apologetic smile on his lips.
"What do you mean?"
"Well" He began as he pulled me closer. "We're not exactly going to a hotel." He breathed as he kissed my hair.
Oh crap, I hope we're not going straight to the airport. I don't want to fly in my wedding gown.
The boat ride to Seattle was relatively short. When Carlisle docked, Sidney was there waiting. We said goodbye to Edward's father and followed Sidney to the waiting car.
We drove for a few miles before arriving at another dock, where Edward took my hand and led me toward a waiting boat. "All set Mr. Cullen." The driver informed once we were aboard. "It will take about an hour to reach our destination."
"Thanks very much Martin." Edward answered before settling us down on a comfortable seat.
"Edward where are we going?" I asked.
He smiled again. "To the house."
My eyes widened in surprise. "Our house? Or rather the house that will be our house?"
Edward grimaced. "I'm afraid I must apologize again Bella. The house is ours. It has been ours for over a week, but in an effort to surprise you tonight, I kept the information to myself." He smiled. "Forgive me?"
I smiled when I realized that we would be spending our wedding night in our new home. The home in which we would hopefully spend many happy years together.
Edward had the foresight to realize that our home was where I would feel most comfortable for our first time.
I threw my arms around his neck. "Oh Edward, you are amazing. I love you so much." I pecked his lips. "You've thought of everything. Thank you." I whispered.
He smiled proudly and returned the kiss. The rest of the ride passed in relative silence, each of us lost in our thoughts of the day past and the night to come.
Our new home was a sight to behold. The stairway leading from the shore to the house was lined in fairy lights, as was the back porch. Edward had a few quiet words with the driver, and then the boat pulled away, leaving us alone on the small dock.
"All the luggage is already here." He said as he took my hand in his and led me up the stairs. Once we'd reached the porch, he had me wait outside for a few minutes. When he reappeared he was smiling brilliantly. "Everything is ready Mrs. Cullen." He whispered as he pulled me into his arms. I let out a squeak when he lifted me up in order to carry me across the threshold.
The house was still empty of furnishings, but I wasn't worried. I was certain Edward had made sure we'd have whatever was necessary for tonight. Without pausing downstairs, Edward proceeded up the staircase, not setting me down until we had arrived at the Master bedroom.
The room had changed much since the last time I'd seen it. In the formerly empty space, there was now a lovely bedroom set which included the most beautiful four poster bed I'd ever seen. All the bedding was white and the sheer curtains on the bed and at the windows ruffled lightly as a breeze floated in through the open French doors. "If you don't like the furniture, we can get something else." He murmured, sounding suddenly unsure of himself.
I shook my head. "It's beautiful Edward."
He smiled.
"Did you do all of this?" I asked as I gestured toward the lit pillar candles on the window seat, nightstand and dresser along with the bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket. He nodded.
I smiled through the nervousness that was taking hold. "Um, I think I'd like to freshen up." I bit my lip.
"Of course." He said quietly. "The master bath is fully stocked with towels and bath products. Mother made certain.
I went to pull away, but Edward held fast to my hand. "Don't be too long." He whispered before letting go.
I closed the bathroom door and leaned against it with a sigh. The butterflies in my stomach would have been appropriate if I were say, getting prepared to walk out on a stage in front of thousands of people.
They weren't appropriate, however for a woman about to have sex with her husband for the first time. A husband I might add, who was head over heels, maddeningly, adoringly in love with her.
I eyed the large whirlpool tub, and decided that a quick bath was just what I needed. It would wash away the results of the stress and physical exertion of a very long day, and would also help to relax my nerves. I threw in a capful of bath salts and, as the tub filled, undressed.
After draping my wedding gown across the vanity stool, and letting down my hair, I climbed into the tub and washed quickly. I wondered what Edward was doing while he waited. Was he anywhere near as nervous as I was?
Upon exiting the tub, and drying with a fluffy white towel, I realized that I hadn't brought any clothes into the bathroom with me. I assumed my suitcase was probably out in the bedroom. I wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth. That was when I noticed a silk robe hanging behind the door.
I pulled it down to find a note attached.
Thought you might need this – Alice
It wasn't the first time I was thankful for my new sister's precognitive powers.
It's even royal blue. Edward loves me in royal blue.
I slipped the robe over my naked body and tied the sash.
"Bella, are you alright?" Edward called through the door.
"Yes. I'll be right out." I hardly recognized my own voice. I sounded frightened. At once, I was deeply ashamed of myself. The man I loved more than anyone or anything was waiting to make love to me for the first time, and I was letting my nerves ruin it.
I only hoped that the tone in my voice hadn't hurt his feelings. Without another thought, I reached for the knob and pulled the door open.
The sight before me took my breath away. Edward was sitting on the bed, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door. As soon as I entered the bedroom, he stood and took a hesitant step toward me. Gone were the wedding clothes, to be replaced by a pair of hunter green silk sleep pants.
As much as Edward liked me in blue; because of his eyes, I loved him to wear green. I stood for a moment to take him in, as he seemed to be doing the same.
His bare chest was begging for me to run my fingertips across it. I let my gaze move lower to his taut abdomen. I loved how he was lean and muscled, but not overly so. My eyes dipped still lower to the happy trail that disappeared below the waistband of his pants.
It had been a while since I'd seen him in such little clothing and, during all those other times, I'd always felt a little guilty for lusting after his beautiful body. The thought occurred to me that now, seeing that I was his wife; it was perfectly acceptable to admire him, to touch him, and to show him in a physical way how much I loved him.
My breath caught in my throat as he crossed the room and pulled me close. "Let's have some champagne." He said as he pecked my lips. "It will help us to relax."
I looked toward the ice bucket to see two glasses of champagne ready and waiting. Edward reached for them, handing one to me.
The room was quiet as we sipped our champagne. I could feel myself starting to relax again. "Bella, what specifically is making you nervous?"
I bit my lip, hesitating, embarrassed to tell him the truth. When I looked into his eyes, I saw a bit of trepidation there as well. He ran a hand through his hair nervously and looked away. "I mean, if you're afraid that it will be painful, we don't have to do anything tonight…."
Oh no, as usual, he is worried about hurting me.
"No Edward, that's not it at all. I'm not afraid of a little pain." I smiled at him then and placed my hand on the side of his face to reassure.
He let out a breath. "What is it then?"
I looked into the eyes of the man I trusted with my life, my heart and my soul, and told the truth. "As usual, I'm feeling insecure. I'm afraid that I'll be terrible at this, and that I'll disappoint you. I really don't know what I'm doing."
Edward kept his serious expression as he searched my eyes. "That's it?"
I nodded. "That's enough."
He smiled and pulled me closer. "First of all, how many times do I have to tell you that you could never disappoint me, before you will believe it?" His eyes were shining. "I know it will be perfect Bella, because it will be with you." He chuckled then. "I always thought it was the male who was supposed to suffer from 'performance anxiety'."
I chuckled with him and shook my head. As usual, I was being silly and Edward had found a way to soothe my worries with only a few words. Truth be told, I hadn't thought about the fact that he was probably worrying that I wouldn't enjoy our first time as much as I was worrying about him.
I mean look at the lengths he's gone to in order to ensure my comfort and peace of mind. I don't know if I'll ever be worthy of this wonderful man.
"Finish your champagne beautiful." Edward whispered. I took the last sip and handed my glass to him. He turned and set our empty glasses on the window seat.
He then turned back to me, taking my hands in his and leaning close enough so that his breath fanned across my face. "My love." He whispered as he brushed his lips against mine. "My beautiful wife." As his lips made another pass. "My Bella." And then he kissed me deeply, his lips molding to mine.
I traced my tongue along his bottom lip to which he responded by granting me entrance and gently stroking my tongue with his. I could taste the champagne, and mint.
He must have brushed his teeth too.
Edward's hand released mine and traveled up to wrap gently around the back of my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. The other moved until it rested on my shoulder. I reached around and placed both of my hands on his bare back, running my fingers along the muscles there. As our bodies pressed impossibly close together, I could feel the hardness of his erection through our clothing, proof of how much he wanted me, wanted this.
His mouth released mine as he brushed my hair to the side before I felt his lips against my neck, soft and warm. My hands dropped to my side. His hand on my shoulder moved between us then, slowly down my front so that the back of it grazed my nipple through the material on its way past. His hand stopped when it reached the sash to my robe.
He stopped kissing me in order to pull back and look into my eyes. "May I?" He whispered.
I didn't answer; I merely brought my own hand to the sash, untying it in one swift movement. I didn't look down, but felt the robe fall open. Edward glanced down, and his sharp intake of breath let me know he'd had a glimpse of what was underneath. He grasped the material lightly in his hands as his eyes returned to mine, again seeking permission.
I leaned forward to press a soft kiss to his neck before meeting his eyes again and giving a slight nod. I felt Edward's hands pull the robe open slowly, very slowly, until the edges found my shoulders. Once clear of them, the silken material fell away from my body and pooled at my feet.
He stepped back slightly to look at me and I knew that, even in the candlelight, there was nothing left to the imagination. If I'd had to stand naked in front of anyone other than Edward, the natural urge would have been to instantly cover myself with my arms. Instead of feeling exposed or insecure, I had only to look at his face to feel desired and adored.
"You're perfect my love." He breathed before pulling me against him again. "Bella, I want you so badly. Please tell me you want this too." He said in almost a plea as his fingertips drew circles on the bare skin of my back.
My heart was beating wildly in my chest as I was suddenly overtaken with need for this beautiful man. Gone for the moment were my fears of inadequacy to be replaced by the burning heat of desire. "I do Edward, so much." I managed to stutter out.
Edward turned us and moved the few feet over to the bed, keeping one arm wrapped around me as he pulled back the comforter, before lowering me onto the bed.
He stood over me then for the longest moment, as his eyes memorized my body, an awed expression on his handsome face.
"You are so beautiful."
His obvious need making me feel bold, I sat up slowly and reached for him. I placed my hands on his hips as my fingertips played along the edge of the waistband to his sleep pants. Sensing what I wanted, Edward smiled and leaned down to kiss me. While he kept my lips occupied, I felt the material of the sleep pants fall away from my touch. I tentatively slid my hands lower and felt nothing but the bare skin of Edward's upper thighs.
Oh my
My heart began to beat impossibly faster as I realized that now we were both here, together, naked for the first time. If I didn't slow its rapid pace, I was fearful that I'd pass out.
Cripes. Wouldn't that be just perfect? Edward would probably never come near me again.
Edward grasped one of my hands, distracting me from my internal musings, and pulled it gently until it was resting against his hard length.
Oh God… he feels so…
I'd touched him there before, but always with clothing between us. Never bare as he was now. I couldn't help myself; I broke from our kiss, I had to see him.
I looked down.
I swear I felt him twitch against my hand as I did.
My suspicions that Edward was um, large were confirmed and, as much as I should have been, I wasn't intimidated. There was no way that Edward would ever hurt me. The awful truth was that I knew in my heart that Edward would sooner die a thousand deaths than knowingly cause me harm.
I moved my hand so that I lightly stroked his length. It seemed to grow even larger at my touch.
How is that possible?
Edward groaned and pulled my lips back to his, kissing them lightly. "Baby, as much as I love what you're doing, you have to stop or this will be over much too soon. We need to go slowly." He said before attacking my lips again.
I moved my hand up to his chest, resting it there as he laid me back on the bed, positioning himself on top of me. In the moments that followed, Edward worshipped my overheated body. He pulled away from my lips and placed open mouth kisses down my throat, eliciting a moan which seemed to give him the confidence to go further. He kissed along my shoulder before placing a gentle kiss above my heart. From there he moved to cup my breast with his hand, his fingers grasping the nipple gently as his tongue circled and laved the other one. His movements were slow and sensuous awakening a need for friction exactly where his hard length was pressed against me. I spread my legs wider, opening myself to him, and brought my knees up, causing Edward's lower half to settle fully between my legs.
Not knowing what came over me, just knowing that I needed to feel more, I lifted my hips and pushed my groin against him, feeling the delicious friction that I craved. He groaned out my name at the movement.
Suddenly the hand that had been cupping my breast moved lower to my stomach. I, in turn, lifted my hips and rubbed against him once more. The hand moved still lower until it was just above where I needed his touch most.
Edward's eyes bore into mine; they were dark with desire, but once again seemed to be seeking permission. I answered his unspoken question with another slight thrust of my hips. His lips met mine as his fingers reached even lower and slipped into the wetness between my folds. Once there, he stroked me with his fingertips, the resulting intense feeling of pleasure caused my legs to stiffen. I had never been so aroused in my life.
I need more
He stroked a few more times before finding my entrance and pressing the tip of one finger and then a second one inside. The feeling as he pressed them further into me caused my hips to buck up from the bed.
Oh God…more…
"You're so soft." He kissed me tenderly. "Baby, you're so wet." He kissed my lips again before letting out a slow breath. "Sweetheart, I think you're ready, please tell me you still want this." He asked in a strained voice.
"Edward" my brain had ceased to function by this point, my body completely given over to sensory pleasure, but I was able to whisper out the words that would make him understand. "I love you, please make me yours." God, I wanted, no needed, him inside me.
He kissed me again as he leaned up on one elbow and pressed just the tip of his length against my entrance, before gently, slowly, ever so slowly, easing himself inside.
"Relax baby." He breathed as he leaned his forehead against mine, the sound of our stuttered breaths filling the room around us. I tried to relax as he'd told me, and realized that as I did, it lessened my body's natural inclination to fight against the intrusion. As Edward slowly pushed further inside, the feeling of being stretched, and ultimately the feeling of fullness overwhelmed me. "Oh God Bella." He moaned before pushing in a little further. "So good."
I could tell the moment he'd reached my barrier. "I'm so sorry my love." He said as he pressed soft kisses to my lips. With one quick thrust of his hips he was through.
I was no longer a virgin.
He stilled his movements and met my eyes with a pained expression. "I'm so, so sorry." He whispered as he stroked my cheek. "Bella, sweetheart, are you alright?"
I drew in a deep breath and nodded. I was alright. There had been what can only be described as a pinching sensation followed by a slight burning deep inside. Edward held still for a moment, obviously worried, and waiting for some indication from me that it was alright to continue.
"It's okay Edward. I think it would feel better if you moved."
He let out a breath he'd been holding and began to move slowly at first. After a few strokes, the slight burn gave way to a pleasurable sensation similar to the feeling I'd had as I thrust my hips against him a few moments before, but the feeling this time was more intense. "Bella, oh God….." He said before he sped up his movements.
He slid one hand around and under me until it was cupping and slightly lifting my bottom. This changed the angle of his thrusts, causing the pleasurable sensation to increase in intensity. I grasped tightly to his upper arms, feeling his muscles ripple with the strain of his efforts. On instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist causing Edward to speed up again until he was thrusting with wild abandon, deeper and deeper into me.
These new feelings and sensations were all-consuming. I never wanted him to stop.
We were both grunting and moaning loudly, apparently having lost the ability for coherent speech. The sensation of pleasure continued to build until the muscles deep inside me were clenching, and I found myself pushing up to meet the punishing rhythm of his thrusts. Up, down, in, out, the pounding ceaseless rhythm continued.
There were no thoughts to distract me, only pleasure, and the feeling of overwhelming love and trust that I had for Edward. There would never be another soul I would trust this completely.
I was his wholly and utterly.
The sensation continued to build until I reached a point of no return. I felt my eyes roll up until I was looking at the ceiling above us, but not seeing anything, as I arched my back and gave myself over wholly to the physical need.
Edward must have taken my arched back as an invitation, because suddenly I felt his warm lips take one of my nipples into his mouth and suck it gently.
His actions spurred on my wanton desires. I wanted his mouth and hands on every part of my body. I wanted this punishing rhythm to never slow… I wanted…. Oh… I wanted this to go on forever, this feeling as it carried and lifted me, higher… higher… "Edward" I gasped as I felt myself at the brink, my muscles trembling, and my body ready to tumble over the edge into oblivion.
I wasn't going alone.
"Bella" Edward moaned as my muscles clenched around him and I began to shake. He stilled his movements and called out my name once more as we climaxed. Clutching and gasping, we toppled over the edge together.
I couldn't think, I couldn't move, I couldn't catch my breath. A couple of more languid thrusts and Edward collapsed on top of me, completely spent. I tried to stop the trembling of my body as I came down from my high.
I spend the next couple of minutes attempting to even out my breathing. Edward seemed to be doing the same as he lay on top of me, still inside of me.
I never want him to leave. I never want this moment to end.
I felt complete, whole. A new woman.
What Edward and I had shared had easily been the most glorious moment of my life. If I hadn't been so exhausted, I would have been giddy at the thought that we could do that for the rest of our lives.
Edward was suddenly aware that he was pinning me down with his much larger body and lifted slightly. He kissed me tenderly as he slowly eased himself from inside me.
We both groaned at the loss.
He shifted until he was beside me, our bodies still pressed against one another, and stared into my eyes, a glorious smile on his face. I shivered a little when the breeze from the open doors wafted across my clammy skin. Edward immediately pulled the sheet up to cover us.
"How are you?" He asked.
I let the smile of wonder I'd been holding back break through as I answered him, while reaching up to stroke his cheek with my hand. "There are no words to describe how I feel Edward." His smile became impossibly brighter. "I'm pretty sure that if I'd known how amazing you and I would be together, I couldn't have lasted until the wedding night."
He kissed my lips. "I know I wouldn't have made it my love." He whispered with a smirk. "So no more fears of inadequacy?" He asked with a chuckle.
I giggled and shook my head. I had no more fears about anything. It was as if every nerve ending in my body had been stretched to its limit and then released. The effect of which caused me to then be in a state of total and complete relaxation.
A thousand times more relaxed than drinking alcohol, and hundreds of times better than that awesome massage.
Obviously, I had no previous experience to compare ours to, but I was pretty sure that no coupling of any lovers throughout the history of the world had anything on our first time.
I may have been exaggerating a bit.
A very little bit.
I grinned to myself when I realized that I finally understood what all the fuss and excitement was about.
"What are you thinking?" He asked quietly as he brushed a strand of hair back behind my ear.
I sighed. "That I understand now what all the fuss is about."
His brow furrowed questioningly.
"Sex" I whispered.
"I mean the world is obsessed with sex. Although to a lot of people I think the act itself is more important than the person they choose to have sex with." I whispered.
He gave me a small smile. "I know what you mean. It was…" He closed his eyes as he drew in a breath. "I think it meant so much more to us because of the way we feel about each other." He said as he opened his eyes again and stroked my cheek with his finger.
I smiled as I realized that everything was more for Edward and me. From the moment we met, our hearts minds and bodies were so closely connected that even our casual touch was spiked with electricity.
"I feel a little sorry for those who don't have what we do." I said with a small smile.
Edward pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "This has been the best night of my life." I couldn't doubt the sincerity in his tone.
"Mine too." I whispered. "Thank you Edward for making everything perfect." I yawned then, the long day finally catching up with me.
"It was perfect wasn't it?" He remarked with a smug smile. "And it was the perfect expression of how I feel about you sweetheart. You are everything to me." He whispered.
I smiled softly back as I closed my eyes. "I love you." I murmured.
"I love you." He answered. "And I can't wait to make love to you again." He continued, kissing first one eyelid. "And again." Then kissing the other eyelid, before releasing a breath. I felt it soft and warm on my face.
"Sleep baby." He whispered.
I woke sometime during the night. I could hear Edward's slow even breathing, indicating that he was still asleep. Feeling the need to pee, and clean up a little, I slipped out from under Edward's arm and made my way to the bathroom. Rose had indicated that there may be blood the first time I had sex. There was a little, very little, but I was glad she had warned me because I would probably have freaked out thinking something was wrong.
She also said something about drinking cranberry juice, but never explained why. I was certain that the kitchen wasn't stocked with anything, much less cranberry juice, so that would have to wait.
After I cleaned up, I slipped back into bed, still naked; and wrapped myself around the warm body of my equally naked husband. Edward sighed in his sleep and pulled me against his chest, and that is where I lay until sleep found me again.
My consciousness was trapped somewhere between the world of dreams and the reality of waking. My mind was blending the two, until the images of wedding flowers, a flowing veil, and a solitary bouquet left on a lonely grave gave way to the memory of candlelight, ragged breathing and the image of Edward's gorgeous face above mine, strained with the effort of our love-making.
So beautiful.
The memory was so vivid that it made my heart hurt. I could feel the tears forming behind my closed eyes as the very emotional day before finally caught up with me. I tried to swallow down the sob threatening to escape, but was unsuccessful.
Edward, immediately awake and aware, pulled me closer.
"Bella, what's wrong?" He sounded so lost.
I shook my head and opened my eyes as I turned to face him. The grey light of dawn was just beginning to peek across the sky and into our room. "Nothing is wrong. These are happy tears Edward. I never thought I deserved to be this happy." I stuttered out as the tears trailed down my cheeks. He smiled sadly and pulled me close, kissing them away.
"I used to think that I must have done something horribly bad in my life, and I was being punished." I sighed and smiled at him. "It's hard to explain. It's as if everything up until the day I met you was out of place or upside down or just plain wrong somehow, and now everything is exactly where it is supposed to be."
I buried my face in his chest and took deep breaths in order to calm my crying.
He sighed. "You scared me." He admitted. "I never want to see you cry Bella. It's painful."
"I'm sorry." I said, looking up into his eyes.
"It's okay. I understand. Yesterday was emotional for me as well." His look so full of love. "Bella, since we met, I've lived every moment either with you or missing you. Last night was the culmination of everything I've longed for. I wasn't exaggerating when I said that you've become my entire life."
My thoughts went back to the letter I'd read the night before the wedding. His words the same as those he'd just spoken. I kissed him sweetly. It didn't take long for our kisses to become heated.
It wasn't like the night before. This time, in the grey light of early dawn, I let my hands explore my husband's perfect body more than my timidity from our wedding night had allowed.
Edward's soft touches teased me until I was wet and wanting, and when it came time to enter me, I was the one to grasp onto him and guide him inside. I thought I would come right there and then upon seeing the mixture of love and carnal lust exhibited in Edward's face at my actions.
His words, his gentle touch, and his obvious appreciation for my body, all served to embolden me.
I didn't know myself anymore.
My only thought was that I needed him, needed this. The high we'd experienced when we were together the first time had already changed me. I was addicted, and I was certain I'd never get enough of him.
This time, I climaxed just before Edward which afforded me the opportunity to study the look on his face as he came apart above me. The muscles straining in his neck and shoulders coupled with his expression of sheer ecstasy were a heady combination.
I almost came again at the sight.
I want that image as my screensaver.
It was comfortable and warm where I was lying. There was nothing that could have enticed me away from the soft bedding and smooth strong arms that encircled me.
Gotta get-get, gotta get-get
Gotta get-get, gotta g-g-g-get-get-get, get-get
I could hear my phone ringing from across the room. I knew it was Rosalie.
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
Boom boom boom, gotta get-get
I pulled the sheet over my head.
"Just ignore it." A sleepy voice said from beside me.
I sighed deeply, knowing that Rose would never give up until I answered. I wouldn't put it past her to show up at the door.
Boom boom boom, now
Boom boom boom, now
Boom boom pow
Boom boom
"It's Rose. If I don't answer she'll be a pain in the ass for the rest of the day." I said as I stumbled out of bed and across the room to my things. "You are ruining my life." I barked into the phone as I turned back toward the bed.
The amused smirk on Edward's face as he watched me cross the room, naked, did not escape my notice. Rose's loud bark of laughter drew my attention back to the phone.
"What's the matter Bella? Did I interrupt something important?" She cackled again.
"Was there a purpose to this call or did you just want to torture me at nine o'clock, the morning after my wedding?" I snarled.
This only caused her to laugh louder. "Dayum. Maybe Edward didn't do his job last night if you're this grumpy today?" She teased.
I groaned as I heard my brother in the background. "Damnit Rose. I told you not to talk about that shit when I'm around."
She laughed again. "Listen, there was a reason I called, and I wasn't sure if I'd speak with you before your flight this afternoon."
"Okay." I answered as I slid back in the bed beside Edward. I realized within ten seconds that this was a bad idea if I really wanted to concentrate on anything Rose had to say.
"You may or may not have been aware that, for the week leading up to your wedding, my replacement at WIRI was doing stories about you and Edward."
I frowned. "No, I didn't know that."
"Don't worry, they were fluff pieces." Rose continued. "Anyway, because of the rehearsal, I missed Friday's episode. I didn't have a chance to watch it until we got home last night."
"I thought about calling you then." She said with a snicker as I felt Edward's arms, which had been wrapped around me, begin to move. Suddenly he was running his fingers up and down my thigh under the sheet.
I stopped breathing, wondering where his hands would go next.
"I sent you a link in your e-mail. You have to see it as soon as possible. It's completely unprofessional, but hilarious."
"Uh" was all I managed to say as Edward moved my hair to the side and began to press warm kisses to the back of my shoulder.
"Bella, are you listening?" Rose sounded amused.
"What?" I stuttered. "Uh, yes. Mmm. I heard you." I practically purred into the phone. Edward started to chuckle behind me.
"Oh my God. Bella, are you and Edward getting it on while you're on the phone with me?" Rose's voice rose shrilly with her question, before she burst into laughter once again. "That's just nasty."
"Babe!" I heard Emmett yell from across the room.
"Shut up Rose." I admonished as Edward went back to kissing down my spine.
"I'm assuming that you are going to the noon Mass at the Cathedral?" She asked.
"That's the plan." I whispered, my thoughts becoming foggier.
"Emmett and I already went because I had no desire to see you or Edward in your freshly fucked state." She cackled loudly once again.
"Rosalie!" Emmett whined.
"Your brother doesn't like to think about the fact that his baby sister had sex last night" She whispered conspiratorially. "But I, on the other hand, expect a detailed report. Soon. I'll call you."
"I gotta go." I moaned into the phone as Edward's fingers began to torture my nipples.
"Watch the video!" She exclaimed before laughing again as I ended the call.
I rolled until I was lying flat on my back. Edward hovered over me, smirking.
"What did Rose want?" He asked.
"She sent me a link to a story WIRI did about us. She wants me to view it ASAP." I answered, unconcerned.
Edward's eyebrows knit together.
"I don't think it's bad." I hastened to add.
"Hmm" He said, thoughtfully.
I rose from the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, grabbing my robe on the way. When I came back, Edward was still in bed, but had his laptop open in front of him.
"Here" he said as he gestured toward it. "You can access your e-mail on here."
I sat beside him and pulled up the e-mail from Rose, clicking on the link she'd provided. Within seconds, the familiar face of Jessica Stanley filled the screen.
"Tonight we conclude our week of special reports on Edward Masen and Isabella Swan. So far this week, we've brought you the story of Edward and Isabella's childhoods, the story of how they met, along with how they've been able to cope with the media scrutiny and Bella's recent kidnapping ordeal."
"Wanting to delve a little further into the past relationships of arguably, the 'sexiest man alive', Edward Masen, we sat down with several of Edward's former 'dates'."
Jessica's 'report' then proceeded to show snippets of interviews with almost every female ever seen draped across my husband's arm over the past seven years, as Edward squirmed uncomfortably beside me. I placed my hand on his thigh through the sheet in an effort to reassure him.
He gave me a grateful smile.
Every one of his various 'dates' gave their version of the same story. The studio hired them to play a part; they never saw Edward again after the function; there was no relationship between them and Edward Masen.
Jessica's face filled the screen again.
"Try as I may, I was unable to find a single woman who would admit to having an intimate relationship with Edward Masen."
Jessica sighed before smiling sweetly.
"Never fear Seattle. I won't let you down. Somewhere out there is a woman who has had sex with Edward Masen. From this moment on, I will make it my mission to find that woman, and rest assured that when I do, you, my loyal viewers, will be the first to know."
The report ended and I sat there dumbfounded staring at the screen.
"What a fucking dumbass." I muttered incredulously as Edward chuckled beside me.
He closed the laptop suddenly and pulled me into his arms, pressing his forehead to mine. "Hmm. I believe she's searching for you Mrs. Cullen." He purred seductively.
"Me?" I squeaked out.
"Yes. You see, you are the only woman that I've ever had sex with."
His hand reached to untie the sash to my robe. "Edward" I whispered. "I need to shower or I'll be late for Mass" I stuttered out between his kisses. "And we have a flight to catch this afternoon."
He stopped his ministrations for a moment as he pondered what I'd said. "All valid points Mrs. Cullen." He answered in a serious tone. "I guess the only solution is that we shower together."
He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at me. "It will save time." He argued.
"I have a feeling I'll be getting more than a shower if I agree to this."
Shower sex. Yes please.
"One can only hope Mrs. Cullen." He answered as he unceremoniously pulled the robe from my body and picked me up.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked us toward the bathroom. "You will have no one but yourself to blame if I'm walking funny when we board our flight Mr. Cullen."
He gave me a cheeky grin. "I'll rent you a wheelchair."
I blurted out a laugh which was cut short by his warm lips pressing to mine.
Shower sex it is.
Song recs:
The Wedding (versions of all of these can be found on Youtube): "Ave Maria" – The version done by Celtic Woman is perfect for the wedding. "The Ash Grove" – celtic instrumental version. "Let There be Peace on Earth" – love the version done by the Choir Boys. "Ashokan Farewell" – Jay Ungar
The Reception: "Have I Told You Lately" and "Brown Eyed Girl" – Van Morrison. (Yes it is fun being able to play God and have Van Morrison sing at the reception!)
"Father and Daughter" – Paul Simon ; "Child of Mine" – Carole King
"Boom Boom Pow" - The Black Eyed Peas
LRM is next. Lots of missing moments from the wedding will be covered. Plus Edward's version of the wedding night. Watch the Facebook page for more info...
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